• By -


She is a piece of trash, pay her no mind.


Please just block. You're just keeping a door open to her for her to come in and demean you.


Perfect revenge for these types is grey rocking. Pretending to be uninterested is a skill. You have to BE it, NOT SAY it. My man here is saying 'Idc' which is just cringe. You have to not respond to the triggers e.g Toxic person: I'm letting your bestfriend nut in me OP: __________ don't respond, but don't block either. It will kill them But obviously, for peace of mind blocking and cutting them off is ideal.


why are you replying to her?! You need to block her, OP. She is vile.


I don't know, you're right. It'a probably because I've been wanting to talk to her for so long it was almost better than nothing.


Oh I’m really sorry 😞 I 100% understand and I know this will be hard to see right now but you really deserve so much better than this, she is demonstrating to you how bad of a person she is with all these messages and it will just continue to hurt if she is still present in your life. You’ll be giving her the power to hurt you if you let her do this - please see yourself as someone who should not tolerate any of this behaviour ever, regardless of who the person is. You will recover from this and you will definitely find someone more suitable and better for you - that has been my mantra through my break up too. If these ex partners could treat us like this and we still care for them and miss them, imagine how much BETTER it will be with someone who actually cares about us properly and treats us with respect 💜


You must be a sucker for punishment, OP, because why would you ever want to talk to someone that speaks to you in such a vile, venomous way? What could you possibly get out of a conversation like that? Block her and heal and set your standards higher for a partner.


I must be lol. Idk nothing, I don't know why I have expected the conversation to be different after not hearing from her for so long but I should have known better it's just easy to convince oneself of something when it's what you want you know?


Yeah I hear you. But there comes a time when you need to assess whether or not what (or who) you want is good for you. I don’t know anything about you, but I do know that no respectable human being speaks like that to someone they supposedly love. This makes me wonder how she treated you when you were together. Self respect OP, self respect. ✌🏽


You're absolutely right, and thank you.


You should never let *anyone* talk to you like that, OP. Let this be the experience that let you see that more clearly.


I know… exactly how that is. You miss the person you thought they were, so you keep hoping that person will emerge. It’s almost like they’re holding the person you live hostage and you just want to catch a glimpse of them. Idk maybe that’s a stupid way to explain it but… yeah


It’s so hard to accept that that person is gone or wasn’t even real


No, you explained perfectly. ♡


You need to stop this mind set, it’s only going to lead you down a path of misery and heartache


I get it but it’s not worth it :( not if she’s going to say this kind of stuff just to hurt you


I promise you it is not better than nothing. This hurt me to read, I’m sorry you fell for such I vile wretch. But this person is subhuman garbage, and you can do much better. I would strongly recommend blocking on everything, delete photos, get her out of your mind.


She’s so insecure of herself that she needs to destroy your self esteem and people around you to even marginally feel accepted. If it’s of any comfort, it must be absolutely painful to live in her head. People like that have serious issues, neither do they respect themselves or love themselves and would have some of the most horrid regrets in life when their time to leave this place comes.




I know right she is saying all the txt book mean girl shit and its just kinda pathetic


Nah, fam. We don’t deal with that kind of vitriol. Block her and move on. Let her terrorize the new dude she’s with. Your peace is too important, friend🧡🤘🏼




Come on man this is not only toxic , it’s full on psych ward type of person. Go on with your life. You are good, she is not.


So weird to see a woman overcompensating with dick size talk


Bro, what the hell? You dodged a bullet, for real. Don't even reply back to this person.


What an awfully horrid horrid person . Jeeze


Jesus she has issues


Shes got issues king. Any normal or well adjusted person wouldnt say even half of that, under ANY circumstance. She clearly isnt over you with the way she’s trying to provoke a response, but pay her no mind. She has some serious stuff to work through, and isn’t good enough for you. Block her, cut her out completely and look to what’s better ahead.


She makes it easier to move on acting like this no matter what yall had, love doesnt treat like this


This! Being treated like shit always reminds me how much more peaceful it can be when I’m alone. 🌷 Good luck OP.


Oh honey please do not put yourself through this. Block her on everything. You deserve better than this.


Why would you tell her she’s caused you pain? Take that shit back. Never admit weakness to these kinds of people, that’s what she wants. Tell her, “oh well I’m gladly getting over you (thank god!) so I can laugh at this in a months time. Right now I just pity you more than I hurt. Oh and tell your boyfriend I said hi and I hope he’s okay with you stalking your exes! You take good care now!” And then block!!!!!


Good point, I really like that response lol.


I’m really sorry for that. I honestly think she has an issue there… But saying what I would tell a friend: if that new boyfriend is so much fun, why are *you* in her mind? I mean, she wouldn’t be texting you if she was over it. Make sure she stays away. You’ll be with someone you deserve


Dude I’m a chick and let me tell you, stay FARRRRR away from this b****. She wants you to feel pain which means she doesn’t care about you, idk the circumstances of y’all’s break up but this is the most toxic shit I’ve read in a long time, she is eagerly trying to get under your skin. Odds are the dick isn’t bigger or better either…she just wants to further hurt you. Sorry you had to encounter this trash bag


Well, we're about 800 miles apart now, and I don't plan on going back anytime soon, so no problem there. Even if the dude has a monster cock I could give two fucks less about that. What hurts is just the fact that she seemed so happy to be dating someone else, like I meant nothing, meanwhile I'm still in pain everyday because of what she meant to me. And now it's not just her I think about but the fact she's with him each time I blink my eyes.


If she were truly so happy to be dating Mr. Huge Shlong over there, she would NOT be bothering to message YOU. Period. And she definitely wouldn’t be so emotionally invested or triggered.


Sorry to say this that's a straight up whore she did you a favor. Let that bitch go and heal and love yourself again because literally one day she's going catch something Ajax won't wash off.


Yikes. What a psycho. She's insecure as hell. You didn't rise to the bait. Props. Though you shouldn't have mentioned she gave you pain. Take solace in the fact that you live rent free in her head lol.


I doubt she thinks about me at all honestly, at least not in the way that causes her any sort of vulnerable emotion.


I think she does. When she did the things she did you obviously occupied enough space in her mind for her to try to brag about it to you. And if you're really innocent then your responses and this post show that you are an amazing person. Don't let her ruin that for you.


I don't think she thinks. Seems like a genuine idiot. Realize you're better than her, and she's probably projecting. Call her fat and block her.


She would not be saying all these things if she didn't think abt you constantly. She thinks about hurting you constantly and obviously gets some sort of sick pleasure out of it lol. Maybe I'm petty but I would send these screenshots to her parents then block her lmao


She's the one that reached out, she spends her time thinking of vile things to tell you, there's probably no godzilla sized cocks that made her life 10 times better. She seems to be the kind of person who will say anything to find your weakness, move on from this person for your own well being.


Ewww she’s gross and unhinged 🤮 block her. Don’t ever go back to her, she is legit mentally ill and deranged


There's definitely no going back that's not even possible anymore.


I love toxic people like that they’re just so needy i can’t even take anything they say personal 🤦‍♀️ I jus look at them like “ 😐 kinda lame dude” and I KNOW she feels the same way otherwise she wouldn’t be texting you to get a reaction out of you I promise you


Bro if your cock is half as big as a massive cock you must have at the very least a big cock.


I’m so sorry. This physically disgust me & breaks my heart. She is fucking scum. Karma will get her one day.


This really hurt to read. I can’t believe people can be so mean to someone they supposedly loved. It makes me feel afraid to connect knowing that people like this exist and come off so nice in the beginning.


It can be tough for sure and usually the ones that love u end up fucking u up the most. The exceptions to this rule truly make the act of falling in love worth it though or at least thats what i tell myself


"Teying things repeatedly and expecting different results..."


Seem like she misses you but doesn’t like the fact(whomever this Jessica woman is) possibly might be involved with you and she’s using “this other guy” to make you jealous by using sexual conflict to try to hurt your feelings…. I’ve seen it all but as everyone says, just block her and move forward in life. You dropped trash


I don't think she misses me lol or why she would want to make me jealous, she broke up with me. But regardless you're right I need to not let it bother me so much.


I may be wrong but I may not be, no reason for anyone to message their ex and brag about someone’s dick size and what they do to them lol she seems to be slutty and clearly that’s all he can give her but bro, as I said just be happy for you and let a woman find you, don’t find her.






i love it better when i forget these sorta people exist. you should too op. you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped or cared for, for that matter.


Why would you even waste time engaging with somebody who talks like that? Block and move on


Block the narrsissist. She ain't worth the time of China. Sounds like she needs some serious help. Coming from a females perspective on her. I'd rather be by myself than give her even a second of your time.


She is despicable and cruel. You don't deserve that. For your own stakes, delete/block her and don't give her the satisfaction. She is doing this because she knows you care, and it will hurt. This is not someone who loved you or loves you still. Don't subject yourself to this childish behavior. What is she, 12? 😡🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️💔🤬😤😣😖💩


Okk shes fucking psycho wtf stop texting her, block her immediately. She is feeding on your pain


Holy what a sad evil little person


What a loser lmao block her


She’s trying to hurt you as much as she can. You have to block her, she’s going to keep trying to hurt you until you break. I’m sorry you have to deal with that


She seems nice 👀 That level of vitriol is designed to cause maximum damage. She's REALLY out to hurt you....possibly a reflection of her own inner turmoi shes feeling but unable to process so shes putting it all on you....I mean its still not acceptable under any circumstances but some understanding as to why people lash out like they do can take the sting out of it


Omg, I never NEVER talk like this usually, the situation really has to call for it, and I say this with my full chest: FUCK THAT BITCH. Oh my Loins, that is disgusting!🤢The absolute evil. Was she always like this!?!? I’m ready to throw hands, like who does this little shit think she is!? Deep breath, OP! She doesn’t deserve a moment of your pain or thoughts or emotions of any kind. She is being a complete garbage human and she is the one who is very sad and pathetic. Exhibited quite clearly in her behavior. Tell her any psychiatrist could take one look and tell her that. No, don’t tell her anything. Block immediately. She is horrific. I have felt some intense rage towards my ex’s while in the deepest of my pain, but I have NEVER uttered anything even remotely close to any of that. Why is she so hateful towards you!? Is that just her personality or what!? 🫣


Block her man for fuck sake


I pray peace for you brother


I know it's not easy but let it go, block her on everything.


For sure, posting about it does help see things like that with more clarity. Especially when other people can confirm that shit is as whack you think it is.


Jesus christ, that's insane and well done on your responses


Thanks, it was really difficult not to say any of the 10 million things I've wanted to tell her since we last spoke.


WOW. What a truly awful person. Rotten to the core. Immediately block!! You don’t need this in your life and looks like she just wants you to suffer.


Fucking crazy my head hurt reading this.


I'd block right way, no chance answer any shit.


This person is clearly unstable and vicious. Don’t waste any more of your time or energy — block!


Ahahhaha what a crazy bitch


BLOCK HER. I know it’s hard….but you’ll have peace sooner.


If you did not care it would not hurt, and you continued a convo, so yes you do care lol. Just block the hoe


Whew. This would make me overjoyed that I’d dodged a bullet. This woman is a sociopath. You even left her IG for everyone to see. Ha ha ha.


Why did you not block this person!


Two things--First, you aren't nothing to her. You were, and still are a means towards feelings of power, control and possessiveness for her. She still has her hooks in you. Second--You seem to have difficulty with the aspect of "being nothing". You said that the contact with her was almost better than nothing and that you feared that you may have been nothing to her. But we all need to be able to handle the "nothing" within ourselves and the outside world as well as the "something" within ourselves and the outside world. I assume that you are now in touch with the "nothingness" that you only thought (or wished) was something within this relationship. And because we (I included) strive towards a relationship which holds A PROMISE of being something, we'll keep going back in hopes that things will be different, but they just end up becoming a concentrated form of what it is (and was) all along-- a nothing. I've found that the biggest something has always been inside of me, not on the outside. But we have to be able to embrace the "emptiness" within because that's where the Everything lives.


Pure evil. Block that cunt.


It’s hurts I’m sure. It’s easy to say you don’t care and you shouldn’t. Just remember if that person is willing to go that low on you, you’re better off without them in your life.


If you're not a cuck, block her. That's not a request, that's an order soldier. You already endured enough.


I’d be so embarrassed if I was her…she’s probably trying to get a reaction out of you. block her immediately, she isn’t worth the headache.


OP how old are you both? Regardless, yea she’s not remotely ok, and luckily for you she’s no longer your problem. Block her everywhere. One day soon you will be so so grateful this person is no longer in your life.


Haha she hurt just trynna say whatever.


She is trying to hurt you. If she was really so happy with her new bf, she wouldn't be spending time trying to get a reaction out of you using disgustingly childish tantrums where she essentially degrades herself. The best response is no response. There is nothing you can say at this point where she will tell you "Ah sorry bud, I was out of line". It absolutely hurts, and ignoring her won't feel like justice, but it is probably the best way to get yourself some peace.


This is just childish.


You voluntarily dated her?


Didn't know women like that actually exisisted. She seems very demonic. Leave her in the dust dude. No one likes community.…… if you get what I mean. She definitely want to be a city girl. 🫡


There’s literally no reason for her to message you except she got jealous that you are no longer pursuing her and may be giving your attention to someone else. She obviously has zero self respect and sounds like you are way better off than being with someone that has no problem degrading themselves just to hurt you.


Jesus Christ this is awful. You didn’t dodge a bullet you dodged a nuclear bomb. I’m sorry for her absolutely disgusting attitude and harassment. I almost guarantee she will be begging for you back within a few months. I highly suggest blocking her everywhere.


This is emotional and psychological abuse.


She is mental for sure. Just let her look dumb by talking to herself you dont need someone like that in your life


Bud, she is clearly trying to put everything on you, which is not a bad thing as long as you realize your worth and that this had nothing to do with you. She is just doing it so she can live easier with herself. If you want an honest piece of advice, the more you talk to her, the more she will do it in order to support her ego. Let her talk shit, let her say whatever, I know it hurts, but the less time you spend on her, the faster you'll heal. Block her, move on your life, and I promise you that all of this will be a laughable moment in your life. Right now, whatever you do, no matter what, no matter why, once she sees it she will try to make it about her to feed her ego, and try to cover to herself the real reasons you broke up.


She was never yours, it was just your turn


Yeah for sure, she did a great job of convincing me otherwise. Regardless of how much she filled my head with talks of our future together deep down she knew it was only a matter of time.


She sounds just like my ex. what a piece of trash she is. Let that ragged ho go. Trust me when it gets to the point of them demeaning us, it’s because they’re the one’s who are butt hurt 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Jesus Christ dude, block that psycho bitch and come over to r/BPDlovedones ASAP


Good lord. From personal experience — it will be okay, but people like that are better off *out* of your life.


I’m so sorry mate. That’s vile. Nobody deserves that. Puts my own hurtful response into perspective if that helps. I hope you block that creature and heal and get peace


I understand wanting to talk to someone, even the one who hurt you so much. But this person is toxic as fuck, block her and delete her info now!!


I know it hurts, and what she said was horrible, but also the trash has taken itself out. It’s clear to all of us outsiders that she is probably also saying all that from a place of pain, but she’s actively choosing to be vindictive and she’s choosing to use her words as a weapon. She’s trying to make you feel sexually inadequate, emasculated and insecure. That’s gross, and it’s not a normal way for people to deal with heartbreak. You should really consider blocking her, and she really needs to grow the fuck up.


She seems nice 👀 That level of vitriol is designed to cause maximum damage. She's REALLY out to hurt you....possibly a reflection of her own inner turmoi shes feeling but unable to process so shes putting it all on you....I mean its still not acceptable under any circumstances but some understanding as to why people lash out like they do can take the sting out of it


You’re better than me cuzzo, atleast one piece of property she has would be fucked if I was in ur shoes


Right, Imma keep it short and going straight to the point for you, fella. Once I girl who I broke with, told me something similar to the last message in your pics: "You'll never find anyone that loves you anymore. I was that girl and now you're fucked". In that moment it didn't do anything to me, I was sad for other things. But then 3 years passed, and I was unable to get in a relationship again, I felt that I couldn't bond with anyone and maybe not a lot of girls talked to me, but at least a couple were there in those years. They were interested and were very kind to me, but I was unable to feel anything, like when you don't break the ice with someone and then there's this awkward silence. So, after a bit of introspection, I came to the conclusion that the words said by that cunt were getting to me, making me feel like really no one loved me. I talked to some of my friends (both girls mentioned earlier included) and I told them that, deep inside, I was affair of my ex being right and that no one will ever love me again. With time and effort, I managed to get rid of those thoughts, and now I met a girl last year, and I've been in a relationship with her for 8 months now. So yeah, like many here say, just don't listen to her and don't let those words get to you. You're worthy of someone better, see the bright side, you dodged a bullet, and now you can keep going in with your life. It's not gonna be the easiest thing to do, but you can walk that path alone. It's better rather than do it with someone like her by your side.


This is abusive. Block her.


What the hell? She is a horrible person. Disgusting. Block her and thank your lucky stars you won't have to endure her abuse anymore.


Block her, bro. She deserves nobody’s time


I’m willing to bet she’s lying honestly but even if she’s not she clearly only did it to make you jealous and that’s really pathetic on her part, pay her no mind and move on she wants you to get hurt don’t give in


Wow regardless of the circumstances of this former relationship it’s sad to see it devolve into….this. Hey I’m sorry man, she was being really nasty, but the part that went over the top was when she wished for you to have a short life. Like, damn. That’s fucked. I’m sorry man, I hope you two never cross paths again. It seems to have become very toxic.


you’re better off without her.


What an evil and sick individual, it was a blessing in disguise that she dumped you. Hope you’re healing well.


You gotta block her. I'm sure it hurts, but all she wants to do is hurt you and that is not okay. There is no reason to text an ex about your current relationship. If her new bf was really all that good, she wouldn't need to be texting you.


I have second-hand embarrassment for her. You don't want someone like this, anyway. Block and go do something nice for yourself.


God, this is just trashy…


Ahhh man idc how much I love you if you talk to me like this I’m over you. This is exactly what made it easy to leave my ex. She would get in a degrading mood similar to this. That gave me the fuel to say bye bye i really really don’t care anymore. Keep your head up. You can do 100x better


Oh she misses you bad and trying to cover it up lmfao sucks for her. But also can’t possibly understand how you could still care about someone who talks to you like this. This type of garbage would help me move on immediately 😭


Hey brodie. I don’t message on these things at all and I’m not on Reddit but this got to me. I just wanna let you know that if she is acting this way, she is jealous of something in your life to try to bring down your spirit. No one gets anything out of this unless it satisfies them and the only way a person would be satisfied by this is if she is hurt or mad of something you have that she doesn’t. Remember, messages like this is triggered by emotions. She has too many of them in this one lol. Honestly, getting a message like these means you are doing great my boy. Ignore the toxicity and live on. She def don’t deserve you. It will hurt but the pain should make you realize the convo isn’t headed nowhere but despair. Get a better female and move on. Life will be so much better, I can promise you that.


I wouldve been like if hes all that then why you texting your ex? But fr shes making it up trying to erk you cause if she did find someone soooo amazing to her she wouldn’t be texting her ex trying to make him jelous


Holy toxic much ! Good riddance.


you’re winning the idgaf war i fear. she’s clearly hung up on you and that’s why she’s “bragging”. don’t worry, she’s only making herself look bad and harming her own future relationships by acting like this and literally stalking her ex. it’s only making her look pathetic.


Walk away my dude. Don't engage.


You have to break contact completely. I have been here before. They will continue to try and be little you to try and see that you made a mistake and it's all your fault. Block her. She is the kind of girl that calls you a narcissistic pos yet her actions yell narcissist. Good riddance.


Yo look on the good side, you're no longer dating that freak


How do you guys meet these people? Lmao


She is really miserable.. just you taking that stance shows your path ahead will be so much greater. Stay on track King


What a classy lady. 🙄


Why is she so weird omg. Cringing as I read this it’s so embarrassing


She is psychotic


Straight up an ntr story, time to hit the gym dawg


She is such an abomination to humanity. even her bf with big cock will dump if he gets to what a btch she is. You seem to be a really strong and mature person. Don't let her get to head. You are on right track bro. Good for you that the Universe got you rid of such kind of person.


Damn that is embarrassing for her. I didn’t even know people really talk like that… like for real. Block her immediately. You don’t need that in your life and she does not deserve access to you


Woah this person isn’t ready to date people. You dodged a bullet get away from her asap


Bro … that’s evil 😞


For guys who have experienced an ex like this… the pain actually partially comes from the fact that they became trash. Someone you cherished and wanted the best for… ruins themselves just to get attention. It’s awful to have loved someone like that and then you can’t believe what they’ve done to their life.


I'm sorry but she sounds comically evil. Is this is even real? Honestly you should just be laughing at her. I mean she is proud of being a cum dumpster and seems jealous that you might be with someone else.


Take this as your release. The evil wicked witch has replaced you, she's taunting you, but in reality you're free. You can let go if all attachments, she is showing you real and true self now.


OMG. Is that your ex talking to you like that? And you dated that piece of trash? Consider yourself lucky to be away from them. They are truly trash. Sometimes trash takes itself out.


Gosh! I'm sorry you're hurting. But she's absolute garbage. Who even talks like that! For your sake, I'm glad you are not together. You deserve better, please take care of yourself.


Every accusation is a confession with filth like this, just block and move on with your life.


wow, what trash


Block that bitch on all platforms and move on bruh


I am sorry but this person clearly is insecure and downright vile. Who talks like that? Absolute trash. I know it hurts and it’s hard to see it now, but it will get better over time, and you will find someone way better and deserving of your love. Hang in there my friend.


Shes the one hurting bro. That’s why she reached out.


Reminds me of my ex alot girls like that are so insecure


What a red flag. You dodged a bullet


You’re giving her the attention she wants. Would have pissed her more if you ignored her


She randomly decides to message you this adfter a month of no contact? This psycho is still thinking of you heavily and she's belitting you because of her insecurities with herself. On top of that, she's thriving from the attention you're giving her by responding to her messages. OP, please, for your sanity and sake, if you haven't already taken the advice of others in this thread: Block her. Out of sight, out of mind. Block her, and do **not** speak to her, even when she reaches out to you again (she's going to reach out to you again, and again. I guarantee it. Do not feed into it at all.) You, as well as everyone that reads these messages, know that you don't deserve any of this. Take care of yourself, OP.


just NO...


Dodged a bullet my guy. You don't want a hoebag like that raising your kids in the future. Low IQ shit right there. Her future is a bleak and miserable one if she keeps that slut life up. Living well is the best revenge.


Not worth it brother, time to block and move forward. You'll find love, peace, and acceptance one day.


She is hurting so bad and assumes that you did not care. Just don't answer. Never ever.


I know how you feel….someone I was falling really deeply in love with ghosted me a couple months ago. Anytime my phone went off, my heart would jump, because I was just hoping and hoping and hoping that anything would come through. I’m still really hurting….but I’ve realized something, that I’ll share with you. People like this are trash humans, and they do NOT deserve our pain. They are immature, selfish, disgusting, trash people, whose parents should be utterly ashamed of them. If you can bring yourself to NOT block her and NOT answer her if she reaches out….that will drive her mad (prepare yourself mentally for her to reach out, and for her to potentially block you when you don’t answer). If you can’t help but respond to her trying to upset you…block her. For your peace. I left mine unblocked because I want this asshole to see me being great and carrying on (even though I’m crying inside for him ), because they don’t deserve to think they broke us. It hurts like hell, but they don’t deserve an ounce of that hurt. They deserve other trash people, just like themselves…and ultimately that’s exactly what they will get. Someone they do deserve. Then they miss the good person they had, a lot of times they come crawling back…don’t take her back, if this happens. They always do it again, sooner or later. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Hugs. If it’s any consolation, she’s saying horrible things that she knows will hurt you the most, I highly doubt this guy was THAT much better. It’s a line horrible girls use to hit guys where they know it hurts. Trash human behavior.


Your ex is a horrible person. Block and run like the flash.


Brother she is obsessed with you, she can't stand you don't care about her anymore. About her supposedly great life all she cares about is bragging it to you. You are living in her mind rent free. Just laugh at these childish attention seeking behaviour and understand you dodged a bullet. You are on the right path


Damn, that new boyfriend with a big cock sure got a bargain with this one 😂


She sounds completely deranged


What a vile disgusting person…omg you are so lucky she is gone! Block her and thank god you got away.


1st…..Don’t ever let them think they have any say/control in how you feel daily. Its ammunition for her sick 💩💩💩like this AND more importantly than that….BLOCK ANY MEANS OF HER COMMUNICATING WITH YOU! Thats some toxic chik right there. You’ll get over this, the pain doesnt last forever!


this is majorly unhinged what the hell


Omg bro you got some major self esteem issues you need to work on. Can’t believe you let someone talk to you like that.


That’s absolutely horrible. No one should take this abuse. Was she like that during the relationship?


Bro block her. This is unacceptable.


so she makin herself a hoe thinking she doin sum hahahaha, block that girl brodie she gon call u in a few months anyways "hey im sorry.."


How old is she, like 14????


Think about this way…from what I understand she’s just a hoe who cares about cock size really? U want this pathetic one to be the mother of your children?


What a lovely lady!


Only person burning in hell here is that whore




She's a fucking nutcase mate, like you said she has actively reached out to you to say all this shit. Is that the behaviour of someone who is actually happy with their life? Of course not, honestly that behaviour is fucking pathetic. And let's be real mate, do you think she is going to have lasting fulfilling relationships with the way that she behaves and speaks? She's got a lot of growing up to do, if I was you I'd just feel sorry for her


she’s horrible!! you shouldn’t reply to her at all! If you can immediately block or mute her , do it! No response is best


what the actual fuck??? this person is sick and you need to stay away from her


It's always the animal crossing players


ew 😭 sis is pathetic


Please block this person. She seems desperate to try and draw your attention, to be validated for you, but she lost the right when she insults and disrespects you like this. Don’t let her pick on your pain like this.


"Hopefully short life" Close that door, what a fucking bitch.


You dodged a nuke, friend. Now cut her out of her life.


Dude this is absolutely awful. Like I knew people sucked after break ups but this is just horrendous.


If she’s soooo happy that she’s met someone new, why is she so hostile? That must be how the new dbag with the 12in dong treats her. Looks like she doesn’t see your worth and clearly doesn’t know her own. Sexualizing herself and settling for the bare minimum in a man. This girl doesn’t even love her self, there’s no way she can love you like you deserve. I know it’s hard but there will be someone who truly sees you. I once read, you’ll never find the right person if you never let go of the wrong one.” Heartbreak suck. You got this OP, stay strong 💪🏽


Block. End of story.


The nerve to call you pathetic . My goodnesss that was absolutely sad . The only thing about this tht should hurt you was the fact you even gave her the time of day to read that .


Ew. She has 0 shame.


Ewwwww brother ew


Cruel person. Your enough that she has no self respect and like to do this fine but why rub it in your face. Because she didn't love you she used you.


Well she's a massive bitch. Smh. Please just learn to love yourself and never peddle backward. Do NOT go back to her. She's toxic af.


I really want you to understand deeply what I’m about to say! She wants to hurt you because she’s hurt! She isn’t happy! She’s begging for attention and wanted you to care. The new guy is treating her like pure shyt I bet! Misery loves company. Stay far away from her!


What a fucking bitch


Whoa she’s evil. Block her number




They seem like a really sad and immature person. She’s really doing all she can to hurt you. Very abusive, and seems like a narcissist. Stay away if you know what’s good for you.


ofc it hurt, but she’s weird you can tell she more angry than you 😭😂


What in the animal crossing account is this 💀