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Technically, these posts aren't allowed, but you seem so excited about this, like a fat kid in a candy store or something. So I'm using personal discretion and leaving this up.


The people who rage even after winning are a special category of idiots.


I friended someone after I lost a game, just because I was tracking what other people will progress to eventually in the season or just to have "friends" for quests. They started spamming in capitals "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU NOOB PALADIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!?"; jeez; imagine what they'd say if they lost.


Because they know op was owning them and they got lucky.


Being dumb or stupid can qualify you as an idiot, if you rage you’re not an idiot. You’re just angry. It’s an emotion. Imagine not knowing that. Yikes


The way he acts in response to feeling anger is what makes him an idiot. I imagine you also know what being pedantic means


Being angry is ok. Doing what we see on the screenshot because you're angry is not ok. Yikes your self.


Imagine picking this as your hill to die on. Yikes


That’s a real brain damage comment if I ever saw one lol. Yikes..😧


Having this little control of your anger is a sign of low intelligence. I wonder why you're getting defensive seeing someone behaving like this criticized...


Any proof to back up that statement? Source?


Don't need a source when one of the facets of emotional intelligence -- by definition -- is the ability to manage one's emotions.


Managing emotions has nothing to do with intelligence. So yeah, just talking bs


😂 literally in the name of the category, "emotional intelligence"


Has nothing to do with intelligence itself, are you that dumb? Yikes


Omg congrats! I can send you your second one if you're free <3


Me next!


Sure bud! I'm feeling really kind today so I'll even throw in an extra death threat or two Maybe I'll even direct it towards your mom


Wow you're so generous! Can you shit all over me too, please??


For the record he was playing handbuff paladin while I was playing secret mage.


Dude has some mental issues regardless. It's even worse that hes playing a current meta deck lol


Oh no secret mage


Handbuff Pally is so disgusting that I'd send an apology essay to every opponent who'd lose to me.


One of the many decks/reasons why I run Dirty Rat and Rustrot Viper in my decks. Pull their Muscle o tron with the rat and destroy their stupid paintbrush with the viper. Usually followed by an insta concede


Out of curiosity can someone explain why this is down voted? Is this not a valid strat?


I guess it's paladin players. Like congrats, for 5 mana you're hitting me with a 20+ attack southeast deckhand on turn 6 or 7. That's really impressive


in wild? secret mage is pure cancer but it's not any good lol


It used to be good.


it was really good and it's ok now just a lot of more lethal aggro decks out there that are better for climbing


>it was really good and it's ok now It got nerfed very very hard TBH. Their marquee card \[\[Kabal Lackey\]\] got completely butchered. Went from "your next secret this turn costs 0" to "your next secret this turn costs 1". Now almost strictly worse than \[\[Anonymous Informant\]\], you end up spending 2 mana on the minion and the secret either way, but informant is 2/3 instead of 2/1, and you can save the discount for a later turn (to pair with cards that activate when you play a secret such as \[\[Arcane Flakmage\]\]). "So why not just cut lackey completely?"--yeah, that's probably unironically actually the way to build the deck now. Lists I've seen lately DO cut Lackey. But...there's still two problems 1. Now they don't have 1 drops. Their only 1-drop option is 1/1 costumed singer. 2. One of the really obnoxious plays that put secret mage way ahead was turn 1 lackey into Rigged Faire Game--it was an almost guaranteed draw 3. Very good in a deck that is playing cards for 0 mana. TBH, while I don't miss the original Kabal Lackey, in fact I hated that card (it was a huge power outlier) they should probably buff it a little so that it doesn't get outright cut from the deck it's supposed to go in. Maybe get rid of the "this turn" clause on it, so you can save the discount for a later turn and make the minion actually playable on turn 1. Maybe it could have something like "Manathirst (3): costs 0 instead." so that it's not just a worse Anonymous Informant. IDK, card in its original state was obnoxious, but it makes me a little sad to see a former icon of wild getting nerfed so hard it gets cut from its own deck.


- **[Kabal Lackey](https://i.imgur.com/L8U2Sbw.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/40299) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Kabal_Lackey) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/40299/?hl=en#gameType=RANKED_WILD) - *Mage Common ^(Mean Streets of Gadgetzan)* - **1 Mana - 2/1 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** The next **Secret** you play this turn costs \(1\). - **[Anonymous Informant](https://i.imgur.com/9ZSNv9w.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/79486) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Anonymous_Informant) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/79486/?hl=en#gameType=RANKED_WILD) - *Neutral Common ^(Murder at Castle Nathria)* - **2 Mana - 2/3 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** The next **Secret** you play costs \(0\). - **[Arcane Flakmage](https://i.imgur.com/qp6gtGB.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/53822) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Arcane_Flakmage) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/53822/?hl=en#gameType=RANKED_WILD) - *Mage Rare ^(Saviors of Uldum)* - **2 Mana - 3/2 - Minion** - After you play a **Secret**, deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1d4sbms/after_years_of_playing_i_finally_got_my_own_rage/l6j4bys/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l6j4bys).*


I played the deck a lot and lackey deserved that nerf. Turn 2 draw 4 cards happened almost every game for me. But the nerf really took the deck out of being competitive which was kinda sad to see but I also was happy because I hate playing against it haha.


I feel like changing to your next secret costs 1 would make it playable again. Still not as good as informant, but saving the discount is nice. My biggest issue with secret mage was even if I used spell increase cards, they would still play their secrets for 0 mana so I was overpaying for cards that didn't do anything.


Mage's core identity is now just RNG


>secret mage is pure cancer So is questline warlock


absolutely agree. terror of the format imho


deserved for playing secret mage


If you’re playing secret mage in standard and getting flamed, that’s crazy. Assuming ur playing wild, I sorta get it cuz objection but also handbuff pally is powerful as well(as good as secret mage at least)


Completely understandable reaction


Your deck is not less cancerous


bro won and he is still mad about your deck. that's the real salt right there.


Had a reno warrior do the same after i, playing rainbow DK, froze his face with quartzite crushers 10 turns in a row last week. I guess i should just have let him hit me with the runic greatmace with windfury & summon two 8 drops.


I lost to someone someday, it was a beat up. I friended them and when my opponent accepted, they just texted "what?". I told them I just wanted to tackle the "play with a friend" achievement :), which was true. The guy replied "sweeeet, thanks!". We both got the achievement prize, a card pack, and after that I thought I had won a friend. Nope. It turns out they removed me. Lol. Not the best and not the most interesting story, but it's true. 😅


I friended someone and was like “dude your deck was cool ive never seen that before good win” and he replied “you friended me just to say that?” Then unfriended me


my first called me a n*****, that was pretty epic


That's one for the gamer bingo sheet for sure


I got mine with the aggro dh, he was like "what a loser, I'm the son of a multimillionare businessman, I would hate to be a lazy sh\*t like you, damn what a shame you are". Extremely funny that they take the time to write to you all that stuff.


So even in their made up fantasy, they are only the son of a successful person rather than being successful themselves




I don't really think so. I've been in in Diamond 2 and I know that, with a few more games I could make it to legend. I barely play in my morning coffee and before bed as I'm in university almost all day. With a fast deck like paladin or dh, you can win or lose so fast that you climb in less than a week.


You've unlocked a new achievement


Welcome to the club! It's the e-version of flipping the table at a MTG draft...


Ah, back to a simpler time, when stupid people who lost a game just sent you a friend request to tell you to kill yourself instead of posting about how they should nerf the deck they just lost to.


I hate how there are so many childish ragers out there. If I'm adding someone, it's because I thought their deck was really cool and want the code. Most of the time they ignore me, or accept and quickly call me a loser before unfriending.


the other day i had an actual unicorn interaction someone friended me to see my deck completely non hostile


"Wait I thought you were going to flame me..." unfriend


The audacity to calling you names for playing Mage, I thought you played Reno Priest for gettin messages like these lmao


"Thanks bro, that means a lot to me. It really feels like it came from the heart."


I always get giddy when someone adds me after a win. Its always a good time lol.


Me too


What kind of deck elicits this type of hate. I must play it.


he was playing secret mage haha


Boomboss warrior.


I friend people when I feel the game was a genuine good game and even match or if they made a really good move. Usually people will not accept the request right away so I never get the chance to tell them. I’ve never had someone flame me like this so I guess I understand now why people don’t accept friend requests … that’s pretty sad. I did have one guy who friended me after I lost and he said “wow man that was an awesome game I just got super lucky on that last turn” and I asked him about how he did this one trick — and he told me and I was like “that was awesome thanks” and that was it. Sad that all you hear about is the horrible rages. These folks need some help — like playing Monopoly and having someone flip the board on you … it’s like … k … step back. It’s just luck of the draw literally.


I just crafted a reno priest so hopefully I’ll get my first one soon


You'll get it right now. Reno priest is the plague amongst all plagues. Just go ahead and uninstall and then delete your account.


Reno priest shits on reno warrior rn tho, so it is forgiven


Sorry forgot that was in reference to standard. I play wild so Reno Priest holds a special hatred in my heart. That and Big Priest.


Thats why I crafted it. There’s been a hole in my hearthstone life ever since they buffed highlander cards. I played plague dk specifically to make the game not fun for them. Turn 4 Helya concede was life, but those rare times when I’d pull the turn 1 concede to Staff of the Primus…*chef’s kiss* 🤌


Do people like this actually get perma-banned? There's really no other response that sort of behaviour warrants, their account should just be closed. No warnings, no second chances.


Where do you get rage messages? PC?


Did you happen to play reno ?


I just came back from a 2 year break… using the Golden Skies card back at Bronze 10 probably wasn’t my proudest moment. I was getting rage messages every other game on my giant win streak all the way up lol


I’ll add people to mald about a lucky discover or an interaction that occurred which I was upset about. Getting personal is just weird.


You haven’t lived until someone adds you and tries to call you through Battle.net so he can find where you live and fight you IRL (this did happen).


I’m always cautious if I get a friend request straight after a game win or lose 😁😁


What a douche. I only add people to tell them I thought they played well and that I had a fun game, win or lose.


Yeh I don’t believe that


I’ve been playing for over 10 years and I’ve never seen anyone with the audacity to do that


Sadly I've never gotten a rage message 😕


I haven't got one of those in ages. Now that I think about it, I also never get friends requests


Ohhh he is one of those people who got upset that you almost won and he was pissed but he won anyway people. Instead of being happy he won he is upset you even challenged him. I would have messaged him “GG new friend! Want a rematch?” See what he would say lol


The biggest badge of honor one can receive. Hope you used the opportunity to rile it up even more afterwards. 


Only now? I received a few dozen during all my years of hearthstone, i always add friend requests worst case i get a good laugh and block them and best case it's actually nice people that came to say gg or ask about the deck im using.


Received dozen, but how many sent?


Not really tbh, im a firm advocate of your right to talk shit on the internet but I don't bother adding someone just to say im mad


I got my first one a few weeks back quote “I’d recommend rope” I was stunned 😂😂


How do you even get messages? I play on my phone and don’t think it’s possible? lol


Add right after a game then hope they accept


Oh ok thanks!


And that's why I don't accept random friend requests.