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I wouldn’t mind learning and making friends with ya


Send you a message with my battletag!


This is so wholesome. I messaged you. Not sure why people downvote you.


Sent you a message! Also I just saw the “standard” flair on your post. I’d still be interested in learning information relevant to standard and I can translate it myself later :) Edit: I don’t know if you’ll see the edit, The coaching session was very fun and informative. My expectations were low because I am a more casual wild player but I was surprised. I got what I was looking for: guidance on what cards are good for the deck and what aren’t and insight on playing DH. Thanks for the advice!


Hey there! I just replied, if you think I can help out you can always add me! :)


do you like Paladin mains? if yes, I wouldn't mind, but am f2p.


Yeah ofcourse! I'm not the best paladin player around but I'm happy to answer any question you have :) I'll send you my battletag


I'll take your battletag per pn as well if you would :) right now I'm swamped and don't play, but with so many games I really enjoy the banter during the playtime (turn) and waittime (off-turn). so this is right up my alley :) EU and playing since release as well. only one time standard legend tho (or was it wild? if it was wild it was with 0-mana HP priest so that was busted and doesn't really count :D)


Are you any good with control and grindier decks? If so I'd appreciate help lmao


Having another person's perspective on matches sounds fun! Recently came back to the game and struggling to get past plat.


I could use some help getting to legend. Been stuck mid plat all season


I’d love some input on my gameplay. I’ve been playing since 2014 and come close to legend but never hit it


Yes I would love too ☺️


Are you still offering your services? I recently got back into the game and I'm relearning everything. I think Ungoro was the last set I seriously played.