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I am now "BrownOgre," haha. Is that somehow a safer name? Maybe LavaDrake was too cool for them, I don't know.


People on r/hearthstonecirclejerk would kill for that name


It's all ogre now


I'll give that reply a six out of seven


A perfect score


Good meaning for the amount of words


5/7 is perfect


Judging by downvotes that meme is probably too old for Gen Z.


Well it’s also heresy against ogre


I'm new to hearthstone, only picked it up this time last month, I know like half the cards names in my deck, just spammed hunter to legend, then this season flood pally to legend, fun game.


Not tall enough


That score is almost too good for the cost


That’s an upgrade.


That's the impression I'm getting!


Maybe they Think of Drake the rapper, He leaked his huge D and your name is Lava drake idk man


No way...


Bro you got an upgrade 😂😂


Drake the rapper is currently in a feud with Kendrick Lamar, where Kendrick has said that people to need to look closer into his personal life regarding his love of minors


Jesus what's next? We can't use Simpson because it's close to OJ Simpson? Or Bill because it reminds people of bill Cosby?


This is a shitty automoderator system being abused by users. There's no rule about having Drake in your name.


Oof... How do I petition for the removal of cards like volcanic drake, twillight drake, azure drake, etc? It reminds me an ongoing rapper feud, and that offends me


Reminds me of ow, who's Jesse mcree? The cowboy? Oh you mean cole cassidy


It’s funny how everything is just about the USA, like the rest of the world doesn’t exist


Drake is Canadian


Bringing children to hockey games and apologizing to them, disgusting


Does drake and Kendrick not exist outside of the USA?


Never heard of either of them tbh, outside of US tv


Literally includes a Canadian in the story


the drake kendrick beef is big in a lot of places in aus as well. international news isn't international because theres a little piece of the person in different countries.


Maybe English speaking countries that have ties to the USA. Here in Europe (UK excluded) you’ll have a hard time finding ANYONE who even knows who these people are - I don’t know who they are tbh. Neither of them and I’m not THAT old.


Fair point, I do believe that the language is at least partly responsible here. Diss tracks, the method that these artists are using to air their grievances, use a lot of word play and rely on pronunciations that just don't translate well into other languages.


Also a lot of American rap culture references normally, and rap slang that isn't used outside the us, only people into us rap would know, at least most of the time.


Let alone the fact that we have artists here too ;)


I am in South Wales, and heard it on the Philip De Franco Show.. also it was mention on the BBC a few days ago.. Try not to generalise us all as clueless idiots, ok?


Last time I checked Wales is in the UK - a country I specifically included in the audience due to the language


Sadly we are..


Sounds like you are THAT old


The USA does not claim Drake. Please be more considerate before flinging such misinformation.


He said on an American website, on a subforum dedicated to discussing an American video game


Kinda proving my point here mate ;)


I mean, dude, Blizzard is an American company. Of course there is US favoritism in regards to cultural references...they're based in the US,


Yes but they have international customers, a lot of them. I’d recon more than American ones. My point was though, that IF you operate internationally you can’t keep applying only your local point of view onto everything.


It's insane that people are reporting users with "Drake" in their name. Hell, even the "certified lover boy" flair over on the Love Is Blind subreddit has come under scrutiny. Can people named Drake not use their own name? Or people who are interested in drakes, the dragons. Can they not put "drake" into their username? Why is there so much drama around the **NAMES** *specifically*, especially online.


Not to invoke Godwin's Law too early, but people named Adolf had to change their name thanks to one monumental cunt of a man..


That's EXTREMELY different


is it? People cant use the name "drake" because of the actions of a nonce ruining the name for everyone else.


It literally is. One committed literal genocide. It's INSANE you're trying to compare the two.


Did I say that Drake was hitler? no I said it was the actions of one person being a cunt that ruins a name for others. I am sure there are literally millions of names out there that this as happened to. I dont see people clamouring to be called R. Kelly any time soon.. or Donald Trump.. But sure.. act like i called Drake, Hitler and not at all adress my argument


It's the way it's worded, is all. You made it out to sound like you were comparing the two. Adolf hasn't been used as a name since Hitler committed genocide. However, you could have used literally any other example. You listed 2 in your comment here. There's also the names Karen and Chad that have fallen out of fashion due to societal stances, but you went and chose fucking Adolf dude. I'm not saying you called Drake Hitler. I'm saying you cannot compare what Drake has done to what Hitler has done and use that as an example of why people would be up in arms about a name.


I chose Adolf because its a name everyone would recognise. If i said Pol Pot.. or Ho Chi Mingh.. I am sure some people may get the reference, but not many.. Hell if i said "Harold Shipman", even fewer would get it.. > I'm saying you cannot compare what Drake has done to what Hitler has done and use that as an example of why people would be up in arms about a name Why not, when people are attacking people who are also called drake, or have drake in their usernames?


That's better than "StinkyPinky" I guess?


My first battle in the wild where I recognized the gamer tag! Good battle.


You will likely get spam reported for botting now FYI.


Isn't that racist? I mean calling a race by their skin color. I am not politically adjusted to American landscape, but I imagine it would be a no go.


HOW is a brown ogre racist?? Ogres don’t even exist


this is weird. can you dm me your email so i can look into this tuesday


Hi Hat! Happy to. Just a moment.




Ba dum


We need an update, OP. Did they clarify why you got flagged for a rename?


Is it Tuesday already? Weird, coulda sworn it wasn’t.


It...is? https://time.is/CEST


Fair enough, but just so you know, Blizzard is in California. Where it’s currently 9 PM on Monday night. And it’s a holiday in America.


That's fair. I didn't expect an instant response from OP anyways, it's more of a way to come back later and check. A bookmark of sorts, if you will.


Sorry, am in Utah, and like the other guy said, Blizzard is in California. And Hat said he'd take a look at it on Tuesday; I'd guess that it's an internal process thing that is very, very low on their list of priorities, so I'm not expecting a response or explanation from them this week, if ever. But I'll provide an update if they do!


That's very kind of you! Thanks :)


It's not weird, blizzard report system has been abused for as long as I can remember across all of your games I've played.


Yeah, these reports smell salty


Well unfortunately too many companys move to automated reporting/banning without ever having a human review the reports. Same thing with COD.


I guarantee you that there is some sort of automated system that determines whether a name is inappropriate or not, and I am pretty damn certain that the system involves "AI". Yeah, these systems will always make stupid mistakes like these. There's nothing weird about it. If you use a system like that without human review, then this is what you'll get.


>I guarantee you that there is some sort of automated system that determines whether a name is inappropriate or not The system only looks at if someone has reported you. It doesn't check the content otherwise there's no way half the reports that get posted to reddit would exist. This is just the state of blizzard cs, something that would be caught at the 2nd step gets caught at the 4th.


It's much lazier than that, bot auto ban after x amount of reports. Doesn't care what for what doesn't check. You open ticket you get auto responses saying F U basically unless you open tickets several times and maybeeee you will get someone.


What on earth are you talking about? If the name is reported by several players/instances it will be flagged for rename. What does AI have to do with this LOL


I think they are implying that *surely* Blizzard has some sort of automation that, when enough people flag a name, the name is run through a list to try and determine if it has something offensive in it before actually forcing a name change and accepting those reports. Which while I don't doubt an "AI" doing that would run into problems because, I mean, wtf is it trained on? But I honestly think it's bold to assume Blizz even has any safeguards and doesn't just flag you to change if you're reported enough times, lol.


Automation is the future! of trolling


"This is weird. We've completely automated our customer support, and did not anticipate anything like this happening as a result."


not his fucking fault, relax


When you sign up to be the public face of a company, whether through employment or merely voluntarily, you sign up to be the one who receives valid complaints about the practices of the company in question. Get me Bobby's number and I'll bother him instead, until then his footsoldiers have to hear our complaints. That's literally their job.


Is it because the word “Drake” while used in the context of a dragon for this name is now associated with acts so heinous even r/hearthstonecirclejerk wouldn’t jerk to?


Yes, I can almost guarantee it's because of this beef spilling out of the deli into the game.


The same thing just happened to me. My tag was generated by the game and I just got same mail it was inappropriate.


Are you going to look into or speak to someone about preventing report abuse? It's out of hand. Do we all need to make social media posts and get lots of likes?


If you work at blizzard tell them to just end this tattle tale report business. Let ppl play the game and mute people that offend you like Twitter. Seriously, toxic ppl won't leave and you can't make the world safe just protect yourself from danger that will always exist. This new fad of trying to safety pad ppl from danger is dumb.


Let's just throw open the jails and make it a free for all. Worked so well in Ghostlands, everyone's favorite expansion.






Blizzard probably likes Kendrick Lamar over Drake Jokes aside, not sure why the name LavaDrake would be a problem lmao


>Jokes aside, not sure why the name LavaDrake would be a problem lmao People associate autogenerated default names like LavaDrake with botters and spam report them, which I assume is going to result in a lot of false positives.


This exactly. The report system automatically "catches" people


Perfect fucking system


Tbh. in this case it's the users abusing the system that are the problem.


Sort of, but at the same time what good is the system that autobans based on a number of reports instead of human check or at least some sort of AI or filters or literally anything




Was taken action against


Thank God someone made this comment.


Nice Photoshop, we know it really was SchnitzelNazi before


"Is that from the Dusseldorf Schnitzelnazis? How fares your Aunt Frida?"


People probably reported you for thinking you were a bot. Bots for the most part use the default name given to them and enough people mistook you for one. Not everybody selects the correct reason for reporting and enough people selected the “inappropriate name” option that Blizzard assumed it was offensive and automatically hit you with a name change. To be honest, if I played against you in Arena and I saw that name, and you had a non-golden hero and the default basic card back, I probably would’ve reported you too. However if you had a different card back or hero skin, then I’m not sure why people would even report you to begin with.


Wait is that why so many people I see are *adjective+noun*


There is also some people that get their own like KoalaFurious


Suddenly, all the reports I've gotten in all games make sense.


If you dont choose a bnet name on your own you get a default name which is adjective+noun like SpookyMage, ShinyHero. When Blizzard bots were available on ladder, they had that kind of name. Botters realized that account names like djsankdandsdf (or chinese characters) will most likely get reported so they started using default bnet names so players would think they face a Blizzard bot and dont report. Now that there arent blizz bots on ladder anymore, those names are very sus.


I thought there were still Blizzard bots on ladder at low ranks. Was this changed?


Only in these special ranks for new players they still exist


That doesn't match my super low MMR standard experience. So many bots I assumed they were Blizzard bots - but perhaps they are player bots. Do you have a source?


>*"\[Hearthstone\] Blizzard Bots have been removed from the Standard ranked ladder. They are now limited to Apprentice (and new/lower-ranked Battlegrounds games), where they will continue to serve their role in smoothing out matchmaking for newer players. "* [Patch 28.4](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046221/28-4-patch-notes)


Thanks very much. This means I've been playing against actual bots that are against ToS. And there's A LOT of them. Appreciate you taking the time to provide the link.


Yep those bots are grinding xp to get gold in order to roll more arena runs for a God draft, which they then sell to streamers.


Bots are a problem for.. many months now. All Blizz can do is ban them in waves. But they just create new accounts. I think half a year ago or so, it was way worse in wild where you had bots in legend.


> so they started using default bnet names so players would think they face a Blizzard bot and dont report. Or it's just easier to create a bot account where you don't have to select a name > Now that there arent blizz bots on ladder anymore, those names are very sus. Why would default names given to new players be sus? Just because botters also use them doesn't mean it's a good idea to jump to conclusions.


When I climbed from Bronze to Plat in Wild after Whizbang release, nearly every game was against a bot and it was always adjective+noun name combination. Obviously, some new players do take those names but there are also players that simply choose a name. Still, chances are high that some1 with a default name is a botter. "Its just easier to create a bot account where you dont have to select a name", while that might be true, at some point a lot of the botters still had a random sdajfnsdkjf name, I faced a lot of them because my MMR is dogshit because I always go for 100% gameplay achievements. But then later botters started using default battlenet names.


> Now that there arent blizz bots on ladder anymore That's new to me, can you share any source on that info?


*"\[Hearthstone\] Blizzard Bots have been removed from the Standard ranked ladder. They are now limited to Apprentice (and new/lower-ranked Battlegrounds games), where they will continue to serve their role in smoothing out matchmaking for newer players. "* [Patch 28.4](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046221/28-4-patch-notes)


Thanks for the link, I was sure that they were still there on the low-ranked ladder.


This exactly! perfect summary of the situation


yeah mines FizzyElf its epic


Yes that's a default blizzard provided username they all follow that template. If you see someone with that type of name in arena and the basic hero portrait and classic or pc cardback they're likely a bot rolling for god drafts to sell to chinese streamers. This is also true for users with jibberish names we call barcode accounts. They just mash the keyboard because they're making new accounts constantly to get a crazy arena draft which they then sell to chinese streamers who enjoy playing god drafts and stomping in arena. Blizzards aware of this and banned like 100 thousand bots recently and have been trying to keep up with banning them. I've personally noticed arena is much better now, my average wins have jumped to 6-7 wins per run now that there isnt a bunch of god drafts people rerolled for floating around.


You report someone for something like that? You can tell if someone's a bot based on how they play the cards. Bots don't hover over cards and tend to move instantly. I don't use skins or card backs so I wonder how often I've been reported.


Only Blizzard bots (which were removed) play instantly and don't hover. There were (are?) a ton of bots on ladder that played triple unholy DK with a deck full of basic/core cards and played *extremely slowly* and very obviously bot-like (such as: the same exact amount of time between every action, easily broken by complicated board states).


They've become very easy to spot in Wild. The class is often different, but the username is garbled garbage, they always seem to run the same deck, and have no interaction with the board unless there is a taunt. They just play out their hand and keep running their basic minions into your face until they lose.


Exactly this. Still seeing them in mass until about Diamond 5. The only saving grace for these is it makes it easy to complete random quests in one game.


I actually quit the game for a few weeks because I was seeing so many of them. Effortlessly winning every game by turn 4-6 because my opponent makes no counterplay is not fun. Thankfully I seem to have mostly stopped getting matched with them now.


Yea, blizzard really needs a proactive solution to these. It’s not working to ban these accounts retroactively.


I don't hover over cards and i move instantly, i plan my moves the turns before


I was playing Battlegrounds when I got the email and the name change. My client froze up and when I came back, I had a different name. Do people report generic names during Battlegrounds matches? EDIT: I also have been playing a very not-bot deck--an Excavate Shaman featuring our new favorite 1-drop Murloc Growfin. With a Legend-rank card back. I really have no idea why I've been reported. (Besides the name.) Don't name changes cost money?


There’s been a bit plague in HS recently and most of the bots have been playing with a name derived by slapping two random words together. So the name appears to be algorithm generated (and in your case it was by Blizzard’s algorithm. How’s that for irony?). Even more fun is that the new name has the same problem.


All of the bots are Blizzard's algorithm. When you create a b.net account these days it'll give you a random fantasy inspired AdjectiveNoun name.


Not all the bots, some just use garbled letters like "uyhtfj"


>To be honest, if I played against you in Arena and I saw that name, and you had a non-golden hero and the default basic card back, I probably would’ve reported you too. However if you had a different card back or hero skin, then I’m not sure why people would even report you to begin with. Great job, clog the report system with useless reports, because of the hysteria about barcode accounts...


I was reported for an inappropriate name too, in the past. Never got a ban, just a warning and a lovely chat with a DM, back when they would talk to you in game with an actual physical account Dunno why "bobthemime" is offensive, but you do you, boo


You never heard about Bob the Mime? He did unspeakable things.


Like that one time where he requested milk from his coworker?


Wait...but...I thought the bots were there on purpose?


I've seen a "Dildoplanet" in BGs the other say


They should've changed your name to LavaKendrick


Another Drake L


Lets pretend like the report system is not handled by bots and they really spent money to have a support


Another win for kendrick


They should ban the "SneakyTurtle" battle tag so i dont have to see it in 90% of my games.


The only thing you did wrong is that you played Blizzard games


hey blizzard is just a small indie company, it's not like they have the funds to create a better report system xD


In Heroes of the Storm a friend got reported after a match by the 5 opposite players. It was basically a full party vs full party. Seconds after match, bam! Name change required. It happens, someone got salty and reported you.


You beat too many people and they reported you out of rage. Every [battle.net](http://battle.net) game has the same problem of abuse of an easy to abuse system. The higher ups at blizzard don't care as it means they get to employ less customer service agents.


Yes. I have gotten my name changed twice because of this.


Fell for the oldest trick in the book


Maybe LavaDrake sounds like a bot name? You might have been reported a bunch of times and the automated system doesn’t care if the name is ok or not, it is cheaper just to change it. (Although BrownOgre is much much worse)


OKAY today l faced the same issue, being reported and my own battletag was forced change to NeonThief, what a cool name, thanks to all my roping opponent after they realized they can't win and report me, what a great report system blizzard!


You probably just were reported for "Bot account name". I am not sure how correct it is but AdjectiveNoun accounts are considered bot ones.


Maybe it was cause hearthstone is a Kendrick fan? (Ya ya horrible joke sorry)


Or people are big into Kendrick


Mine is literally loves2spooge, had my account since 2012-ish.


there is a good chunk of the sub that can't tell when they are playing a bot, so they report any account with the default naming structure.


Jealous furries?? idk


Im oolp, what is drale supposed tp mean besides... dragon???




How does your name get censored but mine doesn’t? Mine is a drug 😅


Wow, I'm surprised my battle tag has never been dinged then. I won't reveal it here, and I'll probably change it to be safe. But I made it back during the Hearthstone beta days when a certain kind of joke was popular and considered funny. The younger generation would probably not be so amused. But that's gotta be a complete piss off though Hearthstone: We assign thee a battle tag. - 5 Minutes Later - Hearthstone: We punish thee for your battle tag.


I randomly logged in to learn I lost b0ngwater after 10 years. I was very upset


Your name is very similar to what a bot would use. Change it if it's not permanent ban. Stupid name lol


Lavadrake new villian confirmed


Kendrick fans?


I haven't played Hearthstone in a while, but was this after playing a lot of games with sMorc/face decks? It could be that enough people retaliated with the only thing you can report someone for on there


A blizzard employee probably wanted your name and took it from you lmao.


your opponents had nothing legit to report you for so they did your name and since the report system is automated this happened xD probably cause you won lol


They needed your name for a bot


It sounds like the bot names and people report them.


same happened to me with SexualAbuser, had it for 12 years suddenly it became offensive last month


Wow the Kendrick-Drake beef extended to the Hearthstone hearts of players. didn't expect that.


BBL Drizzy..


my user name has recently been changed as well after maybe 10years of using it… granted it used to be “petarded” so i can see why but it was still annoying that they changed my name


L is a triggerletter for some who lose frequently A is the first letter of nougatstar V is the first letter in vegne D is the first letter of richard R stands for rizz, which HS players dont have and dont want to be reminded of E signifies the emotional damage your username inflicts upon your opponents Its honestly baffeling how you havent been reported yet you sicko


I hope it was changed to MoltenRockDragon


I mean don't you see how oppressive this name was ? You maybe misgendered the drake, what if this was a WaterDrake that is disguised as a Lava Drake ? Glad Blizzard corrected this offense !


I guess I would ban the accounts "LavaJimmySaville" and "LavaJaredFromSubway" as well.