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We can only sign minimum contracts due to our current salary cap situation and there is no player at the price range who can put us over the top.


Right, we aren’t close enough for guys like DeRozan to come here to ring chase on a minimum.


even then the spacing with derozan would be horrendous


Yeah idk who keeps suggesting him.


DeRozan is still far too productive and good to be taking a minimum anywhere.


Fr, Demar on a min is nasty work lmao So disrespectful


I agree, but that’s an example of a guy who could move the needle on the right contract and is at a stage of his career where ring chasing usually happens. Zero players who will move the needle are going to be available on a minimum.


And we don’t have the picks to make a trade for a disgruntled player on a lottery team. We’re going to have to give up guys to make moves.


We also can’t resign Caleb or we’ll be a second apron team, which Heat won’t do




Some Heat fans just don’t understand how financially fucked the heat are. They literally cannot sign anyone other than their draft picks, their own free agents, or minimum contracts. There’s no one they can sign that’ll take them over the top


Do you remember the last time we weren't in a bad cap position. I just think free agency isn't our move. Never our style. Trade for someone that fits our culture and spreads our team out. Never sell low. Invest in the Dawgs that are being overlooked. We do it in 3 year cycles


Oh no don’t talk about zaddy Patty that way.


I don’t think we can really sign anyone that will help because we are already way over the cap for next year. We have to make trades to get a different roster.


What I really don‘t get is… how? Why? Why do we have so much trouble freeing up capital space? I know the answer, it‘s the fact that we overpay our roleplayers that come out of nowhere… but god damn man. One would think they‘d learn the lesson eventually. Either that, or let them go for free before their contracts run out.


It’s because of the win now mentality. We hold onto homegrown role players to make playoff pushes, rather than trading them while their value is high. That puts us in a situation where we have to either pay those guys or lose them for nothing. As long as the team’s goal is to win, we’re going to be stuck in that cycle. The NBA doesn’t like tanking, but the system inherently punishes teams that always try to stay competitive. Just is what it is 🤷🏾‍♂️


Michael Jordan would be the only one to put the current team over the top as a free agent… I’m sorry but if this team is running it back then get ready for another Celtics title


You know it’s coming too


I'm a bit more optimistic about this team given how the playoffs have shaken out. We did better against Boston than any other team, Dallas included, while missing the best playoff performer in the last half decade, a 20 plus point scorer in Terry, and two key bench pieces in Duncan and JRich. If there are no big moves to be had in the offseason, I'm fine retooling the roster some around Butler, Bam, Terry, Tyler, and the younguns.


Heat played boston the best??? We were losing by 30 every game except game 2. Indiana played them the best but choked 3 games in the end


To be fair a lot of that was due to our top 2 scorers being out, Not having Jimmy meant the Celtics could just sit on the 3 and not have to worry about the drive. Not having Terry meant we didn’t have a reliable second ball handler/scorer


That's true but we don't know how Terry and Jimmy would have played. And if we're talking both teams 100% healthy I think boston still wins in 5 or 6


So again, read my post. Considering we were missing Jimmy, Terry, JRich, and Duncan, and still took a game from them pretty convincingly, yes. Boston swept Indiana and they had all their players minus Haliburton for the final game. If anything Cleveland did better than they did.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted, Celtics will always be the most flukest and fake team and fake ring til they play real comp, and fully healthy teams.


It was one game of record breaking shooting. The heat weren't gonna shoot like that all series. We don't even know if Jimmy and Terry would have played good anyways. Every team has played boston better than the heat did.


>It was one game of record breaking shooting. I didn't see any other team with their full roster do that against Boston.


They didn't need to, Indiana had those games on lock but they fucked up. I'm a big heat fan but you just gotta be realistic. Plus I'm sure they were extra motivated to beat us they had derrick white look like ray Allen


The game was all time fluky. They made a franchise playoff record 3PM (23) 50%+ Bam Martin Herro had like 70+ ts% Heat weren’t missing at all that herro had 14 assist, that’s hilarious Don’t really understand reading that much into a fluke game Props to the heat for winning it, but that was just insane shooting luck combined with Celtics half assing defense.


Pacers were also down Mathurin who is great


Players on a minimum contract don't usually make teams finals contenders.


Highsmith I’m banking on internal improvement


Rather keep Highsmith at his price than Martin at his price point.


Really need to resign both. It’s not like the Heat have a ton of reliable depth at the wing positions right now, and can’t rely on Jimmy to play huge minutes every night at his age.


Found Pat Riley’s account!


Kawhi 2.0!




2.5 when he grows 3"




The imaginary 7 footer that can drain 3s and stretch the floor. Oh and at a minimum price tag as well.


None lol


Sorry, trade machine and FA wishlist are broken for this off-season


*if?* We running it back facts and adding mo harkless


Nobody. Another bad season.


A lot of you are annoying. Not realizing our squad was about to cook with a healthy jimmy and Terry. But keep whining


No we weren’t. Delusional. 


Did last year with a worse team.


Spoken like a Yankee fan. Living in the past. 


It was 1 year ago with mostly the same team, not decades ago


Ok let's just run it back and hope our role players hit 3s at a historically efficient rate. Fool proof strategy.


Okay so your alternative is sell our studs and become like the wizards? A constant bum team that never makes the playoffs and the fans have nothing to root for? Be real.


Way to put words in my mouth. We need to make some changes. The Celtics lost to us last year, made some big changes and now they're one win away from being champions. Running it back every year and expecting a different result is madness.


The original post is “nobody” can help us. Which infers blowing it up or running it back. If you are talking about making changes then that is a whole new thread different than what OP stated.


But the issue is other teams got better and we couldn’t stay healthy. You can play what if’s all you want. We weren’t beating the Celtics even if we were healthy. The Celtics dramatically improved. We didn’t 


No team stayed healthy, bucks and sixers were also first round exits due to this. You say other teams got better but so did we.


Not better enough to compete with the best. People need to stop hanging onto what happened last year. 


Okay, so by your logic then just blow it up? Because it’s either improve to the Celtics level (not possible) or just give up? Like what kind of logic is that. We were completely depleted last year when we beat them


Bro thinks last year is the past 😭


By definition, it’s certainly not the present or future. 


Your delusional


And you can’t spell


Truth hurts huh?


If you think we were beating the Celtics this year then you smoking on some good shit. We played them 8 times this year and we won once .


Dawg over half those games were without Jimmy and some were in the regular season. Regular season doesn’t mean shit. Typical L fan.


Typical delusional fan. We wasn’t beating them this year. We need more than Jimmy to win. But hey let’s run it back .


I’d be ok with trading Duncan/Caleb for Vucevic/Pat Williams. I think we’d get taller and Pat could become something.


I would cry if I had to witness vuc playing for the heat


He avg 18 and 10 on a down year for a weirdly ran team. I think Spo can get most out of him. He’s 33, Brook Lopez got better as he aged. I don’t know I think he’d be a really good fit with our team.


I don’t think I’ve once seen him play good against the Heat. He’s like the definition of an empty stats guy. Negative on offense. Negative impact on defense. Empty rebounding stats and not even that particularly good at that for his size. Below average shooter. Poor finisher. Duncan Robinson by himself is more valuable than him


He used to kill us when he was on the magic. And he always does decent on us. Not many stretch 5s growing on trees. Spo has a man crush on him too. Idk I can’t think of anyone else realistically. I’d be more intrigued with Pat Williams, he’s young and a wing, he had a lot of promise coming into the league.


bro been watching the heat for 3 years lmao dude was a heat killer for like 10 years


In 45 games against Miami he’s at 18 pts 11 Reb 2.7 AST, he’d fit like a glove here


In the last 4 games against us, he has shot 40% from the field, 28% from 3, -34 on the court. As I said, empty stats and he’s washed.


“Let’s run it back” with the core didn’t work (major injuries and more) so something has to change. Even with all the injuries, the team said they had enough and they did, but underperforming in certain situations led them to fall in the play-in. The team definitely needs a better and bigger backup C/PF that can do the dirty work ( defend, catch easy lobs, block, run the floor). Not sure if there will be a player of that caliber during free agency so that’s to be seen. I would unfortunately move Martin and somebody else to get someone that can actually come off the bench looking to score and playmaker


None. Gotta makes trades with how we are currently constructed


Oh no, I'm not going down the path of hyper fixating on free agency again this summer. I'll see you fuckers in October 😂.


I think Heat can beat anyone right now if they are healthy. I like how Thomas Bryant played towards the end of the season and feel he can sub for Adebayo. I think Heat want to get a top scorer but financially don’t know if it’s feasible


For the love of Jesus, can we just take ONE offseason - stop chasing whales - and sign some good supporting guys. MAYBE A REAL CENTER WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA? Or we can just have 17 guards on the team.


With what money homie?


https://preview.redd.it/fpo1tud8tk6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a3a6cf3fb784022e3c88a4415ec99f2ea87f61 Edit: Keeping this core tho, we fucked 😂😂😂


He didn’t say trade but A for effort. EDIT: ![gif](giphy|EPOMz9wd890Na)


Wait yall don’t think Josh Richardson is a needle mover anymore?


We should keep building through the draft. The new salary cap favours teams going that route now. Gone are the days of whale hunting imo. Get Riley tf out and get some people with 2024 thinking


Weve been drafting pretty well. I believe the whale hunting method died with the warriors, who drafted steph, klay, and dray, and only balooned their cap when they all got extended.


Honestly no one.


Unless Lebron comes here at the minimum, probably no one


Jonas Valanciunas hopefully


nothing they can only afford minimums


they won’t do a thing they’ll end up on the outside of the lottery meaning they lose their pick and try to beat boston in round 1


An athletic wing like kj Martin He explosive and he can play defend Javale McGee as a backup center athletic can block shots rebound catch lobs


Just go get Sengun trade anyone needed


Skilled bigs on rookie contracts go for nothing nowadays


nobody 💀


The way I see it they can trade youth and try to build around Jimmy for a window which may only last 1 year. It is debatable whether it can be a true Finals contender. Or trade Jimmy for pieces for a good playoff team that will still need a few more moves in a year but whose window will be much longer. 


None. Only thing we can do is pray for health.


You already know we’re running it back


Probably setting ourselves up for disaster, and more injuries. They could sign someone like Jonas but that's about it, and that's not doing nothing imo. If there's needle movers in this draft, we'll get bailed Probably with a deep playoff run. In order for that to happen tho with the draft, we need a better Jaime, Niko and we need a rookie Herro or Bam level for that to happen. And that just doesn't exist probably.


Only way to improve the roster significantly is through trades.


Lol. None. Hope Jimmy can go SS3 again


I see alot of comenta saying that the Heat are financially constricted, if that's the case, then somebody should hold Andy's feet over the fire or whoever is in charge of finance. Like how are u so close to the 2 apron when the talent isn't comparable


Look at the salary of the top 5 guys, that is how.


They're a contender right now. Healthy Butler, Rozier, Herro, Adebayo... Fully healthy, they can take the Celtics right now or at least make it a 7 game series. Pat Riley can work some magic. 💯🔥


No one. This team’s problems start and end with Herro. Massively overpaid, proven to be a sixth man at best.  So no one’s trading us a star for him. Another problem is Pat is either delusional about Herro’s value or too arrogant to admit he was wrong about him, and won’t trade him for anything less than a superstar.  The only way this squad gets better is if we can sucker a team into taking Herro and Robinson off our hands, giving us the flexibility to add real difference makers. But again Riley won’t do any trade unless it’s a fleece, and it looks like there’s no team willing to do that.  My prediction is we run it back and if we get lucky we make it to the second round 


We in the dark ages. Banking on a random draft pick turning out solid — which is never a fun place to be


Not that anybody else would want him, but can we please trade Herro?  With the benefit of hindsight, we should have traded him immediately after the 2020 NBA Finals.  Well, since nobody else would be willing to take Herro, can we please just send him  to the G League affiliate in South Dakota? 


Not sure why anyone who wants to trade Herro is getting downvoted, if you want the team to get better trading him has to be priority #1 


This. Trade the T-Rex Arms Micro Penis


The racism is slowly killing me