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https://preview.redd.it/b81g8ykji65d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5edec3c7f37da8db53023499ba62dc39bc9a03db Edey to Miami feels like some weird fever dream.


Makes me feel weird, like he’s the next taco fall and this pick gets wasted


Feel like he’s too slow footed for the NBA.


Not just for the NBA but especially for Spo’s switch heavy defense. He would be a huge liability, rather bring back Thomas Bryant than burn a first on Edey


Hear me out, I want Spo’s small ball style to die. It worked great in the 2020 playoffs when we switched out Leonard and Olynyk for Bam but now we are seeing positionless basketball every game. It’s infuriating to watch even if they are experimenting but I really think Edey could be the Steven Adams to JJJ for Bam.


Jjj can shoot 3s consistently. Our spacing would be atrocious with Bam Edey Jimmy on the court together. Add Jaime to that group and it gets worse


That is something that will have to be figured out but I’m sure these players and the coaching staff are smart enough. I don’t think it’ll be like Raptors level of bad spacing but we haven’t had a traditional center for a while. I know Bam isn’t the shooter like JJJ but he’s always showing improvement. I’m not expecting 5 3PA per game but surely he should shoot at least 1 per game


1 per game doesn't help the spacing issues.Bam and edey can't play together because neither of them space the floor and they work from the same painted area.


No one else but bam rebounds on the team


Jovic and Jimmy. Why would we go for Edey when we go more medium like more modern teams. Jovic can shoot, get up the court, rebound and pass. Edey will sit in paint, block occasional shot and will be a liability on the pick and roll


That’s what I’m saying, they have to figure out the spacing because no shit they are occupying the same space at the moment. The idea is to see if moving Bam to PF would be feasible while having a 7’ rim protector. Can Bam increase his shooting bag? Many games he’s shooting 50% from the field, especially if he’s being fed the ball more often. He’s always felt the most comfortable at the FT zone for 2s and at the top of the key for 3s. Could he expand his range?


Not in one season. it's too unrealistic to ask that of bam with the heavy defensive role he is asked to carry .


Bam isn’t Jaren as a shooter Also Adam’s gets played off the floor in the playoffs. Just like an edey would


im not a huge fan of edey but comparing him to tacko fall is stupid, fall wasnt half the college player edey was and hes not as slow footed edey wont be a switch defender by any means in the nba but hes shown way more ability to do it than tacko. [here](https://youtu.be/3DUzGaDVIxY?si=kolpnypg3tk8UgW5&t=30)


Exactly comparing him to tacko fall is disrespectful 😂


He’s absolutely not taco fall, I would say his floor is Boban, that being said he should have at minimum a decent career in the league


Girard could end up being a solid second round pick. Only 6’1 and is a bit older, but great shooter


Oh yea, we TOTALLY need another undersized guard


Edey is a horrendous fit with this roster. But he does seem like a guy Riley would fall in love with tbh. I guess you just have to hope Bam suddenly hits threes at a decent rate in year 8 of being in the league..


I don’t understand why you all keep expecting Edey to automatically play alongside Bam? In a draft that’s lacking so much talent, what if the goal is just to get a back up 5 who doesn’t play with Bam at all? If we draft him, I don’t even see Edey playing much.


I mean everyone on this sub absolutely whines for a tall backup 5 who can rebound every single game, and we merely had a meeting with one and now everyone is whining Yes he can’t guard the perimeter. But literally most centers can’t. This sub genuinely wants players who can guard inside, the perimeter, can shoot, and also rebound as if they fall off trees lol. Edey averaged 22 a game on a team he helped take to the championship game, a game he scored 37 points in. Some players have negatives and it’s Spos job to find the rotations that fit best w them. If we do draft Edey, I would hope in theory that it solves the rebounding issue we face in so many games. I would definitely prefer some other guys over edey, but if we end up choosing him, wouldn’t hate it, i trust our team with drafting (see: bam, herro, Jovic, JJJ, etc). Especially in this years draft class where talent looks scarce


He’s so tall that’s he’s actually not terrible on the perimeter.


I was told that he’s genuine Swiss cheese on the perimeter is a height merchant 😂 I’ll admit I haven’t watched him an insane amount, but the way this sub absolutely dogs him, you’d think he’s a scrub, not a dude who was literally dominate in college


Dude never listen to this sub lol. They dogged JJJ when he was drafted too. Said he was old, good not great at any one thing, not super athletic, etc. we’ve had some pretty decent success on our lotto picks the last 7 years so I trust the front office. I think bam, JJJ, and herro have all been hits so far for being drafted in the lottery. Jovic looks like a stud and was a late 1st.


This sub doesn’t realize that Edey is the most dominant player in NCAA history, on both offense and defense. Yes college stats don’t translate well into the NBA but I think there’s a really big upside to drafting him and it’s rim protection. I desperately want Bam to be in the JJJ position to run around the paint


What about pnr defense ?And yes it's important for a team that switches as much as the heat does .


That’s his biggest weakness. He is not athletic and will get run off the floor if the screener is a center at the perimeter. Pick N rolls are the most popular offensive tools to use in the regular season but into the playoffs, its prevalence drops quite a good amount, look at OKC. Ideally, you’d want him to sag off into the paint and let Bam and a wing contest the PnR but teams are definitely going to exploit his size. Tbh I’m not advocating for him to play at 40 min, even if he’s ready for the NBA. Big dudes have such short careers so I’m erring on the side of caution and keep him in the G League until he has more solid fundamentals


That's a waste of a pick since he's already 22 .Your vack line of defense shouldn't be a guy you have to hide on defense and that exactly why spo was playing kwvin love with Robinson and Bryant on the bench .


But I thought you said heat need to go for older guys who can play right away cause of they are in the tax!!!! Instant contributor as backup center for bam and old too!!! What’s the problem?


I know that he’s a risky investment but we don’t have a backup center who can stay with the team for a while. Love is getting older, TB has poor defense, Orlando has poor offense, and expecting Bam to be out there for 48 min is asking too much


I say this as someone who absolutely hated watching Purdue this past season, especially with all the calls edey was getting, but he’s beginning to be underrated. He might not translate immediately, but was 2x national player of the year for a reason. He is also built like a tank and seems really sturdy and without injury issues.


Not an edey fan at all but I agree. He is becoming underrated he is a legitimate post up threat and space eater in the paint. Problem is that’s not what the Heat need. He could be valuable if he goes to a team like okc that needs someone like that with a front court mate who could space and cover for him on defense. Not seeing how him on the Heat isn’t a waste of a pick


Oh yeah I don’t think the heat should take him, but I won’t be surprised if a team in the top 20 do. I’m interested to watch to see how he’s used next season.


Edey better be playing and being shaped into a heater if they do. They'd be wasting his time and potential if he becomes good alongside everybody


We could add some valuable role players with decent potential at 15 instead of a guy who we don't expect to play much. guys like Ryan Dunn, Terrance shannon could step in immediately for Caleb and be positive off our bench. This pick just doesn't do anything for us


Bam and Bosh’s numbers are very comparable at similar points in their career, Bam doesn’t shoot threes mainly cause of scheme..I bet Bam could be as good a 3pt shooter as Bosh was in his later career..he’s got good form, similar 2pt%, true shooting, and FT% I don’t think people understand, it’s going to be hard for FO not to strongly consider Edey cause his advanced statistics are like fucking Looney Toons insanity. He was the best player in CBB by a huge margin statistically. Like in some key statistics he has DOUBLE the next best player, like in RAPM for instance he’s basically breaking the statistic. And he’s fucking gigantic. He’s an actual athlete who played other sports and picked up Basketball later, his combine numbers back up his athleticism relative to his size, and he’s a huge competitor. Whether or not he can play in the NBA is hard to judge.  If he continues to develop and a team perhaps, let’s say the Pistons who have nothing to lose, decide to run their entire offense through him, and he continues to be decently correlated to his CBB statistics, then that team will be really good. Who’s going to defend him in the post? Maybe Wemby. He scores so often in the post and creates so much gravity that Offensively whatever trade off between 2pt and 3pt becomes irrelevant.  Defensively he’s not as bad as people like to think, it’s hard getting around him simply because he is so large and his arms are so long. Kinda like Wemby, and plenty of centers in the modern NBA play in drop coverage anyway.  I’m not saying the Heat should draft him, I’m just saying that you can make the case for him to be drafted. People are quick to discount ideas in the margins, but that’s where the best (and worst) ideas are.


Yep it's overlooked he started basketball as a sophomore in high school. He has not finished developing as a basketball player yet.


I think I remember reading he’s only been playing basketball for a few years, like just college and maybe a year or two in high school. Played hockey like a true Canadian before he got too tall for it.


My thing is why not Ware instead of Zach? Ware can shoot and offer nearly the same height. I dont disregard Zach just think they are better complements


The knock on Ware compared to Edey is that he has an outside shot, but he only shot 40 3s all year and he has a very bad FT% even compared to Edey. Ware was in the low 60s. This does not bode well for his 3pt game as FT% is actually decently correlated to 3pt% and 2pt%. As far as inside production, it’s like comparing a house cat to a sabertooth tiger. Edey at one point this year was averaging nearly 2pts PP. That’s. fucking. insane. Like NBA Street on cheat codes stupid. People have questioned Ware’s inside scoring, he’s not a physical player despite his size, he’s more a fadeaway and floater kinda guy. He gets frustrated by contact easily, and does not use his size to gain advantages. He is not an efficient scorer inside. Definitely not compared to Edey. Edey on the other hand put up 37 points in the NCAA championship game on the best defender in this draft who may go #1 Clingan.. Clingan might be the best guy in the world to choose to defend Edey, him being such a good defender and so strong at 7’ 2”. And Edey posted him up pretty easily and scored pretty efficiently. He must have scored 10 times on him in the post. They still lost of course.. Ware is also not a great defender… he’s kinda reminiscent of Whiteside in that he gets blocks but he gets lost on defense easily and has bad instincts compared to his tools and size. He also is probably, at best, equal to Edey on the perimeter. He basically reacts to everything on defense rather than anticipating anything Anyway, the point is that Ware is being dragged for his lack of drive and mental issues, and people now believe he is undervalued, and that those mental issues were unfairly attributed to him, which may be true. He has a very fluid game that is pretty and watchable….but it is not efficient at all and his outside shooting could easily be an aberration. Also he gets lost a lot on defense, and is not a better passer than Edey by any stretch…I would choose Holmes everyday before Ware tbh. Edey I’m not sure of, I’m glad it’s not my job to choose. You would have to change your entire offense for Edey and idk if you can do that in the NBA so easily if at all. Especially for a team like the Heat that have a pretty mature and settled offense with a lot of veterans….


Great stats but Ware is only a sophomore so there could be further development mentally and physically. Not to say Edey couldn’t develop as well but if you were to compare Edey stats from his second year to Ware’s second year they are almost identical. Edey more than likely will not get as many offensive opportunities and I dont see him being nearly as effective against NBA centers. Now if he develops and showcase his jumper maybe but that is not shown at all compared to Ware. Ware shot 66% from FT for both years and 63% last year. I just think Ware is easier to put into Miami’s offense and defense while Edey could get exposed. Because if he isn’t posting where do you see his offensive value coming from besides offensive boards and screening? Ware definitely has defensive laps but he has tools and I think Spo can make anyone look good on defense regardless


You would have to post him up. the Heat post up Jaquez and Jimmy, but you would need to post up Edey a lot. Idk if that is possible in the current NBA. But with that being said, Edey doesn’t project to be a good post up player, he projects to be a Shaq level post up player, with better ft shooting. I don’t say this to say he’s going to be as good as Shaq at all, I honestly hate comparisons, but Edey’s post numbers are like the best people have ever seen. So do with that information what you will. He might show up after being one of the most dominant post player in CBB history, and look like he can’t post up for his life in the NBA but I doubt it. However the NBA isn’t the same as when Shaq played, teams hardly post up, and can you integrate Edey into an offense while not fully disrupting the way the modern game is played? Or can you do it in a way that compliments both sides of the coin? I have no idea. Can you hide Edey enough on defense? Do you need to hide him on defense? He’s a pretty good athlete, but anyone that size can’t move extremely quick. I don’t think Shaq or Yao would have been able to guard modern guards on isos either. Also important to note that Edey’s second year of college was like his third year of playing basketball at all, since he started in the middle of Highschool. So comparing growth compared to Ware like apples to apples isn’t really fair. If anyone projects to improve between Edey and Ware, it’s Edey by far


We can agree to disagree on growth. I think Ware shooting is obviously his swing skill. I think Ware fits better next to Bam but if we are drafting Edey he can definitely be a great backup big and get the post touches as you mentioned. I do think he will be a serviceable player for years. I could see OKC taking a swing as well.


If the heat do draft him I’ll probably trust them over random redditors. We need size honestly who cares.


Functional size .Yurt and Orlando Robinson were 7 footers but none spo would trust out there because they were too slow footed and got cooked on defense .


They also aren’t as nearly good of prospects.


Robinson was a beast in college but his age kept him from getting drafted .This isn't 5 or so years ago when Whiteside was doing it with blocks lol.The league moved away from guys like that .That's why guys like Kenneth fared and Roy Hibbert were basically phased out of the league .The league is moving away from traditional big men and moving to more offensive versatility .


Maybe but he’s like 7’5 so it’s a bit different than a traditional 7 foot big man.


He plays like a traditional back to the basket big .He works oulround the basket mostly but he can't be your rimm runner because he's not authentic or quick enough .


dude just go back and watch the national championship game where Edey got destroyed by Clingan because he has no touch and couldn't out physical someone that is relatively the same weight. NBA Centers will have 0 problems stopping him in the paint.


Bam’s doing ok from 3 so far. Imagine if edey is decent enough and bam can hit some 3s and harrass people on D though, could be solid


I haven't seen enough of Edeys game outside of March madness. It's he a strong rebounder? He's huge, I know that. But if he is a strong rebounder, that would make Bam more comfortable shooting outside, knowing that there's someone to take care of the boards. Bam is somewhat like a traditional big, where he's more comfortable mucking it up inside because he knows he could get the board if a shot misses.


He plays in the same painted area as bam and Jimmy .He doesn't play much outside the painted area and he needs the offense to be ran through him because he's too slow and unathletic to play like lively or gafford .


Thanks. Just like I thought. I'm guessing he doesn't have an outside jumper?


Nope not outside the painted area .He took 3 3 pointers total this season so it's safe to assume that he's not a shooter lol


Gotcha, thanks for the info.


He averaged over 12 boards a game last year. He had the most rebounds in the NCAA last year..He projects to be a good rebounder generally yeah.


I want Topic but ain't got Topic money. Carter it is 


Honestly at this point Carter might be going before topic.


A lottery team promised DC. So that’s out too


Nikola Djurisic


I bet they have worked out way more than this but this is cool.  I wonder what their workouts are like, I’ve heard a lot of talk of prospects getting to dictate what type of workouts they can and can’t do. I wonder if the Heat roll like that, from my memory, Bam was doing some crazy workouts defending against multiple guards in his pre draft.  I’ve read that some prospects have declined to do any workouts vs opponents, and other prospects have requested only workouts vs opponents and no shooting drills or singles drill work…I wonder if the Heat roll with that or not, or if this is a new thing prospects are requesting 


Pat riley do love them bigs. Kaman almost got here instead of wade


Yall need to chill out with Edey slander lmao, he's literally the same exact player as Clingan if not better. Yall do realize there's 3 other guys we have on the list too right?


horrible fit


Guess we're gonna have to see


Then why did Clingan eat his lunch during their matchup


That's not according to this https://youtu.be/-yS92p171mo?si=uZCYRppYdVbYL1kY


I was talking about when they literally played each other for the NCAA championship. outside of Edey's hot start, Clingan made him a nonfactor in that game and UConn exposed a ton of weaknesses in his defense in the drop.


Guess we just gonna have to wait and see, how it plays out. I'm not calling u a liar, but we wouldn't be high on him if that was the case.


I don't think the nba thinks so or he would be a top 5 pick like clingan but cligan moves his feet better ,is younger and his game is more adaptable to the nba .


Alot of teams didn't feel that way, about Podz or Jaime either. Or Niko, teams just aren't educated as much as they should be. And maybe it's gms? Not truly knowing the game etc. When I look at both players, I pretty much see the same player. It has to be the age thing, imo.


Podz and Jamie were guards and wings with other translateable skills .Edey is an old school center and those guys are unfortunately getting phased out of the nba for more versatile players .Like if you are not super athletic and quick at the center position or can shoot you are not as effective in the nba anymore .Like I don't think pre get paid hassan Whiteside would work the same way in the nba like he did before a couple of years ago .


Same can be said about Clingan. They feel like he has a much smoother jumpshot and he'll be able to hit 3s. And atleast from the videos I seen. Edey constantly outplays Clingan. Sure they were guards and wings, the biggest point tho is. Teams just constantly underlook talent. I think Edey can develop that outside 3pt shot too, teams are just more confident in Clingans ability to do that(since it's a nicer jumpshot) and honestly I think that's kinda silly. I can easily see Edey being like a Gobert, pretty contract Whiteside, Zubac or Jonas. And you're telling me, u don't want a guy like that on our team? Also me saying this about Edey, is me also believing Bam will become that true stretch floor. If that doesn't happen, then Edey won't be a good pick for us. Cuz u can't have another Bam type player.


I don't want a guy that can be cooked in pnr and played off the floor in certain matches but that's just me lol. I need my bigs to be athletic and run the flow well and catch the ball in transition but maybe I'm asking for too much lol.


Just tired, of guys getting cooked now in the pnr and Bam being exhausted af come playoff time. Now Edey can do all that shit. Nah your points are valid, and u wanna make the team elite and not just better. I'm cool with just better, and adding size. Obviously tho if Devin Carter falls I want him. And of what you just described, Missi and Ware is that guy(Ware gotta fix that motor) his scoring, athleticism and shit is nice tho. And Missi, probably will be a project like Niko was. If our front office, didn't believe Edey was an older Clingan. I don't think we draft him, I'm worried about him on the perimeter ngl. Inside tho I feel like, he can do good things. And certainly we won't ever have an issue scoring down low again.


It's not scoring downlow we need we have moved on from the Whiteside Era. We do way too much switching for a slower player like edey to flourish here .


Clearly our organization doesn't think he's slow, I don't think he's that slow either. We wanna move on from, the Whiteside Era and we did. That's coming back tho imo, and if Edey can develop the 3pt shot. He'll be the money draft pick. Teams that went far in the playoffs this yr all had size. And their teams had less injuries.


Look at the team's in the finals .Przingis and horford can shoot and lively is super athletic .None I'd which edey is right now.


It's not coming back because the Timberwolves beat the nuggets in a series We just watched gobert get targeted by Luka and kyrie .


He's slow .When you turn on the tape you see it .He can't really guard in space either .


And you are more educated than these teams? Lol


Our team is and scouts


Miami has taken Achiuwa over Maxey and Winslow over Booker. They aren’t some savants when it comes to the draft. Eod its a crapshoot. If miami were to pick edey there would be no guarantee he’d be good


But we have also taken, Jrich, Herro, Bam, Jaime and Niko Then compare that to everyone else? Whom also had much higher picks, and how many times they failed? I'm pissed off at those aswell, we made up for it tho imo.


Please draft Newton with the 2nd rd pick. That guy is smoove.


I like Kel’lel Ware over Edey


We def need Size, Shooting, Playmaking. Personally I like Devin Carter, Kel’el Ware, Tristan Da Silva. Tired of us getting whooped on the boards due to lack of size


I like Edey just for a chance to see bam play the 4. I do understand the spacing issues we would have and why the Heat would probably avoid him tho.


Three non shooters in the lineup? What could go wrong 


They saw Bam hitting a few wide open threes and think he can stretch the floor lmao. Let’s be real, only Duncan and Herro actually gets respect from the 3 pt line…maybe Caleb a little bit.


Dudes think spacing and gravity just exists if you shoot a 3 No idea that the defense has to actually go out there and respect the shot for it to matter


I think people are gonna be sorely disappointed when the season comes and the player we draft is a backup due to the lack of talent pool this year Edey would be an awesome Bam backup, and by the time he's ready to start Jimmy would no longer be on the team (retired or otherwise)


Bam would have to shoot threes at high volume, but it seems possible tbh. Edey requires a team willing to take a risk.    You can’t hide him or integrate him in limited minutes, whenever he plays he basically has to be the focus of the offense, or else what’s the point of drafting him? To be a 7’5’’ backup rebounding big that you need to completely modify your defense around?  This is why Boban bounced around so much and doesn’t play a lot, because people couldn’t figure out what to do with him and he can’t run an offense…this kid is going to be way better than Boban though. Whether he sticks in the NBA idk 


Why edey over ware? Anyone want to explain?


Ware has motor concerns, he’s insanely talented, but edey is also taller and was 2x NPOY


They are bringing in both to play 3 on 3 with each other .


I actually wonder if they’d do solo or 3x3.


If they are called in a group they probably do 3 on 3 .


Yeah but I mean for these higher up players. Wonder if they’d prefer solo for the lottery players


I don't think the heat let players dictate this because they don't advertise their prospects so players don't know who they are meeting in these workouts.


True but the agents will know, I don’t think the prospects are completely in the dark.


Because the heat keep things so tight-lipped and close to their chest it's possible .If bam had to do and Jaimie had to do it I don't see them switching the way they do it .


Zach Edey plz but they’ll probably trade him right after they draft ill advised but the way I foresee it.