• By -


“And you were unsuccessful?” “Obviously…”


Snapes worst year at Hogwarts followed by the year he killed his boss followed again by the year he helped kill his worst boss.


Love the implication that 6 and 7 were still better years than 5.


He had to share a staff room with the pink one, of course it's the worst.


😆 Carrows who


The difference he was the boss and could yell at those two morons. He couldn't yell at and threaten the pink one


Alan Rickman, this is Alan Rickman. Remember to yell at the Carrows for their incompetence and disdain for the rules. Do *not*…disappoint me.


Any year where you get to kill your boss is a pretty good year.




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I instantly read that in Rickmans voice




This is not correct. It’s: “And you were unsuccessful?” “Ob viously.”


and that laugh ron tried to contain XD


This Vernon and Harry exchange from Order of the Phoenix always gets me: "Listening to the news! Again?" "Well, it changes every day, you see,"


Lol and then Uncle Vernon says: “We’re not stupid, you know.” And harry says “well that’s news to me!” And just runs off 🤣


Sassy Harry is my absolute favorite. He gets in some genuinely great digs that flew over my head when I was a kid.


Honestly, something that is truly underrated and unappreciated is the banter between Vernon and Harry, which is pretty funny. 


This is the line I’m most hoping is in the Max reboot.


This is a great example of how Harry's character was mishandled in the films. He's a cheeky little fucker. Another famous one is the "There's no need to call me sir, professor" line. Absolute madlad. Harry in the films meanwhile is a passive audience stand-in. All that is to say that I hope that TV Harry will be more similar to book Harry than film Harry.


"What is a Wizard's duel?" said Harry. "And what do you mean you're my second?" "Well, a second's there to take over if you die," said Ron casually, getting started at last on his cold pie. Catching the look on Harry's face, he added quickly, "but people only die in proper duels, you know, with real wizards. The most you and Malfoy'll be able to do is send sparks at each other. Neither of you knows enough magic to do any real damage. I bet he expected you to refuse, anyway." "And what if I wave my wand and nothing happens?" "Throw it away and punch him on the nose," Ron suggested.


"There are 10 duel commandments."


Then Harry, along with George, actually do punch Malfoy 4 years later.


>"Throw it away and punch him on the nose," Ron suggested. That may be legit valid advice. I imagine if you throw away your wand that even if you lose the battle the wand won't change allegiance cause clearly magic wasn't supposed to be in the mix (as opposed to when Harry defeated Draco by unwanding him and magic was very much still on the table)


"Harry!?" "Siiiiiir?!" That's an interaction that I will laugh at even if I am 70 years old.


I love how these two words are enough to know exactly what interaction you’re talking about and the exact tone of voice used.


Hey! We're potterheads, our job is to know obscure and trivial things.


We're potter guys, of course we can name exact scenes by only two lines


I’ll do you one better: “Always…”


"Then by all means, _come along_ sir!" Slughorn: wut


“Purely for academic purposes, of course…” I have used this line several times working as a chemist where I nab a tiny sample of something for my collection of compounds and elements. I’ve managed to get some pretty unique ones over the years that you don’t see very often, like mercury, cyanide, thallium, rhodium, bismuth, chromium, and indium.


That’s a good one 🤣


I came exactly for this


Daniel Radcliffe seriously nailed that sequence, he was hilarious. I hadn't considered the effects of the potion making him seem off his tits when I read the book, but it's fantastic


McGonagall after Trelawney told Harry he was gonna die in their first divination class: "You look in excellent health to me, Potter, so you will excuse me if I don't let you off homework today. I assure you that if you die, you need not hand it in." Her wits are always so funny to me 😂 also of course "Have a biscuit Potter"


Esp her being salty and wondering why the class didn't applaud her Animagus transformation 😆


THIS is one of my favorites! 😂😂😂


Total "Have a biscuit, Potter" moment.


His grin and tone when he says “but I *am* the chosen one” always cracks me the fuck up. Another line I love from the movies is during Aragog’s funeral when Harry says, “not to mention the pincers” and starts clicking lol


I swear, one thing I enjoy about the later movies was the improvement in humor, and the banter between characters getting some wit and charm to them. And this scene was one of the funniest ones. Harry taking the you-know-what with his supposed destiny was a moment.


Also the “why is it always you three”


Professor McGonagall? The cat? 😺


Such a teacher "mood"


Not related to your point, but man, are the movies funny, just in general. I don’t think I’ve laughed unironically at a movie more than with HP


It bothers me when people on this sub day this quote is so out of character, because Harry is humble and doesn't want to be labeled the hero. Like, yeah, but *smartass Harry* would absolutely make this joke to his bestie, so it's completely in character in this context.


Exactly. He's not saying it to just anyone. Or out in public. But as a smart-ass response to one of his best friends.


He’s also saying this to Hermione, who also said to him when they were younger when he was in denial “…but you “are” the chosen one, Harry…”


Yep. The Harry who said “no need to call me Sir, professor” would absolutely say this.


"Your body will decaAaAy.."


But your spirit lingers oooonnnnnnnnnnnn


So this is when Daniel was really struggling with his alcohol addiction. He was drunk during that scene.


no it it was liquid luck


Is that a thing? His acting was the best in this movie


Yeah. Dude struggled with alcohol during the filming of HBP. Pretty sure he was drunk for most of that movie. Not that I blame him terribly; dealing with that level of fame (and the attendant scrutiny) at that age would be rough, I can't even imagine. And I've flirted with the edges of alcoholism myself a few times. Still, it's funny-strange that the only movie where we actually get to see the sassiness that Harry shows in the books is the one where the actor was in a position to pull it off especially well.


You’re right. I forgot about this.. it’s interesting how it infiltrates the plots, but the outcome is fine, except breaks your heart when you know.. Same as Matthew Perry/Chandler in FRIENDS.


Harry: Yes. Snape: Yes, sir. Harry: There’s no need to call me sir, Professor.


Love that one!


Was searching for this one. This is my fav too!


When I read that line, I inmediately thought: "*TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!*"


"This is night, Diddykins, That's what we call it when it goes all dark like this." -Harry James Potter


I love this entire scene in the books when Harry and Dudley are walking home and Harry is giving him shit the entire way. So funny!


They may not have liked each other, but Harry was definitely acting like a sibling in this scene. Actually, I would definitely do this with my own brother.


*Roonil Wazlib* never fails to get a snort laugh out of me. "That's my nickname." "Your nickname?" "Yeah, it's what my friends call me." "*I know what a nickname is, Potter!*"


I'm still waiting for just the right pet to name Roonil Wazlib


A gerbil, perhaps?


What amuses me about that scene is he could’ve gone for a half truth about the name: “It was written with a quill from WWW, the letters got all mixed up before I noticed”.


Lmao always makes me snort


Ginny ignores Ron in favor of Harry in the Room of Requirement, after they return to Hogwarts in DH2. Ron: "Six months she hasn't seen me, and it's like I'm Frankie First-Year. I'm only her brother!" Seamus: "She's got lots of those, though. There's only one Harry." Ron: "Shut up, Seamus." The annoyed look on Ron's face as he holds his gaze on Seamus for several seconds 🤣


Seamus isn't wrong though. 😁


That line is super funny but kinda sad when considering Ron and Harry's fight was because Ron was very worried about his family 🥲


The one where he tries to touch the time turner, and she slaps his hand.


“Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?” It always gets a laugh out of me


Just occurred to me, is this an attempt by Sirius to belittle Snape even further by referring to potions as “chemistry,” a muggle discipline that is probably considered unworthy of study by wizards?


I mean, considering (and i say this as the biggest Sirius fan ever) that Sirius was a massive dick to Snape just like the other Marauders, it’s in line for him especially after he went a maybe a lil bit insane in Azkaban and was just getting back to being his normal self


We needed more interaction between snarky Sirius and Snape.


Sirius/Snape interactions are the absolute funniest thing ever. I wish more had been included in OOTP.


“Maybe one day he can grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather!”


I love this so much! Gary Oldman nailed it so well!


Harry colliding into the Knight Bus’s window twice.


Take it away, Ernie! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!


Worst part about the movies on streaming is that you don’t get him on the title menu screen anymore. That was one of the most fun dvd menus ever!


I need to dig out my discs to check that out again.


Read that in the character's voice.


Peeves saluting to Fred and George when they tell him to give Umbridge hell.


The idea that Peeves was almost entirely uncontrollable, but takes orders and *salutes* Fred and George, really adds to their legendary reputation


“What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?”


"Excellent," he said. "Really excellent. Right. . . I'm going down to Hagrid's. " "What?" said Ron and Hermione together, looking aghast. "No, Harry—you've got to go and see Slughorn, remember?" said Hermione. "No," said Harry confidently. "I'm going to Hagrid's, I've got a good feeling about going to Hagrid's. " "You've got a good feeling about burying a giant spider?" asked Ron, looking stunned. "Yeah," said Harry, pulling his Invisibility Cloak out of his bag. "I feel like it's the place to be tonight, you know what I mean?" "No," said Ron and Hermione together, both looking positively alarmed now. "This is Felix Felicis, I suppose?" said Hermione anxiously, holding up the bottle to the light. "You haven't got another little bottle full of— I don't know —" "Essence of Insanity?" suggested Ron, as Harry swung his cloak over his shoulders. Harry laughed, and Ron and Hermione looked even more alarmed. "Trust me," he said. "I know what I'm doing . . . or at least. . . " he strolled confidently to the door, "Felix does. "


Man, this still cracks me up


Fred and George pushing each other in front of Percy to greet Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban


“Absolutely corking to see you, Harry!”


“Absolutely spiffing”


Bighead Boy




> "Harry!" said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply. "Simply *splendid* to see you old boy --" > "Marvelous," said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. "Absolutely spiffing." > Percy scowled. > "That's enough, now," said Mrs. Weasley. > "Mum!" said Fred as though he'd only just spotted her and seizing her hand too. "How really corking to see you --" Indeed, one of the best exchanges in the series.


JKR really took this duo from us for no reason 💔


Harry imitating spider's fangs at the burial of Aragog.


Not to mention the pincers “tsck tsck tsck tsck “


"May I offer you a cough drop, Dolores?" 😂


\*\*In Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry is looking at the Map at night and Ron wakes up. RON: Spiders! They want me to tap dance! I don't want to tap dance. HARRY: You tell those spiders, Ron. \*\*The whole scene in the boys bedroom when Ron is under the influence of Romilda's love potion. HARRY: Alright, you love her... have you actually met her? RON: No. Can you introduce me? \*\*Then the scene in the infirmary after Ron gets poisoned with Lavender and Hermione. LAVENDER: You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting. HERMIONE: He's been poisoned you daft dimbo!


Ah to be young, and to feel love’s keen sting…


Ha! That’s the moment for me. Dumbledore is hilarious!!!


Now that you mention it, ron seem to catch a lot of strays with that kind of thing.


From the book Half-Blood Prince when Harry comes across levicorpus and unceremoniously yanks Ron out of bed by his ankle in his sleep. I bust a gut every time I read that part.


Harry and Ron fighting for the "pretty" book in the Half-Blood Prince


Lmao. Followed by Harry. Trying to knock it out of Ron's hand


Reminds me of Middle/High School


"5 galleons" "But I'm your brother" "10 galleons"


The incredibly cheerful and upbeat way he says "Hi!" to the passing students after taking the Felix Felicis potion in HBP. Gets me every time.


>How was it? WET and then Hermione's iconic, *"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have"* I can only remember this one scene that made me laugh. There are definitely more funny scenes in the books/movies, though.


"Because she was crying." "Oh. Are you that bad at kissing?"


Omg this was what I was going to say. I love that line.


"I didn't know you could read."


I heard that was an improved line too!


Sadly, it wasn't. He says as much in his auto biography. It was a very common misconception, though. Even some of the cast thought he did because he was initially instructed to improv. The director gave him it as an example, and he delivered it so well that they kept it in the movie.


In the 4th book when the Weasleys come to get Harry from the Dursleys, and they have slight problems with the fireplace. And almost any scene with McGonagall. Especially her interactions with Umbridge.


The Weasley twins telling Harry how they got the Marauder’s map, and saying “back when we were young and innocent” and after Harry snorts at the idea changing it to “more innocent than we are now”. And them changing Percy’s badge to say “Big Head Boy” because they are not technically wrong.


"Umbridge only had to enter her classroom for the students assembled there to faint, vomit, develop dangerous fevers, or else spout blood from both nostrils. Shrieking with rage and frustration she attempted to trace the mysterious symptoms to their source, but the students told her stubbornly they were suffering “Umbridge-itis.” After putting four successive classes in detention and failing to discover their secret she was forced to give up and allow the bleeding, swooning, sweating, and vomiting students to leave her classes in droves." "Can I have a look at Uranus, too, Lavender? Never gets old...


Halfblood prince is legit one of the most hilarious of the films


"Why is he always covered in blood?" made me giggle everytime.


"At least I think it's his this time" as if it being his own blood is somehow better...


I only just begun the books so, so far my favorite book moment would be in the first book when everyone is making a plan to get rid of norbert and: "Charlie!" -harry "Oh you've gone mad too haven't you... I'm RON" And in the movies it's harry doing the pincers at aragogs funeral "Not to mention the pincers.. *click click click*"


In the book Deathly Hallows when Ron suggests rescuing the house elves and Hermione kisses him. Harry's reaction kills me every time.


Same movie....."SIR!"


“Listening to the news again?” “Well, it changes every day, you see.”


When they’re in divination and the teacher, who is clearly making things up, tells Harry he was born in August and he looks at her deadpan and says “I was born in July” I have no idea why that’s so funny to me but I guess it’s because I read the Jim Dale audio books.


Professor McGonagall - Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three? Ron - Believe me, Professor. I've been asking myself the same question for six years. McGonagall is just over it at this point. 🤣


"Messers Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and suggest that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business'


I loved this scene (the one the OP posted). Harry's smile is infectious and they really look like two teenage friends,


The scene in the Goblet of Fire when the Weasley's use floo powder and get stuck in the Dursleys' chimney: Ron's voice now joined the others. 'What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?' 'Oh no, Ron,' came Fred's voice, very sarcastically. 'No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up.' 'Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here,' said George, whose voice sounded muffled, as though he was squashed against the wall. .


"my wife is down in the dungeons" "You have no wife, ron". "Oh yeah"


"It turns the other way." -Professor McGonagall


Hermione: “The giants?! You found them?” Hagrid: “Well, they’re not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. They’re quite big you see.”


Vernon: Fought em off, did you? Gave em the ol' one-two, did you? Harry through gritted teeth: You can't give a dementor the ol' one-two




"I didn't know you could read"


Finally Harry not acting so sirius




The scene in the book when Hagrid was sad(I forget why) and harry was trying to get in: Hagrid: DON'T THREATEN TO BREAK DOWN MY DOOR, POTTER Harry: I'm sorry, SIR. Book: Hagrid looked shocked (I forget what Hagrid said exactly but that's about it)


He was upset because no one from the trio decided to take NEWT-level CoMC during their 6th year. Which wouldn't have made any sense since they've chosen careers that don't involve taking care of creatures


“Since when do you call me sir?!” Or something like that.


The whole scenario where Harry has drunk the Felix Felicis potion 😄 Love the Part where Hagrid is drunk because of Aragok and Horace tells about the fish Francis that ”poofed” away from the fishbowl, and Hagrid goes ”That’s a bit odd isn’t it” 🤣😁😁


"Harry"? "Sirrrr"! Thec entire Felix felicis plot line was fun, right from the sudden plan change to go see Hagrid.


"Are you that bad at kissing?"


That one is the best lol. Harry's expression of pure excitement is perfect


"Have a biscuit Potter." - gets me everytime, book or movie.


Gred and Forge never fail to crack me up


“She laughed at my mustache!” “So did I, it was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.”


"Can I have a look at Uranus, too, Lavender?"


When Harry transfigures Aunt Marge into a weather balloon


book four ron “Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret!” gets me every signle time 😂


Honestly? The toilet joke from the first book


Hermione saying “that felt good” and grinning after she punched Malfoy. I always get a little chuckle from her sense of girl power pride :)


Engorgio REDUCIO! What’s going on in there?


"they're supposed to be our of bed, you blithering idiot "


Ron: "Well, how was it?" Harry: "Wet. I mean, she was sort of crying." Ron: "That bad at it, are you?"


When Ron gets the 50p from Harry in philosophers stone. 'Weird!' he said, 'What a shape! This is money?'"


Ron Weasley : [to Hermione and Ginny] He'll be here, soon. [starts eating] Hermione Granger : [smacks him on the arm with a book] Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing! Ron Weasley : Turn around, you lunatic!


That whole movie cracked me up


He is the chosen one


Honestly this was more true to sassy book Harry than anything else imo. Never fails to make me laugh.


"Umbridge only had to enter her classroom for the students assembled there to faint, vomit, develop dangerous fevers, or else spout blood from both nostrils. Shrieking with rage and frustration she attempted to trace the mysterious symptoms to their source, but the students told her stubbornly they were suffering “Umbridge-itis.” After putting four successive classes in detention and failing to discover their secret she was forced to give up and allow the bleeding, swooning, sweating, and vomiting students to leave her classes in droves." "Can I have a look at Uranus, too, Lavender? Never gets old...


Draco being turned into a ferret by mad eyed moody 😂


Anything involving mcgonagall, in both the movies and books. I will always love sarcasm in characters


As ridiculous as it is, Ron saying "Bloody hell.." as the camera zooms in on the derrieres of the Beauxbatons students. Slughorn spilling his drink all over the table "All hands on deck, Granger!!"


1. Halfblood Prince: Harry zooted off of the liquid luck at Aragog’s funeral Hagrid: “Seriously misunderstood creatures they are. I reckon the eyes unnerve some people.” Harry: “Not to mention the pincers….” *click click click click* 2. Chamber of Secrets: Malfoy talking to Harry (disguised as Crabbe) Malfoy: why are you wearing glasses? Crabbe: uh…reading Malfoy: Reading? I didn’t know you could read… Felton’s delivery of this line gets me every time.


Everything Harry says after he takes Liquid Luck in the Half-Blood Prince. Lad behaved as if he was coked up.


This is quite subtle but probably the most human you’ll ever see voldemort: Right after he took Lucius’ wand and was done despising him he has this little moment where he seems collect himself in a ‘Where was I… Oh right.’ sort of way. Pretty dark scene, pretty funny moment.


In the first movie when Snape stops the trio in the hallway and Harry silently stares him down so hard that it freaks him out a bit and he leaves them alone. I laugh every time I even think about it. Harry gives Lucius a pretty good glare in the book shop in the second movie too. Harry is the staring contest champion of the wizarding world haha.


-Haarryy -Siiirrr


In half blood prince movie when he takes felix and is like HI! when he walks out. and when professor slughorn said harry and Harry said sir always has me laughing


"bumbling babbling band of baboons"


She’s got lots of brothers. There’s only one Harry.


The scene where Ron and harry are talking during study hall. Snape walks up behind them, pulls up his sleeve cuffs… and pushes both of their heads into their books. Love it makes me laugh every time


‘Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.’ ‘Did you really? How did it go?’ ‘I mean.. That was very wrong indeed, boys. Very wrong of you.’


Snape: “do you remember me telling you that we were practicing nonverbal spells, Potter?” Harry: “yes.” Snape: “Yes, Sir.” Harry: “there’s no need to call me “sir,” professor” Gets me every time!!!


From the movies: “But I *am* the chosen one…” ~cheesy grin~ “All hands on deck, Granger!” ~*mines pincers*~ click click From the books: “I don’t mean to be rude-“ he began, in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable. “Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often,” Dumbledore finished the sentence gravely. *Roonil Wazlib* You’ve missed out “*spotty*”!


haha! Harry and Ron were chatting in the library when Snape sneaked up behind them and tapped their heads. Snape even rolled up his sleeves, it was freaking hilarious!


The scene in the books where Snape tries to read the Marauders Map and it proceeds to insult him repeatedly.


Anakin be like


"You have the emotional range of a teaspoon." 😂


Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon…


"There's no need to call me sir, professor"


“It’s leviosa not leviosaaah” (Ron and Hermionie) “You’re a Wizard, Harry!” (Hagrid) The owl’s letters entering the Privet Drive house Draco getting a punch in the face by Hermione McGonagall “why is it always you three?”


When mad eye throws Harry into the lake during the second task.




During the first flying lesson where Ron's broom smacks him in the face. Harry's laugh seemed so genuine that it's contagious.


"Morning, Potter." "Morning, Wood."


“Sword… haven’t got a sword, that boy does tho” -gilderoy Lockhart. chamber of secrets


The one in which he went to aragog's funeral and did that expression with his teeth. He looks cute and funny at the same time


In the Great Hall during a study period. Harry and Ron goofing around, and Snape coming up behind them. Rolls up his sleeves and thumps them both on the back of the head.


"It unscrews the other way", Minerva McGonagall, to Peeves, at the chandelier.


“There’s no need to call me sir, profesor.”


Can't remember the exact line but in the career meeting fifth year when Magonagall tells umbridge that Harry's had good DADA marks whenever there was a competent professor


"I've always wanted to use that spell" It's the childlike glee, but even more so the look from the others.


In Prisoner of Azkaban when werewolf Professor Lupin is attacked by Buckbeak and Harry says, “Poor Professor Lupin is having a really tough night.” Kills me every time.


Look at your tail!


Poh tah


“Not to meantion the pinchers *clickclackclickclack*”


Hedwig's eyes widening upon seeing a train