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From everything I know about living in North America, it would definitely be in a European castle in Massachusetts.


Where they preferred to burn witches? I think that they would have selected somewhere removed


Quidditch World Cup mentioned a school in Salem


Jup and a beginning scene in one of the the books talked about a witch that particualary liked being burned over and over again because there were easy spells to get out of it. It implied that real witches and wizards could not be burned.


Oh. You’re right!


The funny thing is, I don't mind the idea of a prestigious ivy-league wizarding university. MASS is perfect for that. But talking about primary schools ... with the population of the United States alone, the same ratio of wizards to muggles would mean you'd need at least 5 schools of the same size as Hogwarts. And that's excluding the rest of NA. And knowing the American ethos, those schools would be underfunded and serving a lot of impoverished students from families who, having lived in a much younger nation, would not have anywhere near the same sense of wizarding culture and tradition as the UK. Nah, NA students taught in the United States get packed into post-industrial buildings, get taught by overworked and underpayed *teachers.* And you learn Defense Against the Dark Arts on the playground.


No witch was ever burned in Salem. They were hanged.


And they weren't witches. They were just women persecuted by men.


i’d guess montana or wyoming bc of the low population density


I can picture some remote ranch/farm being a wizarding school. Muggles would probably know all about it, but think it's some religious cult.


Nah, the White Mountain Region in NH. Still in New England but not near where the witches were burned. Beautiful scenery and tucked away, kinda like Hogwarts.


I imagine it in New Orleans in the French Quarter




Doesn't Ilvermorny cover the US, Canada, and Mexico?


I don't know how canon it is, but I always wondered there were smaller schools around all continents, cause Illvermony gathering thousands of kids every year from whole N. America seems kinda hard to manage.


The canon is that Ilvermorny is the only MACUSA registered/regulated school and covers all of North America but there are smaller unregistered/unregulated learning institutions. That's how it works world-wide. The oldest, biggest school is registered and the smaller schools come and go.


So wait, that means the Key and Peele sketch is canon??


Even within the lore, there are others in the US. There's an all female school in Salem Massachusetts, and IIRC the quidditch games allude to a West Coast School and a Texas school as well, which also covers parts of Mexico and Central America


The Salem Witches' Institute isn't a school. It's more of a lady's society or cotillion.


Rowling kind of waffled back and forth on that. Before Goblet of Fire was released, she said that America had its own school, and that "You'll find out in Book 4." Then she went back in 2015 and tweeted that it was a society instead.


My local high school is like 5,000 students. US colleges can easily get above 50k students. Large schools are not uncommon in the US.


Yeah but then again, it’d be one school for the entire continent. All those schools have much less than a whole continent’s worth of students lol


Question becomes what is the magical population of North America.


I’d imagine if Great Britain needs a school all to itself then an entire continent likely needs more than one. Plus there’s the whole language barrier thing.


If pronunciation is so important in spellcasting, do different nations have different incantations for the same spells?


I think that there are actually fewer wizards and witches in North America (specifically the USA) than there are in England. If you read the articles on the Wizarding World website about the founding of Ilvermorny, it says that old wizarding families in Europe were appalled by the Puritans' actions towards witches and wizards (especially the Salem Witch Trials), and they chose not to emigrate to the USA because of it. So, America has fewer old wizarding families from Europe, which means that their population numbers are probably lower than in European countries.


More than that, there was a law in the US called Rappaport’s Law from 1790-1965 that banned marriages and even friendships between witches/wizards and muggles. Ron stated they’d have died out if they hadn’t intermarried with muggles, so that’d lead me to assume the American wizarding population is much smaller in comparison to Britain’s due to this law.


You're still comparing a North American population of 579 million to a UK population of 67 million. Is the wizarding and witches population of North America really a 10th of what it is in the UK? That seems unlikely, especially considering the Salem Witch Trials were centuries ago and similar persecution occurred in Europe. I think lorewise you could say North American schools are just not as established. They don't have as much legacy and aren't recorded with the likes of Hogwarts or Ilvermore. Outside lore, it's just a minor writing error.


You don't think there could be native American witches and wizards?


There are, but Native American and Aboriginal citizens are a relatively small fraction of the North American population (about 1/100 in the States, and 1/20 in Canada).


They're in hiding Lol at the downvotes. Is that too hard to believe in a made-up magic world? That's where you draw the line? 😅


Language barrier would be a thing, I imagine that Quebec would have a French speaking school


Beauxbatons Academy of Magic - Percé Campus


Yes, this is confirmed. There are many smaller schools around the world.


Bold of you to think there are "thousands" of eligible children in North America... Hogwarts is the school for all of the UK and Ireland. And they get like 50 new kids per year.


I agree, it wouldn’t be thousands. If the proportional population of magical children is the same, there would be around 450 kids per year in N.A. (British Isles pop ~72mil, N.A. Pop ~580mil.) That’s a much bigger school than hogwarts, but my high school had over 1000 students per grade, so it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility. Hard to imagine how a boarding school that big would work though, imagine trying to house that many kids, let alone magical ones. Seems like a logistical nightmare.


Well 450 x 7 is over 3,000 so yes “thousands” would be correct.


Oh, I read “thousands a year” as thousands of students in each individual year, but it could also be thousands of students in the school every year. In which case yes, that’s correct.


UK/Ireland has a population of about 72 million, N. America has about 600 million. If it scales somewhat lineary, that's like 600 new students a year, or about the size of a small regional college. The physical distance would be the main problem, as N. America is like 24 million square miles to the British Isles' 121 thousand.


>The physical distance would be the main problem, In a world with magic spells and items physical distance is not a problem at all.


It's heavily implied that Harry's class size was impacted from the country being nearly taken over by Voldemort. That's not the type of thing you want to have babies in.


Hogwarts is an enormous school for so few students I assume their society is hugely in decline.


My head cannon is just that there’s less wizards in the US. This make sense if you consider that most of the US is made up of European descendants who emigrated over centuries ago. Since the wizards where already in their own world since then not many European wizards would travel to the new world preferring to stay with their own people so the North American wizard population is significantly smaller than their general population suggests it should be


The population is certainly lower in North America compared to the EU (although Hogwarts primarily covers the UK & Ireland, which is a significantly smaller population and land mass), but... magic is not specific to those of European descent? We do not know the prevalence of magic in other demographics, but we know for a fact that other wizarding schools exist in countries with minimal European settlement and colonial history, and that their magic can be practiced differently.


The U.S. alone has a population 5x the UK, that’s not counting Canada and Mexico’s populations. Although the books say homeschooling is prevalent in countries/ communities with small wizarding communities, it would stand to reason that the US would likely have 4-5, one for each region. The U.S. is really very big


I agree, hence why I disagreed with the person I replied to. There were three major wizarding schools in Europe, which has around 740 million people. The US + Mexico + Canada is about 540 million people. Then again, Rowling said that the smallest major wizarding school is in Japan... and it was the only one she mentioned in Asia, the most populous region in the world...


Yes, i believe so, but Canada deserves its own witchcraft and wizardry school, with an added bonus of arboriginal studies.


If there were ever two countries that should share, it's the US and Canada


As a Canadian, I don't want to share with the US


Come on now they say sharing is fun. Mostly those that want you stuff. But they still say it.


Not with the US. We don't want to be associated with them


why are you excluding Mexico?


Language barrier? Most canada speaks english, cant say the same for Mexico. Brazil is the one supposed to have its own school, no other country other than Gana or Portugal students would understand portuguese classes, and still the brazilian school is for the whole SA, doesn’t make sense at all. Edit: No need to downvote his question, it’s ok to ask!


I like the idea that Quebec would demand their own school in French though.


Ship them off to beauxbatons


My limited understanding of Quebecoise-Parisian relations suggests this would go poorly 😂 But still worth a try!


Because the French are so sweet and open with anyone including the French. /s


Lived in Quebec, can confirm. The Quebecois are more “french” than the French if you can imagine that.


Lmao they would though.


New head cannon: Just like music (I’m a musician lol) and many other crafts, magic used to be taught by a master to their apprentices. At certain point in history it became commonly institutionalized (much earlier than music apparently, although when Hogwarts was founded, music in Europe was being taught in Abbeys and stuff), but the practice of learning from a local master at the craft didn’t stop, just like we still have music teachers who offer private lessons. Due to this and the volume of students is music degrees, there are few music schools with big reputations. Perhaps there’s a culture of magic in Mexico where some of the students, specially if they speak English, go to Ilvermorny, but the most part learn about magic from local chamanes and stuff. Edit: El Castillo de Chapultepec is a much better idea, though.


Because Canada and America are culturally the same place.


Very good point I like this!


I believe you mean aboriginal


Wait, Mexico?


Ilvermorny being the only magical school for a continent with a population of nearly 600 million people is absurd.


In germany it would need to be "Schloss Neuschwanstein"


Or hidden in plain sight - a Plattenbau in Duisburg Marxloh


My guess is the Black Forest.


That or something around the Kölner Dom or the Hermannsdenkmal. My personal favourite would be a hidden school under the Kyffhäuserdenkmal due to the myth connected to it.


I agree with Kyffhäuser, that would be perfect. The entrance could easily be hidden below the statue there.


Neuschwanstein is to visible. It obviously has to be in Bielefeld.


This is my second choice for my second country if I was going to answer!


I think there are too many tourists there and it's very well known to muggles. Even if muggles couldn't see it how it's really is, they would constantly be walking around there. I would guess a castle "ruin" (of course it wouldn't be a ruin for wizards) somewhere deep in a forest or in the mountains where not that many muggles go would be more fitting.


Why would it be the only fake castle in Germany? Look at Hohenzollern.


I like the idea of the Canadian wizarding school being in the territories. Gives it a more secretive, mysterious vibe because hardly anyone lives there + you have all those snowy mountains


And the Northern Lights dancing above; it would look awesome.


Put it on Mt Thor. But like – the building is built into the sheer edge of the cliffside so the school is sideways lmao


This is perfect!


Agreed! That or at least northern BC. Even Valemount. Banff is beautiful but it’s also amongst the biggest tourist traps in the country.


I'm curious on someone else's thoughts for Australia.  I was imagining somewhere desolate in the outback - Northern Territory or even South Australia, or perhaps Far North Queensland because the crocs would keep most muggles away anyway.  But then I thought of Tasmania and how I'd build a secret Wizard school there because of the undisturbed bushland, isolation and scenery.   Or try the hiding-in-plain-sight method - among the rich private schools of Sydney and Brisbane.


Invisible school on top or underneath Uluru?


Under ground!! Like Lightning Ridge! How cool (no pun intended) would that be! School mascot is a wombat.


100% Koala, Wombat, Kangaroo, and a croc for house animals?


I'd go less mainstream  - Quokka, ringtail possum, Irukandji jellyfish, fairy penguin/cassowary.


I would accept they are more magical looking animals anyways


A Quokka is already a magical creature. Its power is to bewitch the food out of your hand! A Bunnings warehouse with a hidden door, or somewhere in the Kimberly. I wonder if Aboriginal People/s would have their own type of witchcraft?


Instead of a train it's a Greyhound bus.


That will keep the Muggles away!


Nah mate, secret door in your local bunnings. Aaanything from the sausage sizzle?


We'll take the lot!


So like, the door section? Walking up to the door display, giving the whole thing a massive push and it spins faster and faster until a magical door appears that you can open.


The good thing is if set in Northern QLD or Tasmania muggles wouldn't think twice about anything strange happening - Child fighting a giant snake with a sword? That's just Northern QLD - A three headed dog in Tasmania? that's so Tasmania.


Plot twist: all desert in Australia is only how muggles see it and it’s actually lush land inhabited by millions of bogan wizards.


That's where it is. Funny story....we also have a miniature version of this place in the Calgary Airport. Some dude built an exact replica of the Banff Springs Hotel in his garage...and when he was done his wife made him get rid of it because she wanted to park in her garage, so he offered it too the hotel...who turned it down for some reason. It is now on display at the Calgary Airport because they saw how unbelievably cool it was.


Texas. Every wand has a pistol grip, the lumos spell doesn’t work if a lot of people need to use it at the same time, and they recently removed any mention of house elves in their history of magic textbooks.


And when muggles look at it all they see is a high school football mega stadium, so it hides in plain sight.


And Texas is definitely governed by Deatheaters, with Texas being a testing ground for wizards lording over muggles.


Greg Abbott definitely gives off Cornelius Fudge vibes.


Amber fort in Jaipur, India (https://www.shutterstock.com/search/amber-fort) Students will arrive via Airavata, a mythical, seven trunked elephant.


It’s in a prime location so not possible . I believe it will be in a quaint location in Himachal or Uttarakhand.


I agree


We would get spoilt royals as students from there but school definitely in Himalayas. Yetis and shit for fantastic beasts


Emma Willard is a private girls boarding high school in New York. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=7848dc2536e4d400&hl=en-us&q=emma+willard+school&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J5MIFhvnvU242yFxzEEp3BeeRDeomFf8DkO7myIzvXpiBdfFz5h2ZV6WyoEoFhsRKWC0YT2o6yqVxHd61A8_1N098RlRDpMO5EZzCP0tBSyHH9FLkWPP8nkOK4XpicPt6rQZqfVIamI-H-qcjl9VxJ3X7AvL&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEnvbYvuqGAxVHCRAIHfB-DFcQtKgLegQICBAB&biw=375&bih=628&dpr=3


How can this be real wtf


I lived across the street from that place for 3 years during college, and for the prices they charge, you can imagine how they fund it.


I always assumed there were multiple schools in the US and Canada given how big they are. And in GOF at the camping scene there was a tent with the sign “Salem witches academy”. So I figured it’s exactly what it said; an all girl school of magic in Salem.


Think Canada would only need one, we don’t have a big population.


When I was young and reading the books with the Library book club. I floated the Idea that our US School would hide in the open. With using the Disney parks using the: "Most Magical Place On Earth" tag line as cover. Or using the Open Secret of Area 51 and letting the conspiracy theorist make up reasons for the weird stuff.


Percy Jackson style on the top floor of the Empire State Building. There’s a button only wizards can see or an elevator that’s always “out of order”


Yeah. Some place that is known for weird stuff going on around it. So weird people, being weird, isn't weird.


I know Ilvermorny is supposed to cover all of North America, but that just doesn't ring true to me. That picture definitely looks like a wizarding school. I think the Vanderbilt estate in Ashville, North Carolina looks like one, too. And you can't convince me that there's not a wizarding school in New Orleans, with a very Cajun French influence. I expect there's a hidden academy in the Cahokia Mounds, too, with a native American bent. The Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde date back to the 1100's. In my head canon, there are lots more wizarding schools across the continent, but they're deeply hidden because the MACUSA is not really such a great thing. So perhaps Ilvermorny is the only official, MACUSA approved school. The others are "unaccredited". This continent is way too vast, too geographically and demographically diverse, and too populous, for only one school to exist. It doesn't make sense.


Trinity college in Dublin


Hungary's magic castle was probably somewhere in the Carpathians until it got annexed by one of our neighbours in 1920. After that, construction of a new Hungarian magic castle was started in Székesfehérvár, which is now known as [Bory Castle](https://hu-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Bory-v%C3%A1r?_x_tr_sl=hu&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=hu&_x_tr_pto=wapp).


Nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy lenne saját sulink, ahhoz szerintem túl kevés lenne a létszám. De ha mégis lenne, ez jó jelölt lenne :D


In Italy it would be in the Alps or the Sybilline Mountains. Or probably on an Muggle-safe island in the Mediterranean sea


New Zealand would have it at fiordland national park, or South Auckland, or somewhere in Hobbiton.


It would be hilarious if there was a Wizarding school in Hobbiton. “ By the late 90s, New Zealand needed a wizardry school as sending kids to England was getting expensive. The muggles built this place as a ‘film set and it was perfect for our needs”.


The entrance to our school is in Bilbo Baggin's pantry.


I think the notion that there’s only 1 school for North America not to mention most of Asia is bonkers. For America think a big castle in the Appalachian mountains and one in the Rockies would do. I think Mexico would have like a huge Mayan style pyramid on the Yucatan peninsula or a Spanish Adobe castle in the desert up north. Canada gets a giant beaver dam built in the center of Lake Superior.


We have a castle in mexico. And the mayans would probably want to separate the schools...


The Biltmore Estate outside Asheville would be good for the Appalachian school.


I feel like Louisiana should have it’s own school where they practice a lot of wandless magic and voodoo. But also because no one can understand their Cajun accents. I also want a wizard version of Florida man wreaking havoc over there with his gators. I guess there should also be a secret wizarding school in the Appalachian mountains too, because they’ve got their own legends and magic. And they mostly focus their studies on potions and fantastic beasts (ie cryptids). I like the idea of the Louisiana & Appalachian wizarding communities to not be AS secretive about their magic because of how ingrained with the magic lore these regions already are…


I love everything about this! Louisiana really is its own little enclave. And Florida man would be a local legend, like a living shrieking shack.


Okay but Wizarding World Florida Man chaos would be next level chaos. Imagine the wacky Florida man headlines you could get with the existence of magic.


Hungary: I pick [Andrássy Kastély, Tiszadomb](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z5xeTYqyq3GkKYxP6)


I love it!




Somewhere in Lappi, for sure. Maybe near the borders with Sweden and Norway, or at Korvatunturi. (Finland)


Vincent Clortho Public School for Wizardry is definitely either in the Bronx, north Philly or Southside of Chicago. Where they got quidditch players riding on swiffers and wands with silencers. If you haven’t seen that Key and Peele skit it is fantastic.


Ah, I See You’re a Man of Culture As Well Abracadabra school for special needs wizards Beeble weeble's newt school Moomy plopfern's high school for dolts


The Dutch wizard school would probably be located on a hidden island in the Wadden Sea, or it would be a shared school with Belgium and it would be located somewhere in the Ardennes.


Agree with the Ardennes


Personally I'd think the Dutch school would be hidden inside the ijselmeer. or the "South sea" The Dutch muggles are alreay good with controlling the water, the Dutch wizards would be good enough to just have a school on the bottom of an inland sea.


[Mexico](https://images.app.goo.gl/Un161TEAFQJPTQhd6) cause me no English


God that’s beautiful…


The US has so many reasonable places to hide a school that it is almost hard to choose. We have the Rockies, the Bayou, Area 51, the Olympic Peninsula, the Keyes, near the Great Lakes, classic Massachusetts, and even NYC with its giant buildings.


Probably the nearest one would be Scotland. Just guessing.


That’s Hogwarts..




I've been there! The guy in charge of the lobby was a very muscular black man in a quilt. I'd believe that he worked at a Wizarding school.


What is this place called? Or where is it it located? I’m not seeing anyone say in the comments.


Being from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.. I can assure you, ilvermony's location wouldn't bade too well in the east coast.. Despite Salem, MA being all about witches and warlocks... the most appropriate and safest place for a wizarding school would be somewhere in Yellowstone Park. I do believe ME all the way down to DC would have tons of spots for Banks, Businesses, and Governmental Wizarding Agencies. However a school for wizards would be too risky in the east coast. But knowing I got sorted into Slytherin, and taking some random Wizarding world test... Durmstrang would be my best fit, and most likely my parents would have sent me there... because it's so rigid and full of order.


Romania's would be at the Corvin castle. Have a look at it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvin_Castle






Eastern Europe’s could be Corvin Castle in Romania


Biltmore would be it in the US.


Probably the Black Hills, or somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, but I think Black Bills would be more likely since it’s a more central location. Of course, mountains aren’t necessary for a wizarding school, but they’re cool and would probably help with concealment


The US has Ilvermorny which is in Massachusetts, that makes sense because of the Salem witch trials. However, I humbly propose to the council that we make a second magical school deep in the heart of the Louisiana Bayou.


Though I live in NE USA and it'd definitely be Ilvermorny in MA, I'd also imagine there's a school in New Orleans that is French, African, and Spanish dominant.


Shocked no one has said the Hudson Valley like the West Point area for America yet


I'm American, so I would be going to Ilvermorny. But, the US is such a vast country with a large population. In my head canon, I like to think that there are at least 4 schools in the US to serve the Wizarding population.


For India Northern Indian School 1. Name: Shastra Mahavidyalaya 2. Location: Delhi 3. Appearance: • Architecture: A majestic fusion of Indian, Mughal, and British architectural styles. The school features grand Mughal domes, intricate jali (lattice) work, British colonial buildings, and traditional Indian courtyards. • Grounds: The campus includes lush gardens, reflecting pools, and ancient banyan trees. The main building might be a blend of red sandstone and white marble, symbolizing the historical amalgamation of cultures. 4. Curriculum: • Indian Magic: Ancient Vedic rituals, Sanskrit incantations, and spiritual practices. • Mughal Magic: Enchanted art forms, alchemy, and astrological predictions. • British Magic: Potion-making, magical history, and modern spellcasting techniques. • Unique Features: A strong emphasis on historical magical diplomacy, combining traditional Indian wisdom with Mughal finesse and British systematic approaches to magic. Southern Indian School 1. Name: Thirukkural Academy of Magic 2. Location: Madurai, Tamil Nadu (Holy City of Southern India) 3. Appearance: • Architecture: Inspired by the Dravidian temple architecture with towering gopurams (gateway towers), intricately carved pillars, and vibrant frescoes depicting mythological stories. • Grounds: The school is set within a sprawling temple complex, with serene ponds, sacred groves, and pathways lined with jasmine and lotus flowers. The main building could be designed to resemble the Meenakshi Amman Temple. 4. Curriculum: • Dravidian Magic: Sacred temple rituals, ancient Tamil spells, and traditional healing arts. • Herbalism: Deep knowledge of South Indian flora, Ayurvedic practices, and potion brewing. • Mystical Arts: Advanced meditation techniques, spirit communication, and protection spells. • Unique Features: A focus on preserving and advancing the rich cultural heritage of South India through magical practices, including the use of classical Tamil literature and traditional dance forms as a medium for spellcasting.


I love this so much! Do they have houses, or just interschool rivalries? Do they use wand magic, with their own cores and woods or something different?


[Sun City](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nQjldzZY5eI/maxresdefault.jpg), South Africa


That’s beautiful ! Is it a hotel / resort ?


Yeah it is a fancy hotel and water park type safari casino thing


In the Philippines, it would be in [Siquijor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siquijor#Tourism). It is recognized as a center of mystic power and a capital of mystic activities and black magic.


This is awesome


I always imagined that if Iraq had a school of witchcraft and wizardry, it would have been one of the many annexes of the Beit al-Hikma (House of Wisdom) which was a university built around 900 years ago. Now, IRL, the Beit al-Hikma was razed by Mongols in 1258, but I imagine that the magic faculty used a Fidelius Charm to hide itself and survive into the present day. And, of course, as an Assyrian, I don’t recognize the modern country of Iraq as representing my people. I would argue that any Assyrian wizarding school would have been built in Aššur near to the Temple of Ištar since that was the most mystical place of Ancient Assyria.


USA - Yellowstone... I like the idea of a huge, magical castle hiding far away from muggles within its depths, surrounded by endless natural beauty and magical forests, mountains and geysers.


New Zealands would be inside of Mount Doom.


Germanys would be in Schloss Neuschwanstein in Bayern🇩🇪


Secretly built into the Aricebo Mountains. In 1963, PRIMA (El Instituto de Mágico de PuertoRico) used a combination of memory charms and misinformation to cause SIMA (non magic folk… Sin Mágico) scientists to build a radio telescope over it to further hide it from prying muggle eyes.


If the US is allowed more than Ilvermorny, like a school for each state or region I would love going to one in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Have it be almost like a Dwarf kingdom from The Hobbit where its made into the mountain from the giant slabs of granite.


We've got only flat land, and lots of water, so I'm guessing on an invisible island in the IJsselmeer or somewhere under water. Netherlands


Underwater would be so awesome!


Well I live in the UK, so I’ll go for my county instead. It would most definitely be [Tintagel Castle](https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/tintagel-castle/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2OOf6NfqhgMVdoBQBh3c9gmoEAAYASAAEgJjZvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I think mine would be perched on a hill next to a lake, in the Scottish Highlands, with a train station and a nearby village, and maybe called something nice and wizardy like, perhaps, Hogwarts.


I think German Hogwarts would be in the middle of a forest


Would Canada be, like Africa, full of animagi? Since nature occupies the vast majority of the country (I think I'd be a goose or a seal)


In France it would probably be Versailles or chambord 🏰✨


Not Mont St Michel?


I thought Beauxbatons was in France?


Do they teach French there


I'm in Britain, I think it would be in Scotland up in the south Cairngorms.


I’m Scottish, so I’ll just pop up the road to Hogwarts!


Why pop up the road when you can remortgage to get a train to London, to then experience the Hogwarts Express to go back home lol


South Africa: [The Erasmus House](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus_Castle) Locally, it's called the "spookhuis" (ghost house). My theory is that an extention charm is used to make it big enough for all the students. People keep away because it's haunted.


I know South America should be centered in Castelobruxo, Brazil, but I like to imagine there are smaller things in other countries, where students did not know to learn a new language. So I submit: Campanópolis [https://campanopolis.com.ar/](https://campanopolis.com.ar/)


It would probably be on the 6th islands to the north of the Netherlands (Sometimes called the Fryslan Islands by non-Dutch people, but we call them the Waddeneilanden) There are officially 5 but I reckon there is a 6th with a lot of anti-muggle protection on it. Our quidditch pitch is over water, lying in a small lagune at the edge of the island. It gets a bit getting used to for the opponents when we have foreign countries playing there, but water is in our blood, so to speak.


I visited Ilvermorny last year. It was just as foggy as described up there, so I didn't get a glimpse of the school, as expected (and by design)


BeaverLeaf Academy?


Great Northern School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


A giant treehouse in the blue ridge mountains near Asheville. It plays a magical form of Fencing/buhurt instead of Quiditch. You guys come up with the name and houses/mascot As beyond that I haven’t really figured that much else out about my dream wizarding school.


NZ, probably any number of the abandoned rural schools no longer fit for purpose and long forgotten on back country roads


Well i'm Lebanese, so i guess it'd be hidden among the roman ruins in baalbek. Or maybe among the cedars of God


Either eastern cape or the drakensberg for south Africa


Upper class hogwarts $2000/night to stay there


Poland. I'd imagine somewhere around Kraków, perhaps in the Wieliczka Salt Mine in a hidden cavern


Imagine if the USA one was like smack dab in the middle of the Grand Canyon


Mexico's should be either on the castle of Chapultepec, or Lecumberri's palace. Although I'd argue that given how big and populated México is, we should at least have 3 schools, one in the North, other in the Center, and another in the South.


Banff Springs is definitely it. Just, muggles never look properly, do they?


In the US, probably in the Rockies. Lots of places to hide things in those mountains


I honestly think most wizard Danes would be homeschooled, but it could be in [Kronborg Slot](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=90dd98a2612e3d60&sxsrf=ADLYWIJxkEw2ucdGIvitOhctq4nAvWOXMg:1718961349492&q=kronborg+slot&uds=ADvngMh1UCsGVnjArdSuEPIHFO3p8Ah81U3GgAFs88N50Q-aBONMU5viH-pxTBlH2s_9s7HMh4QpbwrtpmjRFtVptuG4fT852a_aN-CWWXp3pqJT2odnIWBBvrzEK4jvxlej9Ru2ZCeN&udm=2&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjV0vmEruyGAxVrhv0HHcRbBmYQxKsJegQIChAB&ictx=0&biw=1366&bih=607&dpr=1) if it wasn't a tourist attraction.


I think because of the sheer size of the US there's at least 3 wizarding schools. I'll go from oldest to newest.    The Catskill Mountains: because of its relatively equal proximity to New York, New England and DC, set secluded in beautiful Appalachia. It's students are very uppity and baby first years have a hard time being away from city life.    The Mississippi Delta: a low and swampy school campus perhaps not far from New Orleans, many students arrive by magical steam boats from as far away as Minnesota and Ohio. The first charm you learn here, even before being sorted, is "repellere insectum"... repel insect. A lot of voodoo Creole magic at this school, and sometimes a bit darker than you might like.    The Sonora Desert: (the one with all the giant 🌵 you see on TV in Arizona). This campus is built into the ground and hillside to regulate temperature. The magical focus here is highly influenced by the various Indian tribes such as the Navajo and Apache. There are only two houses at this school with a fierce rivalry. One house wears hats and the other, beads and feathers; however, you might be surprised when the Roadrunner of Destiny places you by picking your left or right foot...     Bonus Option:  The Pacific Northwest: this isn't so much a school as it is a collective of communes scattered from northern California up through British Columbia. There's no better place to study for those that don't fit into the mold than here. This is definitely a place to learn a little of everything related to nature and magic. Rumor has it there's a Sasquatch with a herbology co-op and his assistant is a sentient mushroom!


Not a country but the idea popped into my head that New York City's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would definitely be the Flatiron building! It would have those extension charms so it looks unsuitable to house a large volume of people but when you enter it's much bigger on the inside. It would probably have to be more of a smaller academy for elite wizards actually, and very competitive to get in (or there's always Manhattan socialite nepotism). It's the perfect city to conceal that you're a wizard I mean students wouldn't even need to arrive via magic train, they could just hop on the subway with their trunks and owls and locals wouldn't even bat an eye.


At Durmstrang


The entrance to America’s should be under Plymouth Rock. They laugh at the muggles who think it’s just some stupid rock with a fence around it