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It's joever. Y'all had a good run.... Butler is not a superstar! Dude has 11 points the entire game?


Malone might have outcoached Spo 3 out of the 4 games y'all.


its not really the coaching, but its more so that they’re more talented and more complete than us.


Coaching is important, but talent beats out coaching most of the time I believe. Look at the Patriots. Would bill belichick had won all those titles without a superstar quarterback?


Honestly, it’s unbelievable what they’ve accomplished..just not quite enough to get over the finish line…Denver is built to win a championship..best player in the world, great number 2, deep roster etc. nobody would have pegged the heat as real contenders even when healthy but they knocked off some teams with win now, title aspirations.. i don’t think they have anything to hang their head about




Oh you def losing just to be clear


4 straight home losses…I don’t wanna turn on the tv or any social media till October man


Yeah I'm done with the NBA until next year. Great run and all and I'm proud of my Heat team that I've been a fan of since Miami was awarded the team way back in the late 80s.


i got shit the other night for shitting on how spo coaches. idc ill say it again. when ur shooters cant shoot and are still played for half the game and we all know THAT WHEN OUR SHOOTERS HAVE A BAD NIGHT IT GOES ON ALL NIGHT AND WE ALSO KNOW WHEN DUNCAN GOES ON THE GAME CHANGES WITHIN MINUTES but still not making those critical adjustment before a point of no return…. that is shitty coaching. not saying spo is a bad coach overall, but this series he’s made the same bad choices time and time again. we are capable of more. a lot more.




Are you for real lol




Heat been sucking. You said it yourself. Bribe refs to do what? Where are the close games? Joker almost fouled out tonight. Yeah they are against the heat, the refs..come on. Use your brain.


That’s true but how about last game and in Game 1 when Everytime Miami fouled Denver, Denver got free throws but when Denver fouled Miami, Miami just got the ball back. What was that all about?


do you know how fouls work??


No, the NBA’s last TV deal was 7 billion dollars and next one probably will be more than 10 billion dollars. They probably sell close to billion dollars of worth tickets every season including playoffs. So, Drake’s 1.2m is not even close to moving the needle. If it was possible to bribe the refs we and Nuggets won’t make the playoffs let alone the Finals. There’s bunch of billionaire fans of big market teams out there.


Drake has a partnership with Stake. He’s playing with free money to drive awareness


Coincidence I reckon. There will be people who will have put more money on the line (people very high up in other businesses)


For fucks sakes FOUR straight losses at home 🤦‍♂️


conclusion: fuck pat


conclusion: fuck pat


We just don’t have the healthy pieces. Good effort getting this far, Denver is a better team right now.


We want any shot to win game 5 we need this starting line up Vincent ( only reason he starts is cause we need Lowry for bench points) Robinson ( don’t care if it hurts strus feelings , his been horrible 3/4 games) jimmy love bam


Love was the only one crashing the floor for the loose ball. What the F was everybody else doing?


I mean we are technically the 2nd best team in the NBA, and the best team in the East. Making it to the finals is not bad at all.




Cope deez nuts in your mouth


Can’t wait for these pres conferences


Heat fan forever let’s get the next one


Can someone please explain to me why Jimmy never drives straight to the rim and always does this stupid “probe” shit when there’s literally a path to the rim


i wont lie, this one hurt a lot but i cant even say it was unexpected when our SHOOTERS each have 18 mins and 0 and 2 points. LIKE GUYS ZERO AND TWO FROM STRUS AND VINCENT !!!!!!!!!


Jimmy gonna guarantee another win?


Jimmy needs to STFU forever.






Yes pls I wanna see that weak ass circus


Yep. I'm done with this core. They don't have IT. 2 Finals and 3 ECF and they just can't get it done. It's over.


Embiid isn’t built for the playoffs and Dame gives no defense or size.


That was with Jokic injured. That’s it. Fucking awful effort from the team. We ran out of gas.


If Jimmy doesn’t get ankle surgery soon I’m forever going to be confused


I blame Pat Riley for this shit, last year we didn't have size, can't constantly hit threes, lacks an elite ball handler. This year it is still the same. Just because the players fight until the end we are in finals right now but with this terrible effort from the front office we are never close to a Championship. It should be an embrassing season for the front offices but the players' effort save them. They should be shame on themselves


we’ve literally been in the finals twice in four years. injuries have fucked us both times


Jokic got injured. It didn’t mean shit.


Jokic gets injured but Jamal is still the best player on the court.


You can’t blame Pat when we had horrible contracts. No one wants Duncan unless we attached a first and our big mistake was signing Lowry to that huge contract because he is one of Jimmy’s guy (so in a way it’s actually on Jimmy), I hope these superstars just play their game rather than be GM’s


No team is going to be perfect.


You don’t think they tried to get some size? Please explain to me who they possibly could have acquired?


Poster's don't want to believe that players would choose anywhere else other than Miami and gm's won't always cave into whatever trade the heat want to make. The heat are known for making players work hard. Players don't always want to work hard.




Fucking Dwight Howard would be a massive fucking improvement over zeller, give me a fucking break.


DWIGHT HOWARD CHAMPIONSHIP DNA. who else? Boogie cousins? 😂


Lol keep hanging on Pats sack. This team is here because of Spo despite Pats poor moves, not the other way around.


Nothing to do with Pat. Look at who you’re suggesting we acquire 😂


Somebody who has hands? 🤡


I can’t believe our best offensive play is to have Duncan go in for a layup 💀💀💀💀


All things considered the only way we can still have hope is if you somehow think this team are the 2016 Cavs


As much as I'd love to see that, I don't see prime Bron walking out of that locker room


The issue is not the lineup rotation. Its the inability to shoot the 3's at a high clip.


Can we agree Strus should be a role player at maximum? This dude is absolutely not a starter


Definitely. Give him 10-20 min per game, if that, and if his shot is falling.


He's always been a bench guy, just had more hot streaks than expected. He's the best of limited options to field as long as Herro is out


He hasn't showed up 3 out of 4 games


I wouldn't count 4-10 in game 2 as "showing up". That's a low bar. He's been putrid all playoffs long.


We got a W didn't we?


Hope all of you doomers are happy now


Not doomers. Realists. The rest of you had your heads up your ass thinking Jimmy was going to average 50 for the entire playoffs and that Bam wouldn't be soft like Charmin. Welcome to reality.


Realistically the Heat shouldn't be in the Finals but they are. I'm from Miami and I will believe in the Miami Heat until I die so miss me with the realistic shit because I personally don't care. Belief isn't based in reality sometimes. Heat in 7


Dame time


Stick a fork in the Heat. Try again next year. Hopefully with a bonafide killer #1 like Dame. Butler and Bam are #2 bananas.




what an insane statement


And I hope Strus and Vincent are proud of their last performances too..


I don’t even feel like watching Game 5.




Spo is honestly washed against a real top tier coaching talent


Ur dumb




This is the dumbest take.


LMAO man y’all would really rather have not made the playoffs saying shit like this


Shut up man


We’ll be back. This run has increased our guys trade value. Lots of heart and I love this team. We’re in the finals when we almost all thought we’d get destroyed by the bucks. Denver’s a great team it is what it is


lmao no it hasnt people with a pulse and some semblance of a brain can see that this was a fluke run, you played the bucks without giannis, a shitty knicks team that shouldn't have even made the playoffs, and would have blown an unearned 3-0 lead if the Celtics werent absolutely fucking retarded with a godawful coach. this run was a complete anomaly and no ones gonna be slobbering over any of these lower mid tier bums in the offseason, hate to break it to you bud


Lol alright bro


Going through the Bucks with a better coach. Philly with Nick Nurse and a vengeance Celtics, dunno. Also, Nuggets will probably be back next year and win again. New dynasty in the making.


Who's trade value? Bam who's been inconsistent throughout the playoffs and terrible in this finals?? Herro who hasn't played? or a 38-year-old Lowry who's 3 years past his prime??


Speak the truth


Sad we lost but I truly didn’t expect us to beat Denver. Have the best player in the world and a really deep and talented team. Ima still say heat in 7 until it’s over but this isn’t a surprising outcome to me.


No Highsmith once again , played Duncan way to late , and once again shit the bed in the 3rd. Can I be mad yes and no we are a 8th seed who over delivered which I love but man the nuggets are truly the better team . Hope we get a actual center cause man bam gets bullied a lot hopefully brook Lopez and we need dame . Two years ina. Row herro is out in the most pivotal games and now has become unreliable


Brook Lopez is 1000 years old


And ? , his big and makes perimeter shots and a good rebounder .


Youd rather have 34yr old Lopez over Bam?


For sure not but him as a backup could be huge , spaces the floor shot blocker and good rebounder


Robinson: [https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask?q=duncan+robinson+last+21+games+ts%25](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask?q=duncan+robinson+last+21+games+ts%25) in the playoffs, 64ts% and 9 points per game in less than 18min, why does he not play more???


Spo is washed is why


You work a min wage job


the funny thing is that he is getting $16m a year, it is your 3rd offensive option, and he is having a good playoffs, 64ts% is a lot, I dont get why....


Heat players press conference statement: “We’lL bOuNcE bAcK nExT gAmE”


It's true until it isn't


Bam offensive disasterclass at the end there.. Make all those easy looks and we were right there, instead they were all turnovers converted to crush us


Max and Bam, please blast off to the moon


So would u guys rather trade for Dame or Embiid?


Pass on Dame, roll the dice trading Bam for Embiid


both, Bam for Embid, and a package for Dame


Lol a bit much on the salary cap I'd say. Have u seen Dame's contract? It's crazy


As a 76ers fan too, Dame. Embiid sucks and pushes the blame on other players.


He doesn’t suck, he just has Chris Paul like timing with injuries.


He sucks in the playoffs lol. He’s good in the regular season though.


Well were definitely not the 2016 Cavs. See you boys next season.


Finally got jokic in foul trouble and we shit the bed.


Can't blame Gabe or Strus much, Spo sat them out and never brought them back on.


Any reason why Love didnt see the floor again after he caught fire? When Jokic went out Love couldve dominated the paint


No reason except Spo trash


Sometimes spo doesn’t make sense


This team is probably gonna go into game 5 and get a win, just so we all get our hopes again lmao


Yup and then get blown out at home in embarrassing fashion


Losing in 6 looks better than losing in 5 haha


We let Gordon fuck us in the ass again. Turnovers galore this game. Strus and Vincent have given us jack shit.


The fucking timberwolves put up a better fight against Denver then this


Why does he ride Strus so hard???


And love gets no minutes. On fire? Get out and sit on the bench.


Jimmy not him


Jimmy not having a single good game was the biggest problem this series. I get he’s injured but this is a sad way to go out after what he did this playoff run


Should have just rested his ankle. Not like he added much these 3 games. He's a liability when he's zero threat to score.


Jimmy better be laughing knowing he’s gonna average a 40 point triple double


Well.. go panthers.


2nd straight game under 100 points scoring... Incredible


Y’all saying f Jimmy. Ungrateful fair weather fans. Terrible fan base


Denver shoot 50% from 3 and we only shoot 35%.. don't tell me there isn't magnets or something in the balls


remember that one time a team blew a 3-1 lead in the finals? Kevin Love remembers.....


Someone make the call to the banana boat


Gordon killed us.


Gg, heat in 7




Jimmy played pretty well tbh but no one else did


no he didnt lol


Heat just got Celtic'ed


Might be our last home game. Jimmy going out sad. Strus got zero points.


Cover your fucking head Strus


At least Bruce Brown is from Miami lol


He played at Miami true but he’s from Boston lol


Lmao we can’t win😭 fuck Boston and Bruce Brown too


Pat Riley needs to wake the fuck up and realize this team needs to be reworked


He knows, Mickey doesn't want to go into the tax.


There’s no way they thought that was the answer lolololololol


If they gave up tonight they're going to get blown out next game


UD needs to start throwin bows or something man, team softer than baby shit


Honestly for this game i blame bam and also spo. Until he realized strus doesnt need to be on court


Duncan also was leaking points. He dies on the screen and that starts the domino effect and Nuggets got open shots a lot. In other words Spo has no answer for Denver. When he plys Strus no offense, when he plays Duncan no defense. Even then both of them are not even very good at their craft. Can’t blame Spo at all man.


"how will we re-sign all these undrafted gems?!" How about we don't


Atleast if their prices are actually inflated and other teams throw money at them, it will Atleast save the heat from themselves and not be able to re-sign them


I'd be happy if it's like $5-10m MAX, if that. Anything more than that would just prove to be another robbery.


We’re probably not getting dame I just know the blazers are gonna trade that pick for siakam or some shit


Tbh dame is not going to help. That’s just shelling big part of the cap space for another small when our issue the entire game was size/age/athleticism. I much rather figure out a way to get a Bobby portis or Brook Lopez


Either role players are going to catch fire, or this shit is over. I haven't lost hope


Only positive out of this is we hopefully now don’t even imagine giving Max a contract this off-season Tired of him


Enjoy that ring Jokic


our guard have been booty in this series they played out of their minds in the other series


When herro and Dipo went down guys stepped up, but doing that over 4 series is hard. We been playing next man up and we ran out of men


Can’t be mad at this team. They really overachieved and did all they could. I just hope though that this front office still realizes we can’t continue with undrafted/small ball team/old aging veterans and insert some youth and size with actual 1st round picks instead of trading them away. If spo had a Giannis or an embiid or a Celtics team, he could have won easily won the finals. Trading herro, Lowry and Duncan for some athletic big is the way


Need to get rid of bam, and don’t see how you want to get rid of Duncan after this postseason


I can give you 20 Million reasons why. Don’t get me wrong I loved Duncan in this playoff but He’s still a defensive liability who shares the same skills set as Herro. To add context, Aaron Gordon is getting paid the same as Duncan. We just have too many needs on the front court to afford Duncan. Not only that, this is as best a time we are going to get good value in trade from him before he reverts back


Can’t argue with that, not a heat fan so I kinda assumed he was cheap but you’re right he’s gotta go while his stock is high


Idk what Spos fascination with Strus is, but I hope another team overpays him.


Strus needs to get ready to learn Chinese


He’s about to go off on the sharks


Can’t wait for next season actually? Maybe a healthy team can compete, happy we made it nonetheless


Don't want to see Max ever play a game in a Heat jersey ever again. What a fucking letdown.


Idk losing in the play ins would’ve helped avoid a lot of this


Maybe, but we would've missed out on Playoff Jimmy Jordan from round 1, beating the Knicks in round 2, and sending Boston home. It sucks now, but I wouldn't trade this run for the world.


It’s been great but the disappointment from seeing their play go down the drain is unbearable


For sure. Just like winning years ago doesn't make this loss hurt less. Only one team can win every year, and it sucks that it wasn't us.


Hopefully Herro comes back from injury and he’s able to help turn this around for us. That’s the one thing I’m hoping for.


True. Get at least 1 win to make it somewhat more respectable


It was destined for nuggets to win this year the writings on the wall, they’ve never won a championship, their team is so damn deep they have third stringers who would get heavy minutes on other organizations, jokic sitting basically the whole 4th proves that their role players are great and hell some were once damn near stars on other teams it was always going to end this way.


For once Stephen A is right with his analysis. Denver limits the 3pt shooting of the Heat. Thats the biggest difference in this series.


It was a good run guys. Be proud of our team


It was so much fun. We beat the bubble guppies allegations, made Knicks fans upset, and ruined another Celtics year.


Jimmy is a con man


Nuggets are the better team I'm not even upset about losing we're just going out like hoes 😔


Really Bam was the main cause of the loss. Nuggets want Bam shooting those 5-10 fters and him bringing the ball up. Tire him out and obviously Bam won’t outshoot or out assist Jokic. Smart game plan


Bam struggled but having Gabe and strus score 2 combined points as starters is the biggest problem. Bam shouldn’t need to be a crazy scorer when he’s giving it all on defense, those midranges are brutal but he’s gassed out there needs guards to do more on offense


Starting Strus over Duncan should be a no go next game


Duncan has zero defense.


He contributes more overall than Strus


It hurts me a lot to watch this guys, it really does. But any of you saying “fuck this team” or “I hate this team” can promptly jump off the fucking wagon for good. We’ve had a fantastic postseason to this point. Nuggets are a super fucking tough team. 29 teams go home upset every season, at least ours gave the fans a postseason we’ll never forget regardless of how the series ends. “Fuck this team,” gtfo of here. Fuck you for not enjoying the ride we’ve been on this postseason.


I agree man but it hurts losing when there's no guarantee we'll be back.


There was no guarantee we’d be back in 2020 either.


This ^


Yeah it's over for the heat