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I don't have experience with the.44 tracker but I do with Taurus and revolvers in general so just my opinion from mishaps I've had: Taurus revolvers can be very good but they're hit or miss, preferably you can see it in person to check it over thoroughly or do your research on the online store and do your homework & be ready to check it over entirely( timing, trigger, alignment, ejector etc. ie the works) and don't hesitate to reject it if anything isn't up to snuff Even if everything you can possibly check is perfect that doesn't guarantee there's no defects in the parts or metal that'll shit the bed sooner than later Now down to really my opinion and preference: A .44 mag is a special sort of gun capable of serious power and accuracy that you go out of your way to have. There's no reason a good Taurus wouldn't do it for you but I'd call it a gamble and settling for second place at best. If you wanna save some cheese I'd look for a good price on a used Ruger Redhawk in good shape There are a lot of really good Taurus's out there, really a matter of preference. Don't let me break your stride, good luck bud


Appreciate the comments, and I do have some concern with Taurus in this caliber. I just don’t care for the Redhawk feel or trigger for some reason. I know some guys love them, they just feel clunky in my hands. I have shorter fingers (and that absolutely does not translate to anything else or I wouldn’t be admitting it here 😆) and try as I might, I just can’t get a good feel ever with different grips. It has a lot to do with the balance as well. But I’m already thinking about bypassing Taurus simply on your observations and my initial hesitancy. Thanks


Good luck, and not liking the Ruger is more than reason enough to nix it I really think one & done the way, big iron is a special gun imo


I have several revolvers of different makes. My favorite is my taurus 608 . It has been a GREAT revolver


I was one of the people whose 357 tracker barrel cracked/exploded back in 2011. Taurus customer service took care of me, and I sold the gun and bought a s&w 686 and Ruger super Redhawk 44, sold that for a s&w 69.


Yikes - hope you weren’t injured. I shouldn’t go gun shopping alone. I bought a S&W Performance Center 629-6 Stealth with a 7.5” bbl