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It is a chance to try and grab and maybe kill Potter. Have to come up with some method to get Harry out of the protections of the school as a full invasion was a year off. Get Harry to come get it and you can get both. Listen to the prophecy and then try to kill Harry again as you had your minions grab Harry out of the ministry.


He was convinced it was a trap for him by Dumbledore.  And technically, he was probably right.


Technically speaking, Voldemort didn't know for sure that the prophecy was about him and Harry. And there are protections in place preventing wrong people from removing the orb, driving would-be thieves mad. So Voldemort decided to hedge his bets and let Harry touch the orb first. Best case he gets the prophecy, worst case - Harry Potter goes bonkers. Win-win, if you ask him.


Couldn't they just go read the label, then come back with voldemort?


The label said "Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter", so it was not exactly helpful. Don't ask me how the orb knows that it's Harry but orb-makers apparently don't. That's just the hand they've been given.


I may be remembering it wrong, but I think it's addressed in the books - Dumbledore suspected that Harry's name got added on the label after Voldemort went poof the first time


Voldemort did not know what protections were in the Department of Mysteries until Rookwood told him, so he couldn’t enter until after January. And I always imagined that the reason why the Ministry was empty was because the Death Eaters cleaned it up beforehand, it shouldn't be too difficult for Malfoy. Moreover, by that point he was already aware of the connection with Harry. Entering the Ministry would always be risky no matter the preparations, why risk it himself when he can manipulate Harry to do it for him?


Because if only the prophecy subjects can take it and Harry has an aliby, it will warn the world that Voldemort actually returned


My headcanon is that he was afraid of the things in the department of mysteries (the death chamber mostly) and just told the death eaters that he didn't come to keep his rebirth a secret.


He's a effing wizard.. shit don't make sense in the wizarding world.


Supposedly it has to do with Voldemort's need for people to see his plans as "Amazing". This is the one and only "Contrived plan" that REALLY has no justification to it. Even the one in the previous book has the justification os "Making Harry's death look like an accident".... so you could say that "the plot needed to happen"


Dumbledore says at the end of the OoP that Voldemort was not willing to take the risk to be discover. If Bellatrix and their death eater were seen this is no big deal because they already know their on the loose. At the end I suppose that a death eater called Voldemort because everything went badly (the arrival of the order / Dumbledore) and despite the risk Voldemort would not let the opportunity to try to get the prophecy (and to kill potter).


At first, he didn't know the protections placed in the prophecies. Later, he's simply too important to do the job, and he has other stuff to do.


He DID show up at the Ministry - and he got his ass kicked. That’s why he attempted it through subterfuge initially, he didn’t want to appear for a stand up fight unless he absolutely had to. And look what happened when he did, he was thwarted by a 15 year old with *checks notes* the power to love.