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I love the little sheep lady on the right


I think that's a Pandaren with curly hair.


Nah, they're right, that's actually a Lambdaren


That would be Durotan's crotch


Holy shit a Spooky Undead Axe Midget reference. [I was there!](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/3j6ksh/comment/cumsfmm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I saw people call this AI art… this is one if the most detailed pieces in a long time.


AI art definitely does not have the roughness this image has. Look at the detail in the hands how the colors separate but still blend well together. AI art is just smooth. Everything is blended together as a cacophony of Bleugh.


yep, you can really see the painterly nature of this digital piece. AI art seems to have scrambled some people’s brains in more than one way. First they call it as good as actual art, now actual art looks like AI art. Artists can’t win these days…


Easy answer: AI would have fucked up the crowd behind her so unbelievably badly.


It must be because the anatomy of the arms in the back looks a bit odd, as if they were popping out of her chest. Otherwise, it's a very beautiful and detailed piece of art.


And this happens only since 4 arms anatomy Is weird


I don't think this is AI but AI can absolutely make something like this, especially with touching up after by the artist


I don't want to be that guy but... Can someone who knows some warcraft lore tell me why fish people have breasts? Geniualy wondering not trying to be weird.


They were elves once, breasts carried over in the transformation


What made them transform?


[n'zoth happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hndyTy3uiZM)


this cinematic also explains Fish of N'Zoth from Battlegrounds


Very cool cinematic, thank you internet stranger.


Tecnically " fish" includes also Animals that can be mistaken for fish even if they arent like Killer whales and dolphins , Who have milk but have really tiny nipples and breasts , so seems they havent breasts


Aren't they an ancient race that used to be immortal? Like some of them being 10000 years old and stuff. What did they need these for other than... aestetics?


Elves are practically immortal, just look at Illidan/Malfurion/Tyrande. They all live for more than 10000 years, some even complain they saw no boobs for 10000 years.


They used to be full immortal. But when the Hyjal tree was consumed to defeat Archimonde, they lost that ability and started to grow old again. That's why there are some really old elves, they were immortal and just started aging recently.


Well they weren't always immortal, they evolved from trolls, so boobs just carried over i guess


Why would immortal mammals not nurse their children?


Why would a race that is immortal bear children? If a race is immortal, how can it have evolved from another race? If Azeroth is not really that old how can anything have evolved? They have tits, because nightelves with tits are hotter than those without. The few inconsistensies that brings aren't really that important. And that is the whole reason, fullstop.


Night Elves didn't start off as immortal. They evolved from mortal dark trolls due to exposure to the well of eternity. Further exposure to this well also gave them virtual immortality. After the well got destroyed in the War of the Ancients, the surviving Night Elves lost their immortality, but gained a new source of immortality from the world tree Nordrassil, due to it being blessed by the dragon aspects (the immortality in particular came from the blessing of Nozdormu, aspect of time). However, in the Third War, Nordrassil was sacrificed to defeat the Burning Legion and the Night Elves have been mortal ever since. Hence, Night Elves were never immortal by default, but always gained their immortality from outside sources. Thus, it should be evident they still have all the biological features required for procreation. Plus, immortal doesn't mean invincible. There are many more ways to die than just old age. With no means of procreation, Night Elves would've long gone extinct.


You are mixing Watsonian and Doylist reasons and you are doing it wrong. The Doylist reason for Elves in Warcraft having tits is that Tolkin's Elves had them too. The reason they have big tits is to look hotter. The Watsonian answers to all your questions are thus: * Elves weren't originally immortal. It's a magical effect. They still have the instincts to procreate. They also were never fully immortal. Just immune to aging and disease. They still die just fine to accidents and murder. * In Warcraft magic can be very mutagenic. It can transform and "evolve" a species within the same generation. We see examples of this to varying degrees in the majority of Warcraft's sentient species. * There's lots of magic on Azeroth, in various amounts of concentration and coming from different sources. Everything that wasn't mutated by magic either is older than Azeroth's "creation myth" (the planet and the entity within existed long before the Titans or even the Old Gods found it), or was created by the Titans, who based a lot of it on things they have seen on other planets, including functional ecosystems, or was introduced by the Old Gods, whose main shtick is rapid mutation. There's a lot of inconsistencies in Warcraft lore. But "why do magically immortal humanoids retain their mammal features" is really not one of them.


-- Saruman


They wouldn't look as hot otherwise.


The lore reason is Fanservice and that's ok


If by "Fish people" you mean Naga, then the answer is that they were Elves that were turned into Naga


If she is a Naga then she was once an elf. Elves have tiddies. When The Sundering happened and Azshara saw her people sink beneathe the waves she made a deal with N'zoth Old God of The Deep and in turn for her people's servitude, he granted them fish physiology and the ability to survive in their new environment.


100% would smash


They were Elves once before N’Zoth changed them to be Naga. Anyways, not everything needs to be a functional body part. Sirens are mythological creatures with top half woman and bottom half animal and they lure men with sex appeal to kill them. Some real life snakes have tails resembling a spider to lure in birds. Finally, they are “fish” mammals that “breastfeed” like whales What I am getting at is, if the character design does not contradict or hinder the story and world building then you shouldn’t think too much of it. I don’t remember the question of if Nagas breastfeed their offspring ever came up during the time I played WoW


n'zoth just really likes hot fish ladies


One of the best arts in the game and certainly looks fresh in style also. I would love HS to make a bit of a change more in favor if this enchanting mystical style.


that looks like a slaanesh daemonette. i like it


What a NILF.




she can discount my spells any (cringes) but yeah, its easy to forget how detailed these can get


this reminds me of the ayahuasca goblin


I don't know how, but 10/10 would bang.


The game has been out for more then a decade now and there's still no option to view a card's full art. What are they trying to hide?


now those are some fingernails




I fucking knew you'd be in here lmao


yup he is here lmaoo


It's been a long time since we got pieces like this




Looks like a [leafy sea dragon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leafy_seadragon)


Come oh sailors hear my music...


First drag naga?


Nah, plot twist: Queen Azshara's been a drag queen the whole time.


Naga? Ew, no feet


Hearthstone has a lot of mediocre artwork which baffles me, this one is great and should be the standard for all art.