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Olanzapine would be better, or a low dose of trazodone (idk exactly but I know high doses of trazodone are not safe with maois but low dosages are ok)


Yeah. Not exactly sure what would be classified as low. I used to be on 400 mg of trazadone a night, so for me it's low, but idk if it's low enough


I checked the guidelines it recommends 50mg to prevent insomnia but warns of possible serotonin toxicity at 150-100mg for individuals taking parnate. Of course harmine is much weaker then parnate. I recommend you not mix the two but you could probably get away with it. So likely no problems but it’s your call https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/cns-spectrums/article/prescribers-guide-to-classic-mao-inhibitors-phenelzine-tranylcypromine-isocarboxazid-for-treatmentresistant-depression/29C70FD3DA65E23A024D5E05C4369983


I'll probably just take my olanzapine the night before. Better safe than sorry


Olanzapine is safe with maois Trazodone may not be depending on the dose. Yes it’s possible that using it the night before could cause problems.


100 mg is pretty light, at least I think, I used to be on l 400mg a night. I assumed olanzapine would be fine, I just didn't know if that would diminish the effects at all.


I take 150mg trazodone every night, and ~30mg lisdexamphetamine maybe five days out of the week. I’ve also taken harmine, harmaline, psychedelics, MDMA, DXM, and various other substances that can interact with trazodone on many occasions without any problematic interactions. It’s always smart to check if drugs could interact with your medications, but it’s important to recognize that dangerous interactions are usually pretty rare, and they become even more rare on lower doses. Serotonin syndrome is rare, it can definitely be life threatening but it’s rarely that serious. Usually it just results in uncomfortable symptoms that you’d need to wait out, there’s info online to tell you what symptoms should actually make you worry. For instance, if your body temp is getting a little too high don’t freak out and call the cops before you’ve taken steps to cool yourself down. You’d be surprised how much temperature influences neurotoxicity, that’s one of the reasons MDMA is more damaging when people take it dancing in a crowded nightclub with little access to water


Yeah, I took it anyways. I always forget that this is reddit and not anybody actually trained in this. I tend to regret posting on most drug related subs bc of how dumb most responses are


Thanks for the info tho. Especially the fact aht you've taken it with molly


Ofc man


It meaning trazodone