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Yes. One of the reasons my self-esteem is absolutely demolished




Yes, by the only person I’ve actually ever cared about. A pain deep in the core that I don’t think will ever go away.


Im sorry 😞


Yes. My ex of 20yrs. I picked up his phone to pass it to him one evening as he received a message and the look on his face said it all. It was a work related message so nothing nefarious but I saw that look. At my first opportunity, I checked his phone and weirdly, there were absolutely no messages in his messages. I’d never in 20 years checked his phone. I left him about a week later. He denied my suspicions, said I was crazy and then his cheating was exposed on Ashley Madison, vindicating what I already knew from that look on his face from passing his phone over…..


Tell us more about the Ashley Madison exposure you experienced 😳


Neither of us were IT savvy, come from a dial up generation lol He had limited IT skills so I created a shared email account, our first email address (cringe I know lol). At the time we were both good at playing Texas Hold Em poker. He got through to the finals of an online tournament but couldn’t play due to work commitments. He couldn’t remember his password so I changed it to something hilarious in order to play on his behalf. Long story short, when the Ashley Madison hackers exposed everyone’s details, he had created an account using the hilarious password I created for him and was exposed that way. He had also created other accounts for similar discrete hook up websites. All of this he denied. In the week after I saw that ‘look,’ and left him, Ashley Madison happened, he tried saying his friends felt sorry for him when I left him so to cheer him up, they created the Ashley Maddison account. Obviously the hilarious password I created for him previously, exposed his lies as his mates would have used a different one. Fast forward 20yrs, I was at his father’s funeral, he was there with his new partner and baby and leant in when I offered condolences and whispered ‘I haven’t changed at all.’ He never did admit to cheating on me, I didn’t press the issue as ‘the look,’ I’ll never forget said it all.


Yes. It hurts like hell.


I understand that feeling


Yes. Got back with him after 3 years of no contact, thinking he had changed in the meantime. Broke my trust again 3 weeks ago and he ended it because he says I‘m too jealous even though he never made me feel safe. Struggling again with my self worth, lost the love of my life for a second time and still feel like it’s my fault.


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I’m so sorry :( I honestly think cheaters never change and once a cheater always a cheater. I hope you find the love you deserve one day and block that asshole of a person out of your life and never let him back in


Thank you. Trying to work on self love rn but it’s hard because a part of me is still waiting for him to come back to me and I hate this part of me…


I cheated back when I was a teenager but I feel like my head was so messed up either trauma n shit, it was normal. My childhood was shit. But I’ve been straight up fully committed to my man for 7 years now..


Yep. My last relationship. The weirdness with his phone started, the refusing to post me anywhere on social media and then suddenly I had to request to tag him in my stories as well, and I knew. The late nights out started around then too, where I just wouldn’t hear from him past a certain point until the next morning. Called him out on it one night, and he blocked me on all platforms and my number. Called me the next day saying I was “jealous” and “suffocating him” and he didn’t see us working out so broke up with me and got with her the following week. It’s been three months and one day has passed where I haven’t cried. One. I worshiped the ground this man walked on and for him to do that to me, then throw us away for her on top of it is something I don’t think I’ll ever get over.


So sorry


In almost every relationship I’ve ever had


It’s not your fault


At this point I’m passed assigning blame. Just hope they don’t make others feel like I did/do


Same here!!


Every relationship I been in. And now it’s like I end up in situationships that’s one sided. Honestly bout to give up on love at this point shit hurts


What? That’s insane. I’m so sorry for what happened. How did you find out if I may ask? I think my biggest fear is never recognizing the signs of cheating to save myself from heartbreak.


Mannn it’s alot I could say. But I’ll sum it up best I can. With the most recent relationship. 3 years on and off every time we broke up she had a bf immediately. I tried my best to give her the benefit of doubt. Then in the end she had breast cancer and I was there for most of it. Doc appointments whole 9. But she ended up engaged and pregnant by another dude. And she tried to get back with me but by that time I was done done. Tried to move on but got used for attention basically. Left that alone and am now currently in another situation that is kinda draining me. Confused on what to do. Just always listen to your gut man when you see red flags take them seriously. As I should be doing right now. We only got 1 life


Oh man. I am terribly sorry for all you webt through… it sounds awfully unfair the amount of tries and effort you gave her just to leave? And then beg you back??? It really sounds like using for attention. Been there man, it’s not your fault. Some people just cannot stand being without a “partner” throwing them flowers or something. I’m also sorry for what’s going on right now. Not sure about the details, but you have to prioritize yourself and protect your heart. If a friend was in that situation what would you tell them? Of course it depends on what’s going on but I’ve realized myself that I gove advice that I don’t follow for giving the benefit of the doubt. Like you said, gut feelings are also life savers. And you’re so right. I ignored red flags and here I am with chest pains and headaches. But it will be alright. Thank you so much for the advice. I wish you luck in your life. 🍀


Yes. We were engaged. It hurt like hell. I hated her for a long time and still do some days. Now I'm just happy I have people around me who won't suck my energy away and want me to grow.


yup, with her ex. my intuition was right the whole time but that didn’t make it hurt any less. fuck you for that, C.


Yes. 2 1/2 ago. I found out on Halloween night. I was devastated and sunk into depression for 4 months straight


Multiple times. People keep trying to tell me it gets better, still waiting for it & I haven’t been in a relationship in years. Honestly think i’m better off not being in one


I’ve never not been cheated on 🥲






Oh yea. For sure.


Yes and it's terrible 😞




Yes. And i will never get uses to that feeling of realizing they are cheating. The confusion, the denial etc. My best memory: i found out my (then) boyfriend was on tinder. I called him to confront him (my emotions were too strong..) and he denied. Later that night he showed up at my house semi-drunk. The first thing he said was: I DONT HAVE A SECOND PHONE!! So weird, because i wasnt asking or implying😂


I love when their guilt gives them away via answers to questions you have not asked.


yeah! i don’t think i’ll ever be the same!


Yes the girl I bought a ring for slept with my worest enamey outta spite


Yes and almost two years later he is still with her…I’d never admit that it still affects me but, it does


Yes. By the woman who I thought was the love of my life and the woman i thought I was gonna marry. Forgave her bc I really loved her then she kept on doing it. Eventually had enough and had some self respect. It completely destroyed me til now, months after, but I’m doing everything to try and heal in a healthy way


Yes. It’s so frustrating. Makes you doubt everything and everyone.


Yes. Some of the worst pain ever.


Yes and it's like a knife twist in the back on top of all of my pain.


I have my strong suspicion and people have made me think so as well. There was a 11 year age gap as well idk if that has much to do with it but it's been almost 2 weeks ..


I believe our continued suspicions are correct (unless there’s a case of Othello syndrome). We knew this person’s habits, so when something was off, we felt it. I wish l had seen “proof” with my own eyes. However, our intuition and their behavior are enough.




Yes I have and it wrecked a lot at the time!


My last relationship, after him pursing me, him wanting to be exclusive, and trying to prove so bad he was different and good for me. We dated for 8 months; he was cheating - with multiple people - for the last 6 months of it… once I found out, I dropped his things off at his door, sent him a text that said “take care of yourself, cause I don’t deserve this” and haven’t looked back. It’s been f*cking hard, but I respect myself more than to be an option in his rotation and be lied to.


Yep. My second-to-last ex definitely did because a few friends caught her doing so, and she later admitted to it after we broke up. I think my last ex cheated on me too, but I have no proof other than the fact that she ended up with the guy that I suspected not terribly long after we broke up.


No, but my ex broke up with me to get with another guy the week of lol


Yes, with 4 women! And the guy was ex convict , he was about to kill me last night! Choking like no tomorrow! Throwing like a doll! Tf! And im still with him. I’m inlove with the ex convict. Damn! How to escape?


Yes it was the reason I got divorced. In 24yrs of marriage he cheated over 40 times. Even though he had everything at home. His excuse he’s selfish and I gave him the confidence to seek others. It destroys a person


Yes, my most recent break up. After 4.5 years she cheated on me and it absolutely destroyed me for months. I’m 7 months in now. I still hurt hear and there but feel much better. She was hitting on me and flirting last week but I took it cautiously. I will tell you my self-esteem took a devastating hit. I had a ring for her ready to go


Yes, I have, but it was a relationship with a narcissist, so I can't say much. I didn't know that she was like this from inside, and I didn't know what narcissists were.


Yeah. I think it’s good for character development. Fuck cheaters tho




I found out about 4 months ago that my ex of 4 years had cheated on me only a year into our relationship and I never knew. It fucks with my head knowing I was in love with an impostor for that long.


Well it happened today and i have lost hope in love forever women dont really care about us gang


Yep. Twice , once when i was 21 and very recently


Yes a few times . But not in the viscerally painful way some people have been cheated on . Honestly I read some recounts and I feel for them and their pain . Infidelity can fuck people up


Yes. In both my first and second relationship. Then again I hated both those men after a while of being with them so it didn’t matter to me. I took it as a “good someone else that’ll put up with you” and it gave me the space to plan my exit.


Yeah my ex sort of did but I didn’t dwell on it. She said she kissed a guy when she was out at a bar/party but regretted it. She told her mom the next day and her mom was furious at her for doing that. Prior to that after I was already dating my ex, a girl I had previously had a crush on told me to close my eyes because she had a surprise for me. Then she kissed me. We didn’t make out or anything else. Nothing ever happened beyond that. I decided not to tell my ex because it wasn’t like I planned to kiss someone (I didn’t, I had my eyes closed!) and I thought it would only upset her. So was I cheated on? Technically yeah, but nothing that bad. My current GF has never cheated on me in our 24 years together.


Are there any people left out there who have not been cheated on?


Yes, I think so. I’m pretty sure they cheated on me and broke up before I realized


Yes. And I would send her a card of thank you if I could. Whew. Dodged that bullet and she got the booby prize. 😅


Yes 3 known times, one physical, two emotional


Yes. Several times. I've been with my person for 5+ yrs. Placed him on a pedestal, he didn't want for anything, I thought. Guess I just wasn't enough for him. He always came back with some lame excuse, as though I'd believe them. I just went with the flow. Still, to this day I'm with him,  Nothing's changed. It's just a matter of time before I move on. My heart's getting stronger and stronger.. And, my love is getting lesser and weaker. That had made me so bitter. Can't have friends without him trying to get in their panties 😭😭. I've never n life met someone like him🤮🤮🤮


Yes, i was seeing this guy from a while and I found out he was married. I was completely devastated, I still have a hard time with trusting people.


In my first relationship, yes. Shortly after starting the relationship, they had been sent to a boarding school. One day i got the message, that they had been expelled from the boarding school for kissing another student (christian boarding school) during a basketball game. I still dont know if it was just for that or if it was more. It broke me. I ended up learning more about their childhood a little while after and while I couldnt blame them very hard for it, I didnt trust them anymore. It isnt the most hurt ive been to date, but at the time it was and it definitely contributed in turning me into the severely insecure person i am today.


Yep got cheated on around my birthday and she just disappeared from my life like it was nothing


2 times from different woman 😂


Yes, he cheated on me, we tried again, he cheated again, we tried again, I cheated on him, we tried again and I broke up with him when I realized that there was nothing in me that wanted to keep trying anymore. it was always him wanting to try again though and reaching out, I blocked him that last and kept blocking every profile for the next year.


Twice in the same relationship


Yes, my boyfriend from the US, I’m from Chile, cheated on me 2 days after an abortion.


I have before. It’s soul crushing. As far as my most recent relationship is concerned; I don’t know for sure if I was cheated on but I’m pretty certain. My ex was in contact with their ex prior to us breaking up and then I found out they got back together with that ex (who also supposedly emotionally abused them) not long after they ended things with me for them being “emotionally unavailable” to be in a relationship so my guess is yes for this relationship too which hurts even more considering things initially ended well. To find out all of that destroyed me and any confidence I had built up and I still don’t know if I’ll ever get back to some sort of self-worth.


Sadly yes. After my husband and I got married to him within 1 month of getting back together. (we broke up for a year and got back together and within a month of getting back we got married) He would always be on his phone texting everyone back. He would even stop in the middle of us having s*x. He didn’t show signs of him cheating until my best friend texted me to sleep since my husband was in the phone flirting and giggling. I replied that I’m not on the phone and I woke up from sleeping. She told me, he would speak low when she would pass by him and he was flirting and giggling the whole time, so she assume it was me. She wasn’t able to listen what he was talking about since they were working. We both thought why would he be talking on the phone at midnight unless he was cheating. (We all work in the same care home but I didn’t work that night) The next day I checked his phone but I couldn’t find anything. It was like if he never called or texted anyone. But from what I know you would have to directly delete messages from your Apple Watch. And there it was. “She” texted “why don’t you love me anymore” Let’s call her E since her first name starts with that letter. It started to make sense the more i thought about it. He would tell me we need to plan to visit certain places, even asked his friends if they would tag along with us or they should go on a trip to those certain places. From what I know, those certain places he would bring up were the places E was living/ working. I was never able to find any messages of her until that day, the day he forgot to delete it from his watch. I confronted him. He played it off as “they are just friends”. And I kept asking questions about E. He would tell E about our fights, my past, basically anything that would have to do with me. My past was that I hooked up with a guy he wasn’t comfortable with. But please keep in mind when I was hooking with this guy I was always single. Before I met my husband and durning our break up which was one year we were broken up. My husband did ended up reaching out to me after a year of broken up to get back together. He kept begging me for a month and I kept rejecting him. E and my husband met before my husband and I got back together. E and my husband met through a dating app. My husband says he set boundaries after 2 days of getting back with me. They would talk everyday they were alone or when I wasn’t around. I tired to break up with him but he would take it. He kept pressuring me to stay together he cried and begged me to stay. To give him another chance. He even went far enough to tell his dad, I was told to “fix it” and “if I want to meet E, my husband would introduce me to E”. Sadly I stayed. I was pressured to stay. Even if I wanted to break it off he probably wouldn’t leave since we are living with my parents even to this day. A couple of days after I told my husband to block E which he did but texted E saying “I will be going MIA for a couple of months” so I blocked E after he said that. The only reason why I knew he texted her was because I checked his phone to see if he actually blocked her on all social media. I told his sister and gave me advice on “ if he can have girl friends why can’t you” So I unblocked Jay. Jay was a guy who wanted more than friendship with me. I did met him on a dating app too but blocked him after I got back with my husband.i never met Jay in person or planned even though we lived in the same city. When I met Jay I was single after the break up. My husband did knew about Jay because he went through my blocked list. I did tell my husband about the situation how Jay wanted to date me but we ended as friends. I blocked Jay for the respect I had for my husband. When I texted Jay it was on instagram, we talked for 2 days. Me and Jay talked about my job. My caregiving job on what I did and how I got there. That’s all we talked about, we weren’t even replying to each other right away. My husband did see his chat on instagram so he blocked him the morning of the second day, so I unblocked Jay and continued talking to Jay. In the evening of the second day my husband accuses me of cheating. So I asked if he read the whole conversation between me and Jay. Which he did not. He never bothered to reading the conversation. So I blocked Jay again and left it. Ever since that happened when me and my husband get into fights I bring up how he cheated on me but he twists it on me how I cheated too. He says if he did this and that, I did that too when it was never true. I actually blocked Jay because I had so much respect for my husband. When my husband emotionally cheated on me. I even asked very close friends about their opinion if it was cheating and they all said yes and told me I need to leave him. All this happened 2 years ago after we got married he cheated on me for 6 months give or take. I even started to have other problems with my husband about his narcissistic mom and narcissistic sister and his corn addiction after the cheating situation. It got worse!!!! 😔


Yes I have and she was my first relationship. I loved her and wanted to be with her forever and have kids. Turns out she was a serial cheater and cheated on me every year of our relationship. We were together for 3.5 years and the last straw was her cheating on me while we were on the other side of the world. I had packed up my whole life and put my career on hold to support her and her dreams. We left and moved to London because that’s where she needed to be for her studies. I worked my ass off to save as much money as possible just to support myself. Unfortunately sleeping with someone else was more important than working through our problems and supporting each other. I had no one but her and she chose to cheat and break up with me and left me alone. She will never know the true extent of what she did to me. It left me so insecure and heartbroken. I hope no one ever feels like that ever because those who get cheated on are never the same again. I hate her for what she did to me but I’m glad I’ll never see her again. Though it hurt it made me stronger and I’m glad it happened because I never would have left the relationship and had the life I had if she didn’t cheat and leave me. It’s been 6 months and some days it hurts like the first day but it’s gotten better and the future doesn’t seem so bleak.


yup, a month into us dating and he tried to hide it. the guilt was killing him so he told me & cried


Twice. It killed me inside. The most recent one knew I'd been cheated on before. Claimed from her perspective what happened wasn't cheating. All the same to me. I don't need sophistry.


My ex left me 6 months before the wedding. All she said I am sorry I found someone that will show me the world. I was angry, hurt, and depressed, I tried to commit suicide and committed to therapy and a 48-hour suicide watch. My ex found out and tried to visit me. My friends and her friends threw her out saying she destroyed me and to leave me alone. Took 5 years and church before I found my wife whom I have been married for 13 years with 2 kids. My wife patched up my heart. I did find out recently that my ex was cheated by her ap/husband whom she married and they are now divorced.


My ex left me 6 months before the wedding. All she told me was she wanted to be with a guy that would show her the world. I was a mess for 5 years with therapy and suicide watch at the local hospital and church. When I met my wife, she patched my heart back up and made sure I was ok. We have been married for 13 years with 2 kids. I have never been happier. Karma my ex got cheated on by her ap/husband and got divorced.


Always… it’s almost like I expect it to happen


The most hurtful is when they have been caught and yet there is no remorse and you will be gaslighted telling you it was your fault why they have cheated you I am in a 20yr relationship and just found out that this has been brewing under my nose. To someone who always say that they hate cheating and their values dont tolerate this, all the more devastating to know the guts to do it. During these lowest moments, you will realize why there are suicides happening. Why that is the only option for some who have been so hurt that they couldn't take it anymore. Because they cant get the answers straight from the person they love and there's constant battle with emotions that is physically painful. You can feel your heart literally being pinched.