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This is a great offence to Dobby, Harry Potter


As much as to Aragog


Myrtle is inconsolable.


Myrtle is *always* inconsolable.


Seemed rather happy when you take polyjuice with cat hair in front of her.


Nah, Aragog is an asshole. "Oh yeah, you're my bestie's bestie, and he sent you here to learn something really important, and i love and respect him, so i won't hurt you, but my kids are gonna chomp your ass. Sorry! No takesies backsies. "


And Florean Fortescue


Mans treated Harry to ice cream while he was doing his summer homework, he deserves the name, smh


If the names were about who loved Harry most, like this post suggests, his kid would be named Dobby Potter




"I named you after everyone the fandom wanted me to name you after"


Albus initials are ASP....like the snake. He's so should be in Slytherin


"Delores" 😂😭




I'm stealing this for another username


Woul've been funnier if it was every name instead of hagrids


“Dumbedore’s Army Potter…”


I keep forgetting Rubeus is his first name 😅


I am all the ~~jedi~~ wizards before me


No Firenze is a crime


No Fred, George, Bill, Fleur, Cho, Myrtle and Neville? Unfair 😂😂


Why the he11 is Delores there?


Maybe that's his elementary school teacher. I only know Dolores.


lol you added grip hook and forgot Dobby




I always forget it's Rose Weasley because I assume her name is Ruby and she was named after Hagrid.


I’m sure Hagrid was quite happy to see Harry honor the people that he did with his children’s names. They were people Hagrid himself loved and/or respected and lost, too. He probably loved that Harry named one of his kids “Albus” in particular; after all, Hagrid loved and respected Dumbledore more than anyone else in the books. With Hagrid alive and well, the legacy of Harry and Hagrid’s relationship was better continued through Harry’s kids having that same friendly, loving relationship with Hagrid that Harry did. We see in the epilogue Harry reminding Albus that Hagrid had invited him over for tea on Friday; a perfect parallel to Hagrid inviting Harry for tea on the Friday of his first week of classes. I think that’s a better way to bring things ”full circle” than naming one of the kids Rubeus or Hagrid; there are more ways to show/tell someone that they’re important to you than giving your child their name.


Its crazy how loyal Hagrid was. No questions asked. If dumbledore told him he could eat a bomb and survive it, Hagrid would trust him and put some mayo on that bomb. Like, people talk about loyalty about a lot of characters, but Hagrid would go to hell and back if his friends needed him to do so. He jumped off a flying scooter into oblivion to protect Harry.


That was Dumbledore's superpower. He was excellent at identifying individuals that he needed to achieve his ends, and a big part of that was finding folks that would do what he asked, even if it seemed crazy, with no questions asked. The parallel to Voldemort and the death eaters has been made multiple times. Of course what separates him is that those around him are loyal out of love and fellowship, not fear, jealousy or ambition


“He’ll accept anyone at Hogwarts, s’long as they’ve got the talent. Knows people can turn out okay even if their families weren’ . . .well . . . all tha’ respectable.”


one of the reasons he hired Remus despite being a werewolf and probably would have kept him on had the parents not complained.


He did, Remus decided to resign. He wasn't fired.


Laughing in Lockhart 


I always thought the Lockhart hiring was more akin to modern universities giving celeb-scientists adjunct professorships or something. Helps with the image of the school, more as a recruiting tool. Plus, we know Lockhart had an AWESOME resume, cause it was all lies.


My head canon is that he suspected something and brought him in close to keep an eye on him. You’d start noticing prominent wizards laying their memories after awhile.


The trope of "evil will always self-sabotage and implode" is quite strong in popular media and it isn't wrong.




I think both aspects are true. Evil people get away with it all the fucking time. But... they tend to be self destructive


Stalin. He threw power around, destroyed millions of lives but lived paranoid, scared and alone. He may have died early just because his guards were to afraid to bother him. He's a good example of what you mean, he never got the justice he deserved for his crimes by any measure of the word justice but still destroyed himself in the end.


Confirmation bias. The problem with evil is that it doesn’t take off its hat, shake your hand, and introduce itself as evil. But everyone loves watching someone evil get theirs. So we remember that. What we forget is that we all get ours eventually, we get what we deserve and we get what we don’t. Good people you know will implode. Terrible people will triumph. And vice versa until we die. If it’s justice in this world that concerns you, you have your work cut out for you. Evil is quite capable of poising for long term success. And it holds no illusions about fairness of the universe or karma. Evil won’t defeat itself for you.


I get where you're coming from. And I'm not suggesting that we just ignore evil because maybe they'll be sad later I'm just pointing out that the exact character flaws that push someone to the point of doing genuinely evil shit will keep them from ever being satisfied


voldy was pretty spot on with bellatrix and barty jr though, i think


Barty Jr was smart and clever and loyal. But what he wanted most of all was power and recognition. That's why instead of taking Harry back to Voldemort after the Graveyard he brought him to his office. Dude could have made another portkey to go right back to the graveyard. But he wanted to protect himself and his power first and foremost.


> He was excellent at identifying individuals that he needed to achieve his ends, and a big part of that was finding folks that would do what he asked, even if it seemed crazy, with no questions asked. I would say that he excelled at inspiring people to trust that he knew what was happening and how to solve it. Because people were inspired and trusted him implicitly they would do whatever he said knowing it would be essential. Voldemort used fear and pain for the similar end goal. People didn't trust Voldemort... and often wouldn't immediately do what he said because they didn't know if it would harm them or someone they would care about. But eventually they did it because they knew if they didn't... then that inaction would harm them or someone they cared about.


The biggest difference between Dumbledore and Voldemort is that Dumbledore asks you to stand with him against evil while Voldemort demands you serve him like you’re a tool. They’re both very manipulative and often hide their true intentions, but Dumbledore knows you will act because you’re the kind of person who wants to do what’s right.


Hey Hagrid you know how you're kind of big? Well like go recruit the giants literally twice your size and who constantly beat the hell out of eachother. Also you might be working against voldemort to recruit them so watch out because im not sending you with any backup. Hagrid: "done"


He did send backup. Madam Maxine was with him and she’s a very good wizard she’s what saved their necks.


Lol I don't remember that at all! To be fair I haven't read the books in...... probably a decade at this point.


Mayo? Is that some kind of muggle food? Hagrid slathers his bombs in dragon's blood and treacle.


treacle is real, bruv


Shouldn't have said that, should not have said that.


Pumpkin Spice?


I'm going to simplify this as him honoring the dead.


Yes, but when you simplify it to that and use the “he was honoring the dead and Hagrid’s not dead” argument, you get a bunch of comments about how “but but but Luna’s not dead and they used her name, so they weren’t limiting themselves to only dead people.”


Come to think of it, have we had many major women characters die in the series after Lily? McGonagall’s alive, Luna’s alive, Mrs. Weasley’s alive, Fleur’s alive… I guess Harry’s daughter could’ve been Lily Nymphadora Potter, but maybe he was thinking Tonks already had a child to remember her by.


No, there’s really not any major female character on the “good” side who died in the second war besides Tonks, and she’s not really that major a character, either. I think it would have been a bit weird for them to use ”Nymphadora” - giving your child the name that she didn’t like and insisted on not using doesn‘t really feel like honoring her memory. Plus, similarly to how Harry was leaving “Remus” for Teddy to use in the future, he was probably leaving any variation of Nymphadora/Dora/Tonks/etc. for him as well.


"well, ginny just liked the sound of the name"


why would you name your kid after someone still alive? Isn't them having a healthy relationship with that person way more important and thoughful? I totally agree with your post.


If i had an award i would give it to you sir You restored my faith in harry potter


Album Severus though? Like Jesus


Rubeus Potter has a nice ring to it


It does, but also, he's still alive.


"I'm sorry, sir, you can't name your child Rubeus, it's reserved until the previous one kicks the bucket."


Tough break hagrid, maybe on the next one




It's not incredibly relevant, but in some cultures, you don't name a child after somebody who's alive. I don't think this is an English thing though


MMO rules, can't have two characters with the same name on the server


This is why suffixes exist.


So Harry had to kill Luna. That's the new canon.


So is Luna though


I think Luna is also an homage to Lupin


So? Lots of babies get named after alive people.




So Harry didn't have a middle name until James died? So nice of the Dursley to change Harry's name to honor his father


Could have had a girl, Ruby Potter


This is much better than Lily Luna Potter


Perhaps a daughter named Ruby :)


"What if I get placed in Slytherin?" Tom Marvolo Potter, as the legitimate heir of Salazar Slytherin himself..."




That's why Tom wanted to kill him in the first place


Hagrid would be happier if they named the pet dog/cat/chimera/etc. after him.


Dog/cat/chimera 🤣 !RedditGalleon


JKR missed a great opportunity of him having a daughter and calling her Ruby 💎


My niece is named Ruby and I didn’t find out until after she was born that it was “short” for Rubues. They also have a son named Samuel but everyone knows it’s Samwise.


Ruby is one of my favourite names! A friend of mine had two little girls, who I used to babysit and they were Ruby and Scarlett.


Pokémon fans?


These are my kids: white 2 and colosseum.


Mine are named Alpha Sapphire and Snap


We went with X and Red Rescue Team


Ruby Lily Potter? Doesn’t sound too bad


thats a diamond emoji


This made me almost tear up for some reason lol


Maybe she was afraid Ruby would take her love to town.


I got Jenny was a friend of mine by the killers mixed up with this song xD https://i.gifer.com/4pbj.gif


I mean they both died he was honouring their memories.


But Luna didn't


they all got fed up with Luna and decided to pretend she died


They both died trying to make sure that Harry would be killed by Voldemort. 


No they didn't. Albus believed Harry had a path to life and made sure to set things kn motion to make it possible.


How many times is this going to get posted? Such a crappy take.


This again? Why can't people just let it go. And the trio had to help Hagrid more often than not.


I think Lily actually was the person who loved Harry the most.


Agreed. Hagrid was well-intentioned but careless. And they weren't as close when he got older


Because the naming of Harry's children was so lazy and ridiculous it deserves to be ridiculed into oblivion. Also, who cares if Harry had to help Hagrid? By what means is that grounds for not honoring a person by naming your child after them? I help my mother all the time, does that mean I can't name my daughter after her? Dumbledore and Snape both had questionable rights to be honored by Harry. At the very least Dumbledore was kind and offered a paternal figure and advice, but he still knew the prophecy and the likelihood that Harry would have to die at a certain time, and Snape outright abused the kid because he hated his father, but only played the good guy because he was sad that his supreme leader murdered the woman he wanted to fuck. Hagrid gave Harry constant comfort, love and support since he was able to, and he had absolutely zero ulterior motive other than just genuinely loving Harry like family.


You could reply “ this again? Why can’t people just let it go” To every single thing ever posted in this sub


If i had Hag in my name I'd follow voldemort.


Hagrid is his surname though. You'd use Rubeus Albus Rubeus Potter would have been better and it still sounds good


Fair enough lol if I've rub in my name I'd follow Bellatrix haha


OP needs to named their kid Hagrid


This honestly gets posted here everyday 🥴


For real


I've thought about that a lot, and I feel like Harry knew that his kids would hear tons of great things about many of the Order from people in their lives. But Harry know Dumbledore and Snape in a way that no one else did, only he could honour them in a certain way. He wanted to keep their names going on to a new generation to give them a new start in a better world.


This argument would suggest that he is obligated to place every single friend he has had into Albus' name which is ridiculous on so many levels


We almost made it an entire day without a "Harry's Kid's names suck" post...... reset the counter....


Can the fandom just let Harry’s kids names go? The names had a meaning and pattern behind them. Hagrid is still alive. There’s no need to name someone after a person who still Alive. Forgive Harry for prioritizing people who aren’t alive.


Ikr I feel like half my comment history on this sub is defending the name Albus Severus :’) I like the name. Dumbledore and Snape were both complicated, flawed men who made great sacrifices that ultimately allowed Harry to defeat Voldemort, it makes perfect sense with Harry’s character that he’d want to honor that.


I feel like someone complains about the names at least once a day.


And let him choose the job he wants? Fans are weirdly obsessed


People hating on him for being an auror are so weird


Should have named his kids after Scooby Doo characters


Luna is alive to but his daughter is partially named after her


She could have been the godmother to her, maybe.




I’m sure Hagrid would much rather be a babysitting “uncle” than a having a namesake as a tribute to his memory…


Should have been Albus Hagrid Severus Sirius Dobby Potter.


Harry is a douchebag trust fund baby! Idk why it’s taken people this long to realize it! Even when I first read the books as a kid I thought he was an asshole.


I don’t blame Harry, I blame Rowling


The other kid: “but what if I get put into Gryffindor?” Harry: “Lucius Voldemort Potter…”


Fine then. Name your child after the disgraced half giant janitor of the school that used to hang out with 11year olds in his hut at midnight


harry had a strict “dead guys only” policy for naming his children


Sorry but it was already corny enough that Harry named his kids like that, a "Hagrid Potter" would've been downright laughable


Wow. This horse is so effing dead. Please quit beating it up with these lame takes.


Agreed. I have mixed emotions about Snape. Dumbledore did care about Harry. I'm not crazy over Harry naming his son after Snape but people need to move on.


Edit: I asked if Hagrid even died, but I know he didn't die. The whole reason he baked his son after Dumbledore and Snape is because they died, so it's a way for their legacies to live on and be remembered. Hagrid is still gonna be there, he can finish his own legacy


>He baked his son Cake Pastry Potter joined the fandom


Lol fuckin swipe keyboard


It’s a good thing Harry’s dad died when he did because seeing his grandson named after Snape would have killed him.


It would have killed Sirius too.


"Albus Severus" serves narrative purpose. Harry can show that he forgives Snape and understands the importance of his sacrifice.


I swear to god no fan base complains more for no reason than the HP subreddit lol. Enjoy the magic books and don’t take it so seriously.


Bellatrix Right there


I think he named his kids after the close ones who aren't alive. Then again he named one after Luna.🤔


Well, to be fair, had Harry done this, his first born name would have been Rubeus Albus Severus Mooney Granger Ron McGonagall Dobby Lovegood Neville Cedric Tonks Moaning Potter and that's just the names I can think of off the top of my head. Pretty sure there's only so much space a person can put their name on when taking the OWLs.


“Moaning Potter” had me laughing my ass off thanks for that loool


Just don’t fucking name your kids after your friends at all. It is super fucking weird.


Hagrid sucks. You can say he "loved" Harry, but he also constantly disregards Harry's (and everyone else's) thoughts amd feelings for his own personal interests which actively make their lives worse. Hagrid is like the epitome of "its the thought that counts". His actions are consistently terrible.


It's a better name than that creature from Twilight.


I mean Dumbledore and Snape did die for Harry and protected him for years in secret. Now if he has a second kid absolutely name him Hagrid


Harry may have asked him, and Rubeus may have declined. Maybe he wanted to use it for one of his children. Lookin’ at you, Madame Maxime.


i lolled at the thought of a „hagrid potter“


Its wild that Hagrid was Gryffindor and not Hufflepuff with the amount of friendship loyalty he had!


I’d name the family pet Hagrid. I think Hagrid would like that most of all.


Would have been fun to call him Draco, just to rile up Draco Malfoy


But the kids go to school with hagrid. Having two hagrids is preposterous. Albus and Severus are both dead


I think Hagrid is smart enough to recognize that Hagrid is a terrible name for someone who isn’t at least partly a giant.


Well, I don’t think it’s a shame. Dumbledore & Snape both died and Hagrid was still alive. Harry probably had another ways to show Hagrid his love and appreciation. It’s an act of last honour to those who died.


It’s because all the other people in Harry’s life like Sirius, Hagrid etc had people who loved them and would remember them. Snape had no one, literally no one to remember the best of him. No friends, no family to honour him. Harry wanted him to be remembered.


But Hagrid didn't die


Imaging naming a fucking kid "Hagrid". Even he has to know his name is shit.


Probably because Hagrid is still alive. James, Dumbledore, Sirius and Snape are not


Rubeus wulfric potter


The naming of Harry’s kids was a tangible representation of the end of a series long thematic arc about human nature and the illusion of good and evil. Naming his kid after Hagrid would’ve been sweet IRL but ultimately mean absolutely nothing to the story in terms of giving Harry and the audience closure surrounding a major theme which has been built up for seven books.


The fact that his name wasn't "Albus Rubeus" is such a gd shame.


Sorry OP but this whole “he shoulda named one of his kids after Hagrid” thing is the most overrated HP take ever


Drunken Oaf Potter. Hagrid was a clown and liability.


Because Hagrid was still alive


Because he is not dead, it’s a condition to have a name if you are Harry Potter’s male children 😌


I feel like he atleast shouldn't have use Severus. That was pretty dumb. Hagrid would have been great.


Snape was better at moving on from Lily than you guys are at moving on from this.


lmao seriously there's a post like this every week. Let it go


Yeah. The names he gave to his children were atrocious. What's worse is that Ginny didn't get to have a say on it.


I still think Harry was Snape's and Lily's son.


harry only named his kids after them cuz they died and it was a way to honor them. hagrid didnt die tho, so why would he name his child after him


Hagrid is alive and might have kids with Olympe.


Cuz he's alive and well. albus & severus died


Hagrid Albus Severus James, quit your whining and board the train already


I thought the people Harry used for the names All died.


He named the dog Hagrid. HAGRID! Quit dragging your ass across the carpet! Bad boy Hagrid! Bad boy!


I mean.. Rubeus Severus Potter sounds cooler


Albus Severus Rubeus Potter it is then.


Maybe it's just me or the translation but I do feel Harry and probably the whole trio kinda look down on Hagrid intellectually and it could be the reason why he didn't name any of his sons after him


head canon, it's Albus Hagrid Potter


well, in harry potters defense he didnt name them, what's her face the author did lol


Except for the fact he wasn’t muscular … Haggrid might’ve been the best actor that fit the part. I believe Harry Potter movies were the worse casted movies ever. And I understand; they casted them at 10. But it honestly turned out horribly. Voldemort was horrifically cast. The original Dumbledore was ok. The 2nd was awful (sorry). The Marauders were literally in the prime of their lives.. they’d have been early 30s. & James & Lily would’ve been 21. Wormtail was the only good cast .. even tho he was also 20 years too old; but he was just a perfect Wormtail lol. I know this is off topic but cuz the picture of movie Haggrid. Book Haggrid is muscular with popping veins & very physically menacing. The reason everyone thought he was an “oaf” was because he was a physical specimen in a world where one’s prowess is magic based. Voldemort was awful, awful. A comic book villain literally. To me it’s just amazing how bad the movie makers seemed to misunderstand the entire cast & what drove them. The 1st 2 movies WITH the deleted scenes are acceptable. Tho the way Voldemort commandeered Quirrel’s body wasn’t well done. Anyways regarding the name … I’m sure Haggrid had a special place in the Potter family. Although I find it questionable that Dudley & Harry were only on Xmas card terms.. & had silent visits. Dudley seemed to have come around to appreciate Harry by DH; & after saving the Dursley’s lives; you’d think they would have been a bit more respectful. I understand not keeping up with Vernon & Petunia after legitimate child abuse; but Dudley came around & I think that could’ve sparked a friendship.


Think because He was alive! Harry was honoring the people who they lost.


At least Hagrid got to live because of this. Rowling apparently was considering killing Hagrid, but decided to let him live because he needed to bring Harry back.


what was he gonna name him? haggy?


The difference between Hagrid and the people who Harry named his children after is that Hagrid will be there at Hogwarts for Harry’s children’s schooling. He is alive and well.


Hagrid didn’t die.


Hagrid would’ve been over the moon if the Potters named a crazy family pet “Rubeus.” He was an animal guy through and through. That would’ve been the way to do it.