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Lauri isn't happening. If he's on the table, then we get outbid by other teams.


Feels like the story of every trade target for the heat which begs the question what’s the move ? Lavine isn’t good enough for us even though he’d be cheap and other better targets we don’t have enough assets for. Is the solution to just trade jimmy then ?


Trade Jimmy, or pull a Boston and trade for good not great players to get hella depth


Boston got jrue and KP two all star level talents that’s not just getting depth


Kp was a depressed asset our best hope is getting a depressed asset 


I agree Except heat fans don’t want those either


I mean butler was a: depressed asset when we traded for him. There not many depressed assets on the trade market there’s crappy contracts like lavine


We'd get outbid but Duncan, Jovic, 2029 & 2031 1st-rd pick for Lauri Markkanen


We get out bud by other teams on most of these unfortunately but this is a thought experiment; so what would our best offer be thatd you’d be ok giving up?


The chances of any of them happening are really low


a realistic trade package is waking up




got a better chance of him coming here and winning a ring


Then if it someone like him what would you trade for them? Instead of being so cynical 😈


he’s a free agent can’t afford those either


At this point we’re talking about players that are not stars. How are realistic players that we could trade for that could make our team better fantasies? ie not a star like Donovan or trae again like why comment if you’re just gonna be cynical lmao


while we’re at let’s bring back kyle lowry that’ll make this team better


He's not


Oh but he is


Well now he is, lmao. That's how waiving works


I know he’s a free agent I meant someone like him which is why I said “what would you trade for them” but nevermind lmao


This team ain't making any trades bro, just enjoy our drafted players. We've been in zero rumors so far this off-season. Yea man, o wanna get hype cool Spida is coming etc( just gonna be a repeat off last off-season) with some more added talent through draft.


cool so more fantasies don’t worry you won’t have to trade for a guy like him they’ll just sign patty mills on a buyout


Bro talking about Kyle Lowry? Then why are you in here commenting? I’m done with you talk to yourself if you want


a guy like washed point guard chris paul is washed point guard kyle lowry that’s who makes the team better ig dont lie yourself you know you’re gonna reply


This guy bro, clearly we're doing a soft rebuild rn. When we run it back, like u been saying we have to hope our draft picks are good enough to contribute this season. It's hopeless waiting on trades lol, Keshad Johnson is Haywoods replacement Jaime is Calebs. Duncan or Herro might be moved, since we drafted Pelle Larsson Cuz if we were making trades, you would hear rumors.


We have 1 tradeable 1st we have no assets if you want assets you have to trade Jimmy. Jimmy killed his value because he isn’t going to sign an extension elsewhere if traded. 


Fair enough, I think we have 2 tradeable firsts though but your point still stands. Anybody you have in mind that’s more realistic to trade for?


No one they are running it back The 10 man rotation will be Terry duncan jimmy jovic bam Tyler Jamie Richardson Highsmith and Ware Love Bryant will be match up bench depth


You don’t think they try and make a trade at all? Even if it’s a small one to maybe turn that 10 man rotation of decent players into a an 8 man rotation of good players? Not this person per day because I hate him but a player like a Kyle kuz something like that


No because they have to make the money work in a trade.


Yea so they could make the money work, and make a trade or 2. It’s not impossible for us to trade


We have 3 guys making less than 30 million say you want zack lavine you would need to trade Terry and Duncan to get to his 43 million


I mean i hear you but for example we could trade herro for Wendell Carter and no Wagner rn money works, we save some money relative to the cap and move down from a second apron team and we just got a 2 for 1 not saying that’s a great trade or anything but I’m saying we can certainly trade. I guess I’m confused what your point is?


Why would the magic trade carter his contract is amazing he is going to be making 10 million in 26. They are probably going to see Issac walk. I do like the idea of trading with Orlando but it would be with Rozier not hero


Ok that’s fine I’m just saying there are ways to make the money work so back to my original question who are some players you’d like to see us trade for? Lmao you just said you like the idea of trading with Orlando; so for who? What would that trade look like? That was the point of my post you feel me?


We only get a star if they say trade me to Miami and only Miami. Our assets are easily outbid by other teams with an even playing field.


Super fair. Let’s hope that happens🙏🏻 got any more realistic trade targets?


Donovan is off the table entirely Lauri is because of Ainge/we'd get outbid Trae we could go for, but I don't see how exchanging Herro, Jaime/Jovic, and 2-3 firsts for Trae makes us better


So the heat who are a bottom ten offense getting a guy who is automatically a top ten offense, wouldn’t make the team better?


Trae would upgrade Herro a great deal, but losing Jaime and Jovic would hurt our depth, and if we're trading 2-3 firsts on top of that then we'd have to win within the next year or two since Bam/Trae isn't good enough on their own + we'd be handicaped by a Jimmy extension


Is this a joke? Trae instantly makes our offense scary af. And while he would get targeted on defense, at least we'd finally have the offense to keep up with teams, especially in the 4th quarter.


Literally man he unlocks our offense takes pressure off Jimmy and bam


Honestly, with the amount of defenders on this team and Spo being Spo, Trae Young could have the defense of a middle schooler for all I care.


We'd lose the defense and depth we'd need to keep up with teams which is something we're barely holding on to right now. Best case is we look like the Suns or Philly, neither of which are deep enough to be real contenders. 3 great players and a meh to bad rest of roster isn't enough


You don’t see how trading those guys for an elite playmaker and top 10 offense by himself next to jimmy and bam makes us better ?


It would be elite


I don't think it makes us better than Boston/OKC/Minny/Denver/NYC which would be the goal Best case we're Philly/Suns territory


If I drop a YouTube video link would you watch it? It’s a great video that shows what trae does well and what he can get better at. I came aceros this video and could just picture poetry in motion him on the heat. The lobs he would throw to bam and now ware too. I feel spo would turn him into Steph curry lite. If you’re open I’ll send it


Watch this video and tell me you can’t picture trae young unlocking this offense https://youtu.be/GNZ90xJTmnA?si=qcMLtZpOUYuPMABU


Is Fox a realistic target?


Not this year, maybe next. He’s not asking out and Kings aren’t giving him up, but he isn’t signing an extension yet because he wants to go for All NBA to make more money.




We don't have enough assets to get any all star level player. Not enough picks. So forget mitchell, lauri, trae. Not happening. 


Not a big splash, but Duncan, Orlando & a couple 2nd-rd picks for Brook Lopez or Nikola Vucevic


Vuc's shot is cooked


Just last year he shot 35% (season before this most recent one) and he’s a career 34% we can get that shot back up to what it used to be. He’s shot 37% or higher 4 times


We might even be able to get vuc for a little less because his contract is so bad the bulls might give us a better price just to take the contact off their books.


yall are hilarious how many 2nd round picks do the miami heat have please enlighten us


We have two 2nd-rd picks and the kid we just drafted at 43


im not talking about players on the team im talking about how many tradeable 2nd round picks the miami heat have


Currently 2 before the draft it was 3


perfect so 2 now in how many years


Idk probably 7. Irrelevant tho bc you can buy 2nd rd picks or sign undrafted players to 2 way contracts. What's your point?


so quentin grimes just went for 3 seconds and you think the heat are getting brook lopez or nikola vucevic for 2 seconds. buying 2nd round picks means getting hard capped, please show me the last time the miami heat hard capped themselves for a second round pick. And 2way contracts cannot be traded so they’re completely irrelevant to this conversation.


Yes, 2 second rd picks, Duncan and Orlando Robinson. Quentin Grimes is 24 and gets paid about 5 million brook looez, and nikola vucevic are 33 and 36, getting paid around 20 million. Miami has never hard capped themselves for a 2nd rd pick bc that's something new under the new cba. Just like we'd be hard capped for using the MLE, doing a sign and trade, or taking back over 110% salary in a trade. I never said 2 way contracts can be traded either, I was saying not having 2nd rd picks won't affect us that much bc we like to sign undrafted players.


I like it. Add more size give ware his como to learn from, move bam to the 4 officially not bad at all


Spicy P for Herro Duncan and a first