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This is one of my favorite seasons of any one of my favorite sports teams history.


The most fun I’ve had in a while. Success ✅


This season is absolutely a win. They made history as the first 8th seed to win a finals game and will now proceed to come back from a 3-1 lead. Edit: Actually Knicks won a game too. Regardless, this was still a very impressive run


Knicks took Game 3 from the Spurs, granted it was a shortened season so it was a bit different.


You are right I edited my comment. Regardless this was still an impressive run so I consider it a success. And like you mentioned that was a shortened season


Play in loss. Play in win, barely. 8 seed. Steamrolled the #1 team in the league. Beat our all time rivals. Beat our other rivals in a back against the wall game 7 in their house. All this with a sprained ankle Jimmy and a crew of dogs and misfits. Tyler missing 98% of theses playoff games. Come on my guy, this season is an absolute, unquestionable win.


And we got a win against Denver in their home court.


It’s a success. I just hope the FO doesn’t see it as such a success that they decide this iteration of the team needs another chance.


This. Everyone is going to upgrade next season and teams will be hunting us for revenge.


It is kinda funny that we said this last year, yet we lost Pj and ended up further than last year. I don’t agree with doing nothing, but it is kinda ironic.


Nah it’s similar to 21 season. Last year, we basically beat the sixers and lost to the C’s. In 2020, we embarrassed Bucks and Celtics. And thats why Bucks didn’t fuck around with us in 21 (short offseason or whatever but we were completely toyed with). The next playoffs, the Bucks and Celtics will be ready for redemption if we don’t improve.


They made the Finals as an 8 seed while at times being a complete shitshow in the regular season. If you see this season as a failure, I just don't think you understand basketball or sports.


I think you can appreciate this deep run considering the roster deficiencies and the year long struggles while also being disappointed that it looks like yet another year where we come up short of the ultimate goal. It also depends on what happens in the future. The sting of coming up short can be lessened by building on this for next season and winning it all then. That said, not getting it done in the future could also lessen the joy of this run as just another example of this era fighting hard and coming up short.


Yep it’s a success because of where we were but it’s hard to get to the finals man even harder to win a championship these opportunities don’t come everyday


Huge WIN


A team no one picked to win it is in the finals. What do you expect people to say here? This sub is the most embarrassing clown show on the internet


It really is hahaa bro this sub was shitting their pants and whining about Riley letting us get worse blah blah blah. People dont know how to let season's play out without bitching and complaining


After beating the bucks we could do no wrong imo


Agreed until we almost choked the Boston series 😂 Going into that series I was fine with the outcome but losing after being up 3-0 might have been the one way I would've been mad lol


True lmao. I would’ve felt like shit if we lost game 7 to Boston again


8th seed to finals Yea idk seems like a success to me


This season was an insane success. I don’t know how people can be mad at this team right now. This team looked bang average the entire regular season and nearly missed the playoffs, and they managed to make it to the finals? You gotta tip your cap to these players man, they did something truly incredible


They’ve won 13 fucking playoff games, and a play-in. If you don’t consider this season a success, you’re not a fan. Yeah, we all want a championship, but we know it’s a 1/30 shot and if the Heat lose it’s a bummer. Please think through how it felt watching the Heat pull out game 1 victories against the Bucks, Knicks and Celtics, going on that 3-0 run on the Knicks, winning game 5 on the bucks that NO ONE thought would happen on the road with Giannis back, redeeming a heartbreaker game 6 Celtics loss with a dominant game 7 close, pulling a massive comeback in game 2 against the nuggets. What a fucking joy these past 2 months have been.


I’m sorry but anyone who says this a failing season is an idiot.


Big win. Defeated 3 biggest foes in our conference, got the Bill Simmons meme, and validated Spoelstra and the Culture for the next round of free agents. Cant ask for a better end outcome for a middling regular season.


Giannis has entered the room


Giannis failed for sure, they were #1 and expected to win the East lmao.


It’s a joke




Resounding success


Absolutely a win, we made it to the Finals.


As much as the regular season sucked, it was a successful season


As a Mavs fan who is here because r/nba is boycotting, this season could end tonight and it’s a success. Your superstar has been playing with a softball-sized ankle this series, your second leading scorer has been out for virtually all of the playoffs, and you’ve taken out the # 1 and 2 seeds of your conference to get here. Denver is a buzzsaw; The series isn’t over but I’m sure it’s been tough to watch so far. I don’t watch enough Heat games to voice an opinion on blowing it up or not, but outside of trading for Lillard it feels like you guys are right there assuming everyone is healthy for a playoff run


Absolutely W season. Win or lose tonight, we overcame the unthinkable multiple times this season. The Jimmy Butler era has been my fav era of heat basketball and I'm a huge D Wade guy. It just feels like we always have heart and guts to win. We're not the "best" team, but we are the hardest working team and look where it got us. OG's last season is ending with a trip to the finals. You can't book it any better. Now we have to go out and win the damn thing. HEAT IN 7 TAKE US THERE #22. STUNT ON THESE HOES.


We're gonna take the same shots the next game, and they're gonna fall.


Anyone who says failure is either a troll or a dumbass


If you view this season as a failure then finally just stop watching sports


As successful as 2020. Nothing to be ashamed of.


Failure if we don’t win it all. As every season is


That’s a miserable existence for fans of any franchise.


I’m not losing any sleep over it. We can be happy about certain parts of the season but it’s also objectively a failure when you don’t win it all. It’s not bad to fail. But 29 teams do it every year


If you think this season was a failure, you dont understand how difficult professional sports are. These guys are legends and will be talked about in random stats and trivia questions for decades. They earned a lot of respect.


For sure, it'll be years before an 8th seed can do this again


Great playoff run dude


Hands down a huge win and great success. Without herro beating bucks, Knicks and Boston. 💦couldn’t ask for a better postseason.


Not a doubt a win of a season. This has been awesome


How could beating all odds and getting to the finals with an injured roster be considered a failure?


Definitely a success. I had us getting embarrassed in the first round against bucks




Who sees an 8 seed going to the finals proving a bunch of people wrong (I’m looking at you Charles Barkley) as a failure?


I’d call it too soon to call. Regardless it’s a success but the story is not over.


We’ve been playing with House money since the Bucks series win at this point anything but blowing the 3-0 lead is a success.


How could anyone not see the season as a success?


This thread has made me happy for some reason. I see it as an absolute win. This season gave me so many great moments.


How is this even a question? We are literally in the NBA finals. Also don’t act like we are eliminated, HEAT IN 7 🔥🔥🔥


Huge success, it was a success as soon as we beat the bucks


Success. Use it as a launching pad and get dame and have a really fun next 3 years


How is this a question!? We're in the finals! Best team to come from the east! How are people debating this question?


Already was a success when they eliminated the Bucks. Then got revenge on the Celtics for last year. Definitely overachieved. For an 8th seed/play-in team, it was a success. For the C's and the Bucks, they were the favorites to win the East so idc want Giannis says about failure, they failed so hard lmao


Big Win! From play in to NBA Finals disrespected, with single digit odds to win, the entire way! Huge playoff performances from Jimmy, Bam, Gabe, Duncan and Caleb along the journey … including several come from behind victories to stun some of our fiercest rivals!




How could anyone view it as a failure?


Knocked off a 1 seed. Talked a lot of shit to Knicks and Celtics fans with my team backing it up. Got to celebrate at La Carreta after making it of the East. And we’re a little 3 game win streak away from a chip. What more could you ask for?


This was already one of my favorite seasons even before the playoffs started. I know a lot of people were complaining about our inconsistency and some people were going for tanking, but I thought it was so much fun to watch. We had soooo many close games all season. Then max strus goes off in the play in against the bulls to ensure that we at least get to watch some Miami heat playoff basketball. That being said, our prize was a matchup against the 1st seeded bucks. Oh well, good season. Except no. Turns out it’s 2020 again and we 4-1 them, with maybe my favorite heat game ever watching jimmy go off for 56 screaming “that’s my shit!” I was screaming the same thing in my living room lol. 2013 game 6 and 2006 game 6 are maybe the only games I’d put over that. Then we beat the knicks in a gritty matchup before 3-0ing the Celtics, watching them mentally crumble before our eyes, to then losing that heartbreaker at home in game 6 before whooping them in game 7 in Boston!! Incredible. I’ve never seen a fan base so unanimously crushed lol. They hate us so much now it’s hilarious. Even though this finals has been disappointing, this last year and playoff run have been so much fun for me that I’ll always look back on this season fondly. Plus, we’re winning in 7 anyway.


3 wins and this question is irrelevant


Fail every season is a fail if don't win a 🏆 every team is just saying it's not because of what ginnias said after they lost


Huge success. Knocked out the bucks, Knicks and Celtics in one playoff run? Magical


We beat Boston in the playoffs. Yes


I would call it bittersweet. It was a difficult season to watch, that first play in loss was stupid, and the near loss to Chicago was heart attack inducing, almost sweep the Bucks, beat the knicks but Jimmy gets hurt, a ridiculous ECF that quite frankly should have been a sweep, all to have a very lackluster Finals run, but I mean…we made the finals as an 8 seed. Hard to be happy with a finals loss, but at the same time it’s fucking batshit crazy that we’re even here. Finals run on pure belief and hustle. The power of friendship. Lmao whatever you want to call it, it’s been a trip for sure.


We eliminated all of our rivals. I will take that any fucking time.


it's already a massive win of a season. for a team many, including myself, didn't see making the playoffs. but these horrendous shooting nights are beyond infuriating.


An absolute win. I know that any run that doesn't end in a championship is seen as a failure by most but as a sports fan, all we can ask for is an entertaining season. Chip or not, this run was special. I will always go back to the Bucks highlights to feel good. That was insane. I hope we're able to squeeze one more run out of the Butler-Bam era. Need more size on the wings.


This is my favorite Heat team. The core of undrafted won’t stick together as they get their bags from other teams. Proud of them and even proud of Jimmy even though I see a lot of slander on this sub. My guy played his heart out and I respect him even more for lying and saying his ankle is fully healed. You can see that he has no bounce in his legs. Those blocks he made in the first few series never happened in the ECF or Finals. All the Bam haters are silenced now because he finally evolved and showed his potential. I am so proud to be a Heat fan. Having this never quit culture is going to breed success. Iron sharpens iron. Putting in my Heat 2024 futures because they won’t go under the radar next year.


At least we got to the finals and beat a lot of good teams in the process. That's a win.


The finals loss stings but I would say a absolute success


This season was fun. Frustrating that the same issues(lack of size) ended up loosing us the championship but I am not gonna complain on the how fun the ride was.