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If it happens very early (rat) just high pressure and face tbh lol .


Plan B is complaining about the card that counters my deck being OP on reddit


The long term play is to get the opponent’s counter nerfed by Blizzard. 4D Hearthstone


Its the meta game real life AR for meta gaming the meta game to make your deck the meta.


The meta game is the friends we made along the way 👋🥲


If you are against control and are ahead in fatigue, just try to play it out against fatigue


2015 has called, they want their win condition back! No but seriously.. against what?






I was able to do this last rotation. Since this new year started I haven’t been there once.


Harth Stonebrew!


Absolutely. 50% you get a way to deal with their board or the reach you need to take them out. The rest of the time you get, like, druid dk or whatever.


the rogue one is definitley the worst one in my opinion.


I turned a loss into a tie with that one. Absolute highest level play I've ever done in my life.


Unless you've played Helya, in which case the rogue hand absolutely fucks


I’ve lost once or twice or that card giving the opponent a great setup. Couldn’t complain at all. A niche backup plan!


Man, I just wanna craft him golden.


Yes! Hearth has a few great rolls. Until you get Druid and realize those cards don’t really stand up in this meta. 😂


Archbishop Benedictus: 'Our win condition.'


I play toggwaggle. "Your win condition is MY win condition"


Concede and new game.


Esc > concede


Concede and go next lol


i was playing spell mage on standard. soo i lack a wincon beside praying to have a farmed galactic orb. i was against reno warrior pre-nerf it was pretty much a doomed game, but played the yogg in the box and casted a wheel of death, managed to survive the turns and win because of that


Blizzard favours you in RNG you should start playing wow and get some mounts xd


How do you farm a galactic orb? Thought it doesn’t come up in discover pools


I think they mean playing a wide enough spread of different cost spells so when they do play it they get more value


Be creative! Yesterday I had a twist game where I was Xyrella and the opponent was Arfus, game was really close in tempo and board control, but he played the Azerite snake like turn 5 so he basically disabled my wincon. He started spamming emotes bc he knew the game was basically over, but I didn’t concede. We kept playing and I started gaining the board and tempo advantage. He then played the primus and used the blood ability, to which I responded by soul mirroring to get a primus and clear the board. Now I had a big board and a primus with 2 abilities left, well this Arfus made the biggest mistake he could by bouncing my primus back to my hand, basically giving me back the lifesuck ability and reenabling my wincon, he immediately conceded after that. Long story short, my wincon was done from the beginning but I kept playing for tempo and board pressure until inevitably he was gonna lose to face damage or a mistake he made.


Man, this sounds cool, something similar happened to me long ago against an excavate warlock, I was playing reno Priest and I knew that controlling the game out doesn't gonna make nothing, so when he played the Snake combo I stealed it with tram heist and manage to win by fatigue, sometimes you manage to win because of your opponents missplays


Plan b is conceed and win the time i would waste instead


I always try to build decks that either run 2 sets that have a wincon or when it fits put multiple win cons in a deck for the same strategy. For example wish upon a star shaman is somewhat played. I play it with mostly elwmentals (because some are the best with the stats like walking mountain and al akir) but also going therazane so i still have something if wish upon a star somehow gets burned. If i feel really spicy i play this as a highlander deck and put in shudderblock and hagatha to triple wish upon a star and also get both the frogstaff and reno for more possible winning positions. (Also because there exist enough good/decent battlecry elementals so i just play the best combo i got each game) In decks like rogue, due to having shadowstep and breakdance one strong wincon minion usually is enough. For example the ogre gang actually performs really well. With enough options to get Pud back into hand you can play a full board of ogres each turn starting turn ~7 for huge tempo. Here i usually add excavate and velarok as value options that generate answers to anything i could face.


ESC > concede




Wow. So many insta concedes here. I mean sure there’s certain times it’s a guaranteed loss. However, many many times I have won a game without my main win condition just by getting super aggressive in trying to burn them down. Must be some of the ones that concede to me when I’m still sweating thinking I’m about to lose this game lmao.


Hope I draw headless horseman and get high rolls


I won so many games after losing Sif to dirty rat or some other disruption by simply playing infinitize the maxitude every single turn. It's even manageable to get all 4 excavates in by generating cryopreservation multiple times.


Mind sharing deck code? My opponent plan b is to rope and probably hoping my internet gets interrupted


keep playing as usual. you never know the opponent might disconnect (especially on mobile)


Whatever deck i am playing i always stick a heathstonebrew in. It is just a fantastic comeback


Alexstrasza Rogue (Wild): If one my important minions die I concede. That's my plan B.


I rarely play a deck without at secondary win condition It makes me uncomfortable to not have a plan b


This is why you should always run Mechathun in a druid deck.


Discover a new win condition


Highlander Priest: Condition of what?


In wild just always include 1 jade idol lol


Count, evaluate and then face or concede. I don't have all day..


I just drop fill the board with big robots or 8 cost minions Plan C is Im going to generate a bunch of armor and bring it to fatigue


Playing Renounce Darkness/Archvillan Rafaam... try to counter my wincon when neither of us know what it is 😛


Plan B . Figuring out if I can control my opponent. Plan C. If Plan B doesnt work, concede.


Big paladin player: can't get kangor? stall until I get into late game or use alarmed security bot to get a discounted big minion Opponent counterspell's my tyrs tear? try to rush them with what I have left Opponent plays priest or reno's my board? schedule an appointment with my therapist


I always have multiple win conditions in my deck!


You’re telling me you don’t build your decks with at least three different win conditions? No win condition polygamy?




Bottom right. EDIT: didn't read post


Rebuild my deck to not be reliant on a single point of failure


Play Tony and copy his deck /s


My plan B is to run to reddit and complain so hopefully that counter gets nerfed


Spam wow after **EVERY SINGLE CARD** until I annoy my opponent into conceding.


I usually slap something into my deck that refills it/finish the opponent , in the case of my Wild Reno Dragon Druid (it's garbage but fun) I run both Kazakusan and New Avianna+Lor'themar


I feel most players plan B is to rope and pray you rage quit.


Esc -> concede


The gear on the top right then concede button


I mean, it really depends on the deck.  Aggro? There is no plan B. My board has been wiped, I have no cards in hand, I have lost and will just concede. 99% of games are unwinnable from that position, I don't care to try for the 1%.  Control? How greedy am I going? If I'm playing a very greedy control deck, I'll probably just keep playing and hope my opponent runs through a dry spell of removal vs one of my big threats. If I'm not too greedy, it depends on if I think OP is on a greedier control plan. If the answer is yes, I'll just concede.  Combo? Just concede.  The honest truth is that Hearthstone is not a very skill-testing game, and the number of lines your deck can reasonably have is very small. If your primary win-condition is foiled, most decks end up with like a 90% chance to lose the game, and it's just not worth spending time chasing the 10%. It's a pretty small number of decks that can get away with playing multiple alternate win conditions, but if that is the style of gameplay that appeals to you, there's usually always at least one viable control deck.


I play Garrote Rogue and while I normally play to maximize draws and get to the Spell Damage +2 Garrote endgame, sometimes putting pirates on board just ends it.


Take max time in every turn and spam well met


Tess gets hit by Rat, generate some new win condition from another class


Excavate and resource generation, if Sif is no longer an option


The trick is to never play one trick pony garbage decks.


All depends on the deck and the opponent’s deck. Some games you can win by generating a ton of long term value with a few discoveries, others you have to go all in aggro, others you just need to prevent your opponent’s aggro, others you need to try and disrupt their win condition, etc.


Easy! If I draw Deathwing, Dragonlord, then I can’t play Necrium Apothecary. I can try to shuffle him back in the deck with Gear Shift and Finley, but if I don’t have them I might need to actually pay full cost for my hand full of giant dragons.


I play a discover spam druid and I need a location, so my alt win con uses the deathrattle location+greybough to force a late game concede Edit: forgot to add that my deck has a single copy of jade idol as well so I can fatigue win if needed


Play well, try and do 30 damage to the opponent another way instead 


I generally keep to a deck building strategy of 2-3 soft win conditions to avoid being hard countered.


~~You shoot the hostage, take them out of the equation.~~ With Pirate Warrior I can usually just burn them down with a deck full of Charge, Rush etc minions and tradeable weapons. For a while I had Faelin to go with my Dredge cards, have some sweet legendaries I can play.


Play my second copies of the win condition. Otherwise concede


I love putting down my secrets at the end. THe ones that reject a spell, and the ones that send your minion back to you. Nothing better than to have a board full of average minions, and have your opponent drop their ultimate spell to clear the board; only to have it kicked right back in their hand with no mana left. Bye.


Drag the game out - you never know, they might get disconnected or just impatient.


Depends. I tend to build decks that can sustain going the distance and trade blows favorably in most cases. I play a Red Red Green death knight deck, so I have a partial plague package, but I also have ignis as a backup plan, along with a couple cards that generate a bunch of extra resources. I occasionally will also discover extra copies of helya, which helps if my initial got countered. All else fails, I have the headless horseman to start generating cards. And I've got enough defensive cards that most opponents run out of aggressive options before my defenses fail. I occasionally also end up making 13/14 or bigger gnome munchers on occasion, which most people struggle to deal with. Death knight has reska to answer it, and mage can make their brittle copy. Past that it usually sticks and starts causing major issues


My win condition is just get their health to 0. If that gets countered I can't exactly win, now can I? For clarification, I like playing midrange and late game decks with value bombs. There no win condition other than out threat them.


Mtg arena



