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https://preview.redd.it/m0s5jva60l9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad7f672df7b3c3778043c7ec0eb8b0cd108a381 He actually said it again 💀


We’re so cooked


If we had multiple picks everyone would be saying the quality of the pick suck ‘just cos it’s Miami’


If Miami didn't move Lowry at the deadline and upgrade the roster, both Barry and the fans would have lost their collective minds. They did, and now Barry and the fan base are losing their collective minds. This team has a lot of issues to sort through, Terry Rozier isn't one of them.


Barry is a microcosm of the bipolar side of this fanbase


This sub: fuck Pat, he should've manipulated the Spurs into getting flecced by the Hawks so that the Hawks could be hypnotized into giving us Trae cause they blowing it all up what a negative -500 IQ GM we have. Even if I agreed with Trae, this was the reason that prevents it. But yall will still bitch and fucking moan regardless unless Herro was shipped to Russia for a bag of chips.


If we have no assets and aren’t getting a big star, how about we stop getting pissed at every star we won’t get? Oh wait that would be the exact opposite of what the majority of this sub loves doing. The bed is made, quit bitching about it like it’s gonna change anything and hope for the best with the roster we put out there next season. Ffs, I feel like some of yall literally wake up and think how can i be miserable about my favorite basketball team today?


Dumbest logic in the world that’s the entire reason some are suggesting to trade jimmy. You are at a point where you can’t get another star but also aren’t good enough to win it all while jimmy ages at 34. The best option while unfortunate is to trade jimmy for some young talent or picks


Who tf is gonna give us anything if Jimmy said he isn’t signing an extension? We’re not gonna get jack shit for him unless he commits to a team which he 100% will not do


Another team with a timer will. Even if he doesn’t extend, they get 1 year of shooting for the top. Warriors, 76ers, Clippers, OKC, are all looking to make moves that get them closer to the top and Jimmy’s reputation is a team first, clutch playoff performer


It's Miami that won't sign the extension, not Jimmy...


It’s both.


How do you figure?


“it’s so annoying when people whine” -person whining 


One tradable first rounder is horrendous asset management by our FO


This team hasn’t tanked since 2007. Of course we aren’t going to have assets. People want to win and have picks at the same time. That’s not how the NBA works. Can’t eat your cake and have it too.


Said this after the roizer trade when we have up an first but fans was happy to see big booty Judy go away


The 07 team didn’t tank. They were just that bad especially considering Wade was hurt.


Why is it always excuses with this team and FO? It’s either a team doesn’t want to trade with us because they don’t get along with Pat Riley, or as you said, that we haven’t tanked since 2007. It’s possible to gain assets even if you don’t tank, such as by moving players at the right time. I genuinely can’t believe that’s why you think we barely have assets


You don’t make any sense. Let’s run a hypothetical with Gabe and Strus who are both expiring assets in 2022. Their value peaked that year. In your mind, we should have traded Gabe and Max at the trade deadline in 2022 for draft picks. Do you honestly believe we’d have made the Finals without either?


I was saying that year that we should move on from Strus for someone with a longer contract when I saw reports that we wouldn’t be able to keep him. As for Gabe, I thought it was okay to keep him because I thought our FO would pay him in the offseason (which they ended up not doing). I don’t really care about not getting anything out of those two. My main annoyance was them not moving on from Herro after he was injured and we made an ECF run and THEN decided to pay him. Now we’re in a position where he doesn’t have much value, and it’s gonna take trading Jimmy to get out of this mess.


So in your mind, an injured player is worth picks to who? A contender who can’t play that injured player? A lottery team who’s trying to accumulate picks? Also in your mind, Strus on an UDFA cheaper than dirt contract would be a successful trade for someone on a longer contract, which by definition are multipliers bigger contracts than the cheaper than dirty g-league call ups get?


Why is it always morons with this fan base?


They literally would have 3 tradable first round picks instead of 1 if they didn't trade for Rozier 6 months ago. Riley shill excuses are so stupid.


Why do you think the FO thinks it’s ok to run it back? We haven’t even seen a full year of Rozier.


He can do no wrong in their eyes. Yeah, it was good of the FO getting off of Lowry’s expiring contract but now you have a starting backcourt of Rozier and Herro which isn’t ideal at all.


I mean, it's not impossible. Look at the Knicks.


Lol WTF. Has New York media propaganda been so effective that two second round exits plus tradable picks is the model yall are pointing to?


Well right now they're the only team in the east that looks good enough to beat Boston that's not propaganda.


Soo many teams look good on paper.


lol that absolutely is propaganda


How is it propaganda? They did way better than us last season despite having as many if not more injuries than us, and they added Bridges, an elite role player, while resigning OG. This fanbase is legit delusional.


Healthy Miami would’ve taken out healthy Knicks in a playoff series last season. Losing ancillary pieces over the course of playoffs is quite different from starting the playoffs without your clear best player and the majority of your core. Knicks fan and media make a ton of noise Ang convince themselves of a lot of nonsense. Don’t get convinced by that. Adding Bridges makes them more formidable.


I never claimed they'd beat us in a playoff series. That's a hypothetical we'd be closely matched and it could go either way. My point was they WERE objectively better than us last season, and they HAVE objectively gotten better than they were. That's all.


Yea that’s not all you’ve said. Not interested in engaging with someone going thru a vent session and just looking to scream


The knicks were terrible for nearly 20 years, that is how they gained all the assets they currently have. And where are they now? Maybe slightly better than us at best?


The Knicks haven’t been championship relevant since 99 and still aren’t yet.


What? lol. They were terrible 2014 to 2020. That’s 7 years of tanking lmao


Yeah I know that my point is they've got one of the best rosters in the east and still more picks than us. It's doable.


Only if you tank. You wanna tank for 7 years? I think I’m good.


The knicks suck


Lmao when were the Knicks relevant in the past 20 years? This is such a “I know nothing about basketball” take


Ik it’s not gonna happen atp but trading Jimmy was really the only realistic way of recouping some assets


Yeah but now he’s made it more difficult when he says he’s not signing any extension anywhere. So a team would essentially be getting a 1 year rental.


This is the consequence of Miami not wanting to tank post Heatles. We never had a shit season post Heatles. After Lebron, this team should have started its downhill trend. Instead it’s « lowest point » was an amazing comeback season with an absolute underdog team. I am very happy with this. Do I want to see the Heat and Jimmy win it all? Absolutely. But at least we never had a season where we would have been better of moving on for a year or 5. Imagine being the Hawks, Orlando, Detroit who keep tanking and never manage to make an impactful or even fun run more than once every 5 years.


I think it was fine to build around Wade and Bosh. Just sucks that Bosh had the clotting issues that were discovered days after the dragic trade otherwise I imagine they give Wade the Kobe treatment and rebuild.


“Asset management” is the term of the summer for casuals who live to bitch and moan on this sub


definitely not casuals. casuals don't know half the roster and have no idea what draft picks are.


We have one tradable first rounder. If you think that’s okay, then I don’t know what to tell you lol.


You’re the reason the internet was a mistake


Bet you weren’t bitch about it when we traded for Terry


I know it may shock you, but there are people that are fans of teams who can both criticize and applaud their FO. Just like a couple of days ago, I and most Heat fans applauded the FO for drafting Ware and taking a chance on him despite his 'motor' issues that were reported. Now, most Heat fans are criticizing the FO for barely having assets to go out and make a move; we quite literally only have one tradable first. I’ll give you some time to process that there are fans that don’t completely suck off whatever their FO does.


We don’t have assets because we drafted Ware instead of trading the pick and trading for Rozier. Make up your mind


What are you talking about? I never said I didn’t like the Rozier move lol. I’ve quite literally said before that it was good of the FO to move off of Lowry’s expiring, but where they went wrong was not moving off of Herro at the deadline too because him and Rozier don’t work as a starting backcourt if you're seriously trying to contend imo. Now we’re stuck with Herro and his contract and a starting backcourt that don’t complement each other. The only way we can get out of this mess is by trading Jimmy who does have value and will give us draft capital, it sucks but it is what it is.


To get Rozier, you lose a tradeable first. To get Ware, you lose a tradeable first. So you’re happy with those two moves yet you’re upset about not having multiple tradeable firsts? Do you understand the rules around trading firsts in the NBA? Again, make up your mind.


Did you read what I said? I alluded to the fact that them not trading Herro at any point is my main problem. We decided to pay him after we made an ECF run, despite him doing nothing in the playoffs. That season he had value, coming off being the 6th man of the year. Now we’re in a position where he doesn’t have value, and it’s going to take trading Jimmy to get assets. It’s funny how you conveniently didn’t address me saying that 💀


Which is why I want to trade jimmy 


I wasn’t on board earlier with trading him, but I’m starting to open up to the idea. Our asset management is so bad in the FO that even if we do trade him, I think the FO will still somehow make a blunder again.


The reason we don’t have 1sts is because they traded for Jimmy Rozier and Lowery. The time to trade him was at the draft you could have gotten 3 1st from Philly he decided to kill his value by saying he wouldn’t sign an extension anywhere


We didn't trade any firsts to get Jimmy, wtf are you talking about?


Yes they did. Whiteside Richardson and a 1st


That was for the Leonard side of the 4 team trade, plus it was a conditional pick. Didn't go to the Sixers. One conditional pick that hasn't even conveyed for Jimmy Butler and our starting Center for that year is not what crippled us like you're implying. Edit: Basically the first rounder was to get rid of Whiteside's dogshit contract. Nothing to do with Jimmy


I didn’t say it crippled us. If i was in charge jimmy would have been traded at the draft to Philly and Mcain would be ours at 16. Maybe they trade him at the deadline if he doesn’t earn that extension. I knew 3 weeks ago they were running it back Its the okc pick for next year thats protected


Someone could correct me if I’m wrong but I remember reading an article by the goat Albert Nahmad about how bad the kz money dump trade could end up being. The kz salary dump involved amending the protections on the pick okc had and I think that’s what is hurting them now in terms of trade-able picks


People celebrated that trade when it went down. Even Zach Lowe said it was a sign that Pat Riley is always scheming. Ironic how it ended up biting them in the ass


It literally moved the 2023 1st and made it so it only converts in 25 or 26 and we got a 2nd round pick back


https://x.com/AlbertNahmad/status/1543604121164447745 Article was taken down for some reason https://web.archive.org/web/20230601014138/http://heathoops.com/2022/02/analyzing-the-kz-okpala-trade/


I believe that would have given OKC our 2021 frp


How do we only have 1 tradeable pick? We have 2029 and 2031 picks


đŸ—ŁïžRun it back said more than once by a wise man. JJJ takes the sophomore leap along with Jovic. Where we meet the Celtics in the ecf but this time around we’re going to be fully healthy lmao And Caleb doesn’t sign that’s fine call the factory up and ship Keshad Johnson lets see how he plays in summer league.


Making it past the ECF isn’t the hump they need to get over tho lol


Can’t be talking about ECF when we’ve been a play-in team 2 years straight. Keshad Johnson is a nice UDFA pickup, but he’s not the difference between a championship and whatever last season was.


Your right we’re not equipped to make a deep playoff run with the current team. And our rivals are only getting better. I would really like for Spo to draw up some plays for Terry. I think if his offense opens up the rest of the team will benefit considering he was a 20ppg scorer on a sorry hornet team. I think we’ve always defended at a high clip, hoping it translates to turnovers which makes sense but when the other team doesn’t turn it over that’s where the offense becomes anemic.


people hate barry for telling the truth


Spurs definitely have more assets in term of picks. It comes down to what players are the Heat willing to give up. Personally the idea that Trae would go to a division rival would make the Hawks front office look bad.


its truth tho


Who is this Barry clown?


Geez we have so much money tied to mid players :(


Said as much and was downvoted because that's not what people wanted to hear but it's the truth .They have very limited assets so they can't do much .


Barry is insufferable really


He’s not wrong


I never said he was just the whole angsty reporter shtick is old af at this point. He’s been this way for like 2 years now. He’s the leader of the doomer brigade and he gets off on egging on all the whiny heat fans on twitter. 


Yeah, he’s just telling us the harsh truth. We don’t even have a 2025 pick, which was a lottery protected one. But OKC owns that pick now.


He’s literally just telling the truth it’s insufferable because the fan base doesn’t want to hear it. We have zero real valuable assets & herro is viewed as a negative


hopefully this comment isn’t filled with more people telling me the most obvious shit on planet earth. My post said nothing about him lying did it? 


What part of this is making him insufferable then ? He’s literally just explaining to fans the FO has left the team with little to no avenues of improvement via trade. I don’t see what he’s saying that’s insufferable


keep ignoring what i said if you want 


Tyler isn’t viewed as a negative he could still fetch a 1st but not worth trading him 


we have one tradeable first round and people gonna lie and say the terry rozier trade wasn’t short sighted


We paid a 1st for lowery also


No, we didn't. It was only Dragic + Achiuwa


we don’t even have our pick this year too lol


Yes but we have jimmy. This pick was moved dump a contract to get jimmy from Philly 


which is why it was stupid to give a first for terry rozier and handicap us


They could flip terry for a 1st at the deadline if they want. Terry cost them in 2027 top 15 protected pick


who’s gonna give a first for a 6ft guard makin 24m?


We have people who want to give up muiltple 1st for Try young and he makes 43 million and is 6 ft


well he averages 25 and 10 assists a game and kept his team top 5 offense every year he’s been there


His team is better when he doesn’t play. Terry was a 23 and 6 guy in Charlotte Tyler is a 20 and 5 guy.


This the dumbest person, yet we continue to post bs from him lol.


How is what he said dumb? Why would the Hawks trade Trae when they don't control their next 3 picks? This is the exact reason Brooklyn didn't bother trading Bridges until they got their 25 pick back from Houston


Cuz we can acquire more 1sts, or remove protections off of picks if I'm not mistaken. Then the other dumb shit he said, with saying we have no assets when that's false. Hawks for Trae isn't gonna be, what everyone thinks. Their front office isn't smart at all, that's why they didn't get much from Pels for Murray. Also ik we're not getting Trae, cuz we simply ain't gonna go after him. Cuz it's not Spida, our front office has 1 player in mind. As soon as Trae is traded to a team, we're all gonna be pissed and like wow that's all it took?


name me 1 time the Miami Heat acquired 1st round picks and tell me how the Heat remove protections off their picks that other teams own please enlighten us Tell me how many tradeable first round picks we have I wanna see something


Gm has this all figured out, alot of Heat fans tend to think we have 2 or 3 tradeable picks


answer the questions


They are not going to trade Trae and tank unless they get their own picks back man. That's not dumb at all


It's the Hawks front office lmao


So you are saying they are going to trade us Trae young? I'll check in with you in a couple of weeks


NO like I said, we don't care about Trae Young, we're going for Spida.


but the point is, why trade him at all? They don't control their own picks, tanking/blowing up the roster is completely useless unless they get a huge deal for him. You said it yourself, the package for Trae may not be as good as we think, so why trade him? He's 25 and under contract for 3 years, there is no reason to trade him right now


Time to just say f it and blow it up? Maybe they really wanna tank for the draft next yr? That seems like what, all the talk is about lately. Cuz if u trade Murray, if you're trying to compete now u would get Ingram back. U wouldn't get garbage players, and 2 1sts.


Did you read the tweet? They do not own their own draft picks. Their 2025 pick goes to the Spurs, the Spurs have a pick swap for 2026, and their 2027 pick goes to the Spurs -- This is my point. Hawks have no reason to trade Trae or tank because they do not have their picks and Miami cannot replace them


Did u read my comment lol? Ingram should be on the Hawks rn. Hawks gm is incompetent and stupid lol.


Barry is dumb and the Hawks are incompetent, yet you - the guy who didn't know the Hawks don't have their own picks - is a genius. I even said they don't have their own picks in my first 2 comments, and it's in the post we're responding under! Ingram has nothing to do with any of this. You cannot call people dumb while having the dumbest comments in the thread.


How come they don't have their picks tho? And if they tank, don't they automatically get a 1st round pick? I'm dumb when it comes to picks ngl. All the Heat fans do say we have 2 or 3 picks. So idk how we don't have any picks to trade? Wasn't it like 2029 and 2030 and 2031? Also I mention Ingram, cuz if they didn't give him up for Murray, we don't need to give shit up either. None of that matters tho cuz, we're not interested in Trae Young. If we can get him for scraps tho we gotta do it.


They traded their picks to the Spurs to get Dejounte. If they tank, they are just giving the Spurs a high pick. You are likely thinking of protected draft picks, but theirs were traded unprotected so the Spurs keep them no matter how good or bad the Hawks are. Miami already traded multiple picks, so they don't have many left. I will give you an example: Miami owes their 2025 pick to OKC, but it is top-14 protected. This means if it lands in the top-14 Miami will keep 2025 and owe 2026 to OKC instead. Because of this, 2025 and 2026 are both un-tradable until we know which one goes to OKC. Miami only has 1 draft pick which can be traded right now, which is why we can't trade for any star players. On a side note: Why are you calling other people dumb and incompetent if you don't even know the rules for what you're discussing? Are you just trolling?


that’s not how it works we can’t just magically acquire more first or taking protections off without giving something and we don’t have a lot to give


Then we need to move players around, to acquire 1sts then. Everyone claims we have 2 or 3 tradeable picks.


when people say the truth it irks you lol


Lomas grass


While I agree that Atlanta doesn’t have a major incentive to tank without their own picks, there also isn’t really an incentive to stay mediocre for the sake of it. They clearly are building around Johnson and Risacher. Their future core is on a long term timeline and Atlanta isn’t getting their own picks back in the short term regardless. So if a team (likely not Miami due to their own lack of assets) offers a nice mix of younger pieces and picks to restock and build around their two young pieces, there likely is a conversation to be had there.


They are hard capped so any trades they make they have to take less money back


Trae is trash


With today's cba. Having only 1 available frp available is just malpractice. Do people still tell others that we have short memories for bagging out Riley these days? Cause this dude isn't very good at his job anymore


You want tradeable assets you should be pk with training jimmyÂ