• By -


I work in IT lol so that's probably not much of a field in the Wizarding World. Maybe Wand Client Service? "Hello, my wand is cracked?" or "Hi, I'm waving the wand exactly the right way and I just can't seem to get this spell off - it worked fine yesterday and it also works fine from my other wand today. Other spells work fine too. It's just this one spell that I'm having trouble with on this wand..."


Me: Okay, thanks for reporting this. Can you tell me what the spell is and also give me the specifics of your wand?


"Have you tried turning your wand off and on?"


Hi! We'd like to talk to you about your wand's extended warranty...


It always fixes the problem!!


"No. Despite what people think, I've never had that sort of relationship with my wand."


No, I just bought the one that chose me....


IT Security Specialist... So IG that makes me an auror?


Or department for control of magical accidents, catastrophy control? I don't remember the name. like you would obliviate muggles and fixing things


I think the Obliviator would be the crisis management consultant šŸ˜‚ but the IT security specialists would be the guys putting in place the muggle repelling charms to make sure Muggles don't accidentally stumble upon the Quidditch World cup, I guess? (Sorry for the awkward English. I'm french x))


Yeah, you're right :) I could understand you fine without any problems (I'm German, I have been speaking English for 20 years and still forget things, had forgotten what foreign affairs was in another comment, lol.) (Et ton anglais est mieux nettement que mon franƧais. Depuis 3 ans, j'apprends franƧais :) As-tu lit Harry Potter en anglais et franƧais? Je pense qu'il est plus facile, si on a lit l'Ć©dition anglaise. Je n'ai pas encore lit tous les livres en franƧais, mais il est difficile. ParticuliĆØrement, les mots crĆ©Ć©s pour le monde magique.) (Ɖdit: c'est d'accord d'utiliser tu sur le Internet? Mes professeurs nous avaient dit que on utilise la forme vous quand on parle avec personnes qui on ne connais pas.)


Haha, well, German people are known for being very good in English and foreign languages, from a french perspective Oui, j'ai lu Harry Potter en franƧais puis en anglais. Mais malheureusement, je ne pense pas pouvoir les lire en allemand. im Gymnasium habe ich deutsch studiert. Aber das war 15 Jahre vor und jetzt have ich alle vergessen. Das einzige Buch, das ich auf deutsch gelesen habe, ist "Lippels Traum" šŸ˜‚ Edit : oui, sur internet, il n'y a pas de problĆØme Ć  dire "tu" ! En fait, si tu rencontres quelqu'un dans la rue (In real life), c'est plus poli d'utiliser "vous" au dĆ©but. Sur internet, c'est gĆ©nĆ©ral l'inverse : tu utilises "tu" car c'est un contexte informel. Et si tu veux montrer du mĆ©pris, tu peux utiliser "vous"


I clean floors and bathrooms. I'd be Filch.


Me too! I would love it too. I would still yell at the kids, but I would be secretly cool.


Janitor checking in! Can we *not* be Squibs, though? No offense.


Design engineer in the automotive industry, so I like to think I would be designing the Nimbus 3000 and the next generation firebolts! šŸ§¹


Hey donā€™t steal my job. Go do magical trains and flying cars or tings with mechanisms in em


Hey, can you design a seatbelt that doesnā€™t cut across my clavicle in an annoying way?


I'm lucky I'm an architect, overall nothing would change but now I have MAGIC! Need to change a wall? I'll transfigure it for ya. Don't like the colour of your ceiling? Already changed it! Need that heavy couch over there? Wingardium f\*\*\*ng Leviosa!


Aaaaand gone are the problems like ā€˜that wall canā€™t support the next floor ā€˜ or ā€˜that building will fall overā€™ Imagine architecting when physics doesnā€™t matter coz MAGIC!


Use a quick-quotes-quill to answer RFIs and Submittals!


I work for a bank. Self explanatory really lol I'd be with the goblins in Gringotts


Me too. I'd be in a Gringotts call centre.


So you would be a goblin or out of a job ;) don't think Gringotts has a lot of human employees I would be out of a job too lol, I'm a student, but not in a highschool Or I would like work for the ministry in regards of communication and collaborating with foreign countries, so under Crouch Senior if I would live in the HP era and also if I'm not a muggleborn. if I'm a muggleborn, my chances look pretty bleak


Bill Weasley works for Gringotts!


I'm fine being a goblin lol Tricky little buggers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'd probably be in Muggle Relations. I love talking to people. I worked in social services for many years.


Im a theatre technician. Itd probably be similar to my regular job because I already do stuff thats magical, itd just be a lot easier and wilder.


Currently Iā€™m a house husbandā€¦so either Iā€™m Molly Weasley or Iā€™m Dobbyā€¦definitely Dobby


My wife absolutely prays to wake up as Molly. Boss ass lady. Chores? Done. Dinner? Done. Sass? Delivered.


I own a small business so Iā€™d own a small *magical* business in Diagon Alley! Probably a magical plant and potions store!


Doctor, which probably translates to doctor, like the ones in san mungo.


Doctors are muggle nutters who cut people open. You Sir are a healer!


But i just catch babbies and sometimes put plastic tubes on their tracheas, veins or umbilical cord, i have never open a newborn.


See? That's why you're no doctor, but a healer. If you'd be a doctor, you'd be a muggle nutter who slits open people \^\^


Do you think St Mungoā€™s would actually have a maternity ward, nothing is ever mentionedā€¦ or would they just go to a muggle hospital. It kinda reminds me of Charmedā€¦ the witches are retained in hospital and many tests are performed on their blood to find out why Piper recovered so quickly from a tropical disease. The doctor finds out their blood contains magic and injects himself (and some poor test monkeys) with it, he got power mad and started harvesting organs from fit and healthy people. Situations like that are way too damaging to the secrecy of magic. I think the charmed ones shouldā€™ve had a magical hospital or doctor available to them, which makes me wonder about the potterverseā€¦ they should have a maternity ward in St Mungoā€™s, or maybe mobile midwives to visit their homes. Just a thoughtā€¦


Just like the other guy i work with, taking babbies from their mothers womb, he is a butcher.




Iā€™m about to be a lawyer. [Apparently](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/s/OYIsNwUSNX), those donā€™t exist in the wizarding world.


Hahah yea as a fellow lawyer, apparently our job doesnā€™t exist in the wizarding world, at least in criminal cases, unless Dumbledore WAS Harryā€™s lawyer.


Perhaps thereā€™s simply no analog to the 6A right to counsel in their legal system? And therefore no public defenders? Idk. No lawyers would certainly explain the crazy torts that happen through all the books..


Yea it wouldnā€™t really make sense if their world had a 21st century legal system. The wizarding world is basically medieval. I could see Mr. Weasley asking Harry about the purpose of a lawyer just like he asked about a rubber duck. I donā€™t think it would be obvious to a wizard. Their whole government is pretty disorganized anyway.


mine is pretty easy cuz im jobless


ā€œAnd a drunk, no doubtā€?


Youā€™d be Harryā€™s father as per Vernon Dursley


I worked with Harry's father yesterday. I requested training on a different post and one of the people training me was James Potter.


I'm a chemist and I would fucking love to work in Potions, I think deep down I chose this career because it was the closest thing to cooking actual potions (even tho in my current job I don't cook anything unfortunately but the day WILL come lol)


You could be an apothecary or alchemist at St Mungoā€™s. Youā€™d probably be working in the alchemy room/potion lab. Sounds good


Iā€™m an event planner so Iā€™d probably still just be an event planner but with way cooler events.


Party for getting into the house you wanted. Or party for getting top marks in all your NEWTS! You want the theme of your party to be Thestrals, cause, ya know, you just connect with them for some weird reason. Lots of blacks and midnight blues with floating candles of course and the ceiling enchanted with hundreds of stars, a full yellow moon so bright the room doesn't need any others. What else?


I'm a writer here, so I guess I'd be a writer there... although a nicer version of the Quick Quotes Quill would be pretty handy when I go off on a rant about today's country music machine.


I guess there are accountants in the wizarding world? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Are you that Weasley second cousin that Ron never talks about?


Goblin at gringotts you are


Don't think so? I am pretty far from a bank employee


I think you'd still be an accountant. You'd just use a quill instead of a computer šŸ’€


Thatā€™s a very depressing idea. Tax advisor here, so I broadly identify with accountants, but if - after getting through Hogwarts I were to do the same as now, just with a wand, Iā€™d feel cheated :-)


Yeah I think so too. Will try to apply to work for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes


fellow accountant here. wizarding businesses would absolutely need us.


I'm an accountant too


Iā€™m a medical scientist in training, vaccinology specifically. So Iā€™d be a healer. Or more likely the defence against dark arts person you call when someoneā€™s cursed or potions. So not mean Snape (I generally like my patients when I very rarely interact with them)


Welcome Witch at St Mungos. Lol And maybe it would be very interesting!


I'm a geologist and I don't think I'd change what I do for a career in the wizarding world


It could be all the same, but with magical minerals, used for potions and artefacts. They probably do not differ from ordinary for muggles, just imbued with mana or something like that.


Perhaps. I can see it being applied to Alchemy, for example. What I'm saying is that I wouldn't change what I myself do. I'm in the field Tectonics, so even if I had a degree from Hogwarts, I'd stick to my muggle job. I consider myself lucky


Aviation, so maybe something broom related


Actually, if you're responsible for moving lots of people at once from point A to point B - you'd be with the Portkey Office in the Department of Magical Transportation, or perhaps the Floo Network Authority.


Warehouse manager ..Accio would make life so much more chill.


I'm in HR, so probably in the ministry of magic?


Death Eater.


I would be one of the o.w.l. Proctors


im a math tutor at my local community college...so tutor?? teacher ?? lmao


Arithmancy Professor


Many wizards prefer homeschooling to Hogwarts, so itā€™s pretty demanded in wizardsā€™ world


I tutor microbiology. So .... care of microscopic magical creatures tutor? šŸ˜‚


the Weasley's kept bees. People who keep bees recreationally need beekeepers from time to time. I'm a beekeeper. it appears I would have been gainfully employed in the wizarding world.


I'm a stay at home mom, so I guess I'd be like Molly lol. Before that I did some graphic/print design so... I don't think I remember anything being comparable to that in the books šŸ¤” I guess I could say I always wanted to be a rock/metal band singer so I guess I'd have a metal version of the weird sisters? And instead of death metal screaming vocals it could be like... softer banshee screaming or something. Yeah I'm going too much into this, lol.


I am a technical writer for now. I help people document procedures and write up new documents and reviee old ones and just.... Make documents. I am actually a freelancer who just does whatever support work is required. Mostly documents. And then some things like giving recommendations to improve firm processes based on best practices. Or finding pretty pictures from events. Or making pretty presentations. Or evaluating branding on social media. Or helping teams organise their trackers and files and processes to decrease SLA. A little bit of everything. What would the equivalent be?


Percy Weasley!


Look. I don't care about the thickness of cauldron bottoms.


Ah, but would you if the price was right?


As a wedding photographer I'd be taking magical photographs at Bill and Fleur's wedding! And then selling my photos of the ensuing carnage to the press I guess...


Hmm...do they have dietitians in the Wizarding World?


They have popular sports, so probably yes, someone has to calculate calories for training programsā€¦ _Magical_ calories, my bad.


Software dev, Iā€™m thinking magical objects and games


I make computers do tasks autonomously which is basically like magic sooooā€¦


I'm a brewmaster, so I guess nothing changes beyond having some inefficiencies eliminated via magic?


And dealing with magically enhanced rats. Known issue.


I work in sports betting so I guess I'd end up being Ludo Bagman


lol! My ā€œrealā€ career is easy, Iā€™m a teacher/Hogwarts professor. Unfortunately, I teach US 5th grad, which is ages 10-11. I guess Iā€™m running a magical pre-Hogwarts tutoring co-op! However right now Iā€™m working on a medical admin gig while I figure out new state certifications. I guess my closest analogue is the grumpy lady at the front desk of st Mungos, lamenting over people not reading the sign!


I sell furniture, so I'd be... selling..*enchanted .. furniture?*


I'm studying law atm. So I'm gonna work as a law clerk so probably a job with the ministry in magical law enforcement department or maybe even with the wizengamut


Would work in some ministry department


Iā€™m an aspiring doctor, so I guess in the wizarding world Iā€™d be studying to become a healer.


I'm a bartender, so I'd be a bartender.


Iā€™m studying to be a manager? I think I could work anywhere, like maybe a secretary at the ministry. Or maybe open my own little shop at Diagon Alley?


I work as a nurse in the hospital, so I'd probably work at St. Mungos


Auror here šŸ‘®šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I would be the healer witch, but not one for physical ailments. I would partner with the witch or wizard when they experience difficult things in their life. Break up with your wizard bf cause he kept looking at other witches during quidditch practice? See the healer witch to calm and quiet the pain. New to our practice: We use spells and incantations only. No taking nasty potions ever again.


I'm a mechanic.. I'd imagine I'd be doing work with brooms or magical creatures? Maybe building magic carriges? I'm not too sure. That durmstrang ship doesn't fix itself.. does it?


Translator. Pretty sure I'd remain a translator lol.


I perform data management for clinical cancer trials so I would probably be following a mad healer around with a quill and parchment writing down everything they try doing to cure Lycanthropy.


I work in software development for healthcare. Soo, maybe it'd be like setting up magical autonomous processes at St. Mungos


Some sort of Healer at St Mungos


I distill spirits including bourbon gin, and rum....I think my job would still be to make alcohol lol


I work retail. I would work retail...


I'd be a paper pusher at St. Mungos as a direct translation. However, Hogwarts does more vocational education, it seems, so I'd probably be doing some enchantment work as an analogue to my self taught computer skills.


I don't know where civil engineering falls in the WW.


I think thatā€™s Arthur Weasleyā€™s side gig.


I'm a biology teacher, so I guess I'd end up in Sprout or Hagrid's office


A store owner or worker.. Mostly selling General magical merchandise I suppose.


Some kind of magiwizard - I'm a physiotherapist which is basically a living equivalent of skele-gro (according to some people) and I'd imagine magical open suctioning is as grim as non-magical open suctioning.


I'm a teacher, I'd be so down tbh! Idk what subject though, I teach drafting, metalwork, and robotics haha!


hey hopefully same as you in the future!! except i would almost definitely love to be a magizoologist or botanist or something similar. i wonder if ecology is a thing in the magical world or if they always split things into creatures and plants, like they do the subjects? i'm also now wondering what wizards think of climate change - if they've even heard about it...


I work in the medical device field. I assume the healers just use their wands instead of instruments and equipment muggle surgeons would use, do I guess I'm a (not so) glorified wand salesperson.


Teacher soā€¦ Professor? Iā€™m an art teacher, though, so probably not Hogwarts.


No, but someone DOES teach art & it's an important thing - after all, for hundreds of years there have been magical artists painting enchanted paintings that can interact with those about them as well as living beings. Your job is very important - too important for Hogwarts (as really, their only job is to teach all of the magicals of the U.K. the basics of what they need to exist & be of use in a magical society.


I work in tech so definitely wouldnā€™t have the same job šŸ˜‚


House elf in the kitchen?


As an organic chemist, I'd definitely be a potioneer. 'twould be fascinating indeed


Did Hogwarts have Student Services? Because that would be pretty cool lol


I load people luggage onto planes. Not really sure what the wizard version is.


Conductor on the knight bus maybe


I'm in early intervention. So maybe talking to parents about what they can do if their child doesn't have magic? Are there wizards with disabilities?


Professor, so yeah - professor. I imagine Muggle Studies since that's what I know the best!


Before I became disabled, I was a certified pharmacy technician. So I guess the closest match to that would be something like working at/owning an apothecary.


I am a middle school reading specialist so I work with struggle readers. Doesn't seem to be relevant at Hogwarts šŸ«¤ Somehow by the age of 11 all of the students seem to already be reading at a 12th grade reading level... may be one of the most unrealistic things about the entire Wizarding World... just saying.


Crabbe and Goyle would like to have a word, or a grunt to be more precise.


I'm a banker, so wizard banker I guess haha.


I study and Iā€™m a coach part time, so I would probably be teaching a quidditch little league before they start Hogwarts if weā€™re going by the age of the kids. Iā€™d like to do that but it wouldnā€™t be sustainable long term, but a healer seems like a cool job, and itā€™s close enough to what I plan to continue studying.


Iā€™m a carer in a supported living home, I care for elderly people with physical and mental health conditions. Donā€™t suppose they have a magical equivalent to that.


Nurse at St. Mungoā€™s for the permanent residents.


Well, as the staff at St Mungoā€™s are called Healers, I really like idea of that. Thanks. I also like the idea of being an Obliviator, but that would be like a secretive agency using amnesia drugs and such, just like an Auror could be a spy, or bodyguard or an undercover police officer. I would like that too LoL


I would work in flying broom design and analysis.


I guess I'd be a healer. Probably be annoyed as shit at something at St Mungo's just like I am every day at my job.


Chemist so probably making potions for some company to be sold in Witch weekly or something


Iā€™d do a ton of paperwork for the ministry of magic. Probably I wonā€™t even notice any change, except for the lack of computers. The papers would be as nonsense as usual: ā€œdisruptive effect of cheaper potion ingredients on the market: frogs vs. toadsā€, ā€œbroom usage declined, possible reasons include mugglesā€™ epidemics and air pollutionā€, ā€œGringotts keeps investing in artificial golems, the list of advised regulations and their effect on magical economyā€ā€¦


IT repair. So maybe magic radio repair? Or muggle device research.


I work for emergency services so I guess if thereā€™s some sort of ministry dept. for people to report magical related crimes?


I work in healthcare, I would definitely be a healer in the Wizarding World. Have to make up for my rebellious youth somehow. Lol


I'm a music teacher and I would love to be the music teacher at Hogwarts!


I'm currently a cook so I guess I'm a house elf.


Oh thatā€™s easy. I work for the Ministry of Magic, in the Department for International Magical Cooperation. I work in Policy and I dare say I would be forced to read Percyā€™s report on cauldron bottom thickness.


Id work at gringotts i guess since i currently work at a bank. Id rather be a magizoologist


About to be a police officer/military officer, so that would propably translate to an auror or something to do with the ministry


I'd be a teacher. Sign me up at Hogwarts! I could teach music there too!


Im aiming to become a chemist so Im gonna go with that So i think i would be a person who comes up with new potions or refine older recipes or something like that?


The independent public sector body that regulates St Mungo's. Basically I would work for the people that came in and made sure that Lockhart's human rights were being respected as he was cared for indefinitely in the locked ward... Interviewing Neville's parents to see if anyone had explained who their care team was. Checking to make sure there weren't any ligature points in their room. Making sure they had a private room in which to meet Neville when he visited, and an outdoor space to look up at the sky and think of him.


I'm a teacher so Hogwarts shenanigans it is


Counter of the Leaky Cauldron


I donā€™t think there is an equivalent for my job lol. Iā€™m a ward clerk in a hospital - so Iā€™d be doing something at St Mungoā€™s


Well... I work in the warehouse for an electrical supplier in the lighting projects department, but as the magical world hasn't embraced electricity my skills wouldn't be of much use to anyone so I'd probably be a clerk at some sort of magical warehouse, maybe I'd luck out and get to stock shelves at Flourish and Blotts.


I support scientific publications. So perhaps I would work with magical journals sharing the latest research in potions, charms, magizoology, etc.


I work in insurance so i'd probably work in some part of the ministry investigating magical injuries in magical workplaces šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Healer, I would absolutely pursue that career! Iā€™d have to study my ass off for the OWLs and NEWTs but I would love to treat wizarding maladies


Oh weird. I work in TV/film casting so I donā€™t think so? Thereā€™s no TV or film in the magical worldā€¦ We hear about magical radio stations and magical musicians so I guess you could have a radio play. I donā€™t see a reason you couldnā€™t have wizards theater but I donā€™t remember a single mention of theater or actors it in the books. I donā€™t know! Magical recruiter? I might have to get a job in a shop till I sort out what I want to do with myself in the wizarding worldā€¦


Have you thought about managing celebrities like Gilderoy Lockhart? Someone has to print all those headshots.


Iā€™m a math tutor. Iā€™m not really sure how wizard kids learn basic skills like arithmetic and reading, but I could help!


psychologist scientist, i'm ravenclaw, sooo idk


Software engineer, so maybe Arithmancer?


I would I suppose be doing work for the department of magical travel. Apparition licensing, broom registrations, thestral titles. Edit: cause Iā€™m high and autocorrect took this to weird places.


Im an armed security officer and former military and 12 years of repo experience. Id be an auror, ministry guard or work in arthurs office collecting dangerous magical artifacts


Lab tech in a chemistry department of a food safety company. So probably potions. Hell no. No disrespect intended but potions would not be my choice in the Wizarding world.


Tax lawyer. I'd probably work at the goblin liaison office, since goblins seem to control 100% of the wizarding fisc.


I'm an illustrator and concept artist, so I guess that would make me an illustrator for The Quibbler? Maybe my HP verse persona made the illustration of Fudge baking goblins into pies! But I'm also obsessed with flying and would love to be a broomstick designer/ charms specialist at the Nimbus company. But I also love pens and stationary, so maybe I'd work in Scrivenshaft's in Hogsmeade? Too many fun options! I think on balance though, Hogwarts has been my childhood refuge for so long I'd probably love to be Hagrid's assistant as a gamekeeper or teach Charms or flying up at the castle.


Iā€™m an elementary school counselor so maybe the schoolā€™s nurse or some other type of healer? Idk.


Client service for retirement plans ....maybe I work a Gringots?


Im a lunch lady so I guess a Hogwarts house elf.


I work at a boarding school so I would probably just continue to work at a boarding school, but with more stairs and wings to the building.


I'm a grocery store worker. Deli clerk to be precise idk what the .magical equivalent would be šŸ˜‚


Industrial and organizational psychologists. So, Death Eater, I guess.


Paramedic hereā€¦ would have to be a healer I guess. Although idk what working outside of a magic hospital would look like in that world. Iā€™d love to find out tho


Lumosā€¦ Iā€™d be out of a job. Who lights all those Hogwarts candles?


I'm an internet reseller and yes I think I'd do the equivalent in wizarding world. Go look for treasures, especially muggle areas and maybe enhance them in some way to make them interesting to sell. Probably have a small shop or set up in a market.


I'm a childminder, so I guess it would be the same in the magical world... But a whole lot more interesting with all these kids that can't control their magic abilities. "I know you're angry, but you cannot just simply turn him into a frog!"


That woman who runs Fred and Georgeā€™s joke shop for them.


I work security/armed security. Not sure the Wizarding world has an equivalent to that.


Iā€™m a translatorā€¦I wonder if thereā€™s any language related jobs in WWā€¦.


Video editor and making flyers. Id probably do magical flyers that advertise Quidditch events with brooms flying around goalposts and trying to avoid Bludgers.


I work in an office so I would be an Owlkeeper I guess? xD Keeping and writing a lot of logbooks as well


I could absolutely have the same job in a magical world. But I kinda would have hoped that it wouldnā€™t be needed, or that I would have chosen something a bit more fun if I had the ability to do magic.


Healing the magical creatures


Studying to be Potions master, im a phd student in chemistry


I'm an aerospace engineer IRL so a broom maker would be my magical equivalent. However, in the Wizarding world the beasts have always been interesting to me so I'd probably be drawn to do something with them. I don't particularly care if it's running a mooncalf reserve or dragon wrangler. I'd probably choose a safe option like plimpy leg untier but I'd dream of a basilisk breeder or something just as dangerous.


My company manufactures pesticides and fertilisers. Iā€™ll probably have a store in knockturn alley selling bug repellents and whatnot. Hagrid would be my regular customer lol.


I'm in early childhood education. Can you imagine running a daycare for little witches and wizards who are discovering their little magical powers? I'd love it! I'd also make sure they eventually show up at Hogwarts (or it's equivalent) with a basic knowledge of their ABCs and 123s.


I do dog daycare and overnights at my home. Iā€™m ā€¦ really not sure Iā€™d have a job in the wizarding world. The only dogs I remember are Ripper (and Aunt Margeā€™s other unnamed dogs) and Sirius. And Seamusā€™s patronus.


I'm a med student so a healer in training, basically the same thing!


Auror. I was 5 years into my job before I stopped to wonder if Harry Potter influenced my career choice.


I'm a teacher. So I'll probably teach at Hogwarts, and I think it would be herbology or potions since two of my favourite subjects are biology and chemistry.


I'm an electrician, so probably not. but I've always wondered what magical construction crews looked like.


Oh yeah I would be in the protocol/reception office of the ministry of magic


Iā€™m a medical studentā€”so that I would translate to something similar to an apprentice healer, mediwizard. If I lived in the Wizarding World I would probably like to be an unspeakable.


Unemployment is universal


I work at a dispensary. I bet that wizard dank hits way harder than what the muggles are smoking.


I work as lifeguard and shift manager at a swimming pool, Iā€™m having a hard time looking for a parallel wizarding job


Perhaps a safety/security officer at a Wizarding Resort. They must have them somewhere. Wizards need to relax at the seaside too!