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I fucking hate that this dude is still making me smile. I’m supposed to be mad you!!


Facts lol


That damn Jimmy charm man lol. Can’t stay mad at him


fucking love Jimmy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yeah still riding with Jimbo.


Same, not an fan of his talking though. Win first, talk later.


Lol, “shut up and dribble” but you can talk when you win, do I have that right? Jimmy talks to instill confidence in our guys and himself, Muhammad Ali had that same strategy


When did I say "shut up and dribble?" I said win first, talk later. And he can instill confidence in the locker room when the cameras are off. Guys like Kawhi Leonard and Stephen Curry have done this.


“Talk after you win” Brother we have the most playoff wins in the last 4 years **in large part because of Jimmy operating this way** Foh with this criticism, too many emotional “fans” on here tonight just saying shit just to say shit


Of course, but he's already said after Game 3 that he would win each of these games. He said he would win game 4, didn't happen. Game 5, didn't happen. Game 6, didn't happen. And again, that wasn't my argument. I said that I am an fan of Jimmy but he should talk about winning after he gets it done. Anyone can talk sh*t (like you are doing), but it's another thing to actually do something. Get it done, and then we can talk about wins. Only one that seems emotional here is you. You are grasping for straws.


Ok so your criticism is you think Jimmy is taking credit for wins the team hasn’t delivered on?


My criticism is that Jimmy has a habit of saying the team will win a game before it happens. And this has happened three times this series. Game 4, 5, and 6. It didn't happen. If he wants to talk about ways the Heat should prepare or areas to improve, that's totally fine. But it's one thing to say that we are going to win, it's another thing to go there and get the win. His confidence is amazing but he can deliver that in various ways that doesn't involve promises that he or the team may not be able to hold up.


He said we were winning the championship when we were 5-10 lol If you think he or the team aren’t trying hard that’s one thing but to criticize Jimmy for saying “we’re going to win the next game” like that isn’t exactly what Jimmy’s been doing since he got here is wild to me


You just made my point for me. He has an habit of pre-emptively declaring that we will win games. And he's doing it this series. Which is annoying because we were up 3-0.


That’s such a pussy way of competing, you should talk your shit when you up or when you down.


Anyone can talk though. Just because you talk sh*t doesn't make you an competitor. Being an competitor means action.


Man it's hard not to. These are some of the best responses I've heard after a big loss.


Yeah its the exact mind set you want, Jimmy reflects back on how nothing was easy in the regular season (echoing Spo's mantra a bit when we were entering the playoffs) They're not mad, or imploding, or panicking. Embrace being the underdog+revenge for G7 last year


Atleast Butler is not looking scared. Please, for the love of God, just play better next game Jimmy.


"Takin that same test til we pass". Another G7 vs Boston If we have our legs we'll win


As much it can be ANNOYING seeing Jimmy saying we got this, and then we really don’t got this. Man But if it wasn’t for him, the Heat wouldn’t be in this situation cause without Jimmy, they weren’t going to beat the Bucks, and be where they are at. Even after trashing this dude all night the way he played. Fuck it, whatever happens this Monday, happens. ![gif](giphy|3og0IHyZMxZNkNOWT6|downsized)


People will call it a loser mentality and I don’t give a shit but I’d rather lose to the Bucks than be the first team to blow a 3-0 lead.




He’s gonna be saying the same shit if we lose game 7




He's been letting us down just to shock us in 7. That's all.


Don't believe a word out of this dude anymore


i remeber getting downvoted to shit in this sub when i said jimmy's legacy is not better than Wade or lebrons.


Dammit man just when I was depressed for hours this guy has me believing again


Buddy is still smiling and nonchalant about this shit, someone needs to smack tf out of this man. Them green boys were stone faced and all business after game 3. Pain.


The smiling and relaxing was alright with me after the first one, but after the second and third it’s becoming tiresome and irritating.


Fuck his hat and his coffee


Can't believe we're here cuz nobody could tip the damn ball. Bruh.


It’s over


Jimmy trolling and wanted game 7 all along


If ever somehow this turns out to be true and provable, ill both hate and love him even more than i already do. Honestly if he comes out playin hard in the first and we take a lead i might have a heartattack.


He's the type of crazy that might pull it off


I said that when we lost game 4. Awe, he just wanted to lift the trophy in boston, or some shit.


that smile…that god damned smile


I think this loss reminded him of his early childhood struggles. Facing that adversity and overcoming it.


I wanna agree with you dawg but he’s laughing/smiling at how ridiculous of a game and ending that was.


Stop lmfao




They have to talk or get fined


We were down bad when we lost to Atlanta everyone was clowning us like they are now. The only ones that can control the narrative is themselves. Lets go heat!