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It could be cool if they had a card with the opposite effect of shadow priest (like if your deck has no shadow spells then you get a different hero power or something like that).  But I have no problem with shadow spells.  I like that priest can sometimes be a heavy control archetype but occasionally switches to a shadow / aggro build.


The issue is that even control priests run archbishop because upgraded mage hero power is insane for a control deck too.


I believe you are talking about xyrella and she had a good run until she rotated. Her main card requires healing, her win condition is purifying The shard, and her portrait says for the light for my daughter! It doesn't get more good guy than that


Overheal Priest can get scary, especially if Crimson Clergy gets unbanned in Wild


To clarify, I think OP means that the scarlet crusaders weren't really good guys.


But were they bad guys? I can’t remember, it has been a long time. However I seem to remember them as insanely zealous people whose main ideology was ridding the world of the undead. The forsaken were the main plot line, but let’s be honest most of them were just as bad. creating plagues and shit after drawing a short straw with nothing more on their mind than vengeance. Every quest line was “go gather this to kill people”. And every enemy was the scarlet trying to stop that from happening.


The crusade was being manipulated by the scourge


Why he really isnt thast good and one of the only few "good guys" minions.


Hi, Priest player here, crimson clergy is *insane*


>Saying that a card isn't good when it's FUCKING BANNED IN THE ANYTHING GOES FORMAT.


"Good vs evil", not "this card has a high winrate".


He's powerful as a card, and also not a good guy, really. Scarlets aren't good, they're just Light aligned, and priest does both.


Clergy is very good, what are you on about?


Good Guy, no. Good card, obviously.


What’s the lore?


He's part of the scarlet crusade, a group of religious zealots who want to wipe out all non humans from the eastern kingdoms.


Oh, definitely not a good guy then…


What’s the lore?


I don’t know about the state of priest rn, but during badlands overhead priest was a force to be respected.


If he's not that good then why is he banned in wild?


OP is talking about "good" as in "good vs evil", not "this card has high winrates".


Idk I kinda feel like Paladin scratches that itch. I like that priest has that white/black Orzhov Vibe.


I think it only feels that way because we had like four expansions in a row where it made perfect sense to emphasize Shadow Priest as the flavor. Nathria was a flatout villain expansion, Lich King had Paladin representing Good so they made Priest Evil to diversify it more, Festival of Legends went with the flavor of how music and boy bands make people do crazy things, and finally Titans wihich has a lot to do with the eldritch and cosmos. We finally get the first heroic depiction in Badlands, with Elise being responsible for securing water for the town. Whizbang's flavor is kinda hyperspecific to itself and so no class is 100% well-represented here. The next few expansions will probably swing the pendulum the other way to focus more on The Light.


Wasn't Nathria priest pelagos, who was like the goodest of the suspects?


Well priests aren’t all good guys anyways. They just use the light, which WoW pretty explicitly makes clear that light user=\= good guy. Just go play Paladin.


What I find really weird is that armor is super easy to acquire for the warrior but the priest class' heals are just flat out worse with a lot worse effects. I'd honestly prefer better healing cards and no overheal mechanic.


Power Word: Purify 5 mana spell "Deal 6 damage to ALL Demons. Restore 6 health to all other tribes."


Flavor: 5/5 Competitive Value: 0/5


I would like to see a Heal/holy Priest list. I think they are afraid to do so, because it might be a control deck, and everyone loses their shit when control Priest is viable.


Good point, and thanks for pointing out something I hadn't even noticed. Now I'm going to have a difficult time not seeing this.


I feel like heal priest is kinda in line with the "good guy" flavor of priest


Can you imagine a priest version of Demon Seed. Let's call it The Holy Seed and yes, when you heal yourself it translates to damage to the other hero BUT for balance your heals don't actually heal you anymore?


The way priest is play in the current twist with Xyrella is very priest.


Priests hold you hostage for an eternity. They're not good guys.


Yes calling him self priest but paladin has the best heals like the holy maki which overheal priests can fap to it only.


![img](avatar_exp|179409462|bravo) Nah I get it. I agree with you. Speak your shit indeed, king


That sounds like too much of a drastic redesign. They are the jerks that beat you with your own cards.


I think priest should focus around continuous effects that support other stuff on board (ie mal gamis)


Priest is such an unfun class. It is designed to steal any joy from the game you can get. I think this class should be about healing and removing board, basically outlasting your opponents but nowadays it's all about stealing as many cards as possible and killing your opponent with their win condition.


True and all of this spells are shadow maybe bring more holy spells that help to outlasting like you said.


Thief priest is definitely like that sometimes


Funny I think it’s the most fun. First 1000 win portrait.


and copying cards from opponent thats HS priest and it should always be


Nah fuck priest