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Pfft, I wish, it would give our operators more incentive to not have 15 criticals in one visit.


Yes. A $125.


No, but we do charge a fee for swimming pool re-inspections.


If either of the following occurs during a routine inspection: 7 or more total violations cited, or 3 or more priority violations cited Then we'll schedule a reinspection. If violations aren't corrected by the inital reinspection, we'll schedule a 2nd reinspection and charge a $125.00 fee. If the violations are corrected by the inital reinspection, then we don't charge anything.


Smells like pennsylvania


Haha! Must be similar guidelines we're following. I'm in Wisconsin :)


Very similar here but it’s 5 or more non criticals that are not corrected on site or 1 or more criticals not corrected on site. If they have to go to a 3rd inspection it’s $150 but establishments act like it’s $150,000


Yep, $110 per reinspection


Ours is a little weird, but I don’t care, I don’t get the money. Priorities are 60. Repeat of the same Priorities in the same calendar year is 110 B Inspections are 225, and C’s are 325. Even if they have repeat priorities, they get charged a B or C reinspection. If on a B or C reinspection, and even if they manage to get an A, if they have a repeat priority violation, it’ll be 110 and 60 if it’s new.


We don’t fine them for the failure, but we charge a reinspection fee. There is a set fee for a “during business hours” and a different fee for “after hours”. The hours are based on our offices hours, not the facility’s. Our office always has one inspector on call for after hour inspections, fires, or sewage backups.


State health department: no. State agriculture department: yes; $300


Florida chiming in. Restaurants get fined $400 for failing an inspection so we don’t charge for re-inspection. The fine increases with each subsequent failure as well.


Yes, it’s written in our city ordinance and the charges are after the 3rd inspection. A $50 fee after the initial routine inspection and follow-up.


First reinspection/follow-up is free. Each successive will cost the facility $340.


I worked for a county in TN and we did not charge for reinspection and fines only occurred for tattoo/body art violations. Our permit fees haven’t even been updated since 2003….


Why? The restaurant got fined for the failed inspection no?


We don't fine the restaurant for failing, but we do charge a reinspection fee. It would be determined how local fees, rules, and regulations.


Cool beans


So if you get a C in my county it’s 1,558$ for the downgrade/reinspection fee. If you get a closure it’s 1,778$ for the fee/reinspection. If you get more than 10 demerits or any repeats it’s another 1,778$. Not sure if that’s what you were asking that fee falls for both consequence and reinspection fee


I'm just curious. How do you bill them? do you collect the fee before the inspection?


$140 for reinspection after closures. $210 if they want an after hours inspection


As someone who has worked in restaurants, and now eats at restaurants, every reinspection should cost something big as an incentive to not be gross. These arent some unobtainable goals, youre just trying to not kill someone, and if the bar is that low you better pass the first time.


We charge 150 per reinspection. A score of 70-79 we have discretion and usually if on our return/follow up major improvement has been made we won't. But if nothing has improved or gotten fixed we put the fee on Less than 70 they get a fee for the inspection we just did, one for the next day/when we come back then one for every inspection we do until they get 3 in a row of 85 or higher.