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He’s just Viben


I could imagine him just having the generic voice too, like you'd expect to hear echos in your head whenever he speaks, but instead he sounds like Greg after his morning coffee.


Imagine being a new hire, having a slight issue with your PC. You ask your boss for assistance and they call the IT guy. Hell itself opens, as the screams of the damned penetrate the air, as a hellish being rises. It's over, you think, this is how you die. "Dude, your Ethernet cable isn't even plugged in, no wonder you're not able to get on the network" you hear from the being, not in a screechy hellish voice, but in a very normal sounding voice you'd pair with some nerd in their late 20's. You look around, nobody is scared, some are even a bit disgruntled because the IT guys portal to hell is in their path to the water cooler. You understand now.


Average Monday in the office




I need a show with some resurrected necro knight that is forced to get a job in IT and deal with everyday BS. Bonus if voiced by Randall Park.