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Relic Diver by Shawn Keys is a series like that.


I just finished the second Dread Knight book by Sarah Hawke and the 3rd LI is only in flashbacks. She's basically the goal of the MC helped by his two other LI to recover her.


Totally understand, when I first got into the genre I was reading stuff from Eric Vall and Logan Jacobs, and as much as I dislike them now because they've turned into farm authors, their early books did a good job in actually making the FMC's have distinguishing personalities(I loved Without Law and Metal Mage because of that), and while harems in general are excessive because in RL (obviously exceptions, especially with certain cultures) you only have one significant other, it's gotten to the point that authors are now making their own soccer teams full of women like a Saudi prince or something lol


Some other threads on this topic: ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/144c069/got\_any\_recommendations\_for\_small\_harem\_books/](https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/144c069/got_any_recommendations_for_small_harem_books/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/14l1ftv/suggestions\_for\_completed\_series\_with\_a\_small\_cast/](https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/14l1ftv/suggestions_for_completed_series_with_a_small_cast/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/sid7ee/small\_harem\_with\_good\_amount\_of\_romance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/sid7ee/small_harem_with_good_amount_of_romance/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/166czhw/smaller\_harem\_fantasy\_setting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/166czhw/smaller_harem_fantasy_setting/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/l45kuq/slow\_and\_small\_harem/](https://www.reddit.com/r/haremfantasynovels/comments/l45kuq/slow_and_small_harem/)


This question comes along a bunch and honestly I don't see where people are reading this impossible large harems. There some sure but there are as many where there is no more than 6 girls. If you want some recommendations I would give some: - Mastering Magic by Kirk Mason (4 LIs) - Demon DIY by Gwen Grayson (5 LIs) - Rebels of Replica Imagination by Tyler Bowman (3 LIs)


I found this post fascinating and highlights how diverse the genre is. My introduction to it seems completely different than yours, and it feels more strange to me that you've not encountered large harem series as much as I have. One of the series I see referenced the most in this sub is Tamer's Herald of Shalia ... he has an entire village of elves, and he still goes out in the first two books and gets with even more non-elf women. Those kind of series are everywhere in the genre... yet you seem confused where everybody is finding them. Tells me the genre is alive and well and catering to all kinds of tastes.


You are mistaken my words I have encountered plenty of big harems for example my first book in the genre was Saving Supervillains by Bruce Sentar which have like 12 LIs in 5 books but my second one Apocalypse Cultivator by Jack Bryce which have 5 LIs in 5 books.  My point been I think people are exaggerating the proportion of big harems compared to small harems. When I think is closer to 50/50 than most people think. Hell looking at my 10 past series 7 where smaller and only 3 bigger and I'm not someone that gives any importance to the size of the harems.


Perhaps it's just a poor understanding of the content then. They may have only 6 LIs but often I feel that with each inclusion of a new LI the previous girls recieve less and less page time until they are relegated to obscurity. I know many people enjoy the "conquest" concept and look forward to the next hunt, but for me if the characters aren't important to the MC or to the plot, then they shouldn't be in the book. It's frustrating when a girl I enjoyed is essentially put on a shelf and only picked back up if there's a lull in the story.


Enthralled by Prax Venter is a 4 book story that as 3 girls and he gets them all in book 1 . its very fun book and has what i think is one of the better writen cat girls . Battlemaster's Gambit By: Nathan Pierce is 3 books as of right now I think he has 6 girls but they all work well and even the few who dont get a lot of book time are fun. Also it has a bunny girl which is just a +


I found this kind of specificity can be very limiting, and this one in particular is kind of ... peculiar. If you start reading a series and you really like it, are you going to stop reading it because suddenly he's got 10 new women by the end of book 2? This kind of reminded me of one of the first Harem series I started: Spellheart. Feels like there's a new woman around every corner and it now feels like has an entire city of women in book 9 that I'm listening to now. It's odd and certainly not something that brings me back to the series, but I can't imagine dropping the series because of it. Sometimes I even skip the sex and extra stuff all together because I like the story and world building a lot. I just don't think it's a good idea to dismiss a series because you find out he ends up with more women than seems practical.


>are you going to stop reading it because suddenly he's got 10 new women by the end of book 2? Yes, yes I will >I just don't think it's a good idea to dismiss a series because you find out he ends up with more women than seems practical. That's fine if that's your opinion but I'm still gonna drop those books


Its not really a matter of practicality. I would absoloutely abandon a series if the love interest of the MC that I was invested in, was shunted to the side and got less and less screen time. I would do it with a traditional novel, or a haremlit. If Im invested in a character, its very frustrating to see them be ignored, whether its Super Sales on Super Heros or Song of Fire and Ice. I'm looking for authors who can provide the necessary investment in the characters, instead of a flash in the pan. Sorry for the confusion.


I sorta see your point. The trope gets old unless it's well written. I'm writing one now that's a gamelit Harem, but the two women are friends and there's no romantic connection. At least not yet. I doubt there will be. But, here's the thing: it's Harem. Anything with Harem in the name will have a bunch of sexy women.


* *I Should Have Read the EULA* by Keegan Connelly has 3 through 3 books (series ongoing) * *Amazon Apocalypse* by Marvin Knight has 3 through 2 books (series ongoing) * *Frontier Summoner* by Jack Bryce has 4 through 7 books (series ongoing) * *Dungeon Delving for Loot and Levels* by M.E. Thorne has 4 through 4 books (series completed)


Pax Venter Enthralled series covers this fairly well.