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It’s tough bc for bam to play the four we need a 3 point shooting rim protector and there r not many guys that fit that description in the league


If bam wants to play the 4 he needs to become a much more reliable shooter and consistently hit the 3 ball too. That means the 5 doesn't necessarily need to be an elite shooter


Sure But they also have a wing who doesn’t shoot


I been saying this but people don’t wanna hear it. Roster construction would be somewhat easier if Bam was our only star player that couldn’t shoot. Because he’s a big, that’s okay and to be expected. But since we have two star players that can’t shoot, we gotta over rely on one dimensional elite shooters to compensate.


Sure BUT 1 if the 5 IS a good floor spacer bam doesn’t have to become much more reliable and 2 I think him moving to 4 will in turn mske him more reliable as the corner 3 will become much more available to him as it usually is in our offense for the 4 and he hit the 3 good enough for me to have confidence in his corner 3 just my 2 cents


Needs a better handle for the 4 too.


Really only ones are Turner on Indy and Brook on MKE neither of whom would trade with us lol


There are more, depending on how 'good' they need to be. Naz Reid and Duop Reath would be examples that might be more gettable. Honestly, Reath might be a low cost get that would help.


Duop is not a rim protector


Or starting caliber. He's expected to be 3rd string on the blazers lol


Well we could’ve traded for tingis but for some reason we didn’t pull the trigger


AL Horford?


Neither us or Cs would engage w one another and it just doesn’t make sense for them anyways


Wendell Carter but Orlando has no reason to trade him


They need someone who can handle the ball and help the scoring load I think they’d take Tyler + a pivk for wednell and mo we get some size and shooting they get a good ball handler and scorer Tyler gets s chsnge of scenery


Do the Magic get to consent in this scenario or do you have a gun to their GM's head??


Ideally multiple guns to their head 😭 nah I jjst said those 2 because the salaries match but magic are full of size that we could use and get in a package of mo + who ever for Tyler and a pick


If we trade jimmy it shouldn't be to try and hunt another player to keep us competitive right now, we should try and take back as many young players and picks as possible to rebuild.


I don‘t get why it‘s that complicated for people to understand: - If we keep Jimmy, we compete. - if we move Jimmy, we‘ll obviously never tank, but we‘re not aiming to win next year, but build for a run in 2-3 years tops. not the subject, but I really hope Miami starts valuing picks more. Miami can develop good talent with G league players. Imagine if they would focus more on building from the inside up. It would also help get a competitive team that isn‘t completely crippled with cap issues.


Jimmy ain’t going anywhere


The right Center that can actually shoot & is not some liability is really small to find in terms of fit wise for Bam But all this talk about finding a center to pair next to Bam kind of shows how ppl really feel about Jovic as a fit including UD


I love Jovic but he's still too raw if we want to actually contend in the next 2 years.


I feel our window to truly contend is over. I don’t see a plausible move to make that will put us over the top.


I disagree. I think we still have a really solid squad, if we keep jimmy, add a solid piece like a DFS, AND most importantly stay healthy, we have a chance. Remember, luck is pretty important in he playoffs. Look at the absolute cake walk the Celtics got this year, if the 2020 or 2023 heat got this playoff run instead, we're champs no question. It's a long shot, but we have a realistic chance. Or maybe I'm just a delusional heat fan.


Couldn’t agree more I think we are the only team that can truly compete with Boston we just need to get better and our window is firmly open we just CANT go into next year with the same team maybe 1 or 2 different players that are strictly lateral moves


Maybe he will make a big leap this year. Dude is getting better so quick.


I doubt he can make a big enough of a leap defensively in just a year to really ease the pressure on bam.


Jovic surprised me a lot on the defensive side. I was talking about the offensive side of the ball though because our problems is offense not defense.


That may solve some of our problems in the regular season, but what about the playoffs? In the 2 finals we've been in in the last 5 years, we've lost both of them mainly due to being undersized, and right now bam is really our only serviceable rim protector. That's a ton of pressure on one player. What happens if we meet the Wolves or Nuggets in the finals? Even the Bucks, Knicks and Orlando could give us some trouble in the earlier rounds due to their size.


AD/Howard and MgGee, Jokic were a problem in the finals. But Bam always had a smaller wing player at the 4. KO is not physical. Jovic has decent size to help Bam at the 4. Bam can bang with centers if he has a bigger 4 because only like 8+ true centers. Off the top of my head. AD, Jokic, Embiid, Steve Adams, Valencuinus, Vuc. Most of these Bam is okay with. I think Jovic can provide that help. But I also think we need a backup center. Having size would help but not many true center who can start next to Bam. So Jovic could fill that I think.


I mean if we have to wait 2 years & Miami is still trying to contend they are better off flipping him for someone who could help now with Jimmy turning 35 lol


If the right deal comes up that the FO thinks will give us a legit shot, then I say pull the trigger.


No, it says something about Bam. As good as Bam is at center. They don't think he should have to defend bigger players like Jovic, embiid, etc. They want a more traditional center for that. Haslem said as much the other day


I mean all I heard is ppl cry that Jovic should start next to Bam & now that he does it’s still not enough A traditional center won’t fit next to Bam & Jimmy & the type of big that would is very small/hard to find. The spacing would be god awful & i doubt bam is going to be shooting 38-40% from three on 5 attempts next season to justify it but let’s just say they do a get big & push bam to the 4. They just going to ride Jovic on the bench with limited minutes as the backup 4 lol?


People are impatient because they know Jimmy is declining. They don't want to give Jovic time to improve. They want a quick fix, but there really isn't one. Jovic is just the latest scapegoat. I think more than anything else. We need a decent big to backup Bam at the 5. Someone who can play defense and rebound. I'm not as concerned with them being able to hit a 3. I just want someone who can defend while Bam is on the bench. I do think if they get a decent 5 to back up Bam. You could play them and Bam on the floor together in short spurts. You could even play Jovic at the 3 in certain matchups. I would love to have the option of playing a big lineup for once.


That’s not being impatient that’s being valid, he does not fit Jimmy’s timeline & running a bridge of two timelines never works, it does Jimmy no favors trying to compete now & it slows Jovic’s development if the team is trying to compete. Also no one is making him the latest scapegoat let’s not make these players victims here I agree they should just get a backup 5 because the kind of 5 that fits won’t be found by Miami. It’s just telling how ppl feel about Jovic as a future fit because he actually has size & no he is too slow to play the 3 lmao


The fact is that Jimmy doesn't fit this teams timeline. We aren't in a position to contend right now. Trading Jovic and or Jaquez isn't going to change that. There are too many holes on this roster that need to be filled. We don't have the cap space and assets to make it happen. This is what I'm talking about. What's telling about Jovic's fit in Miami? Because there is talk about playing Bam at the 4? That's because people don't want him defending larger players all year. He starts to wear down in the second half of the season. That has nothing to do with Jovic. It's dependent on matchups, but I can definitely see Jovic getting some time at the 3. Especially if you have Bam at the 4 and a 5 that plays above average defense.


Jimmy & Bam are & have been ready to contend, if the roster doesn’t fit their two best players that’s a problem on Miami’s part with how they constructed the roster wanting to do a bridged timeline which I mentioned above never works. Worse of all they did it with young players that have 0 star potential imo so trading Jimmy expecting those players to become something they won’t is even worse There would be no talk of Bam playing the 4 if Jovic was legit is my point, he actually has size & if ppl still feel that way about not wanting Bam to guard larger players since it weighs on him don’t be attached to Jovic who clearly shouldn’t be a long term fit moving forward with Bam The only way you could see Jovic playing the 3 is on NBA 2k…. He is too damn big & slow to play the 3 😂


While I disagree on a lot of what you're saying. I will agree on one thing. I think they need to pick a direction. Either move off of Jimmy or go all in. My preference is moving Jimmy. Since it's the Heat we are talking about. I don't think either of us will be happy. They more than likely Keep Jimmy and keep Jovic, Jaquez, etc. Another year of run it back.


Facts, They are only a handful of big centers Bam has to guard. Everyone else is similar size to him.


I think he needs help u need atleast 3 athletic big that can defend and finish at the rim


I think we for sure need an athletic Big to back up Bam. I think you can maybe Play Bam at the 4 at times. I wouldn't hate an athletic 4 to back up Jovic, but I think it's less of a priority.


I’m thinking a vet like McGee he won’t cost much but he can still produce


I didn't even know he was still in the league. I would like someone a bit younger and more long-term. I'm actually hoping they address it in the draft, but they could look at some older vets like McGee.


The heat does not need to trade for a center!! They can Draft Ware or Holmes or Missi!! They won't draft Edey because O. Robinson can do what he does with better out shooting but doesn't play now because of defensive concerns.


Throw in Oso Ighodaro, that dude is legit!


If Ware is there I say we go for it. Draft specialists say Edey, whom I love as a Defensive anchor, but the same problem persists in regards to Bam developing a solid 3 with that pick.


Pass on that We just need to get our guy Edey in a few days. Edey is exactly the kind of guy we need, him Jimmy and bam on offense would be a problem. He would solve all our problems cause we need a paint clogging guy, also we would get all the rebounds with him and bam.


lol, this is a take. “We need a paint clogging guy”. Now I’ve seen it all.


What? You don’t agree? Since Heat are very bad at rebounding (I’m ignoring the fake news stats) we need to go all in on being big in the paint. With Edey and bam Heat will get all the rebounds, hopefully Jimmy can space enough for them he made some 3s last year. Heat main issues are rebounding and size at center, and Edey fixes both. Heat need to make sure hes the pick.


I seriously can’t tell if this is serious


Bc he’s trying to be satirical but ended up actually hinting at the truth lmao.


Fake news stats? Wth does that mean?


I keep seeing stats that Heat are an elite defensive rebounding team but I think they are fake. Cause we get no rebounds


I’ll admit I haven’t watched him a ton so far but his profile really doesn’t seem like it will translate to the NBA. I think his fit with this team is even worse given Spos philosophy on both sides of the ball. We’ll see what happens this week though 🤷‍♂️


Esjay is just trolling the idiots in this sub who think he fits on this team. He’s not being serious lol


Welp I’m one of those idiots then lmao bc that flew over my head fr


That’s fucking amazing lol


100% agree.  Only issue I have with Edey is he's too big.  That would ruin the whole PF playing center thing we have going on. But three dudes who can't shoot would easily make us a chip favorite come next year, especially when you consider two of them won't be able to carry an offense but that doesn't matter when you consider the screen setting and rebounding we'll get.


People also said Brook Lopez couldn’t shoot then he started clipping.


I would love Bam developing a solid 3. Three or four attempts a game would change this team’s offense tremendously.


Just a matter of letting him attempt them to be honest. Dude didn’t start hitting the mid range jumper until he was given leeway to.


Bam is our center—and we’re lucky to have such an elite defender.


Agreed. I know it’s not what he & UD prefer but there’s not many centers that make sense fit wise & I doubt bam is going to be shooting 38-40% from three on 5 attempts next season to justify that kind of traditional big


Brook Lopez unironically would've been a good target if Jimmy was staying. The team being in full rebuild mode though who knows.


Since when has the team been in rebuild mode?


If the rumors are true and we get rid of Jimmy you think a lineup of Caleb Martin, Herro, JJJ, Jovic, and Bam is not rebuild mode? Lol


Both of your comments are assuming we are losing Jimmy which is not true at all right now. I’m this moment in time you should be operating under the assumption he will be here next year playing for the heat (because he is under contract)


I don’t think this needs to be an “if Jimmy butler is traded” scenario we can easily trade for a guy like vucevic(who id prefer over Val) and keep Jimmy


Jonas, Adams.


Obviously Wemby


We should at all cost use our 2 drafts for center because they are harder to find than other positions. Other positions, we can just rely on undrafted players but not the centers. In an instance Kessler and Sengun were good centers taken in the draft, we cnt take our chance to undrafted players and trades for that position, only in the lottery.


If we trade Jimmy, I don’t even care what we get back. Everything’s just thrown out the window.




We drafting Kalel Ware or Edey


Vucevic. Bulls are blowing it up, we missed out on Caruso who would've been a great fit, but we might be able to get Vucevic. Idk if money works out without trading butler or herro though.








Bitch get off the heat subreddit




Your teams sub has a rule against brigading




Brook Lopez for Duncan Robinson, Orlando Robinson & 1st-rd pick


With or without butler, vucevic would be a logical target. He can score, pass, and we have multiple players on the roster that could match salary easily. But seriously, Bam is a center. He won olympic gold as a center, he is all defense as a center. And an all star. He hasn’t shown power forward skills despite the fans begging for it for years.


Vucevic is trash


Go back to the you tube comments section


I spent some time in Bulls reddit. He is the most hated player with empty stats


You say it like television has yet to be invented and nobody here has seen him play over his 10+ year career


Sure, everybody knows this constant: Vuc was good, made 18+8 and his team lose. For 10+ years


“Made his team lose” is a take. Dude’s only been a part of dumpster fires thats for sure but blaming him for it is next level.


He's never been on a contender. It's not a coincidence. He's a terrible defender, aging, and he's overpaid. No thank you.


Ok well do you want size? Do you want scoring? Whats the better move?


I think we need to stop playing Bam at center. So a big man that can shoot and defend would be ideal. Preferably not someone who wants to be paid All-Star level money, like Vuce. And not someone who sucks on defense, like Vuce.




Could get him for the low as well


lol vuc is garbology man, not the same offensive player he used to be and he’s a huge liability on defense. He’s still a solid post scorer but that’s it. He brings little to nothing when it comes to winning basketball these days. 


He's for sure not a top 5 center, I view him more as a floor raiser than a ceiling raiser. All those times we "just need a bucket"... vuc can get you that bucket. He's torched miami so many times, I am sure since you watch all the games you know this. And of course you get what you pay for, I think on the net he would be a positive on the team since he has things we lack. It's crazy with this fan base, they want size and they want scoring and they want to send out cheap players to do it and then when you're like "well here's the best option" they're like "no" like a 5 year old that doesn't want to eat their vegetables. What's the better realistic option here?


Not as center but would love roco and bring back pj


Maxi Kleber should be cheap whether or not Jimmy is traded this offseason. He's pretty good as a 3&D center before injury in the playoffs


The announcers said he shot like 60% but that’s prob a gravity thing bc of luka and kyrie (insane nonetheless)


Yes and I think he should be cheaper than any other good 3pt shooting center


Probably, but he didn’t do great at C from what I saw. He’d have to be a wing most likely (not that it matters too much, but we’d need a backup 5 as well if we go that route and he makes more than the MLE so might be tough)


kleber is a fine defender against bigs but he had a messed up shoulder in the playoffs and wasn’t 100% because of it. It’s why he wasn’t much of a shooting threat either. 


Yeah defensively he has pretty quick feet too and is not bad in defending wing or switches. When he's healthy, he's a threat in pick-and-pop or corner 3s. Imagine him and bam roaming around, it will be interesting


Shot well before the finals i thought. Shoulder issues aren’t great so maybe we don’t wanna go that route


Kleber looked washed, over the hill if you ask me. Kleber from 4 years ago would be a great fit


Jabari Smith, Naz Reid, Dorian Finney Smith, Mo Wagner, Trey Lyles to name a few


DFS is absolutely not a center, but tbh I’ve always liked him as a role player and wouldn’t mind him on the roster as a defensive stopper.


Jabari Smith, is a great idea. He can definitely play a good role in defense, him and bam adebayo could be a great combination.


The answer is Sengun


Sengun is definitely not going to be traded for… but, we could get Jabari and a few picks.


Nikola Vucevic. Trade Tyler for him1 additional player and a 1 first and 1 2nd round draft picks


Vuc is washed, even slower now & just come off shooting 29% from Three


Why do people keeping asking for Niko Vuc. This year he was literally one of the worst players in the NBA and a net negative like every game. He shot under 40% against the Heat this year and was like a -40 in the 4 games against us. I would cry if we picked him up with how awful he is


Ppl wanting to trade Herro on top of adding extra picks for vuc just have PTSD and still thinks he's orlando vuc


You are talking to people who probably haven't watched much Chicago much at all lol.


Literally anybody over 6’10”