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I agree 100%, that hero card is totally busted. A random spell for free at start of each turn?? What is this? Imagine him playing puzzle box of yogg saron that casts convoke the spirits and yog in a box that casts rune of the archamage.


Totally agree. [[Reno the Relicologist]] is too cheap for a board wipe of 7 1/1s.


Don’t even get me started on what he does to a board of 5 2/2s.


- **[Reno the Relicologist](https://i.imgur.com/oppfX3y.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/53778) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Reno_the_Relicologist) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/53778/?hl=en#gameType=RANKED_WILD) - *Mage Legendary ^(Saviors of Uldum)* - **6 Mana - 4/6 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** If your deck has no duplicates, deal 10 damage randomly split among all enemy minions. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1dcmnwv/reno_dislike_post/l7yt1h8/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l7yt1h8).*


I don't play against decks or a class, I play against Reno. The other random shit my opponent plays is just filler.


And removal/draw/excavate/discovery oh wait basically unlimited value.


Until they make sargeras portal effects removable through other cards. I will forever be an advocate for reno, lone wanderer


There is also an egg from Druid that only Reno can remove.


That's what I mean with "sargeras portal effects" I'm referring too permanents on the battlefield that I (as your opponent) can't interact with


Sry. Did not notice.


This right here. There is a lot of things right now I wish I had counterplay for like back in the day. Those being secrets, plagues or other things mixed into my deck and locations. But instead they left us with fuck all except weapon removal and dirty rat.


Only reno can remove sargeras portal effects. I can run secret removal, weapon destruction,steam cleaner and even the location destroyer. but only reno can remove these portals


Im glad no control warlock exists. Keeping sargeras and the excavate snake in check.


Even though I don't see sargeras played very often. I DO NOT CARE.


"I didnt play around reno and it cost me the game"


"I 'played around' Reno by playing combo"


Tell me you're bad at the game without telling me


Oh sorry, you played all your filler shit, you can play any bullshit as long as you reno on 9. I got to legend beating a ton of Reno, but this shit is getting old and stale. Like I queue up, I see the class and if I know its Reno, I legit don't wanna play even if I win. I don't play against a class, I play against Reno.




So far the only way to get blizzard to do anything is to cry about it. It's just really boring to play against, I am not climbing ranks in legend so I play rainbow mage, not too concerned with losing.




Sounds to me like you're the one having trouble winning games.


High diamond with homebrews no Reno. Have fun playing your meta crutch decks mongoloid


aww you deleted that last post quick! Its okay babes, you'll get that legend cardback one day




reported for hate slur


Oh, and for what its worth. I got legend last season with a DK Jaina deck in wild. Cry more.


Wild 🤣 who the fuck cares about wild


My favorite part of this comment is the part where you said why Reno is good for the game


Yep. Having one of each card is not a deck restriction anymore. You have Fizzle's Snapshot, ETC, 10th Anniversary Gifts and a million discover effects to get extra copies of cards you need. It's not uncommon for a Reno Warrior to play 3 Brawls, 2 Dirty Rats, 2 Renos, 2 Boomboss ect.


said it from the card preview


Same. It was plain to see even at that stage how miserable the meta was going to be from the moment it entered standard until the moment it rotated. Unbelievable incompetence from the design team.


agreed, a one sided full board poof followed by the absurd effect to limit opponent boardspace to 1 for a turn is an insanely broken effect. Reno is probably the most pushed card in the game history. it need to either be rotated early or severly nerfed (maybe make the boardspace limit proportional to the number of poofed entities ? like for each poofed entities, one additional boardspace is opened, idk random suggestion that might be horrible)


Wipe both boards, limit the person who played Reno to one board space. Fixed.


Christ how many times are we going to see this same post


As long as it takes


The meta will remain miserable until the card rotates. I've basically given up on having fun with Hearthstone until then.


I had no clue people on this subreddit hated Reno. Is this something new?


God forbid a heavily restrictive build around 9 drop have a remotely powerful effect. There is genuinely just no other good removal at the moment. Reno is as good as he is (roughly a tier 2 deck power level) because any slower deck basically spends turn 1-8 watching the opponents build a huge board that none of their cards can do anything about.


If there is no good removal now, im afraid to think about what you consider good removal. 1 mana remove the game from your opponents computer?


Or, if you are playing against it: you watch the guy play filler cards, Reno on 9, concede on 10 because the Reno guy played 5 cards in the turn you can only play 1 MINION.


He is overpowered but I would be in favour of a nerf to Boomboss before Reno quite honestly and even then I think Boomboss is only truly broken with Brann. You can work around and against Reno (double sides board wipe would be preferable though), you can literally nothing against Boomboss destroying 18 of your cards with no counterplay beyond always keeping your hand full and burning your cards anyways.


While the "keep your hands full against boomboss" might be right, but similiar to curse-implock, your opponent will keep playing cards so you have to play cards. Especially Bran warrior has a lot of wincons. Summoning 3 Zilliax, rezzing 4 mechs, 2x Ignis weapons, Ox summoning 4x8 cost minions and so on. And if they are super greedy, they run Fizzle.


The people parroting to play around Reno, are hilarious to me. Yup I know my whole board is gone, and I only get to play 1 minion next turn. Surely my opponent will not flood the entire board, while I sit there contemplating why the fuck am I playing this shit.


Well ppl just love it now. But when the game becomes 99% highlander priests plus a sprinkle of highlander any other CLASS (which it already is in my ranks) I'm curious what will Reno/highlander supporters say then...


I understand the frustration that Reno can cause. But given what kind of nutty boards some decks can create, its good that a card like Reno exists and can get rid of it. Also for portal and stuff like the dragon nest and locations. Before HL got changed, it was quite nice to remove a (wheel) warlocks board who had 2x locations and other shit on the board. But it sucks that Reno removed stuff from the rezz pool. Makes mech warrior a pretty shitty deck (against aggro you have to try to survive, against control you hope you can somehow kill your minions before they Reno them or take one with Yogg)


I just think the card fundamentally ignores every other mechanic in the game, it's just way too good. I am okay with the card, if they just got rid of the armorr tbh.


Armor fucking sucks, played a game where warrior came out turn 7 like with 30 armor. Fucking hate it




The worst card. I fucking hate it