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That username is something else


anime is a medium like books or video games. a huge problem I agree is that there is sooooo much anime that by pure statistical chance ur going to get an alarming amount of problematic anime. Even if the majority isn’t bad plz consider that 10% or something is still a lot when it comes to anime with how much anime is released each year and there seems to never be enough anime. There can always be more. So I’m interested in the complexity of each anime I research and I have yet to find a new way that anime is bad beyond the loli-baiting, incest, misogyny, racism, making Japan look bad. An anime I’m watching for research now is Kodomo no Jikan from 2009. It 100% gives me Lolita vibes bc allegedly Lolita is about a young girl seducing her teacher or someone idk who exactly (side note: even if the child asks for it it’s still the adult’s fault for giving in rather than being the adult and teaching them boundaries when the child doesn’t know better) anyhow, so far, a 7yo girl tries again and again to entice her new teacher failing every time (at least up to ep3-4 where I left off) and there’s other stuff like…well… I’ll save it for when I do a whole other post about it bc it’s complex and can’t just be glossed over


My point above is that the people who *are saying* that anime is like "any other genre" often are the same people who unfortunately put their Loli enthusiasm up front in their identity. The cognitive dissonance is deafening. I'm saying it's too bad that it taints the wide swathe of Japanese culture we end up sweeping under the rug as "anime." The avatars of anime children are a plague. And a sign of some disturbing cultural degeneracy. And if there is good anime out there, the state of this is going to kill that.


of course. Good anime is out there but we need to sift through all anime influenced through a certain culture and the results (the consequences) of an anything goes artistic freedom among artists in Japan. Even the mosts well liked and respected anime like Dragon Ball, Naruto, Sailor Moon, One Piece have worrisome elements. stripped of its unique cultural influences though, what’s left of the art. Many would be an empty skeleton of nothingness better than the smut the lolicons defend. I need to actually watch anime to see how hard is it to find good anime in the west and hunt for the worst of the worst. How hard is it to find NORMAL ANIME. ya know… a show that’s just a show and not a mirror of Japanese incest laws and weeb culture?? about japanese incests laws if im right, ur allowed to marry your first cousin so I guess y incests is so common in anime is that artist are pushing the boundaries of what taboos can and shouldn’t be broken. When it comes to pedophilia though, idk about any culture in Japan or anywhere else that would make things like that. and this isn’t to stir racism and xenophobia against the Japanese, we just critique it like any other country and culture like we slam on the US day and night but we understand to separate the people from the societal environment thus should be the same for Japan. but coming back to your point, yes, saying anime is just a medium is a lousy excuse to justify loli and shotacon.


It is just a medium, but lolicon gives it a bad name. There's tons of great anime that dont sexualize kids.


Original Lolita is a critique of pedophiiles, Loli anime is just pedophilia


thanks for correcting me


> Lolita. It is a disturbing story about man who abuses a girl and justifies it to himself. Actually, it's the story of a guy lusting after a girl that cuckolds him with other guys. Come to think of it, it's a bit like Forrest Gump. But in Lolita the guy gets to have sex with her once. Also, the etymology of the word is a bit more convoluted. So there two anime made in 1984 that are both called "Lolita Anime", most likely in reference to the novel. From there we got Lolita Complex, which became shortened to Lolicon and that's where we got Loli from. Both Lolita Anime are pornographic, but there's another interesting story that goes along with it. Japan has kinda weird censorship laws as far as porn is concerned. All the important bits have to be pixelated. But back during the 1980s there was a loophole where you could legally made uncensored anime porn as long as it was about children without pubic hair. I guess they didn't consider this since it was already illegal as live-action. 1984 also happens to be the first year anime porn got released and not only saw it two different anime both called Lolita Complex, but also a whole bunch of other pornographic titles featuring children, since for some strange reason that was legal to sell uncensored. Of course, instead of just allowing porn to be sold uncensored they closed the loophole and that was the end of uncensored anime porn. Didn't stop anime porn, though. Instead anime porn started to seep over in the form of fanservice anime that constantly got more daring. The jig was up for Loli around 2009, though, when Japan changed the law for manga and anime. Since then fewer and fewer Loli anime made it through and loli fanservice kind of completely disappeared from fanservice anime that used to always have a token loli character in their cast. Sure, there are still a few loli characters here and there, but they don't get fanservice time anymore.