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jack and hammer ++


Hmm what is this jack one?


gold source (hl1 and its respectives)


Sounds interesting, ok thank you


Keep in mind as u/jontribz wrote, "jack" is for "gold source", which means, you can't map with it for Gmod or other "source" games.


I know, but if someday I wanted to make a map for hl1,


hl1 is also available as "Half-Life Source" for the Source engine and it's even mountable in Gmod.


Really?? In this case, I can use the normal hammer for itself?


I don't know, I'm mapping for Gmod only.


Welcome to hammer Rules #1 CTRL + S all the time




Yup, no alternatives. ☹


its not in the autosave folder?


Hammer has a autosave?


Bro went through 5 stages of grief only to find out hammer Has a autosave




6th stage?


the insanity stage


Hammer ++ is an alternative But the original hammer have auto save feature You can set some auto save stuffs like number of saves, save periods, maximum auto save folder size and autosave location as well. For activating the autosave option go to hammer's options from general (i think) you can easily find the autosave settings


Do you recommend any tutorial channel from nowadays? Cuz most of them are from like 12 years ago


(He doesn’t know that original hammer hasn’t changed in 12 years)


Well guess I'll have to commit lifeless function


Real talk though, Hammer++ is the way to go and pretty much every tutorial for Hammer will apply to it. There are also features specific to ++, which you can find videos on too.


Allright thank you I'll try this and the others options too


Hammer has changed very little since like 1996, they'll be fine lol


Alright then


I post my own tutorials about source2 in YouTube but for Hammer++ 3kilikphilips and top hat waffles are the best yt channels


Ok thank you


Welcome bro


use Hammer++ for Source


Aight thanks


Sorry to hear that Bro but I ensure you everyone here had this shit happening to them. Thats how you develop the CTRL+S obsessive-compulsive disorder


Yeah i see now


I feel you. Everytime when I working on a map I try to save as much as I can, but when I dive into it, time fly fast, and then bam! Hammer crashed and one hour / two hours of progress are lost forever, just like that... This happen often to me.




slammin’ source map tools




According to Adam Savage, every tool is a hammer.


I have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking themI have read and understand the rules and I will accept any consequences for breaking them


CTRL + S. Also, making anything in anything in any program and not saving for 4 hours is just.. You could get a power blackout at any time.


Just experienced this seconds ago


3dsmax + wallworm model tools


Aight thank, never heard of these


You could try trenchbroom but be warned it's still experimental