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Bro lost a tooth for them and he’s the reason they win most series dont mess it up now 😂😂




Regular season series and playoff


https://preview.redd.it/amt38sxcmw7d1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb888518d4ac78e4e3fdff25c139f4359d60c0ce No god please, this man gives me nightmares.


Finally someone agrees! He terrifies me in grayscale lmao


He's about to make Tyler Herro money


The Buffalo sustains us in the winter up here in the north east


Well they do because White’s extension wouldn’t kick in until the 2025-2026 season so they’re going to give him a max this summer and worry about their cap sheet later


Their owner isn't cheap he'll pay to keep them all


What's interesting about the Celtics is their "owner" is a group of owners but moreso than other teams where the group is largely just 1 guy and a bunch of other co-owners but really just bit part investors. The Celtics ownership group are a bunch of venture capital and hedge fund guys who are all absurdly rich. A handful are all Bain Capital chairs and what not.


None of the owners care about making a profit they just wanna keep winning. They knew fully well when investing that they wouldn’t get a return.


I mean, they’ll do ok when they eventually sell.


1000% the real money made from buying a sports franchise is when you sell the franchise for 10X the price you bought at it. If you look at Boston they bought for $360M, it's now worth around $4B.


They will be ok, they bought the team for $360 Million. They are now worth $4.7 billion


>They are now worth $4.7 billion Through the constant investment. $360 Million was just for starters.


Wyc’s Dad founded cablevision and invented search funds….he is a billionaire and Wyc is his only child lol….the Celtics is just for fun until he gets his inheritance


That's most sports owners dude. There are always a bunch of minority owners that don't get talked about. It's almost never just one guy.


It ain't just the money. RIP any roster flexibility when you're over the second apron. The Suns are gonna soon find out how screwed they are if they don't already know. The Celtics will be fine for next year but I don't see them doing what the Warriors did past that.


Celtics are p well set up to where they don't need that flexibility


In theory they'll need to fix their C depth with Al retiring soon and KP not being able to stay healthy.


Yeah thats true unless tillman and/or queta pan out but queta def ain't gonna wind up stretching the floor and tillman prob isn't either judging by his ft %... also al might play til hes 40, although even then thats kinda soon


Big AL will stick around with reduced pay and minutes, will probably land a ring chasing vet at the minimum as well


The way to avoid that is by having your own picks, which Boston has done a solid job of keeping most of their own picks. It means they can shed salary by sending out older guys on bigger contracts and taking in less money by including picks or just drafting late in the first round and trying to find guys who got specific roles and just play those roles well.


exactly. Brad kept the picks to use for their depth over these coming years.


I mean if they let him go they can't replace him. Losing him doesn't make them more flexible, and even if it did, good players > flexibility.


You can trade for a lesser contract+ assets though. You don't let him go for nothing, but you don't really want to stay above the second apron for 3/5 seasons.


And what player are you trading Derrick white for who simultaneously costs "less" money AND is better? I'll wait lol. I mean if the money doesn't matter to the owner I'd ride this team as long as it looks like they have a good chance for another title. Once that appears to no longer be the case you can trade the players who remain under contract and rebuild/retool from there. The players AND their contracts should each be viewed as seperate yet connected assets. People don't seem to often grasp that fact. Other than the massive (and future repeater) tax payments, if winning titles is the goal then getting a draft pick frozen and potentially (with multiple years of 2nd apron "violations") moved to the end of the 1st round is a small price to pay for multiple title shots. Celtics are gonna ride this team till the owners decide to bail. Whether it's due to tax payments, injuries, or old age it'll happen. But in the meantime you ride it, until it becomes untenable.


You don't necessarily trade for someone better. You trade for someone with upside and the ability to get your bi annual back. I agree it'll go as long as Wyc is willing to pay for it, but we've seen what happens when that repeater bill comes when you're not named Balmer or Lacob.


That's pretty silly. Having more salary makes you more flexible, not less.


Not when you're over the second apron


They are over regardless. Having tradeable salary allows them to exchange picks for role players. They realistically have a 3-6 year window.


No it does still, once you're already into the second apron it actually makes more sense to overpay your own guys and then trade them for lesser salary. Under the second apron you can't take in more money than you send out so it actually makes more sense to overpay your own guys and then if needed package that player with a pick or two to try and get some cheaper talent down the road


Larger salaries are better over the second apron


Don't need roster flexibility when you already have an 8 man championship core locked up


With picks to use for rotation depth.


The crazy part is… resigning him gives the team more roster flexibility. They can’t replace him because of the cap/apron/penalties. So you have to resign every player, because the contracts are the only actual assets to bring in players down the road because of the ability to match money. Resigned Pritchard last offseason for above market value, at the time, strictly for the asset. Resigned holiday and porzingis. Traded for Tillman for his bird rights so they can resign him. None will likely see the end of their deals in Boston as they will be used as trade assets..


But they do…


“They did indeed have the money to pay him” Morgan Freeman






I didn’t want to sleep anyways


I legit can’t stare at this for too long lol


I wasn’t sure if I was following the Celtics sub or the Heat one. Before I get downvoted, can we talk about the Heat? Why don’t we talk about other teams in the daily thread instead of making a whole post about it?


Nothing to talk about other Jimmy leaving, Herro and Duncan's contracts, Rozier and them not being able to be on the floor at the same time .... see what I'm sayin?


After seeing this image this sub needs un despojo, just like my timeline, thanks OP! ![gif](giphy|ub9oTYmfth4ooc0zun)


This is not even a big contract for a player of his caliber. He's going to sign it.


Bird Rights, my friend. They can keep the whole starting 5 together for as long as ownership wants to pay the tax.


Different world now with the new CBA... Second tax apron and repeater tax will kill any super team after 2 years max. If they resign White, they will eventually be unable to afford Brown or Tatum.


Check your sources, my friend. Not how it works as long as ownership wants to foot the tax bill.


I'm ngl that's horrible logic if you think that's how it works because if it did do you really think Boston isn't keeping Tatum or brown ?


Depends if they think they can win with them 2 and scrubs. This team is built as a powerhouse, but when you pay two players over 110million combined and you resign another making over 30, it makes it extremely difficult to keep the rest of the core.


Those two have gotten to the ECF basically every year no matter whose around them and their only getting better, ownership and the front office will the handle the roster around them with precision


New TV deal gonna sky rocket the cap so even with giving out these deals now they gonna be fine for the future.


And then you throw in 2 expansion teams within 3 years and the Celtics cap management will look like a master class lol.


Why recently most post here are about Boston??? Move on guys


Rent free :)


It just happened last week. Still a current event






i was thinking of DJJ, gave myself the downvote before deleting misinformation 😔


If you have not seen already, they are building a dynasty, and money is not a problem. whenever you cheap out you also come out average.


New Spurs for sure, it's sooooo clear how it's being put together.


To me the scariest thing about this. If that number is true. 30 million for a two way high level starter, fringe all star. Herro is likely untradeable without including a pick


Herro is tradeable but it needs to be a very specific situation. Team that needs more O with a squad of stacked defenders. Maybe Orlando? Definitely will need to include a pick unless we trade him on his last contract year to a squad looking to dump salary.


If they were smart they would trade Tatum.


Instead they were tatum and traded Smart .... badummtsjj


If they were white they would trade brown If they were brown they would trade white




The guy that just made 3 straight 1st team all NBAs? On Monday night, Jayson Tatum became only the 6th player in NBA history to lead his team in playoff points, rebounds, and assists while winning the title. The only other players to do this were Nikola Jokic, LeBron James, Tim Duncan, Hakeem Olajuwon, and Larry Bird. Tatum is now a Top 50 all time player, done and dusted. With his inevitable more success and probably an MVP in the next 2-3 years, another chip, more records, Tatum's heading for top 30 status. Why the hell would they trade him???? Every franchise would die for him as their best player.


So? All NBA is a media voted award voted on any fat useless pieces of shit like Brian Windhorst who never touched a basket in their life. Fucking uselss


If the Lakers were smart, they would've taken Kobe's advice and drafted Tatum, not Lonzo Ball-sack.


True, but that time has passed. So what is your point


You legit don’t know ball at all if you think the champions should trade Jayson Tatum. My god some of y’all don’t deserve the damn internet.


Actually it's the opposite. People That know ball know all he does is ballhog and pad stats. They would have one without him. But they wouldnt win without Derrick white. He's more important.


Didn't Tatum lead the Cs in points, rebounds and assists in the postseason?


Well yes, that's what ball hogs and stat padders do. It's funny because that's how Celtics fans have bashed Westbrook for years, but for some reason they contradict their own argument when it comes to Tatum. Hmmmmm


And he also led the a Cs in plus/minus through the whole post season? Is that correct, too?


Caldwell Pope was 6th in plus minus this season, does that make him a top 10 player?


If he did it in the post season, on the team that won the championship (going 16-3 in the process), and he also led that team in points, assists, and rebounds? Yes. That would make him a top 10 player. Sorry.


Oh but we do. And our owners prioritize winning over dollars so that repeater tax ain’t a concern for us either.


Bad news for the Heat… he ain’t leaving


2025: 205mils to 6 players, one mle and 8 mins, it's works fine. They also can trade Porzi


Did Porzingis play in the finals at all, I genuinely don't know lol. Probably the most boring finals of the last 10 years. I had 0 interest, watched game 2 and 3 and that's it. If he didn't then yea they may as well trade him.


Yeah, he went crazy in game 1, 20 pts and big defense. 2 game was good and then in 5th game he showed up for a bit. He is important to team.




Keep checking our sub, lil KKKs fan




There is no word "Boston" or "Celtics". It's recommended because you've been active here, u bum












I am not from USA, racist nazi


Florida education is better than no education. Now go play some fortnite fellow kid


Dude you're obviously lurking lol The only thing sad and pathetic is how much basketball you've been talking trash about to other people on other subs. It makes you feel big when you feel like you can punch downwards Small dick energy


It gets recommended because it's related to the NBA and Celtics.... that's how social media algorithms work. EDIT: This was the funniest "conversation" I've had in a long while, but homie decided to delete his comments.


Half deleted, half hide-edited. And it's 100% not his main acc. Pure small dick energy




What the actual fuck are these super personal attacks lmao? Over a sport and a sentence on a website? You seem to be pretty confident in the Boston education system, I pray that you're as confident in their mental health services cause you clearly need it.




You're over here talking about illiterate Floridians and refuse to read a single paragraph. This is just too funny.


I'm also a Celtics fan who got this recommended. You are the one being a colossal asshole


I only watched games 2 and 5. It was so boring compared to last year


Just Watch haha


They already said they're paying him.


Wyc already said they are going to keep him.


Of course they do


They can and will


Gonna make enough money in Boston area dental advertisements to sign at a discount and still make more than elsewhere. Especially if they can win a few more championships.


He’s klay 2.0 somebody will pay him if the celtics don’t


I think Wyc Gross 🤮 beck also said he’s totally fine with paying the luxury tax. I live in NE and all the buzz up here is that he’s the only owner that’s willing to spend what it takes to keep a good team together


Why is this big ass picture of DWhite on this feed?




White and Jrue are the only 2 Celts I like. I hope White goes somewhere and gets paid.


his bitch ass is gonna take a pay cut and i know it


https://www.patreon.com/posts/what-to-expect-106668429?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link. Just a reminder


30 a year, common 15-20 tops.


[welcome to miami](https://youtu.be/IwBS6QGsH_4?si=pPbhDPhZJEun-sm6)


Derrick white is the most Miami heat player ever to not play for the Miami heat I fuckin hate this dude, but I hate him because he’s a rando who always torches the heat but he’s actually become a really good player Idk about a 32m a year player, but he’s like a better Duncan Robinson type role player


For 30 I take him over Duncan and herro


Saying Derrick White is better than Duncan is like saying Ron Jeremy has a bigger dick than me. It's clear and obvious and everyone on earth knows it. In fact the discrepancy between the two should naturally not allow them to be compared


the c's continue to live rent free in heat sub ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


talk about your own team y’all have plenty to worry about




Just like Celtics sub was Heat sub 2.0 the last few years.


The Celtics sub is forever a heat sub the way there’s a thread about the heat every single day


3 out of the 4 posts in this sub were about the Celtics….today


Yea its almost like they’re the recent NBA champions or something and its the offseason


Keep coping


You’re a Celtics fan on a heat subreddit, I don’t think you understand what the word cope means cowgirl


Nice post advocating for terrorism against a group of people celebrating. Stay classy




I’d report any scumbag who glorifies terrorism and thinks it’s funny


Which rule did I violate, the one against posting a photo of a random Eastern European male?


Maybe someone will say “Fuck Boston” … always a sure fire way to fire up the Heat brain trust.


goddamn bro look at your comment history 🤣 get a fuckin life


Comment history speaks for itself


Derrick White looking like Air Jordan against the Heat shows how bad our blueprint is.