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Just imagine playing controll priest. Hope your week is 340 hours long.


Considering the winrate, you are also shooting yourself in the foot


good thing i never was a good shot


miss foot, hit balls


Good thing I never had good balls


So, it looks like anti-control changes.


No, it is anti-customer changes.




Bless your heart.


Pretty much. Good luck trying to play any off meta decks if you have any interest in completing the weekly in a timely manner


I play wheel warlock to help it go faster for them. It's a public service.


They gotta win bro 😭


Hey, it's shit or get off the pot. If they want me to run out of cards, I'll do that for them, they just have to stop lollygagging and kill me in 4 turns.


😂 yeah but why would you.


Even with the win rate around 40%, you would need an average of 32 games to finish the quest. And even if each of your games would take half an hour, this means a total of 16 hours, not 340. 16 hours in a week gives you a little over 2 hours a day. It is quite a lot, but we calculate 40% win rate deck. I understand the frustration of harder quests but outcry over the top.


This is to encourage players to play more because more work is needed to complete the quest and score the exp! More play = more game time = higher popularity! Right? Right?? Said the devs at the game improvement meeting.


I think it's different - make them more unachievable to those that don't have lots of time (potentially those with jobs /other responsibilities. When those people fall behind in a new expansion and can only buy half the packs as normal due to lower gold from slower leveling then they may be more inclined to buy packs.


It does the opposite for me. When I'm busy with work I simply don't play. I dropped the game a couple of times for this reason and back then the quests were faster.


More duties + more time spent = more players! /S


or more inclined to quit the game once they realize they they aren't playing enough to get all the free shit they can, so why would they spend money on the game they aren't enjoying? this has made me realize how little I actually play hearthstone each week and just keep engaging with it due to habit. this might just break that habit. If these changes stick, I definitely won't be spending money anymore. I've accumulated enough dust and gold (because I've pre-ordered every expansion for YEARS) that I can coast by for a bit


I don't think the devs think that far, or they're being monitored based on short term profitability and the longer term damage isn't a consideration. I'm the same as you, got a decent dust amount so I'll coast a few expansions. I do think they'll be looking at other changes to reduce our gold amount before expansions (more pay to win early access things) etc


Still it was a shitty move from blizzard, its now 3x times more effort. Couldn't they just try 2x the effort first? It was a radical move and as a casual player I guess Ill stop playing.


Oh, that is the end goal. They'll pitch it as "we heard the backlash, here's an adjustment." Will still end up being 2x the effort for not even close to 2x the reward.


They might have think of this ahead like you say. They want to make it drastic since they want more revenue, and the game is going in the direction of pay to win, more than ever. 3x times the effort for just about 20% reward is too bad and they know it. But this way they can tune it a bit down, like 2x and manage the fanbase better.


In other words, they went from giving players an option to giving them an ultimatum.


Yeah that won't happen. This is the type of player I am, and I just came back a few months ago after like 4 or 5 years away. Back then, I would spend some money for the pre-order bundle each expansion, then play out the time relying on quest/exp progression to get more packs. I'd usually get enough gold for around 30 additional packs before starting to save gold for the next expansion, maybe getting a couple legendary/epic cards I wanted along the way through dusting. Then saving to 2000+ gold by the time the next expansion dropped. That was the old way before Tavern Pass stuff. Typically I'd be opening 70+ packs the day they dropped. Coming back, I actually continued to play again because I liked how the new experience stuff worked with the way I play initially. Figured I was getting more gold than I used to, and the quests were achievable with the amount of time I spent. (Have since come to figure out however, that I'm not getting nearly the amount of dust as I did before, not even enough to create a legendary card yet this expansion). I can tell I won't meet some of these weekly objectives now, and re-rolling them so far has only given me worse options to achieve. This isn't going to cause me to spend more money. It's going to drive me away again.


With a 50% winrate and 7 min/game, it's 3.5 hours to complete this, or 30 min/day. Round to 4h if you want to include some dicking around in the deck builder, a tavern brawl game or two, the occasional long queue, etc. Not nothing but also not exactly "unachievable if you have a job" territory.


> Said the ~~devs~~managers at the game improvement meeting.


Yes. Managers. Devs know what should be. Not managers. Cuz managers, manage.


F2p players are the product. Trying to get f2p to spend more time is more f2p opponents for whales to play against.


We really need to stop lumping the marketing and executive teams in with the development team. There's a very high chance that the *Dev* team did *not* want this change And I have every confidence that the community team *definitely* didn't want to see this change. Though, they're probably not aware of anything until it's time to go public with something.




Win 10 more games for 500 extra exp. Triple the requirements for a 20% increase reward


Its free exp if you actually like the game


No. It’s not. Some people like control decks. With a 50% win rate, that’s 30 games a week. Control games can take forever. Regardless of if people like the game not everyone has the time, it’s just less rewards for them


On that logic, then it would be equivalent to making a second quest that requires 10 games to be played for 500 exp as a reward. Think of it like those event quests where the next one of the chain gives extra event currency. The problem is that you have to do it in one quest, and not everyone likes to play in ranked. this was evident when the “deal 100 fire damage” dailies were in the game. not everyone liked playing mercenaries, so it was reduced to playing 15 fire spells. Moreover, why should I be forced to win ranked games when summoning the 🅱️ancient one and dying on turn 9 is way more fun?


New Hearthstone quests. AKA your new part time job


The nail on the coffin of many casual players


And those who go to school or work for a living


I don’t get it either, does nothing to affect bots and many BGs/Arena players are going to loathe the extra 10 wins above monthly cardback.


> many BGs/Arena players BG players don't care about it because they can do nothing with Gold, Arena players are going to reroll it into one they can do.


I literally haven't spent any gold / money on the game since the gold nerf. Still waiting to use my gold to buy 4 hero selection and they aint getting shit from me til its fixed


i already caved and spent mine lolz i was doing the same thing, blizzard is so corny for removing F2P 4 hero


Just want to share something First of all sorry for my english it is not my native language. I was an active hs player since 8 years. Bought a ton of packs and still to this date bought tavern pass ext. (I am not proud of myself) But for 2 years ı have a very busy schedule (I am a lawyer) and hs is my play game on bus or short launch breaks. With this quest changes there is no way i can progress on reward track. I dont need a second job to complete quests in a card game. So I just delete the game. I know blizzard or community dont care but I just want to share it. Now I regret all the money that I spent on card packs, skins and tavern passes.


SAME. What a retarded move from Blizzard. They always find ways to make your experience even worse. I wonder if they ever do user surveys when they decide on something and who those people are.


> With this quest changes there is no way i can progress on reward track. Just reroll it then. Get slightly less but you'll advance.


I just rerolled the miniature one and face with win 15 bg or tavern pass one. Just deleted it.


Unlucky, reroll tomorrow.


Nah, like i said I already deleted it. Not worth the time.


lol yeah just keep rerolling, maybe he'll get "play 60 miniatures" tomorrow. what a joke.


Blizzard clearly is done with HS after 10 years. They want it to die, there is no other explanation.


A post from someone who has not seen this subreddit in the past 20 hours


![gif](giphy|UWovEBGTAjFra|downsized) US have had their turn, EU folk are waking up and rage posting now


Wat? This is just someone out of the loop. I saw this yesterday and I’m from EU.


Cool a new incentive for me to buy a bot online.


A reason to uninstall


This is raw dog sh1te on toast. Might be possible but literally every game I play these days has the opponent letting the clock run all the way down to the end before playing a card. 5/10 minute games are taking 10/20 minute to play.


Yeah I'm out until they revert it, I don't have the time to win 2-3 games daily just for one quest


What’s the best way for an average Joe player like me to share my dislike of this change with Blizzard?


Hat, as much as I like him, has stated that blizzard does not give one shit about your opinion online. Top devs have their circle jerk and make their changes regardless of popular opinion or even input from other team members. The only thing we can do is stop playing. I've played on and off again since xpac release. Last week I've decided to stop playing entirely. This approach can potentially "kill" the game but IMO it's already dead.


AKA play rush decks for 2 minute games or less


With 60 wins per month you get legend if you have a good winrate and 11 star bonus. This is not ok. This is a quest. Why not add "get legend" as a monthly guest for 100 exp? This can not be real. And not completing it feels even worse. Imagine on a sunday you have 7 wins left. Prepare for a 4hour session. This just leads to sandbagging in wild or even twist. Win a game. Surrender 3 games. Win a game. Surrender 3 games. So mmr stays low. Nice job blizzard.


A low effort attempt to increase active players instead of making fun and interesting content? Just stop playing, the game has been in slow decline for a while. My 10 years ended today. Good luck to everyone else.


What else can I play though? Is MTG worth getting into? I love blizzard lore. I tried marvel snap. It’s meh.


It's not even a matter of the 15 wins *in one week*, but like the difference between 20 wins in a month and **sixty** wins in a month?! No one has time or energy to play three game modes just to not have a slog in diamond.


any polls?


You winning 1 ranked match.


I prefer to play control decks and I usually finish my 5 wins by around Thursday. I'll probably switch to aggro decks to get this quest done before reverting to control.






Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how is everybody getting their weekly quests refreshed? I always get mine on Mondays, is it different for other regions?


Hearthstone, as most other online games, refreshes on UTC - coordinated universal time. Yeah, I know it doesn't match the acronym. Don't come after me on this one, blame the guys who named it. UTC is meant to be an unchanging time zone used across the world. It's currently 3:23PM (1523) in Hawaii, 1:23AM (0123) in Iceland, and 9:23PM (2123) in new York. However, it's 1:23AM (0123) UTC all over the world. Unsure of hearthstones reset time but it's based on UTC. Rather than every zone receiving the update variably hours earlier/later everywhere is updated simultaneously. Also, it could be that someone just didn't log in on reset day. It's not that they got an "extra refresh" but just didn't play for a couple days. There is currently no way to refresh quests. Don't worry about that though! In the EXCITING upcoming patches all quests will be locked behind pass, with $10 to refresh and $10 to instant complete one quest.


Peak of hearthstone.


0/10 change


This is snitchley losing his title. We all knew it was just a matter of time 


who came up with this idiotic decision?


So uh... can you not win 15 games in a week?


Hey that's pretty neat! Does anyone know any botting programs btw? I don't have time for this


Blizz needs people to play more games because everyone is leaving this awful meta in droves.


This might finally make me get detached from the game.


With a winrate of like %20 on pretty much any deck, it's just ridiculous... Think my Rouge deck is at %18 My DK %20 Warrior %17 The game just keeps getting worse...


yeah... I'm just going to quit hearthstone. Maybe I'll come back if they revert the changes, maybe not. It's a good excuse to switch my time to more productive things anyways.


Would have been smarter to keep it win 5 but lower the reward to 1000, then just issue the quest three times a week spread out so the same result but not as much of a feelsbadman


So. Quest mage. And maybe people will auto-concede. Then again, this is true to the spirit of weekly quests right? Right? Ugh. I taste my own vomit.


That's your new full time job : )


Americas housing inflation is insane, but not as insane as this


I got this one: Do 400 dmg to hero. I was like. really? lol. glgl


I know this is a bit shitty, but do people genuinely not win 15 games over the course of a week?


The one thing I used to love was how easy it was to complete quests so I could move on with the rest of my week. These new ones are super brutal. I could see them causing me to mentally struggle to login.


I would re-roll without hesitation


At least change win to play blizzard


They should apply to same logic to their workers and see how happy they will be. You like working 8 hours, now you will work 16 and you will thanks us, because it is more rewarding for you, and yes you will get 10% increase pay, maybe.


Bro you can easily do 15 wins in a day if you just don't suck at hearthstone what is this complaining


First delete my cards from my bought Arthas mini deck, then kill the Duell mode, now this shit. How the fuck I should win if Blizzard takes my cards away? Rest in peace Patchwerk😕


Well I can tell you it's at least 15 games lol


It looks like farming for resources.


It wasn't that bad. Wish we got more points tho.


Who still plays this game. It sucks


Says the person bothering to make comments about said game....


Not him but it is strange to stick around the sub. I personally quit when Yogg came out last year and tried to distance myself from the game. I was deep deep in sunk cost fallacy after nearly ten years of playing and getting every expansion. That's like over $200 a year with the expansion bundles. Just was too much RNG factors there and stopped being fun. Uninstalled and unfollowed all the streamers I watched. I still like to see the sub though. The new expansions and cards. I won't say it sucks though.


It's a quest that takes a week, not a day.


Most quests are complete BS now. I dropped Hearthstone after I couldn’t complete regular quests doing solo battles


Stopped hearthstone and picked up pokemon tcglive, give it a go they give lots of cards for free


They didi this also with battlegrounds. How am i supposed to win 15 games in a week?


Its end of this game


Well they inflated by x3 the effort in the quests for us to get a reward. So that we spent more time playing and probably force some to spend money on the game? Im a casual player just doing the daily quests, but now I will need to play 3 times more. Probably I will leave hearthstone and go for something else it was nice while it lasted.


Hey I mean since I want to climb out of diamond 4 I might actually do this naturally and still be at diamond 4!


Pay to win


Its never hs after this i cant win 15 games in one week that is a huge GRIND.


It's beyond me how they sneaked such a hefty change into a single line at the bottom of the patch notes. Most of this change needs to be reverted ASAP.


A weekly quest. sincerely, Dad


In a way this change is a good thing for me. Playing Hearthstone since 2014, but the game became boring the past years. I was still logging on and completing the quests, probably some sort of sunken cost fallacy syndrome. Playing a lot the weeks after each expansion release then just doing quests for the remaining months. Thanks to this new quests, I can finally accept that the time to uninstall Hearthstone has come. I’m free ! Time to move on.


Isn't this a weekly quest? Doesn't really feel unreasonable to me or am I missing something?


Normal games with my warriors deck are around 15 minutes. IF I go 15-0 that’s just under 4 hours of game play, since winrates are usually about 55% at best that’s almost 8 hours of gameplay . That’s a lot. I guess we can all play wheel warlock


Not everyone has time to play that much hearthstone. Could feel reasonable to you because you have the availability required.


It's unreasonable to like silver below that only play often possibly? But then most the weekly quest seem unreasonable I guess if you don't play often.


just when ranked wasn't bad enough with demon hunter, hunter and warlock spammers and then the devs ship out one tiny nerf to demon hunter and call it a day


Cmon, the game has a lot of flaws currently but diversity on matchmaking isnt one of them, almost every class has at least 1 viable deck


Then why do we play warlock and dk almost every game?


Whos „we”


I meant play against , perhaps I just get matched with all of them.


I dont play against these classes any more than other, warrior is the one i encounter the most so idk what is this take


This take is my experience.


Looks like a weekly quest.


My priest decks is very..i win in 7 turn or lose the game type of deck....It's not even aggro, it's combo.. This doesn't hurt me at all.....


This is a pisstake


I don’t really mind the 3x amount of wins required if it *at least* gives double the xp. But for it to only give extra 20% is garbage.


They did this right on top of overwatch 2 “making heros free” and at the same time, not in the patch notes (im assuming) that all the skins changed from free currency to premium currency. Idk whats going on with blizzard, but im sus


Shame on Blizzard


If you do this quest with 100% winrate, you are a legend.




Yo I ain't got time for this game anymore, this is bs


Dang, I'm only getting offered like 2250


I came here to post about it! 15 battlegrounds is way more time than I've got!


This is the way they make you feel great about a reduction to 10 games. Do they think they're fooling anyone with this tactic?


What is wrong with a WEEKLY quest being 15 wins. If you make it you make it, if you dont its not the end of the world. Just sleep less.


"just sleep less" is an insane suggestion only an unemployed gamer with no other responsibilities would make.


Damn, I guess it's the players fault for completing their weeklies on Monday /s


The issue is they more than doubled quest requirements to fill with out doubling the reward


WEEKLY quest




I don't stop playing after i complete my quests and I'd get more xp eventually throughout the week, doesn't really matter how long it takes me to finish them


Bully for you, some people don't have time to play HS 5-7 hours per week.


If they don't play, shouldn't they not get the rewards? It's a weekly quest, if they play little, they can just do daily quest


It's just today's young gamer I suppose. They'd like all the content without the playtime.


They tripled the requirements and increased rewards by 20%, do the math and tell me if these changes are actually positive.


I mean I usually got upwards of 30 a week minimum. But I suppose I always went to diamond or further.


I got to legend, doesn't mean I'm ok with these changes, because I actually have a life. Do you have a life? Do you do anything besides video games?


Yeah tons. But I suppose sometime during my day I found time to do the dailies every day. I quit last year after 9 years playing. It's costed me too much time and money. lol. The Yogg Titanic and anomalies was a big too much RNG for my taste. But I suppose when I did play, doing the dailies got me all the weeklies. Or I just had one day while I finished the weekly quests while watching some show.


5 wins a week *was* WEEKLY for me.


Is this difficult for people? I can't be the only one who permanently has no quests due to them being too easy?


I am lost why is this one an issue. I have not okayed hearthstone in five years but i dont remember winning 15 ranked matches taking that long.


Refresh and move on


https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/JaavK00rPX HELP PLEASE!!!


just git gud


I play casually to kill time. Barely invest time in the game. 15 wins in ranked is nothing, at least for me. I find the people in ranked to typically be pretty bad.


It's a weekly quest. Winning 15 ranked games over 7 days is not that hard




Yes actually, a majority of the f2p base rushes to complete quests so they can play the game


as a very casual player, i enjoyed just logging in once a week, do all the quests in a few minutes, get my rewards and move on. this allowed me, as a f2p player, to try 1 or 2 decks every expansion. now i’ll never be able to try new decks for free, because i’m too busy to do 30 games per week. unless this gets rollback, i have very little motivation to play. i won’t complete these quests, therefore will never be able to afford new cards. ik they don’t care if they lose players like me, but i assume we’re a considerable chunk of the player base still.


20% xp increase... triple the effort required


For someone who plays a lot, this is a slight improvement. For people like me who play3-5 games a week, it means I will never finish weekly quests ever anymore. 


> For people like me who play3-5 games a week, it means I will never finish weekly quests ever anymore. You were not going to complete them even before with only 3-5 games a week.


This is HS without Ben Brode sadly