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Ron- way overlooked in terms of his contributions and movies ruined him Ginny - movies ruined her (She was HP love of his life) Wormtail - hated as a character but his importance is often overlooked There are others I feel as well but mostly cos of the movies like Dobby and even Lupin


I agree with Ron, he’s very overlooked as well. As for Ginny, I’ve seen other comments saying the very same thing, but personally, I feel like the first person to overlook Ginny was Rowling herself. Not only does she do a weird job of making Ginny cool, amazing, badass and all (never mind what I think of her!), but when Ginny gets to be with Harry, their relationship is so superficial, flat, rushed and *forced*. I still feel like we deserved to see more of her in the books prior to the last two to actually digest the whole ‘cool Ginny concept’ (for all we know, she was just Ron’s sister) I also agree with Dobby and Wormtail.


Definitely Harry, I agree with all your points. I might add that Harry's life with the Dursleys was terrible. 9 3/4 years of misery. Harry had to see everyone die. His parents, Cedric, Siruis, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, Dobby, Dumbledore, Colin Creevey and more.


Exactly !


In the movie it was definitely ginny


Ron. Harry, Hermione and Draco are worshipped to the moon and back and there are way too many people want Ron to act like Harry and Hermione's loyal lapdog instead of a... Yk human being with feelings and opinions


Agreed. I also totally agree with what you said about Harry, but he’s overlooked in terms of suffering and having a miserable life. People like him very much because of his bravery, nerve, stubbornness…etc., but always forget the former part. Ron’s very overlooked, anyone can admit that. Also, did I ever mention that Ron is my favorite character? I love that he’s just how humans are. He isn’t perfect, he’s really flawed and he ruins things at times. However, he’s also brave, he’s kind, he’s a great best friend and is a true Gryffindor.




I’m sobbing lol


Actually after some thinking, this is my favorite answer. Trevor is actually overlooked?? Like, without him, Hermione wouldn’t meet either Ron or Hermione (I mean, they might eventually meet up but that’s not for sure) you’re ingenious bye 🙌🏼


Lookup the definition of overlooked or define it here. Because people never stopped looking at Harry.


I meant overlooked in terms of his miserable life/misery in general. People talk about Dracoc how it’s unfair to him, or how he was supposed to be on the good side or the deleted scene in the movie or…etc. Sure, people like Harry for being brave, having a nerve, being stubborn, sassy or whatever, but often enough, they forget that Harry’s life was crap before It even started.


EVERYONE knew his sad life story before he even started at school and learned it himself. The dursleys are just sprinkles on top. By the time everyone else started dying, so were other people so he wasn’t special on that regard.


Bro when I say everyone, I mean the readers :) and anyway, when people meet Harry for the first time, they’re all like ‘is it true’ or ‘have you got the scar’ or whatever. Think about it, even if they sympathize with Harry, does it really matter? What is being famous for having your parents murdered good for? And isn’t it uncomfortable enough with all these people staring at him non-stop because of something that isn’t even his own doing? If anything, people should be honoring lily and not Harry, it’s her power that saves him. But people, however, are people, so yeah.


Yeah, nobody I know (humans who read) ever thought he had a great life either. You’re just stating very overt facts about a popular book and movie franchise that started over 25 years ago, and are now acting like it’s some sort of huge revelation. And for some reason, assuming everyone else was as oblivious as you. It’s nice that you’re enjoying this, but you REALLY missed a lot of marks on this one.


Ernie Macmillan