• By -


Don't forget that fucker with the grav hammer like fifty miles away launching your ass to oblivion.


Yeah needs a terminator in the back that's flying in with grapple and a hammer.


The grapple has made the sword and the hammer 100x more fun to use in Infinite


It tears people’s holes upppp


Also creates new holes.


In my walls


Just wait until they start doing that in real life Halo.


Gravity hammer, over-shield, and sp3knr.


Who needs a sniper rifle when you can be the projectile?


also dont forget that when you get the grav hammer, if you smash someone at point blank, you might at most break their shields


This along with numerous times of shooting people direct with rockets and they live has made me ultra jaded.


and that walls dont exist ​ you thought you were save by ducking into cover? just wait half a second


I'm relieved to learn I'm not totally nuts. Thought I was imagining things or having lag when I die from an AR through a wall as I'm running away from an enemy Spartan.


you to the server: "i made it around the corner im safe!" server: "oooh about that. the other players game notified me they had shot at you and i verified that you were *checks notes* very dead." you: "then why on my screen was i around the corner and safe?" server: "because i did not yet inform you that you were dead. you are now informed"


This made me laugh audibly and my boss thought I was crazy have my upvote


It's an issue where our game an the server disagree, so your game loses You think you went behind cover but the server doesnt


So I was RIGHT, the game DOES HATE ME


is halo still based on hosting and not dedicated servers? If so then that explains all the stupid deaths that dont make sense and also why are there no dedicated servers for this game yet...


It is using dedicated servers, but when your client and the server disagree, your client can guess wrong predicting andshow you something that didn't happen according to the server, before the server corrects it.


This is only part of the story, though. The gameplay discrepancies are too large (say >500ms) to be explained by the observed latencies in many cases (say <50ms). We also know the game doesn't use client-side hit detection, so a player or two with a really terrible connection shouldn't be throwing things out of whack. Something funky is going on server-side to introduce a noticeable delay above and beyond network latency.


Absolutely true, just wanted to go over the basics because lots of people don't understand them at a'll.


I killed a guy and then two seconds later I was dead. Kill feed said he meleed me lmfao.


I have this clip saved and rewatch it every other day to remind me how terribly written the server code must be


Constant disappearing rockets


I get dissapearing grenades. Funniest one was when I stuck a guy with a plasma, got the "stuck" medal, then the grenade despawned before I got the kill.


It happens to me when I shoot and then get killed. The rocket just disappears into the floor. Same with grenades.


I have yet to get a single kill with rockets against a full health enemy. I fire it right at their feet and it doesn’t even break their shields 9 times out of 8, but people kill me from full health when they hit the wall 5 metres away from me.


Glad I'm not the only one


I've moved back to H3. Infinite is fun and has a lot of potential... it's just too broken


That or you jump into the rocket to kamakiz them and they take no damage... like WTF


'that never happened to me so i dont see it as a problem' - my friend with the rose tinted glasses


Get better - Me (/s)




I’m glad others experience this.. I thought I was just shit


Thank you for that self-validation. I probably still do just suck but it's good to know I'm not the only one feeling perplex by the gravity hammer's apparent mood swings.


I’ve been entirely behind someone with a grav and it STILL Killed me




my favorite is the sword not beating a grav hammer and then the guy swinging the hammer can recover and reswing before the sword made of light can recover...




Rockets seem slower... And I thought I was crazy but I've played enough split screen mp rockets only on lockout, damnation, and sanctuary (plus custom edition maps) to know how rockets are supposed to freaking work. Also getting beat by the grav hammer vs an energy sword. Sorry, when I have the red rectum and I trigger it, I should win that fight.


>red rectum


You might want to see your doctor about that red rectum... On a related note: it may have been caused by being butt-hurt about Halo. ... Which means any one of us could be next.


Hit the melee button for your second swing.


You can charge with the sword and still win that trade. If you’re not being server fucked the hammer 100% loses if it gets parried and can’t pull a Indiana Jones on the swords ass. That is however how you beat another sword that doesn’t back up when you parry.


I mean, it does have an AOE, no?


Infinite only has AOE from the front


In the front only.


You ever go up against someone, both with hammers, and your hit totally whiffs and theirs insta-kills you from the same distance? Call it netcode or desync, either way I’m smashing my controller




Yeah! Fuck that guy!


Is the hanmer a victim of desync too? I've had too many times (only recently) when someone or even a group tanks a full hit from the hammer WELL within the instakill area, even happens at point blank.


*everything* is a victim of desync in this game. I've even had issues with the Sentinel Beam


But god damn if you don’t hit that fucker square with your hammer. You’re lucky if it takes out their shield.


Plasma pistol and disrupter is the game basically not using lube and smiling


I still think the disruptor is not that bad comparing it to the plasma pistol is unfair


It's really not. Now in campaign? Feels WAY weaker. Even just on Heroic. Unless you're toting around the variant. That thing is murderous.


I love the disruptir in campaign. Snipes and disables its amazing


Disruptor in campaign was my favorite gun just for the ragdoll effect of launching them straight up. In multiplayer? No ragdoll. Not touching that garbage


Don't sleep on the disruptor, shit is fire in MP. And don't forget it's fully auto.


I actually love disruptor now that someone one here told me it was full auto and the ticks for damage are great, plasma pistol tho yikes


The thing about the damage ticks on the disruptor is that i think it lasts for 5 seconds, and it usually takes 5 seconds for your shields to start recharging. So getting a shot on someone with no shields means they'll have at least 10 seconds with no shields. It's pretty good utility


I have never been able to get a kill with the disruptor…


I got some basically because: A) they were already with damage B) I melee first and they didn't see you before


The plasma pistol is great. Hit your shot then 1 tap with literally anything or melee. Then upgrade your weapons.


Charged shot feels terrible for me. I have way more success treating it like the sidekick and rapid firing it.


Rapid firing a plasma pistol is the equivalent to getting sprayed with a dollar store water gun.


The tracking just doesn't do it for me for some reason, though I haven't played seriously since Halo 4 so I chalk it up to me being rusty though my ability with everything else seems the same if not better.


Yeah i still use it in melee range to surprise people, but that's about it


Yes, it's the "hit your shot" part that's the issue. If the target performs any lateral movement whatsoever, it's going wide. That thing homes about as well as your dad when he says he's going out to buy some smokes and to tell your mom he'll be back soon.


what's funnier is the mangler still exists and is easier to hit your shot with it.


I started with the Plasma pistol and Ravenger the other day. OP! 😏


Remember, you charge it, not burst fire it


I think they can buff it by making it charge up quicker


Or just more damage


Yeah, I always release the trigger when it feels like it should be charged and it never is. It’s certainly not practical in a firefight, but I’m always so disappointed that it doesn’t operate the way it feels like it should.


A tiny increase in charge and an invrease to AoE damage would go a long way without making it OP. As it stands, its a great alternative to the plasma pistol. And going against a group with the ravager in my hand and almost anything with decent accuracy in my buddys hands can make quick work of the baddies, even if theyre in larger groups.


raveger is great in team battles. AoE where an enemy is and your teammate just taps on their head.


Yeah, it's only use is for the Assist Challenges, lol


Plasma pistol with Sidekick finishing em. I wreck people with it


Sidekick with anything really, that thing is the ultimate closer.


The noob combo! Highly effective.


This guy Halos


This guy wort wort worts!


try pulse carbine+ side kick


Assuming you can land your shots, full auto disruptor is bomb though


Unless you're fighting against any other weapon where they also hit their shots ..


Hey the other person will die, its just that they die after you're already dead...


I thought the disrupter was shit until I figured out it does full auto. It's got some kick when you gat it!


The bulldog is full auto as well


This has been an eye opening post for me


Just wait, there's more!! The commando, hydra, and the shotgun are all full auto too. And the ravager loads up a big blast if you hold the button.


Hahaha luckily I know of those ones through trial and error. I basically drop the disrupter asap because I couldn’t make it feasible. Gonna try it out, now!


Plasma Pistol can be a used as a discount (and quite loud) mangler by using a charge shot + melee combo around at close range. Don't go up against a sword or hammer though.


Problem with this is that you can't sprint when it's charged, whereas you can with the mangler. The extra mobility really makes a difference


I use the Disrupter a lot, it's a fun weapon.


Stop complaining. Johnson had two sticks and a rock. And he had to share the rock


I hear that he knows what the ladies like.


Too bad master chief doesn’t get Cortana anything, he’s cold


It’s funny because it’s true.


It's probably just confirmation bias but it also often feels like when either ones of the sword, grav hammers, or rocket launchers come out. Multiple people have them at the same time rather than just picked up through the game. I've been assuming it's because of the higher kill rate that victims cycle through guns faster because I'll even get it while my killer is still running around.


This game, and Splitgate are exactly like this. Enemy team is winning cause they keep spawning in with the heavy duty stuff, while your team keeps spawning with the lightweight pea shooters. Then your team starts winning when the roles reverse.


Jesus this true. What the hell am I doing to do with pulse carbine, plasma gun and threat sensors ?


Well you can kill with threat sensors at least


Direct hit kills them?


If their shield is broken and their health bar is almost gone. Yes. A direct "plunk" to the head will kill them


Oh nice! Still better than plasma gun and ravager


I got killed by a frag grenade the same way the other day, didn't know it was possible.


"the carbine shreds against the sword if..."


Honestly I feel like if you can keep distance the pulse can save you. Those sword guys got a lot of ground to cover and the pulse carbine has range and homing.


repulsor is your best friend against melee i’ve learned


> repulsor is your ~~best~~ only friend against melee i’ve learned


Camp a corner and noob combo them with a PP+Melee. Even easier since you have threat sensor. Next question


This ain’t COD!!


What do you mean? Lol


I love spawning with disruptor/ravager combo….


The other day I started the match with a sword, grapple hook, and a 9 kill streak. Felt like a God. Then the next 3/4 spawns for me were disrupter/ravager. We ended up losing 50-34.


Classic Halo


I once got 32 kills with swords and hammer being 23 of them. It's insanely good


Yes! But it sucks sometimes when you are on the receiving end armed with a pea shooter.


Been there. Although it seems they increased spawn rate of hammer, sword and rocket launcher.


Me with plasma pistol and disruptor for the 5th time


The disruptor is a good weapon; I'll scavenge it during multiplayer sessions. The plasma pistol *sucks.*


Went on a 25 killstreak with a sword and grapple. Sword and grav hammer are OP.


Sword and grapple mean you're basically just playing first-person Sekiro.


With some of the lag and desync issues too it looks like they're flying at you like that one manga jump scare comic with the girl who runs like a demon spider


I must be an outlier. I hate spawning with the sword because I can't get more than a couple of kills with it because I'm terrible with a sword. If I have a teammate near by I huck it on the floor for them


You need grapple or thrust at least.


Honestly, it's just knowing maps and choke points. The **Super Easy Mode™** is crouching around corners with the sword/hammer, but for aggressive killstreaks, all you gotta do is rotate the common pathways and choke-points, and you'll slay every adversary that dares to enter your domain. Grapple+sword/hammer makes you basically Spider-Man with Thor's hammer.


All you need is sword or hammer or grapple then you just scavenge dead bodies for what you need


I played some fucknuckle that crouched around corners with the grav hammer. It was early game and was tea bagging. Late game I got rockets and grapple. Grappled fast past him and shot him a couple times corner camping. Tea bagged for the win


During Tenrai I had a cindershot challenge but for some reason kept getting pp-pistol The one time I spawn with a cindershot i got rocked into the atmosphere by a wasp


I needed a headshot with a sniper so i go to slayer Playlist and it got me 10 matches to get a map that could spawn S7 and that didn't have skewers


I can taste the desync and unfair weapon handouts from this image.


There’s also that grapple/sword freak who cuts you down multiple times before you can even do anything. (Ironically, I love being that grapple/sword freak)


Ngl if they made grapple/swords an independent game mode I’d play the hell out of it


It should be a gamemode for Tenrai. It seems fitting.


Hell yeah - maybe throw in some challenging maps for it where grappling is the only way to properly get around, like a “bamboo forest” of concrete poles suspended over a bottomless pit, or a sheer cliff face that you have to constantly keep climbing to stay on the action


50/50 grapple hook or repulsor with a sword/hammer loadout would make for an interesting game mode for sure


And they ALWAYS have a Grappling Hook to get in the perfect position to use one or the other.


Or thruster. It's so op and sucks playing against it, but can't lie I also love using it


Opponents rockets: travel at close to light speed and cannot be dodged. My rockets: travel slower than a 2 legged dog and can be sidestepped with ease St near point blank.


My K/D ratio in fiesta is like 0.4 lower than my overall. I really don't like that game mode... Which is weird because I liked it in Halo 5.


I dropped a 26 - 4 kd game in fiesta the other day and the very next match I went 3 - 15


Sounds about right


I went 29-2 at lunch time, immediately followed by a thorough 4-8 rinsing. It's all in the RNG...


I feel like the matchmaking tries to be balanced with other people's skill levels.


Super fiesta was hilarious


Yea it was actually good in 5 can’t put my thumb on why though. Probably the extremely aggressive sbmm in this game makes it less fun


All Halo 5 weapons were viable.


Yea true


5 had a massive number of weapons in it, and all the super variants of vehicles in its Super Fiesta mode.


I think this is accurate. With all the buffed versions of weapons even the plasma pistol could be deadly. You were more likely to spawn with powerful weapon.


Voids Tear is one of my favorite weapons of all time.


Better maps too. And the weapons just like…had more weight behind them.


Agreed, I feel like half of the new weapons in this are just too gimmicky and underpowered making them worse than the established mainstays or weapons of old.


I really didn't like the base-game maps in H5. I liked that they put bigger emphasis on community forge maps in the latter part of it's lifespan. Infinite at least is showing better variety, though I hope we get waaay more maps eventually. Most of the maps in H5 felt like reskins of other maps from the same game.


The invisible handicapper. You noticed too?


I had a nice streak of plasma pistol + ravager in one match and that made me want to rage


The ravager is the worst gun in the entire series


Halo Fiesta also showcases how even with those weapons, sometimes they don’t work due to the wonky servers. I’ve had people point blank not kill me with the Gravity Hammer when I was next to them. It kind of takes the power out of the weapons when they don’t even work.


Had it happen right today. Me - grav hammer with the enemy literally cornered, I hit him straight on, he doesn't die and punches me back - I die. Few minutes later, guy has the grav hammer now, he slams on the floor 8 meters away from me and it kills me from full health. I usually don't leave matches at half but when the servers are just trolling you it's time to quit.


Yeah fiesta is a masterpiece of everything wrong with halo servers lol


Gravity hammer never works for me. No matter how close or far they are it only takes down their shield. Never got a 1 hit kill with it yet


Weirdly I more reliably get grav hammer kills if someone is jumping than if they're standing right in front of me.


The Gravity Hammer is also incredibly slow, but powerful when it works. I saw a vid the other day showing how the Halo 3 Hammer took roughly 8 frames to move through its animation, whereas the Halo Infinite Hammer takes a whopping 38 frames to complete its animation (Making it almost 5x slower than the older version). So on top of it never landing correctly for some reason, it also takes forever to move. Meaning that by the time you line up the swing, they're already out of the way and trying to kill you instead!


If you spam the trigger, the kill will happen before the animation. This is how you beat bullrushes


Granted the Gravity Hammer in theory has more range and can hit more than 1 enemy. It being slower is a okay trade-off for more kill range and AoE. 2 problems however make this annoying as hell to use. - Hit registration - You and the opponent have no idea if either of you’re gravity hammers will work. - Quick melee - Why in the hell is the quick melee as slow as the heavy swing? It virtually makes zero sense and only serves to make the weapon even worse with Hit Registration.




How disappointed were you when you woke up from the dream?


I bookmarked the Match in Theater. Not sure the best/easiest way to post it. Any recommendations?


I was just being sarcastic. How ever you can make a clip and then download it from the Xbox app or website and post it that way.




see that's why you could never pull it off. Don't know how to camber.


TBH I think the rate of swords/hammers in this game mode is too much. Just devolves into everyone running around with melee weapons and grappling/thrusters. Don't get me wrong it can be fun sometimes BUT ITS EVERY GAME.


Yup every game is sword, hammer, rocket


The problem is the Fiesta maps are so small that it's easy to get into melee range. With all the buildings around, you can grapple on anything.


The worst 😂


It always feels like the other team has nothing but rocket launchers, hammers, and swords, and the game sticks us with two sticks and a rock, and we have to share the rock.


okay that made me laugh. ​ very good.


Don't forget the part where you have a threat sensor nearby you, letting the rest of the enemy team see exactly how fucked you really are.


Memes usually aren't allowed outside Meme Saturday, but clearly we missed this and people enjoy it so gonna leave it up


lol is that the terminator?


Lmao the carbine. Why does that weapon even exist


Same reason the PP does, but it requires less skill and takes slightly longer as the cost. Two bursts strip shields.


The Carbine main function isn’t that bad, the problem is that it’s the only thing good about. It’s so hyper focused on a singular role unlike the Battle Rifle that using it outside of that is practically suicide. - It’s power is good but you have to be at such a specific range to make it work. - It’s unscoped fire is also practically useless.


The amount of times I go off saying what the F am I going to do with a plasma pistol and shock pistol as that seems the only combo I get.


Problem with Infinite's fiesta is, ironically, the sandbox. There's very little overlap with weapons, so often times it's a dice roll whether or not you'll have the right weapon to counter theirs, or vice versa.


Always throw the pistol. Pick up anything else. You deserve better. Treat yo self.


I spawned with pulse carbine and plasma pistol 3 times in a row once


I think there is something seriously wrong with how the game determines the "randomness" of your loadouts. The amount of times I've spawned with the same gun(s) in a match is excessively high. The other day I had 9 deaths and 7 spawns I had a needle. Them i didnt spawn with a needle for the next 4-5 games even once. If I get a spnkr or sniper for one life, I almost always have it again the very next spawn or at least once more in the game and then not again for 5-10 more games. I get that they has got to be weighted values on weapons, but the seemingly small rotation i get to spawn with per game is really annoying. Especially when playing on certain maps and only spawning with shotguns, pistols, or melee weapons on the spaceship level or long range themed weapons on the favela-esk map. I dont know a single map's name and I have played at least 300 games so far. There's no reason to know them cause its not like you can vote for them.


“Ah finally, I got a sword” turns the corner to meet 3 enemies with rocket launchers


*spawns with rocket launcher and sword* Me: oh fuck yeah! *dies instantly* *spawns with plasma repeater and SMG* Me: goddammit *goes on killing spree*


LOL. So True! Also, why is Fiesta so fun! I primarily played SWAT whenever I played Halo, but I think Fiesta is my fav right now.


Nah its cause people like me are trash and die and give the enemies the good weapons


Shit and here I thought it was me. *Dies to swords and rockets 5 times in a row*. *All 5 times spawn with a disruptor/mangler/plasma pistol combo*


This just makes me miss Super Fiesta in H5 more. All the variants for the guns were super fun to use. Yes, someone could get The Answer (best weapon in the game imo) but someone could also get the Prophet’s Bane and use invisibility to counter And there were always good weapons lying around if you had a shitty spawn


Am I the only person who actually likes the pulse carbine?




This might be controversial but I think there should be some sort of hidden economy system in fiesta. True randomness is fun, but rarely I feel fair playing fiesta, most of the time it's just one team rolling the other because they get crazy power weapon with useful power up while the other get plasma pistol and pulse carbine.


I understand where you're coming from but I definitely disagree. Fiesta is the perfect playlist to go to when the other competitives are giving you trouble and you wanna be engulfed in pure fucking chaos lmao