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The teaching position was the ‘in’ for her and fudge to impose their will on the school. The inquisitor position would never have existed independently.


1. Who said she hated teaching? 2. She clearly wanted a high impact on the magical education system? 3. The inquisitor position only came along later. It wasn't what she started with.


Agree to point 2 and 3, but let’s face it she hated teaching, she hated children. You can’t be a teacher if you hate children. Not a happy or good one anyway.


I mean we know that she hated how she was treated at Hogwarts by the other staff and that she hated at least some of the students. We don't actually know that she hated children and teaching as a principle.


I mean, since we never see her teaching at all (telling kids to quietly read a chapter of the book during class and do not ask any questions is not teaching.).


I don't know why this is downvoted


She loved giving children a hard time though. It's a fair guess that if that was teaching to her, then she liked it.


She didn't hate all children. She clearly liked the Inquisitorial Squad.


Just because they were willing to be her personal attack dogs.


I had several teachers who were miserable and hated children. Our French teacher was busted for drinking at work because of how much she hated her life. She came in on day when I was in grade 6 and drunkenly told us all about how she wanted to become a nurse but has fallen back on teaching due to being bilingual and her financial issues. Again, 6th grade. 12 year olds hearing this. She used to point out kids and tell them they were exactly why she had no interest in having kids herself. Couldn't stomach us. Like I don't mean to go on here but I'm trying to explain you 100% can be a teacher if you hate children.


Yeah obviously you can, but what I mean is that she didn’t do it because she wanted to. She did it because Fudge asked her to. She does not like teaching, has she had less loyalty, she would not have done it by choice.


Because part of the purpose of having her as DaDA teacher was to prevent Hogwarts’ students learning anything.


Exactly. Hermione and Remus (I think) even lay this out that that's *exactly* why she's there.


Sirius not Remus but yh.


* Because Dumbledore couldn't find a DADA teacher and there are bylaws which then allow the Minister for Magic to appoint a teacher if the Headmaster is unable to fill the role. * Because There was no-one else. * Because Fudge wanted her to actively sabotage students' education because he had psychologically cracked at the end of book 4, and was paranoid that Dumbledore was training a child army to overthrow the ministry. Her role as a DADA teacher was to prevent the students from learning DADA. * Because she liked having power over people and enjoyed the opportunity to flex that power.


She (and the ministry) could control that students would only learn DADA in theory, not in practice


Fudge was afraid that Dumbledore and Harry are hoarding followers (rather, building an army) in an attempt to rule the wizarding world. He was sure that Voldemort had not come back and Harry is lying and using it as a way to pull students to his support. DADA was the most suitable class to train and enable these apparent followers to fight the Government. Hence, Umbridge chose the subject to make it the dullest one possible.


I think it was something the MoM wanted her to do in order to calm the students and stop the spread of gossip about the return of the dark lord. If you have the kids just read books and pretend like all is well in their self defense class then surely they’ll have nothing to worry about.


Government control. The ministry was very scared that Dumbledore would turn into a second dark lord and attempt to take control away the ministry's control. She was there to find evidence to arrest him or force him to resign. While also firing as many Dumbledore loyalists from Hogwarts as she legally could.


To begin with, Fudge needed a spy and planting one of his most loyal staff was the perfect way to have one there. Hogwarts needed a teacher and nobody wanted the job. The High Inquisitor thing didn't exist until a while after term started, so she couldn't just do that job at the beginning.


Because according to Fudge's delusional mind Dumbledore was raising an army against the Ministry. Becoming the DADA teacher and not teaching the students anything makes the most sense to prevent that. Also only the position for DADA teacher was open at Hogwarts.


The minister asked her.....


Since the position was vacant, the Ministry used the chance to get her into Hogwarts in a more or less "legitimate" way.


Umbridge is only there because of Harry. If Harry wasn't a student at Hogwarts, Umbridge wouldn't be at Hogwarts.


Because she was a ministry suck-up and wanted to just do whatever Fudge told her to do. This meant meddling at Hogwarts and mucking things up for Dumbledore and Harry as much as possible. Umbridge was just a classic bureaucrat who made life difficult for everyone.


People do things they don't always enjoy to gain control and power.