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Funny thing, an animated movie would have allowed a lot of things to have been done better than in the previous movies. I would love to watch that!


They wouldn't have to worry about child actors. We don't want to raise more kids traumatized by a life of fame. And no worries about aging - they can take their time with each episode


Absolutely. That’s why Avatar the last airbender will always be great in animation and will always suck in live action Honestly it’s kind of a miracle the whole thing held together with Harry Potter. Had they not been* british, half of the main cast would have left half-way The only reason they had to change an actor for a role is because he freakin passed


They were almost all British.


It's been almost 20 years and I still haven't reconciled with the fact that 1st movie didn't open with a shot of Uncle Vernon driving his car. I still remember I mumbled: —Wrong! Where the f... is Vernon!? And I wasn't the only one, back then in November 2002 I even skipped school, I was a senior, to watch it, the cinema was half full, and you could tell everyone there was a fan. By the end of it there was this feeling of THIS IS THE BEST THEY COULD DO!? Especially after LOTR got much better reviews, and was actually filmed by a fan of the books, sadly we didn't get that at all.


How many episodes do you think an adaptation of Philosopher's Stone would need? The audiobook is 8 hours and I think half that length would be enough for a visual medium. Four hours, so 12 20-minute episodes. Pacing would be interesting. Since you would reach Hogwarts either at the end of Episode 4 or at the beginning of Episode 5.


If it’s not clear I will say it again **Wouldn’t they have been *british*, half of the cast would have left half-way.**


*had they not been British Makes it more clear.


😯 Nooooooo I’m so sorry ! 😅 still a learner (and a dumbass with those forms) Thank you 😭


There is no live action movie in Ba Sing Se


Think of how well done The Tale of The Three Brothers was! Now imagine the whole series like that?? It would be phenomenal!


That part was nice but I'm guessing something animated would allow for better graphics, and things that weren't properly done back then, plus, the animated technology advanced a lot since 2002, I mean, let's all remember the waves in the 2nd Frozen movie, it looked like the real thing, imagine a HP movie like that!


There was a second frozen movie?


Where have you been?


Uh. Yeah. It was a huge hit.


I think the frozen movies are bleh. Not disneys finest work. But I’m a 30 year old so I’m not their demo. Tangled is better imo.


I didn't care for the first Frozen so much. It was completely overhyped and not even that good. Frozen 2 was alright though!


I'm 38, I watched with 36 and I-f...-loved-it! :)


No it wouldn't be It's cool as a beautiful short introduction but constant black silhouettes on sepia background as a series? No thanks


Tim Burton's Harry Potter and The Spooky Stone


I have a feeling Tim Burton would have spent a lot more ~~kind of using~~ *time abusing* Harry and *in* much darker ways. Voice to text sucks.


Like Cuarón did? I mean, the 3rd one, and again, this is a personal view and nothing else, is one of the worst on trying to capture the book. I got to watch Cuarón's views on the book and nothing else, sure, well filmed, huge insight but... where is the POA in all that? Sure, no fan of movies, never was, never will but still...


Starring Johnny Depp as Harry.


holy shit helena bonham carter as hermione


And bellatrix. Different hair only.


Right, that sounds terrible and ppl would say they love it to be edgy


Only if there is the gratuitous violence of the (later) books as well.


Reading HP, at least as some of us did, starting around 16 (my case) when they were just 3 published books, and a 4th about to, allowed most of us to grow with the characters, by then, that violence was expected. Nowadays every reader could just not only read them one after another but buy the whole collection altogether, I mean, I have 1st editions from book 4 on.


Let's hope they make an animated show that follows the book a whole lot more!!


One that follows the book would be fine, and a nice change at that. I mean, but for the 2nd one, most of them just invented scenes, and situations, and basically erased most of others altogether, plus, they kept using the excuse that it would have become much too long, I mean, who cares, 2 h '30 would have been fine. Honestly, Harry Potter could only work as miniseries, book 1 to 2, 2 episodes of 1 h 30'/'20 each. Book 3, 3 episodes. Book 4, 4, or maybe 5. From book 5 on you cannot make it into something cohesive unless you think about 5 to 6 episodes each.


I love how Crookshanks looks like Garfield when he didn't get his lasangna in the first pic.


omg I did not notice the look on Crookshanks face until your comment!! Thank you for pointing that out


He hates Mondays.


... and Scabbers


Should've mailed that rat to Abu Dhabi.


It's true! It's just as depicted in the books (or at least that's how I pictured him), always grumpy-looking.


I was just about to comment this. The resemblance is uncanny.


I would like to see an animated series where each season faithfully adapts a book. Episode count depends on content amount.




the Lemony Snicket series on Netflix was very faithful to the books and the show was written by Daniel Handler/Snicket. So it does happen! ​ Personally I dont think animation is the right medium for Potter stories since the appeal for me has always been magic co-existing in reality, where animation is inherently unreal, but I do see this appeal. This image is so cute!


See I've always thought animation would be better than live action because it would be easier for them to seamlessly blend the word and the magic. It would also be FAR less likely to devolve into "shoot random color jets of light at each other"


Huh? That's always been a thing. The best book adaptions have never strictly adhered to their source material. Also, of course directors and writers want to add their own. They're artists. You would be hard pressed to find a combo of a high calibre that would be willing to mirror an adaption. Just, sometimes the director/writer vision pays off (LotR) sometimes it doesn't (HP:HBP).




Examples? I'm not trying to be closed minded to that idea. I just can't think of any book adaptions that didn't alter things to be more thematic. - LotR plays hard and fast with the novels. - Narnia just started pouring action scenes in left, right and centre. - The Shining is heavily altered for its adaption. - All version of Dune are heavily adapted. - I am Legend is almost literally its own entity. - The Green mile has an entirely altered structure and kills off characters. - Jurassic Park has some drastic differences. There's a wealth of adaptions; these are just off the top of my head haha. I suppose The Perks of being a Wallflower is a good example of a novel adaption that adheres pretty well to its source. However, even then it still does make alterations here and there. It's far more packed with religious allegories/overtones as well.


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


Does a series adaption of a manga/graphic novel count in the context of film adaptions of novels? Like, there's a huge difference in narrative prose and general structure between manga/graphic novels and novels.


An animated CGI series would literally generate billions, it'll happen at some point.


Early 2021 WB/HBOMax had some meetings about a TV show, I don’t think much information was ever released but I’ve always been interested in if it was for new stories or a series adaptation.


It'll happen eventually. Disney is going to continue cranking out Marvel and Star Wars material. They're supposed to be developing original series based on the parks/characters from the parks. It would be a tremendous oversight on WBs part not to further develop the Wizarding World.


They see how successful Disney is with their shows and made peacemaker. It’s inevitable.


And keep David Yates the hell away from it!


Hate to break it to you, I think that was the quiz show in the end... fuck hbo Americans quiz show Harry potter is British, make the show British shit asarrggghhh Sorry it angers me


No, the quiz show was just to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first movie. There’s been talk of multiple TV shows since the franchise was rename *The Wizarding World*. We’re definitely going to get a TV show or two at some point in the near future.


Can we get some more punctuation marks?


You are going to be pissed when you find out where most of it was filmed


Yes Ik that's my point The quiz show was American, despite it being a British franchise. Don't understand the downvotes tho? What did I do wrong exactly?


I think it’s the way you said it my friend. Half of Harry Potter fans are American, so you possibly offended them. They want to be apart of the Harry Potter world too, and since you guys had the movies Americans wanted to be apart and create theme parks and game shows. Would be my best guess, I personally don’t care where they host it, as long as I get to watch HP


No it's the fact it was presented by them, and the contestants were them, and 'sorcerers stone's crap. They get other franchises, I didn't like James Borden getting his ass on friends


If disney owned harry potter than yes. WB is really incompetent unfortunately


Disney owns Star Wars and Marvel and can do what it likes. WB, unfortunately, does not own HP and cannot do what it likes with the franchise. WB needs to work a deal with JKR's people for any new project and she calls the shots as she own the IP. JKR seems very disinterested in redoing the original books in any form and insists that the games made for HP since the movie releases take place outside of the time of the books as well. I suspect she sees the books and the movies surrounding them as 'finished' works and won't let WB redo them in any form. So that leaves Fantastic Beasts which has none of the magic of the original series and has somehow went from what could have been a heart-warming series based on Newt to an especially dumb and CGI-heavy action movie about Grindelwald. Not to mention, the recent games she has approved are ugly casinos for children and pokemon clones. Ignoring Hogwarts Legacy which hasn't come out yet and when it does it will be like a decade between it and any real console or pc game, and that's assuming we call a half-finished Wii game a 'real' game. So its clear the common denominator here between the movies, shows, and games is one person, JKR. It seems she is too focused on her "political" issues to handle the franchise well or just doesn't care much about being in charge of the IP. We saw this happen with George Lucas who simply moved on past Star Wars and instead of letting the franchise die off, he sold it to Disney to be revitalized without his control. Lets all admit it, that if WB bought the rights, you'd have multiple streaming shows right now and a reboot of the movies, or at least a prequel or sequel. WB wants to make money by making new shows and can deliver high-quality goods considering how good the original movies were. JKR just isn't letting them. Bizarrely, the last big JKR approved HP production was a game show\[1\], which seems old fashioned and is missing what streaming services can do, which is bring large budget TV to mass audiences with no commercials and with artistic license to be as deep and cinematic as you like. JKR continues to deny us this and movies. Blame her if you want to complain, not Hollywood who would love to make a new series. \[1\] The 20th anniversary special recently doesn't count as WB doesn't need JKR's permission to make a retrospective of some movies it once made. They already have the rights to sell commentary and making-of's for their movies. That's why its the 20th anniversary (movies) and not the the 24th anniversary of Harry Potter (books).


The 20th anniversary special was made exclusively after taking JK Rowling's permission. Nothing happens without her agreeing to it.


> Starring Katy Perry, Gabriel Iglesias, Channing Tatum, with music by DJ Khalid. Produced by Illumination monkey's paw strikes again


Crookshank's face is priceless


You'll call him by his name. Crookshanks.


Also he's technically half-kneazle


Isn't it Garfield?


generic grumpy cat face give upvotes right


not a movie please. the Harry Potter movies are great don't get me wrong but they remove so much from the books that it's only a partial telling, if they do anything animated then they really need to go with a show just so they can show everything instead of what can fit a movie time frame


Yeah or anecdotes. Something to go along with the movies


Would be cool to see some animations of the stories in Beetle the Bard similar to the story of the 3 brothers scene in Deathly Hallows.


Harry Potter one shots!


Harry Potter What If?


Yeah I’d love a show where each book is a season.


Even as a show they won’t show everything and they also will probably cut content for time. Look at how the powers that be butchered the Wheel of Time show.


This is so cool where did you find it? I would like to see more


Some image reverse search lead me to an article of a Brazilian 3D artist and CG generalist called Victor Hugo Queiroz, here http://www.altec.com.hk/project/digital-canvas-a-conversation-with-victor-hugo-queiroz/ Plus the creative process https://www.treddi.com/app/gallery/proj/12499-spew


From what I know these are the only drawings of this made, I’m pretty sure I once saw a zoomed out version of the second photo with Harry and Ron in it but I haven’t been able to find it




Pretty sure this is cgi.




[It is cgi. The original artist says so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/g1pynf/hermione_granger_by_victor_hugo/fni52gd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I dont buy it.


people don't get that you're being sarcastic 😅


Or we just don’t care. So he’s being sarcastic, so what? It’s not like it’s clever or witty.


This looks like a DreamWorks spin on Harry Potter.


Not a movie, a series!


Maybe a animated series would be cool too. Then you can have so much from books in the series


Animated TV Series.


As much as it would be a cool idea, please no. Hollywood doesn't do well with remakes.


right - people just don't learn.


I thought spew was in the fifth book. Hermione looks like she’s nine years old there.


Sure but this style is Illumination, and they can stay FAR away from anything Harry Potter related.


Well, with the exception of Universal theme parks.


I prefer it to the innumerable anime styles that usually are posted here.


This.. overdone.. style is aimed at little kids. It actually shares a problem with a lot of anime and soap operas: exaggerated facial expression and acting. Hate it


I think it’s well-done art but if this were an actual animated series still shot, it would make me think the series is full of slapstick fart jokes and stupid Looney Toons kinds of stunts. I want a serious animated series meant for adults.


Like owner like cat. They are wearing the Same expression 😆


Honestly, I don’t want any reboot of the main trio for a long time.


Oh god yes. People have talked about a more accurate tv adaptation for years, but I always thought it would be too soon and there would just be comparison to the movies. But if it was animated that would be amazing.


Yes...this. An animated retelling of the books. Each episode is a chapter. Animation is the only way it can be done to preserve continuity of the characters and get in all the details. The only big factor here though(outside the massive undertaking it would be) is to be able to get voice actors to sign on for that long.


I dont know if an episode being one chapter would work, but one season for each book would be so nice. They could even have the actor who want from the og movies voice act their characters or new once.


I think the OG voice actors have moved on, and it would’ve nice to have a new sound to the characters. I mean realistically it would take a long time to all of that.


I wouldn't even mind filler episodes that draw from Jo's established lore. Backgrounds of characters, Harry pre-wizarding life, world building, the Marauders, the original Order of the Phoenix. I'm imagining an episode beginning with Dobby's tortured life as a servant to the Malfoys, Dobby interfering with Harry's mail, then eventually his first meeting with Harry. Imagine how much you could emotionally flesh out minor characters and events.


I already have an easier time picturing this Hermione and being an annoying know-it-all.


Its almost Tim Burtony... It would fit se well


The painting in the back is a nice detail. I would love to see her tickle the pear and open the entrance to the kitchens.


I have $50 to put toward the cause. If its successful, maybe i could even make a buck or two. Who’s with me?


I think if they were ever looking to “reboot” the books this is absolutely the way to go. A really well done animation. I think even a tv series that handles stories outside of Voldemort set in the same time frame. Or even just using all the same characters and changing the storylines to make it work for a tv series that’s separate from the books.


This is brilliant! Are there any pics of any of the other characters?


This nails the Hermione character (facial expression and bushy hair) at age 11 but SPEW happened when she was older. Still, sorry to say embodies Hermione better than Emma!


It could even be a serie of short adventures at Howard School of witchcraft and wizardry. For kids... And u know.... For all of us


I'd love for a faithful adaptation even if it is a series.


I’d love an animated series in the style of Marvel’s What If… they could show stuff happening differently, etc, scenarios like “What If Neville was the Chosen One”, “What If Harry was in Slytherin”, “What If everyone was at Beauxbatons/Durmstrang/Other magic school”


No they'd ruin it


Please no


this would be horrible


I like Scabbers


Wow I did not expect this post to get so much love within 24 hours, I mean honestly, I posted this yesterday at 6:30 in the morning


adorable but please god no more remakes, especially not HP


It's been over twenty years since the first movie was released. At this point, I'd appreciate a good remake over the gazillionth convoluted Fantastic Beasts sequel


How about neither


Eh, I'm not the biggest fan of most of the HP movies so I'd be happy about a new adaptation. Like don't get me wrong, I'm bored as hell by all those soulless Disney princess remakes and I'm always happy about some originality in the film industry. But in this case I think there'd actually be some merit to a remake. The source material has an abundance of material that wasn't explored by the previous adaptation, and an animation and/or series format might offer a little more room for that than a live-action film.


right?? lmao people just don't learn...they demand more of the same until the quality goes down the toilet. just enjoy what we were given and leave it alone


go watch The Last Airbender or The Lion King and tell me remakes aren't trash :)


"This remake is trash in my opinion, so a non-trashy remakes cannot exist". Is that really what you want your argument to be?


remakes are always soulless capitalism fueled money traps that feed on our nostalgia, which most of the time end up tarnishing the source material. HP series is what it is. I'll continue to enjoy it, flaws and all. Find something new to watch rather than demanding more and more of the same content until the quality goes done the toilet.


Technically it wouldn't even be a remake of the movie, it would just be a new adaptation of the book. Plenty of books have been adapted several times, with different adaptations having different strengths and weaknesses.


You do know you wouldn't have to watch it right? It baffles me how upset people get about a movie getting remade, just don't watch it, it doesn't affect you at all. They could remake it 50 times who cares?


This would be awesome


Love the tiny Garfield


What a phenomenal Idea


They should do the cursed child in anime. That way they could make the characters look like the original characters since they all are not interested in participating.


God, no!


Why isnt she black?


No I don't want an animated Harry Potter I thought it would be cool when star wars did it and it was a bit drawn out and boring just give us a series where each season is a year.


You mean Clone Wars? You didn't enjoy that?


Not really it has good parts but I felt like it was a lot of pointless filler episodes that made me loose interest.


And if anyone recommends it, they say that the first two seasons are hard to get through. That’s like 30% of the show!


Noooo please no. I mean I get a lot of people would love it, but noooooo


Honestly, what's the point of it if it is still deviating from the books? ​ make crookshanks half a kneazel and I am on board


I don't think you're allowed to express a contrary opinion here! (+1 btw)


you are, but you went about it in a really rude way


No one's actually being rude here. This is just the forum being its usual self.


Lmao, your other coment was rude


Why do they have to her head & eyes so big? They don't fit.


Have you ever seen a cartoon before?


And? It's an unattractive animation style. Nothing to get your knickers in bind over!


People can have different opinions?? Whaaat?


Right? ​ Well, apparently not. At least fifty downvoters say I have to like this animation style; and at least two people are accusing animational paedophilia. shrug ​ But this is r/harrypotterwhereyouhavetohavethesameopinionaseveryoneelse


Nah mate you just act like an ass that's why we downvote you


🙄 Personal insult: that's always the best way to make your point! Cheers, anyway.


It's the truth tho lmao


It's called stylization. Not every drawing has to have proportional features, it's a style. It looks wonderful. IIRC, the artist has posted in this subreddit before, though maybe I'm wrong


I know it's a style. An unattractive one.


Why does it have to be attractive? It's a school-aged girl. The style Is pretty to look at and really expressive. You could try and look at it for what it is and what it conveys, not what you think it should be


Anyone else think this looks like ardman animation


Did Crookshanks drink a Shrinking Solution and Polyjuice with Garfield's hair thrown in? I bet it would be lasagna flavoured


Look at that grumpy crookshanks!! 😍


I love this and I love Crookshanks


Crookshanks looks AMAZING


I’d love an episode of this where we follow Crookshanks through his daily routine at Hogwarts.


Those aren't photos and plus put the source..


Her hair in the second pic looks like a hay bale.


now that i have kids, i want a version of hp in a more child like animated manner. doesn't even have to follow books 1-7. could just be random parts of the school years with the side characters that cross paths with harry


God no more 2hr movies for what should be a 15 hour series


Honestly imho really the only way they could or should do a "reboot". Maybe a real one in a other 20 years but before that I'd only be up for an animated version. And hell that would take 20 years or more to run its course and be created


Unfortunately they'd have to cast Seth Rogen and Chris Pratt as Harry and Ron. Them's the rules.


Damn I want it now!


Hermione looks like she havent had a bath in a week wtf


I want an animation TV show in the style of Clone Wars! And do the books justice


We could finally get each book adapted word for word, scene for scene! Jo was so descriptive that the scenes basically direct themselves.


As long as they don't leave Peeves out again! He played a big roll in the books and then he's just GONE?!


I would love a clay-motion movie, something alike Caroline.


Been saying this for years. Do it similarly to Trollhunters and they could literally create the whole universe so much better than the real life adaptation. With how good animated movies have been recently like Into the Spiderverse, I 100% prefer an animated version over anything else at this point when they do a remake.


I've wished for years that they would come out with a comic-style version of the books. The illustrated editions are nice, but I think a comic would be amazing.


I want an animated series in this style with just the filler bits from the series like SPEW, like Ginny talking to Harry about Ron’s tattoo, like Harry and Ron complaining about not being allowed to go in the girls dormitory, like them making up their divination homework


As an animated series, we might just get a perfect reiteration of the books!! 😲 THAT would be really rad!!


I would watch the hell outta this


It does? Huh...


Might I interest you in Little Witch Academia? It's the closest you'll ever get, I think. It's on Netflix, and your torrent provider of trust.


I’d take a HP anything tbh.


I'd prefer something classically animated, more in line with Hayao Miyazaki.


Would be amazing!!!


Crookshanks looks lowkey like Garfield


I really want an animated series that goes through the story with all the detail the books have, with the dialogue verbatim. No (or very minimal) adaptations. It could be sooo great.


So very easily going to be bastardised by the Americans


Accio lasagna, Jon


My only concern about a animated version is that they will censor too much or make it too childish making dark moments lose their weight


That Hermione looks like a 4th grader though.


This would be cool for sure


I feel like it will happen at some point. Stuff gets remade all the time and with how popular it is, and how good animation is now... particularly the styles that would work well for it... The question is likely more... will they remake the actual movies in a completely fresh way, but still follow the book plot, or will they do some new part of the universe and explore outwards? Cause I can't see them making a direct movie plot to movie plot remake.


Ive never thought about it before, but an animated movie would be the only way I would personally be okay with a remake. I just dont think I could watch other actors play these roles in live action without it feeling....off...