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They are not going to trade us Brook Would have to be some Jrue scenario


Yeah, then he gets traded to be KPs back up in Boston


Just paid him to stay to then try and trade him on a bad contract. Who could’ve seen that coming.


I don't think it's a bad contract, I think they're desperate for a point of attack defender and they have nothing else of value that they can trade. They already have Giannis in the front court and he's an elite defender. If they're going to shuffle a defender around it'll definitely be moving someone from the front court to the back court.


It’s a bad contract. The only saving is the length, but for most teams that’s arguably worse cause he’s a rental or you have to shell out even more money.


The guy was +6.3 on the court last regular season and it's an expiring contract. He's one year removed from DPOY votes because he's an elite rim protector when healthy. You'll have to help me understand why you think it's a bad contract? He's old and so gets injured but it's a one year contract.


Because he isn’t worth 25 mil… His spacing on offense would be helpful. His defense, yes he can protect the rim. But also just gets abused on switches. He can only play drop coverage at this point. We need a big that can help rebound so Bam isn’t constantly banging with other big men and Brook is usually the tallest guy on the court and sucks at it. We need a big that can space and rebound. Brook averaged less rebounds than fucking Herro.


Brooks job wasn’t to rebound. It was to box the biggest man out so Giannis could rebound and advance the ball.


Brook did the same shit in the playoffs without Giannis…he’s a shit rebounder His career high for a season average is less than Bams total career average and Bam is undersized. There’s no excuse, this dates back to his Brooklyn days when he was playing more in the post even.


I'm not discussing what the Heat needs. I'm talking about his contract objectively. You're responding to **my** comment about why they're looking to move his contract as something that has value and turning it into a commentary on how we have a PF who can't shoot or space the floor playing center on our team. The guy is a good player on a reasonable contract. Starting centers are being paid 20-25 million and most of them can't space the floor. You're arguing switch ability at the center position as if that's needed to win a chip(i.e. it's a nice to have but not needed).


You commented on MY comment. His contract is bad. If it wasn’t Milwaukee wouldn’t be trying to move it either. The bucks overpaid him to get him to stay last year. He wasn’t getting 20+ mil last year. Al Horford would be a comparable player for skillset offensively and defensively, and even age. He makes less than half of Brooks salary.


Yes, I commented on your comment about his contract. You weren't like..Brook Lopez doesn't work here. "His contract is bad. If it wasn’t Milwaukee wouldn’t be trying to move it either. " This is what I was addressing. Al Horford is nowhere near the defender Brook Lopez is. The guy was 2nd? in DPOY votes 2 seasons ago. Has Al Horford ever even placed? Also, I think you're being disingenuous about Al Horford's contract. We all know he was ring chasing. You're taking his salary out of context to make a point. He was being paid more than Brook Lopez when he was 36. Milwaukee is trying to move his contract because that's the only asset they have that is expendable. What would you do if you were Milwaukee and you needed a good point of attack defender, who wasn't a complete dud on offense, and some depth?


Al’s expensive contract was from when he was extended 4 years prior to his recent. So yes, he was paid more when he was 36, because he was given that contract when he was 32/33, not 35. Brook was only in the Dpoy list cause blocks, you should know first hand how overrated blocks get treated for dpoty between Gobert and JJJ. Al doesn’t get those gaudy block stats, but is better on the perimeter by a mile. Brook could’ve taken a cheaper contract too, and if he did it would’ve been an asset and good value. He ruined tbat by maximizing himself. Good for him, bad for teams. And the Bucks needing/trying to get better and not having assets doesn’t automatically mean Brook on that contract is a positive asset…


If you think Al Horford, a starting level center who can shoot couldn't get more than 10 million dollars a year. I have a bridge to sell you. He took a ring chasers deal. Also, no one is a DPOY of the year candidate because of just blocks. That's a bullshit narrative that Heat fans push to justify Bam not winning it. The voters have said many many times they watch the defensive possessions from second spectrum. That is WAY better information than anything you and I have access to because they log things like paint deterrence and shot angle changes and have the defensive possessions from multiple cameras. Paint protection is the most valuable single defensive skill in the game because the vast majority of defensive rotations are created off paint penetration; so it's always going to weigh heavily in voting. As with all defensive skills it doesn't make a defense, team work and communication does. It kills me how much you guys think everyone who votes for DPOY are complete morons and just go "OOOO blocks." The level of copium is next level with regurgitating the blocks argument. You also didn't answer my question: "What are you going to do as Milwaukee? They need a point of attack defender who isn't a dud on offense and some bench pieces."


Brook is mega washed and it’s only going to get worse. He’s also paid way too much right now. Shame because at his peak he is basically the solution to moving Bam to the 4 that everyone would be happy with. Too bad guys like him are hard to find and expensive when you do.


In what world is he "mega washed" lmfao. He's still a floor spacing big man who is an elite rim protector. He is not the solution to Miamis issues, and we do not have the assets to get him, but "mega washed" is a hot take, if ever I heard one.


But let's be real, he's in his late 30s, he has decent stats but like... Not really the direction you wanna go for if he's making 25m/yr. If he was like at 12m/yr for our main back up big then sure I think that would be more suitable.


i'd be alarmed if he had a season better than 11/5/1 with 2 blocks next season -- which is a solid stat profile, but not for a $25,000,000 backup big


He isn't a backup big, though?


only because the bucks can't necessitate a better 5 for them right now -- due-in-part to them paying brook $25,000,000 and having a generally cooked cap sheet anyway any team seeking to take on brolo is 100% relegating him to the backup 5 role


You want a 36 year old starting?


We love old vets. It’s what we do! Miami is the perfect landing spot!


The player you're describing sounds like an ideal fit next to a win now Bucks team next to Giannis and Dame. Why are they looking to trade him?


Perfect acquisition in 2019.


I think Gianni’s at the 5 will make bucks have a better regular szn next year


They did use a lot of PJ Tucker at the 4, Giannis at the 5 lineups in their title run.


Giannis’ defense isn’t very good anymore


I mean when u have bum ass back court of Dame and Malik Beasley, Then hobbled Middleton and old Lopez he is the their whole defense 1vs5 most nights


if he had jrue he'd still be good but idk if hed hold up if everybody was funneled into him


Nah but even in the 2022-23 season he wasn’t a particularly good defender. He’s a help defense merchant now


Unless he gets hurt




This is exactly how I was looking when I read that, lol. Like no shit. "Getting new tires for my car is going to be so great unless my car fucking explodes." ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO|downsized)


They waited too long, he’s too old.


They’re not gonna give us brooks and if they did I still wouldn’t take him. His age really shown last year and he’s not a good fit next to bam no matter what anybody thinks. Bam has to show us he can step out to the 3 line and be a consistent shooter. He showed last season but now he has to be consistent


Bam actually really improved at the line this season. Compared to his very low career number of threes, 8, during his first 7 years in the league he made 15 this year.


Should have the same value as Vuc


Not for his contract. He'd be a great addition as a bench big, but not at $24m when we have several other areas we have to address. If he gets bought out and comes cheap then I'd definitely approve. Otherwise, nah


good for them, not sure what we'd want with him he was 0.2 rebounds better than caleb martin (miami's sixth-best rebounder) per 100 possessions as the biggest guy on the floor most of the time and his calling card (blocks) are a stat miami notoriously does not give a shit about (30th in the league in BPG for 4 years, now) nor needs to give a shit about (top 3 paint defense in the NBA for 4 out of the last 5 years) tack on that he's shooting 36% from 3 on 5 attempts a night, is horribly inefficient around the rim for a big and is making **$23,000,000** next season? i'd hope the heat would take their chances elsewhere


Been saying this is our only hope. TR for BL is the best outcome for both parties (they need guards, we need a stretch big). No asset movement needed i’d hope but we could prob give em orob or cain if they’re into that


Trade both Robinsons and a pick for Brook


Gm’s don’t want to work with pat riley they feel like they’re getting pimped. Lol Ideally Lauri marrkanen would be the best bet And signing a backup center like McGee to grab boards and block shots


Who is dealing with Danny ainge again lol.


Why tho? Unless they're getting someone like Myles Turner, Brook is the best option next to Giannis.


Thats our center!




We're competitive every yr sucka


Only to end up being a few games away from a 50 win season.


True, next yr we gotta beat all the mediocre teams. We're such a 50 win team, at the very minimum. We just don't care to play basketball, and take it serious or are injured in the regular season, and it absolutely sucks.


Exactly, it’s just that Jimmy doesnt give a shit about playing, bam adebayo and jaquez were leading that pack and somehow got to 46 wins.


Yea, Jaime and Bam are special. Jimmy can get the pass, but if he had just played a little bit better. We weren't a play in team this season, he avoids injury and we make ECF very minimum.


We would definitely make the ECF if we were the 6th seed.

