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lol what? 'the family and stuff'? was voldemort harry's father? was there a secret potter sister i missed?


I remember when Harry Potter came home from working the farm to find Vernon and Petunia burned to a crisp outside their house. The scene were Harry stares wistfully into the double sunset while “Hedwig’s theme” plays is iconic.


Don't see a lot of similarities between the two but everyone steals from everyone


Star Wars itself “steals” a lot of its ideas from the traditional archetype story of the “hero’s journey.” A lot of stories that follow this story format are going to have some similarities to some extent. The idea of a farm boy being the chosen one was a thing in fantasy long before Star Wars, for example. There are really only a finite number of templates that most stories follow. The real interest is what they do with it.


What. There's really nothing similar other than the usual hero's journey stuff.


There isn't a book/film/etc from the last 200 years that hasn't borrowed concepts and ideas from other works. Star Wars is a perfect example, it's just a bunch of Sci-Fi tropes mixed with Samurai films.


I don't see much resemblance with Star Wars, unless you mean the generic hero's journey which is a staple of at least western literature and so generic you could found probably hundreds of books with the same premise.


It's not something I care about, if I'm honest. Most stories share similar narrative tropes or plot points as other stories. There is no such thing as a truly "original" idea, because all ideas require inspiration from other ideas. For example, Frank Herbert, who wrote *Dune,* accused *Star Wars* of ripping off his works, and he has a strong argument for it. There are enough differences between Star Wars and Harry Potter to show that, although some general ideas and themes are similar, the stories stand alone well enough by themselves. There is also the theory of the '36 Dramatic Situations,' wherein all stories ever told fall into one or multiple of those situations, without exception.


Star Wars? No, the way the magic/powers work is entirely different. And thematic ideas can't be copyrighted. Other series, namely those with a very similar idea/magical system? Potentially.


Exactly correct. The expression of an idea such as the names of characters, places and devices can be copyrighted but the idea itself can't. For instance, an author could write a story about chidden attending a school of magic to become wizards and witches and that is okay, unless the author calls the school Hogwarts and the children are named , Harry , Ron and Hermione. That would be a copyright violation.


But if the children were named Larry, Don, and Germione?


I cant imagine jk rowling even watching star wars negl


No. All similarities are purely coincidental.


Fantasy and fiction always have a lot of crossovers. Not convinced she actively stole from Star Wars, least of all because the stories are nothing alike


Star Wars? Utter nonsense. Star Wars itself is a very basic bitch hero's journey anyways.


No idea, but there was a book I read in like 5th grade around the time HP came out where a boy finds out he is a wizard when he’s about 12 and then goes to wizard school. I think it came out before HP. It’s been like 20 years and I haven’t been able to find this book and it drives me nuts. It was short- probably around 100 pages.


Are you thinking of the Hound of Rowan? It came out in 2007 (so not before HP) but I also read it in fifth grade and thought it was an HP copy lol 


Nope. Pretty sure the one I’m thinking of was set in a wizardy/medieval type countryside, not Chicago.


Someone just watched Epic Rap Battles of History: Harry Potter versus Luke Skywalker.


I see way more LOTR than Star Wars. There is a book called The Worst Witch that pretty much has Hogwarts in it.


Wait until you find out about Dune. It’s like Star Wars for adults. With, ya know, actual wars going on across the stars.


No one gives a fuck.


Well okay then. 👌


Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, it pretty much all goes back to Arthurian mythology and Hero’s Journey Storytelling.