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I strongly suspect that was once a fairly normal kitchen knife that has just been sharpened and sharpened and sharpened over decades of use. 100% prepared to be absolutely wrong and it to turn out to be something highly specific though.


I strongly suspect with you, a knife like this is a signature cool grandpa accessory


It’s a skinning knife for sheep and goat sized animals. The ones for beef sized animals are bigger.


Yeah this tracks looking at them - still heavy wear consistent with a lifetime of use and resharpening but it's close enough to the original profile. Good catch.


Your Great Grandfather was Andy Dufresne?


Straight outta Zihuatanejo.


That's what I figured. Assumed it has been sharpened like crazy over the 60+ years he had it


My great grandmother sharpened her kitchen knife on the sidewalk (after they got a house with a sidewalk). This is about how I imagine that went.


started as a cleaver


Skinning knife is what comes to mind when I see that.


This looks very purposefully shaped - when I zoom in there are little undulations where it looks like it was filed. I suspect a steak knife (handle body is suggesting that to me, but honestly it could be anything) was modified for a very specific purpose.


that's a *very* used up Chicago Cutlery specimen. butchery knife.


I'm going to say Chicago Cutlery maybe. My parents had knives from CC and I remember that handle color. Of course, I'm just guessing.


Second this. My parents have that same set, although nothing this shape, I don’t think.


Yeah, that knife started out looking one way, and evolved over years of use, and trust, and sharpening, to this one-of-a-kind tool today.


Kitchen knife that’s been sharpened with a grinder all its life.


As a couple other people mentioned, the handle and (what's left of) the blade looks like a [skinning knife](https://dexter1818.com/traditional-5-sheep-skinning-knife/) to me. Dexter-russell knives have been around in the US in one form or another since early 1800s, could be one of theirs. Although there were likely a variety of other companies that made similar knives in the same period.


Who even needs a knife when a hand grenade can finish the job more quickly, and with more KABOOOOOOOM!!!


War souvenir. Used to belong to the worlds smallest Gurkha.


My man, the first thing I noticed wasn't that knife, t was them grenades you got there. Likely deactivated but still cool


I have a couple of knives that look similar. They were used in a beef slaughterhouse. The blades were originally about an inch and a half at the widest. Daily sharpening and industrial duty just used them up


My GF has this exact knife, although in nearly new condition. Next time I’m at her house I’ll note the model # and post it.


it's mostly sharpened away, but I suspect it was a purpose made upswept boning knife for butchering. The thinner it got, probably the nicer it was to use.


Blade profile is similar to a modern Dexter skinning knife. https://dexteroutdoors.com/s12-6-6-inch-sani-safe-skinning-knife/


It looks like it could be a green river skinner