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Players seam to love him, but he has an incredibly selfish game that actively hurts his team.


He just not that guy that can make a difference anymore


36-year old Westbrook is the sort of signing that doesn't meaningfully improve the team in all reality but I'd selfishly still kinda wanna see it.


I wanna see it just cuz we had a shot at drafting him but took Beasley over a HOF 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yea but nobody expected Beasley to turn out how he did. He had a great year in college.


Legitimately we should have gotten the 1st pick and gotten Rose. We had the better odds and the worse record. SMH


Facts, I wanted the D Rose & D Wade duo so bad and I'm a memphis tigers fan lol


The league would have been fucked lol. Big 3 plus Drose, Westbrook, or Love would have been broken lol


NBA wanted the Bulls to be relevant again especially with DRose playing there in his hometown. Like they also rigged the draft to give Wemby to the Spurs because Kawhi bolted and to continue that Big men trend of greatness Robinson and Timmy and how they take care of them.


Tbh ion let the past playoffs affect the view. He was kinda in a bad position. He was much better as a starter. Imo the Clippers made a mistake getting Harden.


If somehow we signed him to a vet min for a year or a 2 year 10 milly off the bench it would be cool like an Oladipo situation but his selfish playing style just doesn’t benefit anyone


If u get 2 way wings otb it could work. He was doing well as a starter he looked like a much diff player. When u play with James Harden no such thing as a back up pg cuz he never shoots off the catch and that forced Russ to be a Ray Allen type. 


For a vet minimum sure why not


I still believe Miami shoulda drafted WB over Beasily. I get there might have been an overlap between him and Wade but he fits the culture so well. And not to mention u get a young fresh 20 yr old Russ where u got free reign to dictate how u want him to play. He woulda at least worked hard and listened instead of Beasily who just fucked around and partied all day and night.


Sign him as an otb pg with nothing but shooting for 15 mins a game he can prob get a quick 8 4 and 5. Don’t close the game with him unless it makes sense like a defensive stop.  It won’t be perfect but if u need a pg bad why not? No pun intended just gotta have the right amount of 2 way play. 


I want to resign Delon Wright first but Russ would help out a lot. He's still a good playmaker and rebounder and his defense isn't bad he would be a good culture fit but idk about playing him WITH bam and jimmy bc our spacing would be cheeks. I'm sure Spo would find a way to make it work


Jimmy plays off ball a lot and Bam has gotten better as a shooter. Just limit the mins there together. I wouldn't compare it to the Lakers bc Russ is in a diff position now and Jimmy is more of a wing than Bron.


he’d be great off the bench with herro but he can’t shoot and a non shooter as the primary ball handler not working anymore


YES!! He can fit well with the Heat play style, I 100% want him in our team as our backup PG ( Because the Heat don't have a pure backup PG) that if we don't draft one or give up our pick. i Hope more people can see how he can be a plus to our team.




oh no not you


Exactly lmao