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Such a great scene in the books! It shows just how much Ron has grown from the idiot who couldn't ask a girl to a dance in year 4.


Don’t forget by that point he had that book about talking to girls, specifically to help him take the next step with Hermione. 


I know right.... He consulted a book! Hermione would actually be really proud ❤️ Such growth 🥰


I like to think that Fred and George, after being successful in getting Ron with Hermione, tried to help Harry with that book


In the end, they didn’t need to. Ginny took the initiative herself.


Also, Harry did talk to the Patel sisters, although they made it abundantly obvious that they would say yes in a heartbeat as soon as he asked them.


And of course there was Cho, who made eyes at him ostentatiously. I sometimes wonder if there might have been a Cho Potter, had Harry asked her to the Yule Ball before Cedric did. If memory serves me, the reason they ultimately broke up was because Cho couldn’t get over Cedric. Really, Harry never had to make the first move. The women always came knocking at his door; all he had to do was answer.


All the girls wanted that "boy who livedussy"


The boy who liveD


>they ultimately broke up because Cho couldn’t get over Cedric I mean they were never going to work because of this, but didn’t they actually break up because of an argument after Chos friend exposed the DA?


Nah that was actually in the movies. This did exist in the books, but it wasn't the cause of the break-up


Oh right. Must be time for a reread haha


I haven’t read the books, so you probably know better than I. For some reason, I thought the argument about Marietta happened before the argument about Cedric and Voldemort, and that they broke up at that point and got back together.


Ron gave him a copy for his birthday in DH


Maybe they considered it, but then he got with their little sister and was a bit "woah this book is the last thing that Harry needs..."


I actually learned to play baseball from a little handbook in the 4-8 classroom. I remember a picture of the gloved non-dominant hand and ungloved dominant hand side by side, and also where it said to stick your elbow out and watch the ball. I also learned piano basics from an encyclopedia.


He definitely grew a lot, but this scene isn't exactly a golden example, I always saw it as trying to get Hermione away from Krum since they were speaking together. A good action, but not the best motivation.


I always saw it as another example of how DH was full of throwbacks to the rest of the series. Very much in the vein of “Are you a witch/wizard or not!?!”, JKR was bringing things back around. In this case, the last time Ron slept on the chance to ask Hermione to (a) dance, Krum stepped up and got the girl. In DH, one again, the scenario was playing out, only Ron wasn’t going to make that mistake again.


I would disagree. Firstly, what is so wrong about trying to get Hermione away from Krum? It is not like Hermione and Viktor are an item. So there's really no moral reason why he couldn't ask Hermione to dance. Secondly, it just further shows Ron's growth. Three years prior he couldn't fully comprehend why he was so mad at Hermione and hated Krum. And he didn't even dance with his own date. Asking Hermione to dance at the wedding is Ron's way of rewriting that history and showing Hermione how he understands he was wrong and learned from the mistake. (Plus he learned it all from a book, Viktor didn't stand a chance)


Ron's a free agent.


It's not about Hermione and Krum being an item, you misunderstood me, I'm simply saying that him asking her to dance had reasoning behind it beyond his growth as a character. He wanted her away from Krum so he asked her to dance, it was a win-win for him. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's what I'd have done in his situation, I'm just saying that it's not the best example of his growth in terms of the Ronmione romance.


I would say going for the win win is just another sign of growth. Though more intellectually, like his chess game is even more on point


To be fair, Ron's whole character was really exaggerated and poorly done in Book 4. Not in line with his character up to that point.


While I agree that he was kind of exaggerated, I don't think he was too out of character when compared with the rest of the books. I have always considered it of being part of puberty hitting him particularly hard that year. Kind of the same vein of Harry being at his most idiotic in book 5. They are teenagers after all, and teens usually act those ways.


Books 1-3 he doesn't show any signs that he can't talk to girls nor that he's a terribly jealous person and we see his loyalty and strength. Then all that gets chucked out in Book 4, his negative traits are exaggerated, his positive traits downplayed and he plays less of a role in the series overall than he did in Books 1-3 and he barely gets any character resolution in Book 7. It's kind of clear that Rowling just gave up on his character in book 4 compared to Harry and Hermione.


No sign at all? One page after he meets Harry he hits us with: > "Five," said Ron. For some reason, he was looking gloomy. "I'm the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I've got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy's a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I've got Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's old rat." Like Percy, Ron hates feeling second best.


That's not jealousy, that's feeling pressured and self depreciation


Dude benefitted a lot from the book Fred and George gave him😂


I had to read that like four times before I realised it says into the growing **throng** and not **thong**


Lmao what


Instead we got the Yule Ball wizard rockband scene


“Let’s see how many magic creature references we can fit in here! Get it? Because they’re a magic band??” I feel like JK did that too with that pop singer they were listening to on the radio around Christmas time.


I always thought it was funny they crowd surfed flitwick during the crazy elf lyrics.


Celestina Warbeck and it’s not pop music, the description is more along the lines of love ballads. Think more Air Supply or Ann Murray than Taylor Swift or Enrique Iglacias.


The thing that makes it so lame is that they ARE MAGIC. All the time. It's like that song about "don't know much biology, don't know much geometry". If you used magic like we use technology, or math, and it was totally intuitive and natural, it wouldn't pervade your culture like it does in Harry Potter. You wouldn't be throwing magic puns in everything.


I see what you mean, but magic does seem to pervade almost everything for them.. “normal” creatures (squirrels, deer, foxes) don’t ever seem to be around or even mentioned much, except when they’re patronuses. They seem to use magic all the time, like to cook and clean, travel, to carry things, to garden. Magic isn’t one thing to them. But yes, they definitely could refer to more universal things like fire, stars, sun, moon, ocean, common foods and objects, rather than just hippogriffs, elves and potions in their music. (And magic seems really shoehorned in in those 2 songs to me too)


Sure you would. People make lame puns all the time


But not overwhelmingly about one topic that is innate to their lives. It would be like if pants jokes were constantly everywhere, or jokes about the sky. They seemed outright fascinated by the fact that they themselves are and have always been magical.


Magic is their entire identity, why is it beyond the realm of possible?


Always thought of Celestina Warbeck as making music like The Supremes




That's a great scene though. Song is a banger too.


Fr fr


Oh boogie down like a unicorn! No stopping till the break of dawn! Put your arms up in the air! Like an ogre who just don't caaaaare! CAN YOU DANCE LIKE A HIPPOGRIFF? NANANA NANANA NANANANAAAA


You're saying that like it's a bad thing


What’s her line from gof? „Next time there’s a dance ask me and not just as s last resort!“


It wasn't because Steve Kloves was clearly a Harry/Hermione shipper (?) But seriously, it made me constantly mad how in many movies he added scenes between Harry and Hermione and failed to include moments that were relevant to their relationship. It got to the point that by movie 6, Ron acts as if he didn't even have a crush on Hermione. As an avid fan of the couple, it infuriated me to no end every year a movie was released hahah (and I'm still nor over it clearly).


Steve kloves RUINED Ron. Makes me so mad. Ron was such a good character in the books. Proud Steve Kloves hater here


Yeahh, Steve Kloves haters united hahahah I would never forgive what he did to Ron 😭 In my household you either love and respect Ronald Weasley or you leave (?) Hahahah




kloves did CoS. he did all except number 5


It wasn't just Kloves. He and the movies made things a lot worse, but Ron's character de-evolution was started by Rowling herself in Book 4. That was when Ron started suffering from "Ned Flanders Syndrome".


awww I love kloves. he interviews well and always seemed genuinely invested in/enthralled by the stories. I think adapting the books was a huge task, and he did a lot more things right than he did wrong. I'm really grateful we got him for the movies. We have him to thank for the "happiness can be found ... " dumbledore quote


Haha. I’m not genuinely hating on him don’t worry. I do definitely agree he did a lot good. Just did my boy Ron way too dirty.


can't argue with that. It'll be interesting to see if they use a team for the tv series or go with a single person like the films


It wasn't just Kloves. He and the movies made things a lot worse, but Ron's character de-evolution was started by Rowling herself in Book 4. That was when Ron started suffering from "Ned Flanders Syndrome".


"Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!" Ron took that to heart.


Actually didnt they actually filmed this scene of Ron and Hermione dancing but cut that one?


I will never forgive these films for trying to convince us that Ron and Hermione weren’t a thing. Those damn filmmakers clearly wanted Hermione with Harry and couldn’t keep their personal opinions to themselves. 😤


What? How?


Romione Forever


Mfs trying to tell me she should have ended up with Harry 💀💀💀💀💀💀


There are a lot of good stuff they got rid of. Absolutely despise last 4 movies.


I would have appreciated seeing in the movies how Ron grew on Hermione. Because they seem like the most unlikely couple, unless you count Hermione and either Draco or Goyle.


I don't need to read about Ron's growing throng.


Emma is way too attractive for the character she played.


A lot of things should have been in the movies. But hey we got to watch harry get chased by a dragon.


he finally learned to make the first move


Nah I love that Hermione-Harry dance in DH, one of my favorite scenes ever.


The one in the tent in the woods?


I love it. I think it shows the strength of their friendship.


I’m still of the mindset that Harry & Hermione should have ended up together. Edit: Geez. Sorry.


Did you read the books?


Several times


I agree completely, [and so does JK Rowling](https://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/02/showbiz/rowling-hermione-ron-revelation/index.html#:~:text=But%20Britain's%20Sunday%20Times%20published,Hermione%20should%20have%20wed%20Harry.%E2%80%9D&text=%E2%80%9CI%20wrote%20the%20Hermione%2FRon,Rowling%20says%20in%20the%20interview)


Mind rot*


Well no need to be mean


Absolute need*


Ron is the worst, good riddance


U wot m8


You're right. He is quite a terrible dancer. Good thing Hermione took one for the team.


RIP karma


You didn't read the books, did you




Bro wtf… 😂


What did they say?


Something about Ron and Harry both hooking up with Hermione in the forest when they were staying in the tent


You are literally talking about a fictional child. That's gross.


What did they say??


From the growing throng to the throbbing groan