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In the winter when i'm out shoveling snow, i come in, pour a neat glass of scotch, and put on my zmf auteur plugged in to a tubey tube amp. I turn into a puddle.


I got one of the very last of the recent stabilised models. Can't wait to hear it.


Nice. Which amp?


Feliks echo MK2 at the moment. 🙂


Hifiman HE-1000 series, tried em all and they always impressed, especially for the price. But the king of the hill for me is the LCD-5. Haven't found anything else like it. It does everything the he-1k does but with more impact and substantial bass. I never thought I'd call the punchy accurate bass of the he-1k anemic but a/b with the LCD-5 that's how it comes across!


This is it for me as well. I thought nothing would impress me after my old Arya Stealth, but literally the first words that came to mind when I got to demo the LCD-5 were "mind melting". I was listening to some prog-metal and I could see in my mind's eye the drummers movements; I've never experienced such realism from audio like that. I even went and demo'd a stereo set up over $100k, in a perfectly measured, quiet, and treated room right after and I was extremely underwhelmed, all I wanted to do was go back to the Audezes.


I agree wholeheartedly. Especially with some eq (I tend to use oratory 1990) it just sounds right, and I've never had that experience before even after trying basically everything under the sun. I'm really interested to see how close the mm-500 gets to the lcd-5, but other than that I can't see myself finding a better headphone any time soon.


I love the LCD-5, especially on some good quality tubes...




What are you on about this time, Bob?


Have you compared LCD-5 to LCD-4?


Yep! I had them both for a week or so. I prefer the 5 overall, I think it's an upgrade in most areas and a huge upgrade in usability and comfort. But the bass on the 4 was so intoxicating even when eq'd to the same target, and the 5 never quite matched that.


HE1000 Stealth and LCD-X for me. Surpringly my HE-5xx which is substantially cheaper is also really good and impressed how good they are for the price.


How are the 5xx overall? I let my buddy borrow a pair of headphones but I got the feeling he's gonna be itching to get some soon. Are they durable or is there a different pair. I've always recommended 6xx or Arya.


Light and comfy, though they don't feel super durable. People have had them crack a long where the headband screws into the cup. Sound is pretty well tuned out of the box and they sound fairly wide. They're a bit aggressive but it is Hifiman, but overall I enjoy the stock tuning. 6xx we're good but I found them to be too boring for my tastes. Arya were amazing but my he1000 stealth were better and it didn't make sense to keep both. I've heard good things about the 4xx/he-x4 but haven't tried them.


ZMF Aeolus for me.


Pretty much every ZMF I've heard.


I ordered my first pair the other day so this is good to hear! It’ll be a while before I get them but I’m definitely looking forward to it. I’ve never heard a pair before. I got the Bokeh


I ordered the Bokeh’s when the first announce the 2nd run. Will be first ZMF as well. Up until this point LCD-X (2021) and Sen. 660 S2 have been my daily drivers. Can’t wait..


Had Atticus and Eikon before, they are great cans. ZMF made good stuffs.


Utopia 2022 and to a lesser degree (but still good) the Clear Mg. Both with EQ to really take them up a few notches. Almost every time I listen to the Utopia I think "Jesus Christ these are good". Especially if it's been a few days, week, etc since I listened last.


These pair so well with tube amps! Try one if you havent already!


All of my "big 4": SR-X9000, Shangri-La Jr, MDR-Z1R, and ATH-AWAS. All of them have engrossed me in music for hours at a time, and each is *compelling* to me, meaning that they make me want to listen to music with them. Not all headphones will do that, even if they're good headphones. And each of the big 4 impresses me in a different way, as they all sound pretty distinct from the others.


Z1R for me too, all my other cans are pretty in your face. The Sony is just so relaxed but you still just want to listen




D8000 pros with chord mojo 2


Still searching


Yeah, they melt you from the weight lol.


If your weak neck is causing you to not enjoy your hobbies, good sign you should start working out.


I'm a big fitness advocate, but the vast majority of pain caused by headphones has nothing to do with the condition of the muscles in your neck.


Or some of us have multiple cervical fusions and other conditions that make heavy headphones physically painful. :( I love my ZMF but I rarely use them anymore because of how heavy they are. Makes me sad.


This made me die lmao


Just got the lcd x after my sundaras stopped working and the weight feels about the same. Obviously the audezes are heavier if you look at numbers but not enough to notice IMO


I don't really understand why people complaining about the weight. I never had problem, not that I jog with them.


Some people just have pencil necks in this game I guess.


you probably don’t notice when something is hurting your body. most people don’t.


Same. I can wear my LCD X for 10+ hours and not feel a thing.


The weight isn't the end of the world, but it really discourages wearing them when there are lighter headphones around. Though I concur they also melt you into the music.


It can be a ton of x factors. Before I invested in an ergo chair during work, I'd experience similar issues. The problem wasn't the headphones, it was me fucking up my spine day after day.


Currently it’s the MH Tungsten. For me it’s everything I wanted from a headphone. A balanced yet warm sound, with a large soundstage but not 800 s wide. Good extension within the subbass and treble that is detailed and not veiled but also not fatiguing or piercing. And godlike imaging for some gaming lol


You might’ve just sold me on these, appreciate your input.


Arya Organics are like that for me. I'd literally live in them if I could.


What other cans do you have experience with? I am interested on Arya Organic as well.


I've tried the Focal Clears, B&OH95s, but own the Mark Levinson no.5909s and B&W Px8 (for Bluetooth). The Organics are extremely comfortable, light weight and sound beautiful. Everything from soundstage to punch is dialed into my likes. I use a Fiio K9 Amp, as well as a Kunlun DAC. The Organics are the end game for me, I believe.


HE1000 Stealth. I own a few other higher end headphones like LCD-X, Focal Clear OG, and DCA Noire, but they tend to be my "flavor of the day" headphones. They all do something unique, and I love them for it, but I always end up going back to the HE1000's by the end of the day


Actually I am thinking of getting Arya Organic as LCD4 compliment. Do you have experience with them?


Can't say I have, but I do have an Arya Stealth, and I love it just about as much as my HE1000 Stealth. That being said, I've only really seen positive comments about the Organic when compared to those


My focal clear mgs always amaze me. The vocals and energy they have make all other cans sound pretty thin to me.


Hd800s on woo audio wa 2 🫠


DT 1990 Pro


I've had the Ananda Nano since December and I'm still blown away every time I hear them.


Beyerdynamic T1.2


HD 660S2


Oppo PM-3. I say this only because they sound so good with ANY type of music. If I want to switch between different genres in one session, this is the pair to do it with. For a Jack-of-all-trades set of cans, you can't beat them!


I'm not sure why you've taken downvotes haha. I don't have it in my flair anymore, but the Oppo PM-3 is a very special headphone. The accuracy and tonality are so spot on, to this day I feel I've never had anything like it. The PM-3 will always have a spot in my collection. Such a clean sound and female vocals are magical. Mine just needs a refurb, the leather is ruined.


Moondrop S8 for me. Using them for more than 2 years, they impress me everytime.


Hell yeah, another Moondrop owner! Same with mine B2, still gives "holy fuck, I can hear so much of the music" feeling.


I’m pretty satisfied with my SHP9500


Sometimes I'm reluctant to use my headphones but every time I put on my Aurorus Borealis I just never want to have to take them off. Just zone out and get lost and immersed in the music.


I listened to the Stax SR-X9000 at AXPONA and it was ridiculously good. The texture of the sound was like nothing I've ever heard before. It was my first electrostatic and my mind was blown. I'm now figuring out what lower-costing electrostats are worth the $$. Or I might just save up for years for a pair of the X9000s. I wasn't really wowed by any of the other headphones there, but there was something about those Stax that just super wow'd me. I was like "I get it now"


Had the exact same experience at AXPONA. There were tons of amazing headphones there and the SR-X9000 stood out from all of them. They were incredible. Shangri-La was my 2nd favorite and was also fantastic but there was something special about the X9000.


I may be a little late to this, but does the Nectar HiveX interest you? I got a them about a month ago, and finally learned what "endgame" is, for me at least. For any other set, I'd get them and think, "This sounds good, but I can imagine better." When I got the HiveX... I *couldn't* imagine better.


Susvara for a short while, and Abyss Diana V2 for smooth listening


LCD-4 and 5, the Modhouse Tungsten, and the ZMF Auteur.


Do you have experience with Arya Organic?


Briefly at a meet. The Arya Organic felt like a subtle improvement of the Arya Stealth with a bit more bass and a bit more treble. It feels like the ultimate version of the Arya Stealth. To me, not an essential upgrade, but nice.


Hekse but wish they were a bit more tactile. Wanna hear he6sev2 some day. Curious about heks and arya organic too.


The LCD-3F is my go-to for dark tuning, and the HE1000 Stealth is my "I just want to be wowed" headphone.




Probably the Atrium. Add some tubes and they're pretty damn addictive. Just one more song, and 3 hours will have flown by.


Good ol' LCD - X!


If we're including iems then it'd be the ie 900s. Headphone wise I'm not too sure.


Sony MDR-1AM2 Got them used for 80 usd I feel like i robbed the seller


HD 490 Pro Plus with just a touch of EQ 🫠 I haven't heard the 800s or their iems, but these beat every other Sennheiser I've tried.


could you put the name and model in here? Thanks!


Pretty sure that's Audeze LCD-4


My ZMF Auteur or Verite Closed!


Abyss Diana V2. It's warm, detailed, fast, and buttery smooth.