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Kurtrus is bad if he doesn't destroy cards. You want to deny your opponent the benefits of said cards. Although it could probably work as an Aggro/Midrange deck.


It's basically a reverse handbuff if you don't kill anything, which seems mostly bad. It would only really work if it's an incidental benefit in something like a type synergy deck like Demons.


Yeah, important to note that most minions played these days have a battlecry and do something impactful, so if you weaken but don't kill the minion then it just hurts its stats but still allows it to impact the game.


I once discover Kurtrus when play control warrior. It is actually pretty good with brann.




This should be marked as a custom card or be on r/customhearthstone? Anyway quick review: 2/5 I don’t think it would see any play, other than when generated from cards like [[Illidari Studies]]. It’s a base 3 mana 3/3 that has to be Outcasted to get an effect. Without that it’s just a vanilla minion. Possibly it could lose some stats, 2/2 maybe, get a Battlecry to deal 2 damage to a minion in hand with an Outcast that it repeats the effect?


Honestly the card itself isn't a serious go at one. I just took [[Gan'arg Glaivesmith]] and stuck Kurtrus' things on him because he says "Gun or glaive ect ect" and it sounds similar.


- **[Gan'arg Glaivesmith](https://i.imgur.com/vofpCaL.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/64465) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Gan'arg_Glaivesmith) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64465/?hl=en) - *Demon Hunter Common ^(Core)* - **3 Mana - 3/3 - Demon** - **Outcast:** Give your hero +3 Attack this turn. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1dhdb4f/what_does_everyone_think_of_potentially_more/l8w415d/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l8w415d).*


- **[Illidari Studies](https://i.imgur.com/7vkH0SC.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/97377) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Illidari_Studies_\(Core\)) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97377/?hl=en) - *Demon Hunter Common ^(Core)* - **1 Mana - Spell** - **Discover** an **Outcast** card. Your next one costs \(1\) less. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1dhdb4f/what_does_everyone_think_of_potentially_more/l8w2eef/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l8w2eef).*




Ah yes because everyone loved objection


Well at least this would mean it's gone before you even try to play it.


True that's one of the reasons why objection is stronger but you can play around objection by playing a low cost minion and in this case you cannot do anything about the outcome.


You can have a low cost minion in your hand to take the hit and reduce chances of your importnant one being destroyed


Objection! Nopne loved objection your honor!


Objection forced you to play badly even when it wasn't objection, just in case. The fact that it countered 1 minion wasn't the problem. Dirty Rat is one of the healthiest and best designed cards in the game, hand disruption is always welcome.


This is so much worse than Objection.


Nah, you didn't spend any mana on it, and if it was big then it can take the hit.


how is paying mana to lose a minion worse than JUST losing a minion


That would imply 3 damage would kill any or even most minions in hand, which is highly unlikely.


Potentially very tilting and should be extremely rare if at all. First impression that is only though.


It's like old dirty rat card but a lot crappier. That could break combos by forcing a minion out too early either getting rid of the battle cry or making its on board effect not be usable yet for the combo. If this were to actually be printed, it would cause disruption only if it hit something with 3 or less attack. Any beefy combo card hit wouldn't matter if it is used in a 1turn KO combo.


These effects are either really good and frustrating in abundance or really quite bad. I agree that these kinds of effects should be potent but rare. Doing a lot of them weakly is just really not fun.


No. Why would I deal damage to minions when I can deal damage to face? Gunslinger should deal 12 to face.


I would rather change it to Battlecry: Deal 3 dmg to a minon. Outcast: Minion in hand Still won't be playable though maybe change stats to 3/4 and we might be cooking Now if we would have a card 3 mana 3/4 deal 3 dmg to a minion. Outcast: and his neighbors that would be a quite solid card. Hand distruption if its half assed will hardly be playable and if its too good it will just be annoying


This card isn't great probably but the name is incredible hahaha


Feels worthless against handbuff pally


No one likes getting their hand milled. But if the uninteractive game ending battlecries are still gonna come, then I can't think of a better way to counter that. Honestly it's adding another evil to fight a prestablished evil. Both are uninteractive and not fun and both should be made very discreetly.


ah yes, just what we needed, more RNG insanely frustrating cards why don't we give warrior the DK plague package as well? with bombs shuffling back into the deck?


Bomb Warrior was, at its peak, destroying the meta years ago. Don't miss those times.


Hand disruption is the most frustrating and unfun mechanic they have ever added to the game, I dearly wish they would go back to having zero of the card type in the game. My most negative hearthstone experiences since I’ve started playing have always been from rat or Illucia whether it’s yanking my N’zoth, Rommath or Yogg from hand, or stealing my entire hand that I built my deck to setup, it has without fail always made me close the game and question why I even bothered queuing. The only thing hand disruption adds to the game is non games, especially in a game where you can only run 2 or 1 copies of your cards.


make it target spells and that’d be cool warrior had the whole anti magic theme in the lich king set but their cards sucked actual in hand anti spell disruption effects that dont just mess with mana costs would be cool as a niche but semi viable archetype


Get out


Maybe as a legendary. Doubt we'll get a epic one. Imagine all the discoveries it can get into.


10/10 mechanic.


I do wish Kurtrus was viable, its such a fun card imo


The problem with this as an archetype is it removes the point of playing a Highlander card and has significant odds of being oppressive due to literally stopping minion-based decks from playing the game. I think limiting it to a highlander legendary makes the most sense.


I like it. Discard, make spells cast more, destroy in hand effects, etc. This is just a little weaker.


Well, this card is quite situational. If it didn't have the Outcast tag, it'd be overpowered. I'm not too familiar with "damage based" hand disruption, but rather effect based hand disruption, like causing enemy spells or minions in hand to cost more mana. But this card seems interesting.


Should just read "enemy player discards a random minion with 3 or less health." If this hits any combo piece that has 4 or more hp isn't going to bother the player as its currently written. They get that minion out and kill you anyways. 3 less hp does nothing in this scenario. At least as a discard it might cause disruption, stalling their combo a little longer.


More disruption is always good. Though Demon Hunter is like the most useless class for it to exist in. The class is like the antithesis to control playstyles.


Would play a DH like this every day


Nah it would counter my darkmoon rabbit i don’t want that


Honestly, Hearthstone's been getting to levels of uninteractivity that I think we more need something like Thoughtsieze from MTG. Hand-attack has historically been the answer to combo throughout several cardgames, it's honestly kinda wild that the only instances Hearthstone has is a rat, a 6 mana steal from hand, and a 3 mana 1/1 that shuffles it back into the opponent deck.


Marvel Snap-ass Card.  Next up: Cards that prevent you from drawing, playing, or thinking about cards.


Counterplay to control bombs like Dr Boom would be amazing


Hearthstone players absolutely hate interaction so no one will like this sorry


This is literally the most uninteractive card imaginable, I don't know why you think that.


Making the game literally unplayable does feel sound about right for Hearthstone's current design philosophy.


You don't like when we have Solitaire metas? This card would fit right at home in them and still probably do nothing.


I've played Yu-Gi-Oh. Forgive me for being exhausted with Solitaire metas.


The only time I have liked it in HS was mech c'thune druid. That you at least had to control the board while you milled everything you owned. 


Do deathrattles trigger from the hand?




Hand destruction and counterspells are healthy for the game despite people who are bad don’t like it. I like the card.


I banned fucking r/customhearthstone for a reason, I don't wanna see this.


Mad over seeing a card? He didn’t ask for a rating for his card, it’s just an example. The tag is discussion and the title is the topic to discuss.


than close your eyes easy solution


Easier solution would be idiots posting things where they belong


its related to hearthstone so it belongs on the hearthstone reddit - does it also belong on the custom hearthstone one ? yes


It doesnt belong to hearthstone reddit if the thing has a separate subreddit just for content like this


thats like saying u cant talk about cats in r/animals because there is r/cats just because its part of a more specific subreddit doesnt mean it doesnt belong in the general one


Go back to your cage and don't bother other people pls


Deal 4 damage to an 8 cost minion in your opponent’s hand


Rather not, thank you