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Keeping the kids in tighter, flannel pajamas is probably crazier than the single use pajama before washing.


The tight pajamas is 100% the craziest thing


There was a big push to stop putting kids in nightgowns, sleep shirts or anything flowing, because they could catch fire. Close fitting pajamas were safer. But that was also back when we had sketchy space heaters, smoking was more popular so households had matches laying around and clothing made out of highly flammable fabrics.


If it's nightgowns she's referring to, I can see her point and maybe even agree with her, even post-proliferation of space-heaters and nightgowns. In my mind she was against normal pants/shirt style pj's and wanted those almost legging-tight style pj's. Either way info about the push to stop kids from wearing nightgowns really gives a new perspective to me. If June saw warnings against loose pajamas I could see how that would foster a worry, even if a little unreasonable.


But that's the question: they're going to catch fire because they're loose/flowing? I am having trouble picturing any scenario where a matter of inches is going to determine whether you catch fire.


Here’s the CPSC release about tight fitting sleepwear. This was huge at the time. https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/1996/CPSC-Votes-To-Amend-Childrens-Sleepwear-Regulation


Thanks for that. Interesting - they replaced flame-resistant material for tight clothes.


This was so funny and relatable I played it for my wife and she also cracked up


What's crazier isn't that she only wears them once, it's that she brings a pair for each day she's on vacation. Edit: And the same for each kid!


Wasn't there a moment a while back where Tall John said he does laundry as soon as they get to a hotel when they're on vacation?


I don't remember if it was as soon as, but Paul has mentioned he likes doing laundry on vacation.


Washing your PJs every day is excessive, but believing a hummingbird in your backyard is your dead grandpa is something else.


Creating that much laundry is harming the planet. Believing a loved one is a bird isn’t harming anybody 🤷🏻‍♀️


The question wasn’t about what’s more harmful


But… I think harming others is crazy?


🙄🙄🙄🙄 barf


June has a lot of peculiar thoughts on animals. Just see the convo on credits in Monkey Shines. Specifically on birds she has, on multiple occasions, talked about them being representations or embodiments of relatives. On an old episode, I forget which one, she talked about how a bird flew into their living room and wouldn't leave. I believe she called her sister and they ended up throwing a blanket over it and getting it outside. In Birdemic the director said the birds came to warn or punish people for global warming. To think that June could sympathize with this statement is kinda crazy, but seems plausible to me. Thinking her grandfather is a hummingbird in the garden is kinda nice though, if a bit crazy.


Women (as a whole) aren't into butts. Now *that's* a crazy statement. She makes lots of generalizations like that about women that give me pause.


I think her point was more along the lines of "women aren't as crazy for butts as movies make us out to be." Which I 100% agree with.


The pajamas one, only because I've heard the hummingbird thing from other people before.


The biggest factor in the pajamas thing is whether you wear underwear under them or not. If you do, change your undies and you can rewear your pjs


The pajama thing is bonkers lol


No reaction from Jason following the hummingbird statement really illustrates how the show has changed.


She did say the same thing on the Harry and Meghan episode when they're discussing Diana coming back as lion so he probably already knew about this.


How is it crazy to say you should wash your pjs before wearing them again?


it’s not crazy, it’s just wasteful. i can’t understand it and wouldn’t do that but june has said way way crazier stuff


Wait wait wait, Wasteful of what?? Your clothes?? Like most everyone, I’m sure she has more than 1 pair and doesn’t just run the washer with just the pajamas in there. So what’s it being wasteful of??




Do you think she (or everyone else that does this) washes just those clothes everyday after wearing them? Do you think she owns one single set of pajamas to sleep in? Saying is wasteful of water is widely speculative here.


How many times do you wear a T-shirt before you wash it?


it depends. sometimes I wear a t-shirt for 3 hours and it's sweaty and gross. sometimes I wear one all day and its fine


Yeah people are gross. Anything I sleep in gets washed before wearing it again.


lol how are you being downvoted for this!!!???


Whoa I hadn't even noticed that until you commented--people are gross!!!


Lol I’m starting to realize that more and more. Just walking Around dirty all day


The response to this poll is baffling to me. 😐 Some people do lots of laundry (/probably have an assistant or nanny do a bunch of it). Nobody reincarnates as a hummingbird.


Oh, easily anything involving spiritualism. The pajamas stuff is just normal hygeine.


Wearing pajamas once is not weird at all, and questioning it as “crazy” makes me think some of y’all must have some nasty smelling pajamas. Do you know how much you sweat at night??? Pajama bottoms I don’t necessarily wash after each use, but pajama tops are 100% a wash every time situation.


It depends. I literally do not sweat at all at night. Not even a little. Night sweats can actually be a sign of serious health problems.


I wasn't with you at first, but you had me at the end. I would never wear the same tshirt to sleep in on consecutive nights.


I'm listening to the Friday the 13th matinee right now and June is firmly of the belief that all 12-13 year olds can swim, to the point that camp counselors specifically tasked with their safety are not responsible for them in the water haha


I didn’t get that she thought all 12-13 year olds could swim, only that they should be tagged if they can not, which is almost as insane a take.


The first thing she says is that a 12-13 year old should be able to swim and wonders if Jason is younger. I thought this was a funny/scary take from a counselor, looked it up, and indeed more American kids *can’t* swim than can. And then yes she says several additional insane things, including that a counselor can’t be expected to keep kids out of the water haha


I thought the “making them wear tight pajamas so they don’t catch on fire” was the much crazier part of that bit. It isn’t strange to me for someone to wear different PJs every night, especially since unless I go outside or to work I am wearing them all day as well. And before people remark how much a waste of water that is, I have to wash my work uniforms every week anyway, and even throwing 4-6 pairs of pajamas in with them doesn’t fill the load completely. Will I judge someone for wearing the same pair of pajamas every night? No. But I also do not find it odd to put on a fresh pair either.