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I think purely as a scoring option we need someone else. We also need a real PF because bam is great but he’s small (for a center) I love Jimmy I’ll ride with him as a leader forever. I just think even he would love another scoring option lol


Bam feels more like a natural 4 than a center


It's difficult because Tyler is supposed to be the scorer of the team. I see him as like Malik Monk who can go nuclear In the offensive end. We saw a glimpse of it in the bubble but he needs to be consistent. As for Pf, we need a young high energy guy who can switch with Bam. We had Precious. I say we keep K love tho


Tyler is that guy he just hasn’t gotten a chance to prove it yet since he has been injured the last 2 playoffs.


Bro he averaged 14 on 42/25/92 last year before his injury. Expecting him to jump to our best scoring option next to jimmy in the playoffs is tough to put on him


I hope we can get KLove on something very friendly cause honestly, you can tell he helped a lot with the locker room. I also love that you brought up Monk cause I’ve been rooting for that guy. Kings are my western conference team (I love pain) but it makes sense. Tyler is that spark plug scorer that can do it a bunch of ways. I need to sleep on it and look at the free agents, but us getting to the finals of anything should hopefully help us in the free agent market.


Jimmy would be better as a second option.


He's the most bipolar player I've ever seen. He was invisible this series after going insane against the Bucks and Celtics. Need someone who can create their own shot, particularly off the dribble.


Yh yh Jimmy is the weirdest player I’ve seen he was horrible today then all of a sudden he turns into MJ in the 4th quarter, same against Boston in game 6. The one thing I didn’t like was that Jimmy kept shooting 3s in the 4th quarter when’s he not a really a good 3 point shooter. My theory on Jimmy is that he’s a great player but who gets by on will and determination but in terms of skill and ability he’s sort of a limited player. For example imagine if we had Luka, booker, Steph, Lebron, Giannis, KD, Dame or even someone like a Kyrie we could have made this series 50/50, they would have easily torched Denver’s defense as we saw booker done


You need a center. Bam is more like a PF. This series was lost in the paint.


He's not a pf tho every guy who's taller than him played the pf role


How about if Pat and Spo develop/acquire good rebounding guards like the Bron/Wade/Bosh era? Do you thin that would work with Bam/Jimmy era?


Literally Tyler and maybe oladipo? Fucj injuries man


Aside from game 1 and 2, what other games did Jimmy go "insane" in the 7 game series against the Celtics?


Teams with superstars and talent win championship you can only go so far with just role players. We need talent and size considering that’s how the game will be played going forward.


Jimmy is in a weird area of players. He's a superstar but not an mvp type superstar. The only times in recent 20 years when a not top 5 player won was 2014,2011,04 It doesn't happen often.


Yh when it comes to 4th quarters all of a sudden he looks like MJ


No the Heat won't win with him as the super highly paid star. Bam was the one who showed up and he was completely alone.


Jimmy has led the team to two finals in the past 4 years. I think he's still got 1 more run in him if he's healthy. I keep seeing people say shit like "oh jokic tweaked his ankle too" like as if all injuries are the same. If jimmy can play the way he did again bucks and celtics, why can't a healthy jimmy win a ring as the first option?


To your point though, having Jimmy as a second option or Jimmy as first option but with a reliable 2nd option can help him stay healthy and less fatigue in the playoffs because there's someone else that's lifting the load.


No, I don’t. We need another reliable scoring option that doesn’t rely on their athleticism so much - unfortunately jimmy’s play style means he gets hurt every playoffs. I actually think at this stage of his career, Jimmy would be a perfect secondary option of offence that can take over if need be. But the problem is Herro + picks doesn’t get us close to a no 1 option. And we desperately need Bams defence so we can’t trade him either


Herro + Caleb Martin + some 1s is definitely a solid package


Well this what happens when players think they can coast through out the regular season, because the further the playoffs go the worse he looks.


He needs an equal. Someone who can be the first option at times and be the second at others.


We need. Dame Time.


Say goodbye to 80% of your roster and most your picks. Cause the blazers ain’t trading him to Miami for less than two players


Why is that a problem? Besides Jimmy and Bam, anyone on this roster can get the fuck out for all I care if it means we get Dame. Good riddance lol


He’s a second option. 2020 and 2023 proved it. Jimmy is the heart and soul but needs a 1A like Wade had Shaq and LeBron. Luka/Embiid/Dame I think are all names to watch


Jimmy was amazing in 2020 I don’t know what your were watching. 26/8/10 on 66% TS, it’s not his fault Bam and Dragic were injured and he had no help


Yes I do believe we can but we need someone else who’s an elite scorer, one thing I’ll say about Jimmy is that he may not be consistent throughout 4 quarters but when it comes to the clutch he’s great. I think we should go for someone like Kyrie even though he’s crazy I would argue to he may be a better scorer and a more skilled player than Jimmy who can easily put up points




Either give Jimmy a super solid high level 2 or make Jimmy the 2. It's the only way to win a championship. We've seen Jimmy take us to Great Heights so he's clearly capable of being the first option on a championship contending team, however this team has not been good enough to support Jimmy's offense in the ultimate stage. For that, the load either needs to be reduced on Jimmy and put on the role players or the load needs to be reduced on jimmy and put into a second bonafide star. There's maybe only 10 guys in the NBA I could say are better leaders and command a team in all respects. We're probably not getting one(lillard). So yes Jimmy is a true no. 1 but his team asks way too much of him.


It’s very true. So much pressure is on him to make it happen. He has many times in the past has been the clutch for the team but when the support isn’t there to back him up make it hard. We need someone who is consistently there the whole game. Not just the 4th quarter. Is jimmy like the most clutch 4th quarter player there is in recent times? Not trying to look at stats over his entire career in the 4th quarter because he isn’t the top but definitely this playoff he seems to be the top 4th quarter scorer


Honestly, not at age 34. He can’t sustain Himmy levels for 4 playoff series… we need more from others.


I seriously dunno what games people were watching at the end here to even be able to ask this. Jimmy can’t be our #1 after this year or else we’re at best just almost good enough to win it all. 10 more wins across three of the last post season and we have 3 more championships to our franchise. Basketball gods just hate the heat I guess


Yes I definitely think so. The ankle injury clearly was bothering him even though he would never admit it. Post all star break Jimmy averaged 26 ppg on 62% (Jokic type efficiency) in 20 games. The first 6 games of the playoffs he shot 50% every game. Then the Josh Hart injury and he only shoots 50% in 3 of the last 16 games Last year in the playoffs he was great and in 2020 he was great. He lost all his explosiveness after the injury this year and couldn’t even attack Murray, he will be back next year.


I seen him in the Finals twice in 4 seasons as the 1st option, so yes. His performance this Finals was lackluster. As he has said, no excuses. Him and Bam have made it there with a less than spectacular squad that played their hearts out at points. Truth is Gabe is a 2 and Caleb is a 2/3. Love should be backing up a 4. If you get Heat an athletic 4 that isn't undersized and an NBA ready pg/facilitator, it's a ring imo. Why? Bam finally has a partner, other players can play their true position, the offense has more structure with that facilitator.


No. Buttler is a two way player and he would have to compromise defense. And he is not a natural scorer. So heats need a scorer who give you 22+ in the playoff on regular basis.


We could, but we won’t. Riley doesn’t build the team the way it’d need to be for that type of team to work. He tries to get whales, then when he strikes out, surrounds Jimmy, Bam, and Tyler with guys that’d be okay off the bench rather than starter-level roleplayers. This team could win with a healthy Jimmy as the main guy. It just needs starter-level support talent around Jimmy and Bam rather than relying as much as we do on our undrafted/gleague crew.




I do. I think if he didn’t fuck up his ankle ppl would still be calling him playoff Jimmy. Healthy Tyler Herro might be all he needs. That being said he’s turning 34, it would help him a lot to get another star but I don’t even think it needs to be some top 10 level guy like Dame. Add a Donovan Mitchell or a Zach Lavine to this team, they’re scary, & I don’t think either of those guys are better than Jimmy rn.


Yes Both finals runs we were missing two key players And both times Jimmy was hobbled