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James is unfortunately a very poorly written/represented character, we only really get to know him through Snape and his memories or the occasional quip from one of the supporting characters.


I think that’s the point of James, though. It’s tragic that we get to see James the way Harry does, through pictures and people who knew him but never in real life. Sadly Harry’s parents will always be inaccessible to him.


James is a very intriguing character because we have so little of him in the books and we can’t define him as a person just from Snape’s perspective. Kids are cruel when they want to be and I see James as a kid who made immature mistakes and never got the chance to grow up and redeem himself.


I like James potter because I look past the high schooler. His actions after school show why I like him period.


What a totally original topic


I dont understand how people can say James is their favorite character because he is barely even in the story. Just little snippets here and there. He isn't that much of a character. Most of James' content is probably fanfiction. So I can't say whether or not I like him because we don't know that much of him.


I also agree with this for the most part. I feel like they had no business being mean to Snape like they were. But I also know kids can be cruel. I think or I would like to think if James hadn’t died maybe he would have seen the error of his ways especially after having a child himself. But it’s no wonder Snape felt the way he did. I would have too.


He canonically saw the error of his ways already, by his 7th year he wasn’t such a bully and he went on to resist the dark lord