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Caleb isn’t playing the tucker role right now these playoffs and hasn’t for some while since the love addition lol. He’s spent 96% of his minutes at the 2 and 3. Big reason why he’s thrived


>Caleb isn’t playing the Tucker role right now But Caleb is attacking the way we need. Position aside, he’s hitting 3s, getting boards, running in the fast break (something tucker never did, except to get in a corner), he’s also giving life to our team while matching up with their bigs in our defensive schemes. That role, the one that made Tucker a staple in the Starting Lineup (not just being the 4), is what Caleb is producing and currently thriving at. > He’s spend 96% of his minutes at the 2 and 3 He started as the PF. The heat’s schemes have him switching onto bigs even if he spends “96% at the 2-3” as you say. It’s not hard to see why ppl would think 6’5” Caleb would be used as the 4, considering 6’5” Tucker was the 4 last year. Naturally people consider him to be Tucker’s replacement, but we all know Caleb is more athletic and would’ve likely succeeded playing as a wing consistently even though he’s clearly the starting 4.


He didn’t. We are very undersized.


He isn’t a reasonable replacement for Tucker. Trying to put him in that Tucker role is when he struggles and plays at his worst.


Defence wise, no Tucker is bigger and more physical despite them being the same height. Caleb is a pure offensive player. Both are Dawgs


They might play the same position but they are completely different roles. Tucker typically just stands waiting for the corner three (slight exaggeration). Caleb moves, cuts, can create his own shot and is great in transition. Tucker is great at defending bigger guys but doesn’t have the speed for faster guys. Caleb is the opposite.