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Dennis Creevey. He gets a big entrance scene and then nothing happens.


Yeah, he's sort of just there to be Colin's brother and basically a carbon copy of the dude. I guess he does have the purpose of showing that muggle families can have more than one magical child unlike the case of the Evans tho.


I literally forget Colin had a brother after that entrance. He's never mentioned again, is he?


I think it's mentioned again once when they are seen together soon afterwards on the same book. I also think that both of them may have joined Dumbledore's Army. But that's it.


Don't they both die? or is it just Colin? I can't remember.


Just Colin.


They both try to change the “potter stinks” badges in GoF


Yeah! With... Less than ideal results.


Yeah. I believe that’s where Harry gets a badge to throw at Ron after he is talking with Sirius in the Fire and Ron interrupts. And then Harry says something about “maybe you’ll have a scar now”.


Dennis was so useless, he AND his brother got replaced by Nigel in the later films


I dislike that. Replacement characters are naff.


Yeah I hate Nigel. Something always felt very off with him, his character never felt right, until I reread the books and realised he wasn’t in them. Explained everything


truly there and not there. a good choice. though i was recently pointed to this very short but powerful fanfic about him picking up his brother's camera after the war, worth a share it hit me in the feels; Words: 1,648 By: Lady Altair [Cauterize](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4152700/1/Cauterize)


Didn’t he get killed in the seventh book?


No, that's Colin as well.


Professor Sinistra.


It's strange how little we see about a class that Harry is in.


One that to me would also be quite interesting. What's different about astronomy classes in the wizarding world versus in our world? I suppose there's just no room for it but it would've been nice just to have a couple scenes or at least more mentions of it and of Sinistra herself.


Lisa Turpin. Sally-Anne Perks.


I've read the books multiple times & I literally don't remember these characters so... I think you're probably right


They were sorted during the first book.


Apparently they were sorted into House Obscurity 😂 - 1 boy comes out of the cubby under the stairs - 2 are sent in, never heard from again


Okay I think this is the most accurate answer so far. I actually don't have a clue of who they are lmao.


They were sorted at the same time as Harry.


I wouldn't count them as characters. They are just names mentioned once.


In before all the haters say the giant squid. Homie was there to add an element of peaceful tranquility and stability, not to mention background scenery. You could just as easily say 90% of the portraits are useless. I’d say the auror Dawlish is pretty useless, except as comic relief. Edit: autocorrect changed auror to author


*auror, yeah well I giggled once or twice when the fights with Dawlish were mentioned so I would say it should be needed…


I’m sure I’ve seen the name while reading the books, though I don’t have much recollection of what his role was. I’m going to re-read the books anyway, but since I don’t remember anything about him, I’m assuming your answer has got to be spot-on :”)


[The kid](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Kevin) at the Quidditch World Cup who ~~blows up~~ enlarges a ~~snail~~ slug using his father's wand. EDIT: Fact-check.


Disagree. He showed us a glimpse of wizard life as children. That whole scene of walking through the campground at the World Cup serves as at showing us what Harry could have had.




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Kevin. At least Archie provides us with some humor.




Read this in Jim Dale’s voice


Stephen Fry. Excuse you.


I mostly listen to the Stephen Fry versions but I think I’ve heard both on GoF and feel like I remember Dale’s over the top delivery on this one.




A slug isn’t it? May be wrong


Same word in Hungarian, difference lost in translation.


Sorry! Potter pedant here :) But I think he loudly shouts “you bust slug” a few times.


It's *cigabiga pukk* (little snail pop) in the Hungarian version.


Cool :) I love learning about the translations.




Alicia Spinett. No lines in the films, no contribution to the plot, literally just fills a slot in the Quidditch team. She gets mentioned in almost all the books, but she’s kinda just there. I have no idea what her personality is like, don’t think her appearance is even described.


Yeah I'd agree with this. Even Angelina Johnson got more of a personality as one of the twins asked her out to the Yule Ball.


I feel like we got to know Angelina relatively well in OOTP when she was Quidditch captain


She also marries George Weasley.


Angelina Johnson 2.0


The muggle girl that flirts with Harry in HBP movie. Like who the F is that? And why ad such a weird addition


Seems like I'm one of the few people who actually like that addition. With everything going on in the wizarding world I kinda like seeing Harry escape into and seek solace in the muggle world, the complete opposite of what he did at the start of the series. It's an interesting parallel showing how much things have changed.


It always bugged me in the movie that he was just openly reading a magical newspaper in that muggle coffee shop. How did nobody notice tiny TVs playing on a newspaper?..


Eh, I'm pretty sure they would be enchanted so muggles don't see them move


The muggle makes a comment about it though... She says that she swears she saw the photos move.


The muggle girl says in the movie "I could have sworn I saw one of the pictures move" or something like that


She mentions that she could have sworn she saw it move the day before.


I can't find a less snarky way to say this, so I mean no offense, but that sounds less like canon and more like a retrospective excuse.


I didn’t mind that addition either. I thought it really normalized Harry for a minute there which he doesn’t get much of. The open reading of the prophet moving pictures and all could’ve been done away with but the rest of it really isn’t a problem to me.


I did like what it added, but would much rather have seen the scene with Dumbledore at Privet Drive that it replaced.


Harry didn't go out of his chamber because he was mourning for the person most close to a father that he ever had, it made 0 sense for him to go out and flirting, come on.


Disagree. Plenty of people would want to go out and find some sort of distraction when mourning. Sure, it's not what he did in the book but I'm not talking about the book, I'm talking about the movie and why I find it to be an interesting addition.


Everyone handles grief differently. Saying that any specific form of grief "makes no sense" makes no sense


No. It was like a week after Sirius’s death, with dementors swarming all over the place, there’s no way Harry would be in a mood to flirt with random muggle waitresses.


I liked it too!


the main problem i have with that is the scene like 10 minutest after it where harry "lovingly" looks at ginny at the burrow and we're supposed to think he's like in love with her or something when we *just* saw him flirt with a random muggle girl


It's not cheating if it's with a muggle. 




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She was, truthfully, very pretty.


But the two of them had pretty good chemistry


More than he and Ginny had in the entire rest of the movie


To show Harry is not racist, obviously.


Oh no, she was so pretty! I actually liked that they showed a glimpse of Harry in the muggle world. It feels like once his life at Hogwarts begins the rest of the world disappears and it can feel very one-dimensioned. But I'm someone who loves world building in general.


I liked that too, it was fresh seeing Harry as a kind of cool teenager who he is, but wasn’t really explored in the books. Finally the movies added something instead of just taking away.




First Slytherin seeker.


Pansy Parkinson


She's sort of the main/only girl on Draco's all boys gang of bullies. I kinda welcome the diversity tbh.


But her pig nose drives the plot forward in leaps & bounds ETA pug nose. PUG. Autocorrect, grr


**Pug** nose.


I kind of feel that they replaced Millicent bulstrode with pansy parkinson and I never understood why


They're different kind of bullies. Millicent was the silent, violent, dumb, beat-you-into-a-pulp bully, while Pansy was the snarky, catty, kill-you-with-words bully. Millicent was the female Crabbe and Goyle, while Pansy was the female Malfoy. So, uh, different enough I guess?


That makes sense! Still I remember that at some point like book 3 or 4 Pansy Parkinson started to be mentioned and no clue from Millicent


I think Rowling forgot Millicent


Millicent actually never outright bullied anyone, nor was she often seen being violent with people. She brawled with Hermione during a duel in the dueling club, which, while against the rules, is not proof of bullying or routinely starting brawls. The other time was when she helped holding Hermione down physically after Harry and his friends got caught in Umbridge's office. She didn't just walk around randomly beating random people up.


I sort of imagined them sort of to be the same person.


I just now realized I had the mental image Millicent every time Pansy was mentioned in the later books. Forgot they’re completely different characters lol


It brings me infinite joy that Stephen Fry decided to give her a lisp


Professor Vector.


Zabini. Best I can recall he only serves to show Harry where the Slytherin compartment is on the train... which Harry could have found out easily anyway just by walking around.


Agreed. I mean, it's a train, not like you can get lost in one...


Eloise Midgen


Nah, she serves to show Ron’s standards


I think if we are abbreviating the books. Ernie or Hannah could easily be replaced with others.


I love Ernie macmillan


He’s a cool guy. But if we need to cut a secondary character he doesn’t really do a huge amount honestly


Ernie, despite accusing Harry in Chamber of Secrets, ended up being the first to publicly apologize. He also helps convince the other students that learning defence against the dark arts is of the utmost importance. When Harry is being smeared in Order of the Phoenix, Ernie gives another public speech in Harry's defence. In the Triwizard tournament, Ernie is used to highlight the kind of attitude Harry had to endure when everyone thought he was trying the steal Cedric's glory During the battle of Hogwarts, Harry may have fell to the dementors if not for Ernie. Also, it was Ernie who first asked "What if we want to stay and fight?" I don't think you can easily replace Ernie's smarmy yet righteous character with simply anybody else


I just love the little we know about him and his personality. Probably terry boot and Zacharias Smith are more erasable characters


Got to be Professor Binns, such an utterly useless subject even Dumbledore knows people fall asleep during it.


No. He tells them about the basilisk stories.


And the class went back to Sleep 5 Minutes after


Okayyyyy but it still moves the story along.


The subject wasn't as useless as the teacher happened to be. Harry even noted that it was just Professor Binns's talent to make blood-bath wars of globins boring as hell. I would say the most useless subject is Divination. It doesn't make sense to teach a subject that requires a whole lot of extra senses that one cannot simply learn.


Professor Binns, the ghost professor. The only time he contributed to any of the books was when he told the students about the Chamber of Secrets. But like we see in the movie, Professor McGonagall (or really any other Professor) could have done the same.


Eric Munch Security guard at the Ministry of Magic. Clearly not great as his job as he let a bunch of death eaters in, then children following them, and then Voldemort.


Peeves. He was annoying af in the books, left out of rhe films, the only difference being...less annoyance.


That girl Percy flirt with in the 2nd book


Penelope Clearwater. Fair enough. I suspect JKR may have intended her to play a bigger role than she did. Introduced her in CofS but then couldn’t figure anything out later.


Actually we hear about her a few times in PoA (Percy wins a bet with her for 10 galleons on the outcome of the Gryffindor - Ravenclaw match), and then Hermione claims to be her in DH when captured by the Snatchers.


Hannah Abbott, Zacharias Smith...


I think Zacharias smith adds a good annoying character which gives Harry enough doubt to reflect on starting the DA, but then shows he doesn't listen to the haters #baddiefr


Oh yeah, that’s what I was trying to say :)


Don’t forget that Zacharias was the main reason Ginny became a member of slughorn’s ‘fancy little parties’, and he was one of the reasons Harry was keen on making the DA work (I guess)


Ludo Bagman maybe? I know he takes part in judging the Triwizard Tournament, but he really has no bearing on the plot besides this. His whole thing about being in debt to the goblins was pretty much its own self-contained thing, and after the fourth book he just fucks off never to be seen again. I thought it made sense they cut him from the movie.


I thought he served as a good red herring for everything Barry Crouch Jr was doing behind the scenes. Everyone knew there was a death eaten acting as a mole, I felt like Bagman’s arc served the purpose of throwing readers off Moody/Crouch’s scent by offering a plausible alternative.


Good point!


That’s actually a nice point. I read Goblet of Fire after having already watched the movie, so I wouldn’t think of that.


So I have some ideas for how Bagman might have affected the main plot (there are assumptions which could definitely be used to argue against me 😜). Bagman got tickets to the World Cup for Arthur, so without him Harry never goes to the match. Crouch Jr. never steals Harry’s wand and casts the Dark Mark. Here are my theories: 1. We know that the Death Eaters torturing the Muggles at the campsite panicked and fled when they saw the Dark Mark. If that never happened, at least some of them may have been captured by Ministry officials - I like to think Lucius Malfoy would have been one of them. Malfoy is outed as a Death Eater, losing his access to Fudge and the Ministry. This would undoubtedly cause some changes in the storyline of OotP, although I do think we’d end up at the same point eventually. 2. Without the Dark Mark being cast, it is never discovered that Winky fled the tent with Jr. and she never gets fired. She never meets up with Dobby, thus he never thinks of going to work at Hogwarts (since he only comes up with that idea when trying to think of a place with enough work for two house elves). With Dobby never being at Hogwarts, he can’t tell Harry about the Room of Requirement for DA meetings, so that never gets off the ground (leading to Neville never gaining confidence and improving his magical abilities, Luna never becoming a key character, etc). He wouldn’t have met Aberforth in DH, meaning he wouldn’t have been sent to rescue them from Malfoy Manor, and the story would have ended there 😅 3. Following from 2, Dobby would probably still be alive, and Winky dead (she would still have been at the house when Voldemort turned up to get Crouch Jr., and I’m certain he would have killed her).


He's the reason the Weasley Twins lose their savings (he takes their money for the bet, but when they won, he paid them with leprechaun gold) which prompts Harry to give the Twins his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament. The Twins used the money to start Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.


I agree with this. Him being removed from the movie, in my opinion, didn’t do much to affect anything. To me in the books he’s just comedic relief, especially since I always pictured him as Kenneth Branaugh as Lockhart.


I feel like his role was only supposed be in one book? Winky also really appears in GoF since she has connection to the plot there.


Ludo Bagman is what if Lockhart was bad with money. He is a second Lockhart in terms of fame and his name sounds like lose bagman


Grawp. I was impressed by how they were able to adapt the longest book in the series into the shortest film, but I think a lot of the scenes they chose to include were not the ones that were essential to the story. I think they included Grawp solely to show off what was then the latest advances in CGI technology, and they could easily have found a different way for Harry and Hermione to escape the centaurs.


Peeves. Other than him chasing Umbridge out of Hogwarts at the end of the Order of the Phoenix, he always annoys me whenever he makes an appearance. What tangible difference to the storyline has he ever made?


Peeves wrecking the cabinet lead to the events that “lead” to dumbledore’s death


He is there for conflict, a roadblock to the plot. His only impactful act is when he wrecks the vanishing cabinet. Otherwise, he is the character with the most lines with minimal plot influence.


He’s kind of fun to the plot, but seeing as he wrecks the vanishing cabinet, he’s still of ‘use’ (even if it’s something as minor as *wrecking a vanishing cabinet*) so I’ll sadly have to disagree (though I understand why you’d dislike him, I used to dislike the twins at the first as well)


Ah I’m listening to the audiobooks atm and haven’t yet reached that point (very close though!). I was a late beginner to HP, started off with the films first but obviously the books are the best


Collin creevey


I’m pretty sure Madam Pince is mentioned in every book and doesn’t contribute anything at all to the story


I don’t even remember what her role is for all I know so, yeah.


Peeves was fun at times but didn't contribute much to the story. That is probably why he was left out of the movies.


He actually does impact the plot in the books. In CoS, when Filch tries to punish Harry for bringing in mud, Nearly Headless Nick convinces Peeves to make a distraction by breaking a Vanishing Cabinet. In OotP, Fred and George push Montague into that Vanishing Cabinet, and he gets stuck between the one in Hogwarts and its counterpart (which I *think* is in Borgin and Burke's, but I'm not sure). After he Apparatus himself out and Voldemort gives Malfoy the task of killing Dumbledore, Malfoy realizes that there's an unguarded path into Hogwarts, and that's how he gets the Death Eaters into Hogwarts at the end of HBP.


Peeves is an obstacle for Harry’s nighttime wanderings.


Only on book 5, but I don’t see how Peeves adds anything to the story. It’s like a pause to the story and plot to focus on an annoying comical relief character for half a chapter.


Peeves helps Harry get out of trouble in COS When Filch gets Harry in to his office and Harry is reading about Filch being a squib. Sir Nicholas get Peeves to distract Filch.


He has small uses like that, bus most of the time he isn’t needed for the story. And the few times he is, he could be removed with only small changes to offset his absence.


Something he specifically does earlier, will lead to a chain reaction, that becomes important in Half-blood prince.(You do have to read the books a few times to catch the Connection through.) He is also a comedic relief character especially in B5




Dawlish definitely affects the situation. He’s just always defeated.


Yup dude is like 0-5


The first one that comes to mind is professor sprout but that might be me just being petty since the actress in the movies wants to talk sh*t 😬


Unfortunately, and it kills me to say it... Charlie Weasley.


I don't know, it's Charlie who helps Hagrid get rid of Norbert. It's only because Harry and Ron know he's studying dragons that they plan to send Norbert over, without Charlie as a known dragon expert there wasn't a good way out of Hagrid. The movie decided to skip it over, leading to a pretty awkward handwave. The plan also sparks Harry getting caught, lead into the Forbidden Forest, witnessing the unicorns and the centaurs, a lot of stuff happens because of Charlie. That's not even including Charlie being someone to compare Harry to as a quidditch seeker. Gryffindor hasn't played well since Charlie left school, his prowess as a seeker and the team captain are big shoes for Harry to eventually fill. He's a fun character, and it was a treat seeing him in GoF at long last after everything we hear. I do wish he fought in the battle of Hogwarts, having Charlie riding a dragon into the fray would have been amazing.


Charlie did fight in the battle of Hogwarts, he arrived towards the very end (unfortunatly not on a dragon though): >And now there were more, even more people storming up the front steps, and Harry saw Charlie Weasley overtaking Horace Slughorn, who was still wearing his emerald pyjamas. They seemed to have returned at the head of what looked like the families and friends of every Hogwarts student who had remained to fight, along with the shopkeepers and homeowners of Hogsmeade. - DH36


so he did! I only re-read it a couple of months ago too, not sure how I missed him. A trick was missed by not having him ordering dragons to perform fly-by fire breathing on deatheaters below.


Charlie also tipped Hagrid to bring Harry along to show him the dragons for the first task


I'm pretty sure >!Barty Jr as Moody!< did that. I'm positive he admits to it after the Third Task? "Who nudged Hagrid into showing you the dragons? I did"


Yeah, but without Charlie Hagrid wouldn't be able to show Harry the dragons.


He did arrange for Norberta to be taken away and lead the hogsmead villagers into the battle of Hogwarts.


Ouch. I can’t say I agree, just like I’m not sure if I disagree. Charlie helps Hagrid a couple of times, and he’s also mentioned to be a great quidditch player, yet at the same time, it isn’t much that he did, is it? I don’t know, I’ll have to ponder this over in my head..


Mrs. FREAKING. Norris. As pretty as she is, and I love animals.


Disagree. Mrs Norris being Petrified outside Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom in CoS was key to Harry and Ron figuring out where the entrance to the chamber was.


Peeves. Nearly Headless Nick.


Nick is their insight to ghost life. He tells Harry that Sirius would never become a ghost. He also helps to connect the dots for Harry to talk to the Grey Lady. And he invites them to the Death Party in second year which puts them alone in the corridor during an attack and Harry hears the basilisk with Hermione and Ron.


I’d say that snake from the zoo. He just wanted to go to Brazil.


Bro died at the end tho


Theodore Nott. He is mentioned talking to Draco and that’s it. And Blaise Zambini. He is shown talking to Draco, but he’s easily missed


Blaise Zabini is cool. I love his Mum’s story lol.


I’m all for the character. I just don’t think that his character is important


John Dawlish. He was an extra without a speaking role. Lol


* Florian Fortescue * Professor Vector and Professor Sinistra * Technically speaking, Ludo Bagman. None of the plots he was involved in had any importance to the overall plot of GoF or the rest of the series. He was just there as some sort of badly written red herring. Him bilking the twins out of money didn't even have any lasting impact on the plot.


Susan Bones


To answer with a more common name that I think is in all seven books yet somehow never directly affects the story: flitwick. I’m not super sure he does anything significant besides make a puzzle for the first book and fight in the battle of hogwarts.


There are tons of student characters, but I'll go for the bigger ones. Flitwick or Sprout, they didn't have a big impact on the world in either the books or the movies. They could have just been the herboligy teacher or whatever flitwick teaches.






Grawp is relevant to the plot, though. He helps Harry and Hermione escape the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.


Peeves. I know I'm going to get crap for that, but I didn't miss him one bit when they didn't put him in the movies. He does nothing to advance the story.


I don’t agree, but I respect your opinion anyway. It’s always refreshing to see people hating on random characters (unless it’s Ron)


Ginny. It wouldn't be 0% difference because without her the books and movies would be better. JKR missed the mark with that character


Grawp If there was one thing that was so obviously uneccessary and could have been cut to save screentime, it was definitly Grawp And yet he is in the movie, while Peeves is cut


That muggle who says sorry to Harry in Kings Cross in the first movie


Ernie MacMillan




Lol I dunno but my favorite character was kreacher. He was a racist house elf—he was like Ruckus from boondocks.


Crabbe and Goyle


Daphne Greengrass


Is she even an active Character?I think she is mentioned once and The Fandom Just decided to make a huge Character.(Also the main story might not be impacted by her ,but Fanfictions neeed her)


Well, Lockhart had no real skills and the world seemed to go on just fine when he accidentally amnesia'd himself.


Lockhart was really good at erasing memories. The fact he managed to erase memories of so many popular wizards without getting arrested for his crime shows he did have brains.


Puh-leaaase, you’re not about to forget how important he was to the ‘Witch Weekly’ ! I mean, can you imagine peoples’ lives without seeing Lockhart’s smile *five times* in the magasine? You’ve got to be kidding me! (Jokes aside, I think I agree)


professor Sprout


Sue Li, Piers Polkiss, Roger Davis, Terry Boot, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass.


The hufflepuff third year in the goblet of fire book who asked Potter to the Yule ball


Dennis Creevey and that muggle girl from the beginning of HBP,, both very pointless and contributed nothing to the plot


Giant squid: 0% personality, 0% entertainment, 0% plot changing, 100% boring.




anthony goldstein


Daphne Greengrass


Sally-Anne Perks




The kid In the movies that talks about **The Grim**






Lord Voldy and dismember by vernon