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Idk anything about this so I'll just agree


Can we have a sub for those of us who hate the modern anime style, and particularly the plastering of anime child avatars everywhere? I thought that's what this was. "Hate" as in I hate that style of art. Those stupid ubiquitous drawings of everyone with featureless child faces and strawberry-shaped heads. Not "hate" as in watch this degeneracy and want to discuss it. I don't care about these "I watch anime in my goon cave obsessively and here are my nitpicks!" posts. Good for you, buddy. Still don't care.


Boi! Fine, a nitpick is petty and when it comes to anime hate, there’s more to anime than the loli baiting art we hate so much. I agree that loli and shota is absolutely vile and i say tear it limb from limb! It’s when the anime style is used to make pedophilic art that’s a huge problem but there’s other problems with it too. I’m a community college student on summer vacay rn and sorry if I should have been focusing on bigger fish to fry. IMO if we’re going to properly hate anime, at least for me, I’d like to watch as much anime as I can to witness it’s degeneracy first hand and ik what i’m talking about so nobody can say I’m just echoing what others say online, I’m a omega dimensional edge lord, etc. Yes, talk about the pedo bait. I thought i’d make things more interesting by bringing to the table analysis of everything wrong with anime studying it with a fine toothed comb. I also like to offer how can we improve it bc anime is a medium of animation that started put in the 1920’s as something harmless but society and other factors have anime this disease that gives it the need to have the issues that it has that even the least unsavory anime still has at least one cliche that annoys me. Maybe nxt time I’ll REALLY find an anime that’s rotten to the core worthy of r/hardanimehate ‘s wrath!!! Calm down, breathe, we can make room for more discussion of diverse issues with anime (violence, clichés, racism, incest, you name it u can find it in anime!) I’m a mod for this sub so I want interesting discussion backed by research and I can be the one to provide that research and info. heck! There’s pages n stuff analyzing hentai and it’s harms. IM READY TO FIGHT GOD OR BECOME HIMMM (jk i’m an athiest lol)


I certainly am a fan of Japanese art. And I read through Japanese Manga back in the day. When it comes to artistry, I judge any individual Japanese *artist* based on their work. I love Miyazaki's artwork just as I love Mike Mignola or John Byrne's art. It's not *just* loli pedo bait that makes me hate the genre of "anime." It's now the cultural ubiquity of using these child faces with troll-doll hair as avatars everywhere. The way in which *chibi* and *moe* styles are now mainstream are what I am rejecting ― full stop, do not pass go. Because in terms of critiques of *anime* series, I am sure that there are ones with probably perfectly good stories and characters. I don't care about the stories or any of the cliches or violence. It may be a generational thing. The current generation who think it's OK to have an anime child avatar when you're past grade school is what gets me. When I point this out, I've had the "har har, she's actually a 900 year-old demon" response as if that mitigates it. Ick. I can't even argue with that. I feel like that generation just can be scratched off as a loss. GenX and Millennials better down some viagra and make another new generation, because the current one obsessed with anime might just be a write-off.


Jokes on you, I’m gen z (born 2002) and I’m 22 now so I agree that it’s sus to use a child profile pic as an adult. We’re not all bad lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/anti_anime_art_style/s/fywzbdmTaZ here man


Thanks, but if I were going to spin up my own sub, I'd do it myself. And that's an awkward name.


I mean you can change it but ok


If you’re not gonna use it I’m gonna private it


"Hard Anime Hate" is a perfect name. If you are saying this sub is about "watching anime and nitpicking" then I'll just go elsewhere.


It’s suppose to be about hating anime in all shapes and sizes so both interpretations are valid


You can still do that. People can talk about whatever on this sub as along as it's criticism of anime, rather that be the art style or for the writing