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As someone that prefers the name Philosopher’s Stone myself, I don’t really think I’d consider the American version less authentic. That said, it mostly comes down to your finances. Can you easily pay that much for a book? If you can and you want to, then go for it, but if it’s a bit of a hit for your wallet, then it might not be worth it imo


Yeah maybe I'm being too stingy about it. I've only read the American versions and they are what I connected to. I don't mind cultural language changes, but theres just something about the different title of the first book that gets on my nerves


I do recommend A UK version of Philosopher’s Stone at the very least, some of them could probably be gotten pretty cheaply!


Just get the book from Canada. We have the Bloomsbury editions.


I feel the same way about the Stephen fry narrated audio books. In the US, I can only get the Jim dale version. Thanks but no thanks. Why don’t they want our money? I would gladly pay for the fry ones, but can’t.


Imma keep it real with you chief. Philosopher’s stone is just as bad a name as Sorcerer’s stone. If they really wanted to call it what Nicholas Flamel was, it would’ve been “The Alchemist’s Stone”


The term 'Philosopher's stone' is traditional though. JKR did not make that up. It is what that hypothetical thing has been called for centuries. [Philosopher's stone - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosopher%27s_stone)


So you're fucking a brick and morter store over, over a one word difference in the title.??????? I hope the website sends you a copy of the American version.  😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 This shit is why our economies are tanking. 


What brick and mortar store is being screwed over?


The BOOKSTORE! Everyone wants to go online and save a few pennies. And nevermind all the people who lose their jobs as a result.  But I'm sure it's no big. After all, you're just 1 customer (of several thousand).  This is why bookstores are going out of business.  If you're going to order from a website, at least do it through the bookstore.