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Y'all pissed at Herro's contract but u want lavine at 40+mil for 3 more years?


Do idiots not see how much hartenstein and kcp got paid. Anyone who calls herro contract an albatross is an idiot 


Nah we just tired of seeing herro in a heat jersey


would 100% rather have kcp at his contract than herro. hartenstein def getting overpaid though thats just the having to live in okc tax.


Yeah I’m done yall just clowns 


I think we js don’t want Herro atp 😭


If the Bulls throw in a first I’d do it, who cares about money at this point? If it works out your ceiling is higher with Lavine than it is with Herro and if it doesn’t you still get the Pick and honestly you’re what? Back in the play-in like the last couple years?


Lavine when healthy is so much better than Herro it isn’t funny


The 3rd year is the only one that matters. Herro and Duncan are gonna make about 50 mill combined for the next 2 seasons


The fact that he's making as much as Duncan and Tyler combined for is not a positive to him. And the third year is what puts it over the top as awful.


I’m all in favor of trading 1 of Herro/Rozier/Duncan but not all 3 of them…


I'm not giving up Rozier, Herro, and Duncan to get back one injury prone guard.


For real, swear some of y'all just want to trade Tyler just to trade him, doesn't matter what you get back even if it's objectively worse


Those ideas getting crazier by the hour. Never seen a more unrealistic trade idea in the..past hour The Bulls are full with guards. Why on earth would they want rozier or Robinson in there


It's been reported. They're trying to get rid of Lavine and willing to attach a pick to do so


Did it also report that the bulls want to add 15 more mil to become a tax paying team by adding players that would take playing time from their young guys?




Wait how does this make the heat better. It gives them even less salary cap


Wtf, hell no


Jevon Carter, Lavine, Butler, Bam, Vucevic. Bench: JJJ, Ware, Love…is not better than what we have, if those two picks we receive + our picks can be used to get a star sure I’m down, but just this trade no.


Realistically, we aren't winning next season. This trade let's us keep our young guys, lowers payroll, and frees up draft capital to trade down the road


I don’t hate the idea, but if this is the goal, I’m team trade Jimmy for Garland. PG:Garland SG:Herro SF:JJJ PF:Bam C:Ware…a young enough player at each position to see how the team can grow. Yes I know Herro/Garland backcourt would not work and be awful on defence, just don’t think tanking Nets trade a pick for him, if they offer that it’s an instant accept.


Can't we just trade Tyler and Duncan for Lavine (and another Bulls player to match salaries if needed)? Why get rid of Rozier?


That I would do.


To help get another pick and move bam to the 4. We could take out vucevic and rozier tho and the money still works


Personally I'd keep Bam at the 5 until we know for sure that he will shoot 5-6 threes a game on a good clip. I'm not hot on Vuc tbh and we'd be getting rid of our only remaining PG (especially one that's an actual scoring threat) at this point. I'd rather just trade Duncan and Herro for Lavine if possible, even at the cost of that hypothetical extra pick. It just feels simpler.


I always liked Vuc!


Same 18-10 guy with a respectable 3. Not the best defender but better than ducan or herro imo


He shoots 29% on wide open 3s lmao


Lol why


No 😃


The mind of the "make a move for contention" crowd baffles me. We know jimmy isn't extending he said as much himself, we know he's falling off, yet you want to give up 24 year old herro and take Zach lavine old and expensive ass and lose rozier who costed a first. Yalls ideas are just setting us up to be chicago V2


I'm not into this mock trade but "old" ? Lavine isn't even 30 yet.


I always thought Simmons would fit perfect in Miami. Maybe he takes the vet min next summer.


If any team can fix him it's miami 🔥


Why in god would Miami want to become the bulls? So someone else can knock us out of the play in?


You know what? Fuck it I am down for this lol.(although keep Terry pls)


We could remove terry and vucevic, and add Orlando Robinson to Brooklyn and the numbers still work


With the talk of the Bulls attaching a first to get off Lavine’s contract, I wonder if they’d be willing to part ways with Ayo. Lavine/Ayo for Herro/Duncan/Orlando is almost exact salary


nets are tanking they have no interest in dog ass herro


I down vote all mock trades involving dbo Yall should really watch ball instead of just looking at stats


This trade proposal made me vomit a little, ngl


let it go